• craftroom funny

    THAT! Was Painful!

    WOW this last few weeks have been painful, And NOT just my back! If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while, you know that I am a self-proclaimed HOARDER!! I come from a very long line of Hoarders. My Grandpa; BIG TIME hoarder. My Dad blew him outta the water! With 480 acres in Yoder Colorado, my Dad tried his hardest to fill that place UP!!  See?? I didn’t stand a chance; hoarding is in my blood. My Idea Of Hoarding Now, we aren’t talking about magazines, newspapers, and trash. I promise I’m not ready to be on an episode of A&E’s Hoarders. (BUT, let’s not ask…

  • ASEA Redox

    How Redox Supplements Can Reverse the Effects of Oxidative Stress

    Millions worldwide suffer from weak immune systems, unhealthy inflammatory responses, heart disease, digestive complaints, and hormone imbalance. Redox supplement restores the Redox signaling molecules native to your body to help protect, rejuvenate, and keep your cells healthy; check out feedbacks like asea reviews for its effectiveness. Reduces Inflammation The human body’s intricate systems depend on cellular communication to function. That communication is carried by Redox signaling molecules, created by mitochondria to carry electrochemical messages from cell to cell and system to system. When the mitochondria cannot replenish these Redox signaling molecules, the body suffers from inflammation and other oxidative stress-related symptoms. Oxidative stress can reduce the efficiency of many body…

  • Haelan 951

    What is Haelan 951?

    Let’s just start this post off with a WHINE. Regulars here at Peanut Butter and Whine know that the pain from my neck to my hands is just getting worse day by day. It’s hard to do things that I really love, like knit, paint, design mugs, crafting and so on. I can only use my hands for minutes at a time before the white-hot stingers hit and I have to stop. (Yes, whine, whine, whine!) that little paragraph required 2 rests. Things I’ve Tried AND Continue To USE I’ve also mentioned the things that I have tried. Starting with carpal tunnel surgery on both hands. Which by the way…

  • healthy exercise

    Ways To Improve Your Health When You’re In Your 40s!!

    Are you over 40? Has it been awhile since you’ve visited your doctor or had any blood work done? As you age, a myriad of changes occur on the outside and inside of your body. While wrinkles on your face and stiff muscles in the morning seem to be more prevalent now, it’s time to take some serious measures to ensure a healthy future. Here are just a few ways that you can improve your health over 40. Routine Health Screenings If you routinely see your doctor for a health condition or concern, that’s great. If you don’t, now is the time to set up an appointment with your general practitioner. He will…

  • Alternatives to Opiates for Pain Management

    Managing pain can be hard work and to handle the challenges, many individuals turn to opiates.  Opiates can be highly effective, and have been used for centuries to numb severe discomfort. Unfortunately, the problem with these seemingly amazing drugs is that they are highly addictive, and being addicted has its own set of problems. Natural opiates come from opium poppies, but there are semi-synthetic opioids as well, such as oxycodone, oxymorphone and hydrocodone. There are several healthier alternatives for those who suffer from chronic pain. One such alternative is cannabis. It has been noted to have less risk attached than opiates, and there is strong evidence supporting THC as an…