• Mercola Vitamin E GIVEAWAY!!

    This giveaway has ended. Check the sidebar at the right for my $50 Your Way Giveaway. Vitamin E has to be one of the best vitamins available, it’s versatile, it’s amazing and it’s good for me. NOW, with that said you have to be careful which Vitamin E you take. Most companies use soy as their source of Vitamin E. You also have to be careful that the Vitamin E isn’t genetically engineered.  Mercola’s Vitamin E is made with sunflowers, which is a natural source of Vitamin E. I also found out that Mercola’s Vitamin E has eight nutrients in their Vitamin E which is so important to a healthy diet.…

  • Energy green drink

    All Day Energy Greens Review

    As DH will attest, I am an anti-veggie person.  Sorry veggie lovers…. just not a favorite food. I could NEVER ever be a vegetarian. I’m a full-fledged meat eater! So, getting my daily recommended fruits and vegetables is a challenge!! I was offered the chance to review “All Day Energy Greens” and I jumped. My first drink I didn’t use cold water. That was a mistake. I wasn’t a fan! The second drink I used ice-cold water. Better. It tastes like a wheatgrass shot. I can handle a shot of wheatgrass, 8 ounces… well it was hard. Then I mixed it with some peach tea, ice-cold water, and ice. NOW…