6 To-Dos to Prepare for a Safe & Spooky Halloween
How do you make as much as possible out of Halloween? It’s that spooktacular time of the year again, but you obviously need to do it by book. Safety is a primary concern, of course, but you can’t compromise fun, either. A spooky Halloween is all about creating a memorable experience that you can remember for a long time. With these ideas in mind, let’s explore some useful tips to prepare for a spooky, yet safe Halloween. Fire Away from the House Halloween is all about candles when it comes to decorations. They’re spooky, they’re cheap, and they can make an impression. No matter how many pumpkins you carve, you…
Spirit Of Halloween MADE Me Do It!
I recently saw a funny saying on Instagram that said something to the effect of “Buy the stuff that makes YOUR estate sale INTERESTING!” Well, MY estate sale will have people going WTH!??! (I want you to take notice that I cleaned up my WT!!) I want people to point and shake their heads speechless. I ALSO want to be a ghost standing next to them just laughing my a*@ off. THANK YOU, Spirit Of Halloween. So, some of you may know about Mority. It’s been established that I have a few screws loose. I, at times, may have a slightly odd sense of humor…. so with that in mind…
Trick or Treat With Glee Gum! 15% OFF COUPON CODE!
I am a huge fan of GLEE GUM. I’ve telling you about them for YEARS!!! How can I not? From Make Your Own Gummies. Which was super fun! AND yummy too! The line of Make Your Own Candy Kits has a fresh new look along with streamlined instructions. From someone that doesn’t want to give 6-year-old Alice a lot of sugar. Seriously, this kid has enough energy we DO NOT need more wall bouncing. GLEE Gum Pops are made with 100% natural ingredients! Nothing spooky in these!! Glee Gum Pops are the world’s first and only 100% natural gum pops. Each bag contains a mix of three yummy flavors Sweet Strawberry, Juicy Orange, and Crisp Green Apple.…
Zombies: Eat Flesh * T-shirt
Zombies Eat Flesh is 2013 Halloween Buying Guide Pick! It’s time for a Zombie post!! My regular followers know I’m a Zombie lover. Zombie movie? I’m in. Zombie shirt? YES PLEASE!!! Funny Zombie shirt and I’m giddy! Check out this FUN t-shirt!! “Zombies: Eat Flesh” from Brain EatingTs. There are some of the BEST Zombie T’s EVER!!! At $14.97 it’s a Zombie perfect deal! Made Of This is a 100% pre-shrunk standard men’s t-shirt. It washes perfectly with no fading. It hasn’t lost it’s shape at all. You See It?? This t-shirt cracks me up. I immediately saw a resemblance to a certain sandwich shop and couldn’t stop laughing. DH?…
Pumpkin’ pie cutie…..
I am soooo THANKFUL I had my kids when I was young cause HOLY MOLY I am EXHAUSTED!! She’s TEENY TINY BABY!!! She sleeps, eats and poops. Why am I sooooo exhausted?? Cutie pumpkin’ pie. But Alice did let me know even though I put her in a pumpkin costume she still loves me!!! See Dan?!?!? Alice LOVES it with Nonnie. (hummmm a smart woman would remove the picture above….. but nooo NOT me!!!!)
Halloween begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
So yesterday’s picture was just my way of saying “I can’t STAND it anymore!! I have to décorate for Halloween NOW!! RIGHT now!!” Then the day after Halloween I want to put up the Christmas Tree. This will be Baby T’s first Halloween and Christmas AND I will have Emma and Eli here TOO!! I can’t wait!! I can’t stand it…… I wonder if I could put the Christmas Tree up and décorate it in a Halloween theme?!?! Hummmmmmm Ohhhhhhhhh my dear SWEET SWEET SWEET Dhhhhh!!! Can we please?!?! PLEASE!?!? Now…. give me a baby (let’s say BabyT) a box of Halloween Decorations and a camera and what you have…
CDC Zombie Apocalypse preparedness 101!!
CDC Zombie Apocalypse offering: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone needs a Zombie plan!!! The concept of zombies, the CDC helpfully notes, has Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins and refers to “a corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead.” But even though science can’t answer that gnawing question “Why do zombies like to eat brains so much?” there is much that everyday Americans can do to prepare themselves in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. “That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for…
Amazing pumpkin carvings!
I have more Halloween stuff to share!! Artist Ray Villafane began carving pumpkins on a lark for his art students in a small rural school district in Michigan. The hobby changed his life as he gained a viral following online and unlocked his genuine love of sculpting. Here are images of pumpkin carvings Villafane created over the past five years. Now don’t these make you want to go carve a pumpkin?!?!? (no me either… who can compete?!?!)