• Relax in Salt Lake City!! Give-AwaY!!!

    Do you live in Salt Lake City?  Do you have family in Salt Lake??  Your best friend lives in SLC??  Want to give a gift of a massage?? Or keep it for yourself??  Then have I got a giveaway for YOU!!! The Heaven and Health Massage Giveaway This giveaway is a gift certificate for a free massage.  $70 value. (It does expire June 13, 2012) This is an AWESOME giveaway because you can win it for someone else!!  If you have a family member that lives in SLC have it sent to them!!  Wouldn’t this be a great gift??  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day….. or you live in the area or are…

  • Ohhhh ahhhhhhh

     I love Christmas!  I love the pretty glow of the tree.   I thought I would share our beautiful tree.  I will not tell you that it’s been up since a week before Thanksgiving.  Noooo not telling you that… it makes me seem… ummm what’s the word?  Oh yea… INSANE!!