Could You Do More To Get Your Business Seen? Innovative Ideas That Could Help

It isn’t easy running a small business. We understand that. The fight to be seen in what can be a saturated market. Thinking outside of the box with your marketing campaigns, being ever present on social media and having a top notch website to contend with the masses. But, small businesses are thriving and that is because of the latest trend to support local and small businesses. We have all heard that saying that someone does a little dance to themselves when someone buys through their small business venture, and I’m sure you are nodding along in agreement. But how do you stand out? What can you do different? With that in mind, here are some of the innovative ways to help your small business be seen. 

Laptop on a wooden desk

The power of video imagery

Are you one of those people that gets excited about Christmas adverts? It’s crazy how some of the biggest retailers fight to have the best ad leading up to the big day. While we are not suggesting for one minute you put together some big budget elaborate advertisements there is some truth to the concept. Advertising is fantastic when done right, and video imagery through platforms like YouTube is more popular than ever before. Use it to discuss your business, allow people to see what you are truly about, and use the power of social media through YouTube to promote it. People do pay more attention when they are interested, moved, or feel some sort of connection with something they see. 

Using a blog to help people 

Finally, more people are looking to blogs for real information. Whether that is reviews on products and services, inside know how on how to do things, or simply sharing opinions and thoughts. A company blog could be a real extension of your small business and could help entice customers to your website and to even buy from you. A blog could be anything from sharing facts and knowledge, to sharing discounts or the latest products and services. It can also really help with SEO with search engines and being present online. However, it is important to understand the principles, and the difference between seo and sem to make sure you have the right approach. Again social media is the obvious place to advertise your blog offerings and helps to provide varied content for you platforms. 

Being present on social media by creating a voice

Let’s be honest, many small business owners are present on social media. You have to be in order to thrive in this digital focused world. But the small businesses that do social media differently are the ones that are truly successful. The face behind the small business showcasing themselves, their lives and what goes on behind the scenes through Instagram stories. It’s the company that responds to every comment and share with manners. Giving your company the voice online is what attracts people to want to do business with you. That old saying that people by from people is still true, even in a digital sense. 

Let’s hope some of these ideas have inspired you to try different methods of getting your business seen. 



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