• Best Floor Options wood flooring

    5 Signs The Time Has Come To Replace Your Floors & The Best Floor Options For You

    If your home has seen better days, things will eventually start to go wrong, as time and general wear and tear gradually erode the materials. Your flooring is subject to this wear and tear and with that in mind, here are a few tell-tale signs that the time has come to check the best floor options for you. 1. Visible Damage If you can see floor damage then it is time to do something about it. Floor tiles can easily be replaced if certain tiles are scuffed or stained, while timber planks can also be removed and replaced. If you are looking for new floorboard options, it’s time to visit…

  • Kyoku logo

    Fancy China and KYOKU Japanese Non-Serrated Steak Knives

    When The Husband and I moved to Idaho I TRIED to get rid of a bunch of stuff. Coming from a self professed hoarder that means I gave away 3 things. One of those things was our mismatched plates, bowls and such. I decided that we should use the fancy china that we received as a wedding gift. WHY was I saving it and only using it at Christmas? Our kids aren’t going to want them after we are gone, this set just isn’t their style. While, personally, I love the design. SO why not use them!! If they break, they break. (I’m all for less dishes to wash anyway!)…

  • Blue Window shade

    Give Your Living Room A New Lease Of Life This Summer

    Right now, we’re in the final few weeks of Spring, it’s raining less often, the Sun is shining brighter, and the temperature is starting to slowly rise up. In only a few short weeks it will be Summer, which means only one thing: it’s party season! Whether you prefer backyard BBQ cookouts, pool parties or even just Summery dinner parties, the Summertime is ideal for having guests over and enjoying time with all your friends and family! While our Summer’s last year were disrupted, this year we look free and clear to enjoy ourselves. So, it’s probably been a while since you last hosted a big event at home, so…