• Tea Tree Oil by Apothecary Extracts

    If you’ve been around my blog awhile you know I am a packing JUNKIE!!  I will almost always gravitate toward pretty or unique packaging FIRST! I will buy a product strictly for the design of the package. With that said, if I found Apothecary Extracts Tea Tree Oil on a shelf, without hesitation I would put it in my basket.  The design is perfect!! Unique, retro, and well, pretty. Now, the reason that this Tea Tree Oil would STAY on my bathroom counter is because of what’s INSIDE this pretty amber (glass)  bottle.  First, this is a HUGE bottle!! A full 4 ounces of 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil.…

  • Sainthood Herbs Menopause WORKS!!

    Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I don’t want to jinx this but….. YEA ME I haven’t had a hot flash or any night sweats in the last week!! A WHOLE WEEK!! I want to shout from the roof tops!! If you have ever experienced a hot flash you would know how excited I am!!  If you haven’t….. well, turn the oven on to 400° let that get good and hot, then stand really close and open the oven door and stand there for ohhhh anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.  This is especially fun in the middle of summer!!  These come and go anywhere…

  • Vital Nutrients!!

    The world of nutrition and diet science seems to be changing day by day. What claims to work one day doesn’t the next, and every new craze is met with a heavy dose of skepticism by those who’ve seen these changes time and time again. Information keeps changing because scientists still don’t have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the human digestion system, but there are a lot of things they do know. For instance, we know from studies that certain vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body. A recent study from the North American Menopause Society showed that calcium and vitamin D promote growth…

  • Blast from the past Very First post!

    Here is my very first post dated July 1, 2009. WOW a lot has changed!  I now have 3 perfect Grandbabies!  I no longer work as a receptionist.  Now I babysit full time. Somethings stayed exactly the same…. I still can’t handle stress without eating. I still could easily eat a 1lb bag of peanut butter M&M’s at one sitting.  (Notice how I am now avoiding all mention of dieting!??!  Yea….. oh well, 2013 is a new year right??) Let’s get this party started!! Hello! As you may have read from my bio my name is Connie. I’m 51. Married mother of 3. First time Grandma with 1 absolutely PERFECT…