• Covid Mask Up

    MS and The Covid Monster

    Y’all ‘member when I showed off my beautiful house with the stunning view for the first time? First there was ohhhing and awwwwing. Then there was the “have you lost your minds” comments? Okay, so that last one was mostly our kids. “You guys aren’t aging in reverse! Those stairs are gonna kill you!” (Spoiler alert no one has died) NO Well, for the first time I think I’m ready to tell my children that they might, perhaps, may not have been exactly so incorrect.  (pffffftttt we ALL know I’m not REALLY going to admit squat!) So, Covid has hit. Yup, slammed into the side of the house and oozed through to…

  • Blast from the past Very First post!

    Here is my very first post dated July 1, 2009. WOW a lot has changed!  I now have 3 perfect Grandbabies!  I no longer work as a receptionist.  Now I babysit full time. Somethings stayed exactly the same…. I still can’t handle stress without eating. I still could easily eat a 1lb bag of peanut butter M&M’s at one sitting.  (Notice how I am now avoiding all mention of dieting!??!  Yea….. oh well, 2013 is a new year right??) Let’s get this party started!! Hello! As you may have read from my bio my name is Connie. I’m 51. Married mother of 3. First time Grandma with 1 absolutely PERFECT…

  • Time to put the Whine back in the Peanut Butter!

    When this blog first started I intended to have an outlet for me to WHINE about being a caregiver for someone with Multiple Sclerosis. Now, it’s time to put this segment back in.  So Sunday’s will be a posts  will be about MS from a caregivers side. DH has had MS for 15 years.First we start with the basics. What is MS……Multiple Sclerosis is not contagious or hereditary. It’s not a mental illness. It is a disease of the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and nerves). Nerves have a protective coating around them called “myelin.” When someone has MS, this protective coating is chipped away exposing the nerve and preventing messages from the brain to pass…