• January Giveaway

    Happy New Year!! January 2020 $50 Your Way #Giveaway

    WOW!! My first #Giveaway in 2020!?!  REALLY???  Now I’ll really show my age here but …….. in high school 2020 sounded like it was SO far away! I mean hello…… I’ll practically be dead! Seriously, 60 sounded like a really OLD persons age. 61?! Hello? Would I have a blanket around my shoulders, be knitting blankets be in a rocking chair ….. wait… that’s a bad example because I WOULD love a rocking chair on my porch and I am slightly addicted to knitting. I did think we would have flying cars……. course if you’ve ever seen me on the road….. I kinda do fly. What about you? Did you…

  • Giveaway logo

    GIVEAWAY!!! $50 Your Way! December 2019

    Imagine MY surprise when Alexa told me it was December 1st.  SAY WHAAAA?!?!? So, yes the monthly giveaway is a few hours late.  Seriously, this retirement thing means I have lost all sense of time. Here is my monthly update. Deck FINISHED!!! All the way!! All the way to the stain even!! Even more exciting is that the BBQ is finally out of my kitchen!!!!!!!!! I was so tired of that big eye sore sitting there since May. Barn. UP done. HUGE!! (there is a shadow on the barn so look UP!)  Tractor and 4×4 safely nestled inside. This thing is monstrous!! The Husband even has a workshop area! Course…

  • Customized phone case

    gocustomized Personalized Phone Case #GIVEAWAY!!!!! #gocustomized

    OHMMMMGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Wait till you see what I have for you today!! Let’s start out with a whine first shall we?? Yes, we shall. Why are cell phones so dang expensive?! Why must they make new models with features  I MUST have!?! WHY!??! For the longest time I had a Samsung Galaxy S8. A perfectly lovely little phone. Took great pictures. Blah blah blah…. Then after several drop tests my perfectly lovely little phone said ‘screw you; I’m out.’  After dealing with crackling phone calls, calls that sounded like The Husband had locked me in a tunnel and a shattered screen I went phone shopping. Now, I know what you are…