• Hiring New Employees Safely

    When you are hiring people into your business, plenty of thought is put into whether or not they are a good fit or have the right skills – as should indeed be the case. But in truth, we should be aiming to put at least the same degree of effort into working out whether the individual in question is a safe hire, in every sense of the word. This is important to ensure the safety of your existing staff, who are your main priority, as well as the safety and security of your stock, data, premises, intellectual property, and anything else that could potentially come to some kind of harm…

  • Where Should Your Website Budget Go?

      We’re going to assume that, as a business owner, you already know a thing or two about the importance of a company website. This is, after all, the #1 way for businesses to build a buzz around their brand right now. But, of course, you know all that already. In fact, you may well be sick of hearing it. What you might not know is that creating any old website isn’t enough for success. Instead, your page needs to be the best that it can if you’re to stand any chance at converting. And, this can often involve more of your budget than just the cost of your domain…


    Just a quick check in. Yes, still in sunny California along with 987 BILLION other people. I do not know where all these people have come from!! I feel like all I’ve done is park on the freeway. I know I always complained about California traffic when I was here but after you move away and get use to a sloooooooooooooow pace it’s rather over whelming. I forgot about go 70mph then come to a dead stop kind of driving. What kind of drivers are in the UK? Do you find it hard to get to work?? Do you sit on a freeway too?? For hours?  Do UK’ers get to…

  • Desk with a city background

    Starting A Home Business: What Should You Consider

      Making the decision to stop working and make a move into a home role as an entrepreneur takes not only courage and confidence but also a good solid plan. You need to be sure that it’s going to be worth your while trying to make a success of a business from home before you actually succeed. But for that to happen you need to make certain considerations and start putting things into place to get started. Timing definitely is everything when it comes to starting this sort of venture. It’s not as easy as just quitting and fumbling through you should only quit the secure income of your job…