Homemakers Friend Daily Planner Review!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I have an awesome planner to share with you today. This is the Daily Planner from Homemakers Friend.  It’s so awesome, I don’t even know where to start!  First, it fits in my purse. Even my smaller cross-body bag!  That’s rare. Wait, it’s ‘pretty’ should have been first! I love a pretty calendar. The paper is a light lavender color. The borders and titles are in a darker shade of lavender. Beautiful swirled fonts. There are rounded tabs for year, month, week, tasks, projects and events, information, and shopping lists!!!

This is a Spiral bound planner that is 5.75″ x  8.75″

Starting with the first section Year. These are small boxes. 6 lines. For me, this is perfect for my year in review. I create a family calendar every year and as fast as our family is growing I’m forever forgetting to add a date! This will be a perfect tool for me, while I design 2015’s calendar.

Next up is the monthly view. This is a 2 page spread, important holiday’s are written in for you. There is a note section that’s the length of the page.  I LOVE A planner that has plenty of spots for notes!

Next is the weekly view. Each week is a 2 page spread. With Task Lists on the upper left side. Plenty of room to write my projects for the week. Plenty of room for my appointments. There are 11 lines to write on. There are no times written it. Then at the end of the day is a place for the day’s MENU!! SWEET!!! This is the perfect calendar for a busy woman! This planner gives me a great visual layout of my week ahead and it keeps me focused.

Next up is tasks, blank pages, lots of them! Another great touch is that you can title each page.  More blank pages are available under the projects tab.

Next up is the info tab.  A place to keep name, address and phone number.

The last tab is the shopping lists. These are AWESOME!!! The shopping lists are the size of a bookmark a little under 2″ wide and about 5.75″ long. There are a bunch! 60 of them!! That is so convenient!  Not only the PERFECT size, but lined and perforated too?  What a FANTASTIC touch!!

In the back there are pockets to keep stray papers and receipts!  My wallet is super excited about that one!! It was busting at the seams!

Throughout the entire planner there are beautiful, thoughtful sayings scattered. Like “An Attitude of gratitude is priceless.”

Not only do I have the perfect amount of writing space each and everyday I feel like this planner was designed for my life. The simple, flexible design helps keep my family organized, my blog organized.  Alice’s activities and well, my life running smoothly!!

I thought the following tip from Homemakers Friend website was an important one to include: When you start a new planner, remember to consult your planner often. At first it may feel like a pair of new shoes, stiff at the beginning, but the more it is used, the more you will like it. When scheduling, balance home responsibilities with other obligations to create a realistic schedule that is best just for today. It is typical to veer from a daily plan when urgent matters arise, but a written plan will refresh the memory and keep our focus on what is most important.

By the way, the 2014 planner is on sale right now for only $6.99 I highly recommend grabbing 2014 and 2015! Next years calendar is brown and a beautiful yellow.

Everyday May not be good, But there is Something good In every day. 

Thank you Homemakers Friend! This is a perfect addition to my life!  Two thumbs WAY UP! For Homemakers Friend!! 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I love it! I too like lots of place to write. I use to laugh at my mother with her planner, but as I grew up I quickly found out that we tend to forget some important things and it is good to write them down where you can glance back. Thanks for sharing.

  • Sarah L

    I’m a computer-based planner user (and I back it up daily). I had a paper one, but never remembered to use it.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Oh I love that planner! I use to hate when my mother used her planner and made lists. I always said you can never get the all those things done and then you will be discouraged. Now guess who uses both! LOL

  • nancyfancypink

    Thanks for this review. I usually don’t use a monthly lay out, but need smaller increments. It’s great that this has both!

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