David Garrett

I’ve never been a big violin fan.  Well, I haven’t been against the violin……. I just really never thought about it I guess.  HOWEVER……… David Garrett has made me re-think my violin thoughts.  I watched Fox station New Years Eve celebration where David played live. MAN!!!!!  This guy is talented (HOT) I mean REALLY talented!

DH and opened the back door and let the bad ju-ju of 2010 out, then at the stroke of midnight we opened the front door and let in The New LUCKY and JOYFUL 2011.  (Cow bell and all!!)
Now?  We are off to sleep till a more reasonable time in 2011!!  Happy New Year!!  May 2011 bring you and your family happiness, peace and great health!!  Thank you for stopping by! I hope you will come back often in 2011.

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you’d wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    – David

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