December’s $50 Your Way Giveaway
This is the last giveaway of 2022!!! Hard to believe that 2023 is only 31 days away. Holy Guacamole Batman this year went fast.
My November was busy. Between the emergency trip to California to a slew of medical appointments for The Husband, November went FAST! I didn’t even get to make everyone crazy by putting up my Christmas decorations on November 1st!! I feel all outta sorts because of it! As a matter of fact (get ready to gasp!) I gave serious thought to NOT decorating at all this year! I KNOW RIGHT?!?! Me the 3 different trees and a million different decorations. Lucky for me The Husband pouted until I gave in and decorated on Thanksgiving Day. I can NOT be responsible for The Husband getting coal in his stocking because of all that pouting.
So I decorated
After the tree went up, I pulled out all the Christmas Craft projects. Wooooo my craft room looks like a bomb exploded. There is not a single space left on any countertop, tabletop, or workbench. The floor, I can’t even… I had to even move Winston to the top of my yarn basket. I don’t particularly like him there because I feel his judgy stare while I stand in the middle of myself made disaster.
All my craft cr@p is out, and my gal pal Penny called we can put crafts up at a local Christmas Craft fair. You have 3 days. Make some t-shirts! Sayyyy whaaaaaa??
I admit I have always wanted to try selling at craft fair, but I have BIG TIME confidence issues. I make things for family and friends. I have ever only sold 1 item. EVER! But Penny pushes me outta my comfort zone and off I go. Except remember how I said EVERY. SINGLE, WORK, SPACE, is covered. Well, now the room looks worse than I could ever imagine.
I did manage to make 10 t-shirts. Here is the part where I slap my hand to my forehead…. “CONSTANCE! Ya coulda made a SIMPLE design!” BUT NO NOT ME!! Note to self if I ever do this again. K.I.S.S Keep it simple stupid. Oh well, I will be happy if I sell even just one. Next year I will know better.
I did a quick snap of the shirts so, sorry about the quality of pictures but I wanted to keep track of designs.
Got our little booth all set up and bamb the first really heavy snow hit. It was quite the exciting ride home!
Now I am off to create some decorations and finish Alice and Olivia’s Christmas orders while you enter the giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. As always, I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide. $50 American $$.
This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me.
So, coming back often and staying around for a while, and looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!
Good Luck!!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Tamra Phelps
Just a few hours away from 2023 here in KY. Since we got to about 2020 I have felt like every year was part of some futuristic sci-fi movie with pandemics, crazy year numbers like 20-whatever. It’s like the movies I watched as a kid. Any day now, I expect sentient apes to take over, lol. Hello, my favorite childhood movie, Planet o the Apes (the original 1960s version ).
im really trying to wrap up my open projects tonight and start fresh in the new year!
l p
and thank you, Head Peanut Connie, for this blog and your other media sites. they all bring joy.
l p
the day is going well. best wishes for all good things to you and yours. thanks
My day is going super good so excited for the new year. Hope you have a great New Year’s Eve woohooo!!!!!!!
Shelly Peterson
Today I am going to see the new Avatar movie with my son and grandson. Happy New Year!
I’m going to a board game cafe with some friends to celebrate New Year’ Eve.
Kate Sarsfield
The last day of the year and what a mixed bag it’s been; joy and heartache, you name it, 2022 threw it at us. We adapted, evolved or stood our ground and refused to budge. It’s all part of what makes us human xxx
gloria patterson
beautifuly said!!! To a better 2023
gloria patterson
Don’t know why but decided to clean, dust and vaccum. Maybe wanted a clean apartment to start the new year.
Got my sweats on and will find a good movie later and welcome the new year. Hopefully a better year then 2022
Happy New Year to ALL
Polly Hall
Last day of the year I hope everyone has a good 2023.
Michele Soyer
Happy New Year all! I wish everyone here a safe, healthy and joy filled year ahead…
Tamra Phelps
2022 is pretty much done. That’s hard to believe–why is it always so hard to believe another year has gone by, lol?? Well, anyway, 2023 might be better, right?
gloria patterson
I am doing a lazy get rid of stuff/junk. Set a timer for 30 minutes and clean out throw away etc. Later I will do another 30 minutes…………. this way I don’t get side track I just do it
Little nap, little reading…………………. lazy
My day is going pretty good we are getting a lot of rain here today and it is wonderful. Hope you are having a great New Year’s Eve Eve.
Kate Sarsfield
Back at the old Bed & Breakfast and finally got the electricity put into my name. Taking 2 Ukrainians to Dublin Airport first thing so time to rest up. Mum & Dad would have been married 63 years yesterday (:
Michele Soyer
Kate very happy to hear you sorted out the electricity bill – moving ahead! Enjoy your friends at this NY Eve.. Hungarian celebrations when I was young were something else! There was always this woman ( never found out who. she was related to ) always wearing a purple sequined dress who got up and sang.. Ethel Merman style – I remember my father vividly enjoying every minute of her song! Happy New Year Kate…
l p
it’s going well. the weather’s somewhat decent for the time of year and the ‘to-do’ list is getting smaller. there will be time to do some baking today – yay! thanks
Polly Hall
Heading to the cottage up north for the weekend havn’t been there for 3 weeks.
So far, my day is ok, Except for my allergies, that is very bad today.
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis soon. Happy Friday!!!
I’m going to the new botanical garden that just opened.
Michele Soyer
Closing down the expenses book for the year – I believe I spent more on food than last year with all the rising prices – transport and utilities who knows – lawn and land care well I would be shocked to see if it went up considering how much we did ourselves…New book – new year – and new country by the grace….
Susan Smith
My day went well. I got a lot done, the weather has warmed up and melted all of the snow and ice on the streets and driveaway and now I’m watching football with my hubby.
Shelly Peterson
Went to lunch with my daughter today and then got peppermint milkshakes. Yum.
Polly Hall
I finally got my car back today from the body shop cost me over $2,000. but I am so happy to have it back.
My day is going pretty good sure got some much needed sleep last night. We are expecting another storm to blow in today we sure need the rain so I am looking forward to it.
gloria patterson
Another one of those this and that days…………
gather laundry ready to go down to laundry room later …
got paper work out of car …. call made apointment for next wednesday for what the hell wrong with it now apointment.
great niece is going to spend the day with me monday — no school till wednesday
Have not been to the grocery store 2 weeks today. Totally surprised have not had any problems finding something to fix. Good time to eat out of the cabinet and freezer.
Tamra Phelps
The guy was supposed to come today to make some adjustments to my powerchair but he thought the new parts were here and they are not–they are in Lexington at the places main headquarters. So, of course they rescheduled for next week. Argh!!
l p
the day is going well. up and out early so now it’s focus on home. thanks
I got some hot chocolate for Christmas so I am going to make frozen hot chocolate.
Michele Soyer
Packed a few more boxes yesterday and will do the same today – then a continuation of reading relaxing and a nice single malt!
Kate Sarsfield
Finally found out the password for the WIFI! Done nothing but sleep since I got to this new Bed & Breakfast. It’s warmer than the other place but VERY quiet!!!!
Tamra Phelps
Well, this week between Christmas and New Years is always weird, I think. I usually can’t wait for everything to just get back to normal, lol.
Polly Hall
Grosery shopping was a lot easier today, not as crowded as last week and the shelves were not as empty.
gloria patterson
Going through all my paper work getting it orginiazed. Filling a basket full of papers to get rid going to start shreding them some times this week.
No nap today…………….. so maybe bed early.
My day is going pretty good the sun is out here and it is pretty. This week is speeding by so fast can’t believe it almost New Year’s Eve.
l p
the day is going surprisingly well. had to phone a government office to carry out some business and was only on hold for 5 minutes and completed the task in 10. a great way to end the year. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis. Had no luck on breaking up the ice yesterday.
We are getting back to the normal routine. Because next weekend is another holiday, that is not totally true, but the workers went back to the office today, so that is ‘normal’. The weather still isn’t for this area of the country, but compared to the majority, no real problem.
Michele Soyer
Got up this morning and decided to do a bit more packing….Still relaxing but I need to move forward in some way.. Organizing boxes for when I take down Christmas. on January 7th…By the grace next christmas I will be in Corfu! Hope does spring eternal…
Tamra Phelps
I had a zoom appointment with a doctor earlier and then I baked some biscuits. And…that’s kit, lol. That has been my day. Yesterday I took all the Christmas stuff down. If it stays up once Christmas is done, I get depressed by it.
My day is going great today. I did some shopping and the store were quiet I was so happy about that. I got a take and bake pizza for dinner tired of holiday left overs.
gloria patterson
Being very very lazy this week……………….. including a nap
Some time this week have to go through and get all of my 2022 straight and in order
And start a new book………………. I HAVE A BUSY WEEK PLANNED 🙂
Polly Hall
took it easy today after being so busy the last few days.
tammy ta
Sadly this day of Christmas holidays is no different then the others…the whole day is going by in what feels like a few minutes
Shelly Peterson
I have a dr. appointmenttoday and then since it’s warming up and raining. We need to work on the sidewalk and walkway and remove the thick ice.
l p
the day is going well so far. I’m playing ‘find the top of the desk’ today so it might yield a few surprises. thanks
I’m going to Baskin Robbins for some Pralines n Cream.
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday’s trip to the airport was fine – left at 3am, back in bed by 9am & have slept on and off since then. Packing up my stuff as landlady has longstanding booking for 2 adjacent rooms. Moving to another B&B till Friday.
I’m starting to come down with something, but at least I have the next couple days off work already!
Michele Soyer
I am still on a lovely staycation…Eating deliciouss food – lovely wine and reading! I feel so blessed that I can do this!
Tamra Phelps
Hope everybody had a good Christmas…now on to 2023. I’m still sort of snowed or iced in here.
Cindy Merrill
Today has been quite a head scratcher, trying to come up with a nice birthday present for my 81 year old husband, no idea what to get him.
Polly Hall
going to a friends house soon for dinner and cards with 2 other girlfriends.
I had a great day today because I got to see my brother and his family for Christmas!
Hope you had a nice Christmas mine was super good. Everything is closed still here today so I am staying home and doing some more cooking. I made a ton of food for the holidays and I am still going tis the season to eat goodies.
gloria patterson
Having a heat wave 25!!!!! Might get a little thursday it is going to be a high of 54
Just being lazy little nap a little this or that………. not in the mood to do anything.
l p
the day is going – well – up and down. it will be much better as time goes on. thanks
Shelly Peterson
To be honest, I am glad Christmas is over with. Now if we can just get rid of Winter.
I’m going to my grandpa’s for Boxing Day and I’ll have to stop to pick up a coffee on the way! Also making Italian style mac and cheese.
Fair day, woke up late and haven’t been doing that well so far.
gloria patterson
Lazy day!! Did our Christmas Eve all together………… cold it was 6 at 4:00pm road were icy but ever body got there and home with out any problems.
Today just recharge and stay warm……….. it was cold last night
My day has been nice but super busy. I have been cooking and baking like crazy and just sitting down to take a break and rest my feet. Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Merry Christmas everyone I’m enjoying the day with my son making home made hamburger buns for the ham sandwiches and watching Christmas movies with my husband.
Tamra Phelps
Merry Christmas to all. Connie, here’s hoping your son acknowledges Winston for you this Christmas, lol!!
Shelly Peterson
Wishing you a very Mwerry Christmas. I will be celebrating with my family.
Kate Sarsfield
Merry Christmas one and all! Having a quiet day so far & napping. I’m leaving here at 3am to take one of the Ukrainians to Dublin Airport for 6am check-in. The weather should be ok, it’s just the God-awful hour that’s tough!
Michele Soyer
Merry Christmas to all!! I wish everyone here a joyous, healthy and peace filled day!
l p
the day is going well. wishing peace and love to all this Christmas season. thanks
Bad day so far. Woke up with bad migraine and still have it.
so many last minute changes and im rolling with it all like a champ
tammy ta
My day was very snowy and very wind blowy today.
Tamra Phelps
I’m just having a quiet, but freezing, Christmas Eve. Hope everyone has a good Christmas.
Kate Sarsfield
Sorry I’m a bit late. Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on the Eve so major partying going on since early evening. Taking a break from dancing to do this & 3 women sitting on the bed beside me in varying degrees of drunkeness!
Tamra Phelps
Ha. After the year they’ve had, they deserve a little drink, lol.
Polly Hall
I took a walk down the driveway to the mail box this morning with my hair wet from my shower. When I got back inside my hair was frozen stiff, I’ve never had that happen before, it’s so cold here.
I just got in the door from going to two grocery stores and it is cray cray out there today!!!! I got the stuff I needed I pray I didn’t forget anything. Hope you have a nice Christmas Eve God Bless.
Shelly Peterson
Merry Christmas Eve. I will be having dinner with my kids and grandkids
gloria patterson
Waiting on my niece to pick me up to head to my brothers. So much ice and they have a VERY steep driveway. So will switch at my sister in law bar/restruant to a 4 wheel drive car. We have reached a high of 6 right now.
We are having Christmas Eve at my granddaughter’s home, and her mother and I have been banned from providing anything for the meal. Despite that, my daughter is now on a grocery run to pick up a few last minute items!
l p
Christmas Eve – still working on getting things together but grateful to have family, friends, shelter, warmth, food. thanks
Tamra Phelps
We got some snow in that Winter storm but the real problem is the temperature. I mean, it’s below zero with the wind chill. Even without the wind chill, it’s barely above zero. Yukes!
Polly Hall
The snow strom has started here, but we have been lucky because of our woods and hillside blocking the wind from hitting our house.
gloria patterson
Lazy lazy day all my christmas stuff is done. Try to keep warm we got a light dusting of snow but cold temp right now its 3 on top of rain…………….. ICE.
Right now the plan is still Christmas Eve at my brothers. Going to ride with my niece
Hope ever one that is the path of this storm stay warm and safe……………MERRY CHRISTMAS
Kate Sarsfield
Realised I was down to my last clean pair of knickers so did my laundry. Have been asked to take one of the Ukrainians to Dublin Airport for an 8am flight on St Stephen’s Day. Means leaving here @ 3am but I’d probably still be awake then anyway, so what the hell!
I need wrap presents and get it together. I still need to get food for some dips tomorrow. I am freaking out a little not read for the holiday yet.
Shelly Peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis. Happy Friday!!
l p
another early start, which is OK. more time to get things done on the list. thanks
Polly Hall
Quite day today at home did some Netflix binge watching.
Molli Taylor
stuck in bed sick but getting christmas wrapped up
gloria patterson
Its has been ONE of those days!!!! Had 8am dr apointment — 7:30 at my car AND IT IS DEAD!!!!
My car problems started last thanksgiving when car was dead. Got replacement battery – down road another dead battery — ended up having to replace distributor $1000+ – week later dead battery — AAA replaced battery — another couple of months and dead again – replaced battery again might be their batteries — one month later dead battery!!!!!!
called cab for dr apointment both way cost me $45.00
Tamra Phelps
This has been a tiring day. And my right hand hurts like crazy even from just holding a pen or something simple like that–carpal tunnel, I guess. What a pain in the behind.
My day is going pretty quiet. I was up super early and got a ton of work done this morning so I am taking it easy for the rest of the day before the big storm hits here.
Kate Sarsfield
Back to the house with 3 Ukrainians today. We’ve finished filling in the floorspace and used the remaining gravel on the newly-discovered driveway. Very cold, achy and tired.
l p
an early start to the day. hopefully it will warm up as time goes along after the longest night of the year. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Found out a friend at dialysis has chosen to quit her treatment. It was a very sad day for me.
Kate Sarsfield
Awful news, Shelly. My old next door neighbour did the same. She just had enough.
Polly Hall
Went to the grosery store this moring for my weekly run, it was a mad house and the shelves were pretty empty. I don’t think it was all dew to the holidays we are expecting a blizzard starting tomorrow afternoon.
Candie L
In theory, today was my last day until Christmas Break (in theory do not come back until January 3rd). However, I know me and I will be working a little every day.
Tamra Phelps
I’m sitting here watching Zelenskyy speak to Congress. I hope in the end he gets all he needs, and he winds up seeing Putin brought down.
gloria patterson
Had to take my 93 yr old mother to the cell phone company. A while back she got herself a cell phone and signed a contract. She canceled it then this bill for $184.00 shows up. We went in and talked to a guy really nice and he said he job his to sell phones not to take care of problems………BUT he knew how to do stuff so he checked told me all about the contact etc etc etc. After he mention the contact I said understand now and he printed me out some info. THEN for the hard part I had to explain it aagain and again. She is not happy to pay it but her fault. THEN she had to go back over the house phone and the cable and the ETC ETC…………… JOYS off seniors (and I am one to :-))
Kate Sarsfield
Finally got back out to the house. Bit disheartening seeing it in the cold light of day after a break of 12 days. Have to stay positive though and it is the solstice, so we ploughed ahead filling floorspace with rubble and I did a bit more gardening.
My day is going pretty good even though I was up a lot last night hearing things that go bump in the night. I am sticking close to home today just doing stuff around the house boy this week is flying by.
Shelly Peterson
I so dont want to go outside and bare the cold. It’s 9 degrees but have a wind chill.
My day is going very well on a Wednesday. It is sunny and not raining today in New York. It is chilly outside.
Michele Soyer
Today is solstice – setting my intentions for the next 6 months.. prayers to the universe…
l p
another bone-chilling day – very grateful for shelter and warm clothes; and a visit with a friend. thanks
tammy ta
My day was slow and quiet mostly
Shelly Peterson
It’s snowing and cold. I am staying in today.
gloria patterson
I have collected vintage costume jewelry for years from family and buying at flea markets, yard sales, etc. When I retired & stopped wearing jewelry ever day. So I decided today to go thru it all and find some pieces and give to my nieces. I picked out pieces that 30+ yrs old would wear 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Just 5 days until Christmas. I am done as far as gift buying, etc. At least I don’t have to worry about last-minute shopping, lol. That’s unusual for me. Usually I’m sitting here wondering if something will get here in time. I’m always glad to put Christmas behind me, honestly. It’s not that I’m a Scrooge. I like Christmas. But after a while (and Christmas seems to start in October these days), I get burned out on it.
My day is going pretty good so far sure hope it snows just a little. I love a little bit of snow but don’t like to be snow bound for days.
Kate Sarsfield
AGHHH!!! Give me patience! Been trying since early Oct. to set up electricity at the new house. Apparently the lawyer for vendor closed a/c earlier than the closing date & electric co. won’t go ahead without the discrepency being accounted for. So I have to pay my solicitor to approach the vendor’s solicitor …. so much red tape. Three hours on the phone so my day was gone.
Tamra Phelps
Ahh, red tape. How would we spend our time without it??? LOl.
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate I truly understand this red tape garbage try and be patient and just go with the energy – it is NOT easy but fighting it does not work….
Michele Soyer
Today is sunny and bright so outside right after breakfast to do some tidy up and puut in some flowers I have had on the patio to brighten the beds up for Christmas….
l p
the day is going well – getting lots of work done. thanks
Polly Hall
I started making Christmas candy today for Christmas dinner.
Sarah Lehan
Very quiet day at home trying to get better. Having more chicken soup.
My day is going pretty good just got in the door from grocery shopping and running around. I forgot to get cornbread mix been craving cornbread lately I so need to make a list before I go.
gloria patterson
Sleep late cold turn the heat up got hot turn the heat down. Cannot find the right temp for comfort. Not doing a lot of anything. Watched the january 6 final meeting. Took a nap now up and moving
Kate Sarsfield
Managed to get up today & collected orders of carpet tiles, more paint, a hedgecutter and grouting. Will take it to the house tomorrow.
Michele Soyer
So much for my outside plans today rainy and stormy…Planning on baking a batch of cookies and then relaxing for the rest of the day…
Shelly Peterson
I am hoping to get my Christmas presents wrapped tonight.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it has been another iffy day, lol. I have that off feeling like I might be getting cold or something. Sinuses are going bonkers, lol.
Shelly Peterson
Today I ran a lot of errands with my daughter.
Polly Hall
We had a nice family gathering with my husbands family first time since 2019
Sarah L
Ordered groceries online last night and picked them up today. That’s about all the energy I have to do anything. My friend brought me some of her yummy chicken soup.
gloria patterson
Little more energy today got up late 7:30 for me that is LATE I am usually awake at 6
Little of this little of that…………….. 2 hr nap. Just finished a big cup of Chia tea so good
I am having a mellow Sunday. I am not doing anything today! I am resting my bones and feet. I have been doing a ton of running around and I need a mellow day.
Kate Sarsfield
Another day in bed, sleeping in between coughing. Do feel a lot better & Hoorah!!! the ice on the roads has cleared. Might get out & about tomorrow.
l p
not a good start to the day, which will hopefully improve. the furnace isn’t working properly. thank goodness for space heaters. thanks
Michele Soyer
Today is the anniversary of my mum’s birthday – I miss her so very much – many times even now after so many years after her passing during the day I talk to her about something think of her and laugh but most of all thank her for all the things she instilled in me!
Sarah L
Spent 3 hours in Urgent Care. Good news: I don’t have covid or pneunomia or the flu. Just a virus. Still sick.
Denise George
I have had much better days..nothing is going my way.
Polly Hall
We got dumped on over night woke up to 7 inches and it has snowed most of the day and added about 4 more inches.
I can’t believe it’s more than half-way through December. The days are going more quickly than anticipated.
gloria patterson
I have NO energy………………. slept till 7:30 Put some chicken in the oven Took a nap drank energy drink still no energy…………. Just check the weather in the low 40’s all week till the 24th Christmas is HIGH of 10 makes me want to stay at home.
My day is off to one chilly start here we are almost up to freezing now. I can’t believe it is already the 17th this week just flew by.
l p
had a great start to the day and hopefully that will be the same for the rest of the day and night. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Been in bed for a couple of days. Got sniffles & roads too bad to go out. Minyus 8 last night.
Michele Soyer
It is a grey and rainy day today – ok then no outside work – gingerbread house to make!
Tamra Phelps
It has been a day…actually it has been a week. I mean, Christmas is so dang stressful, and I don’t even have litltle kids…but still I get a little stressed and almost always manage to get sick. Today, I’ve picked up some stomach bug–or maybe the stress has caused my old gut issues to act up?? Never fails.
Michele Soyer
Please feel better and try not to stress about anything right now!
Shelly Peterson
With it being the last weekend before Christmas. I have a busy weekend ahead.
Polly Hall
I’ve been working on making sweet breads for the holidays
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Got up to 31 degrees with some clouds.
I am having a quiet day today as yesterday was not a very fun one at all and today I need to rest and recover. Hope you are having a nice Friday out there.
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis. Happy Friday. ready for the weekend.
I am done…………… all gifts bagged up. The only thing left to do is stop at the store late next week and pick up some kinda desert to take to Christmas Eve dinner.
So just going to be lazy for the next few days
l p
the day is going much better today. had urgent eye problems yesterday and mercifully, was seen fairly quickly. whew! thanks
Michele Soyer
Up and out early today. got to get out of this lazy pattern that I have been in the past week!
Polly Hall
I got all of my data transfered from my broken phone to my new one today so happy to have a phone again.
Shelly Peterson
I am just starting to feel better today.
Sarah Lehan
Good swim with a friend. Then a library drop off (I didn’t go in because I currently have plenty of books). Got up to 31 degrees with clouds and wind. Brr.
gloria patterson
Quick trip to krogers Back and everything put away. Even got a nap in
My day is going pretty good. I was up all night with a bad tummy so I am a little out of it today. Hope you are having a great day.
Denise George
Lucky I get to stay in the house today.. rain and sleet
Michele Soyer
Finished 1/2 of the land cleaning work but I have no motivation to do more today – More bubble wrap is being delivered today so packing is my chore for hte day!
Tamra Phelps
Crappy day. It started pouring rain overnight and was still going this morning–and all day. It’s still raining. I had to cancel going to get my booster. (Rain in a wheelchair is a nightmare. No umbrella or raincoat keeps it from getting on the chair and then you are sitting in water and it’s just a mess/ Hard to wipe it all down when you get home, too.) I hate rainy days when I need to go somewhere.
Polly Hall
I got my new phone delivered today, need to take it into my carrier and hopely they can transfer all ov my data from the broken one.
Sarah Lehan
Quiet day at home. Got up to 32 degrees today with lots of wind and clouds. Glad I wasn’t in the Blizzard part of Colorado.
My day is going pretty good super chilly here down right bone chilling. Once again my Internet provider is making me cray cray cray!!!!
gloria patterson
Just another lazy day. Shopping is all done and thanks to gift bags ALL DONE!!!
l p
the day is going well. lots of new things to take care of – and older ones as well. the milder weather helps. vthanks
Kate Sarsfield
All I’ve done is sleep, got up to go to the loo, then back to sleep!
Michele Soyer
I have delayed going out and doing land work for days now – today I have to….But first another coffee and some breakfast….pastry and coffee always make me smile…
Shelly Peterson
I am still not feeling good. But I did get the staples taken out of my arm today. It feels better.
Tamra Phelps
I swear I will go bonkers before we start to get more daylight…this darkness before 5 p.m. gets to me, lol. I’m supposed to go get my next booster tom orrow, so hoping it doesn’t make me feel blah for a few days.
Kate Sarsfield
Get youself daylight lamps! Sister Helen swears by them.
Polly Hall
A fun evening, dinner & cards with the girl friends
Sarah L
I slept in because I wasn’t planning on going swimming due to the winter storm coming in. Ha! What storm? It missed Denver but is pounding a blizzard in NE Colorado and Wyoming and Nebraska. High of 23 degrees today with clouds but no snow here.
gloria patterson
Lazy Lazy day…………………….. had 2 naps and read 1/2 of a new JD Robb that I have for a while.
Cool and rainy and do nothing day
Our Internet service is the worst!!! It has been up and down for the past week and it is really putting me in a bad mood today lots of bad words being said here today lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Was fast asleep by 10pm – woke at 4.30 this afternoon! V,sad as one of the choir’s cancer is back for 3rd. time. First breast, then 1 lung, now her one remaining lung. She’s one of the good ones. Makes me so angry when you think of all the bast**ds out there.
Michele Soyer
Should not have called the surveyor – his nonchalant attitude about the slow application process infuriated me…I just wenr off raising my voice.. sorry that I did no – is this ususal for me. no – do I feel better yes! Do not want to weed and take vines off the garden fence. baking instead!
Kate Sarsfield
Good for you!!! Sometimes we just have to let loose!
It’s been a long day, lol. I hate having to get up & get out early on really cold days.
Tamra Phelps
Well, Connie this was me, lol. For some reason yesterday and today it keeps losing my name when I comment. (even though I click the box saying remember it)–so I’ve started checking that it’s there.
Polly Hall
I dropped my phone yesterday and cracked the screen very badly I can recieve calls but I can not text need a new phone.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. I think my new hip is now a weather hip. Aching a bit with the storm coming in.
gloria patterson
I ran a quicktrip to the post office then home. The temp is down again we just have rain… And I got 2 short naps in today………… LOVE NAPS
Kate Sarsfield
On the road by 6am. Freezing fog, -8 degrees, screenwash frozen. Got everything done & back here by 9pm. Absolutely horrendous visability all day.
Michele Soyer
Please be safe out there on the roads
Kate Sarsfield
Honestly, it’s just as well I enjoy driviing!
l p
the day is going well. not as expected but the changes could be accomodated. thanks
Super busy day for me so far just got in the door and a sitting down and taking a much needed break on my legs. Sure is crazy busy other there today I hate crowds.
good day, I got alot acomplished
Michele Soyer
Calls to make today – lawyer surveyor etc…then out to work on the land. blah…
Shelly Peterson
I still feel like garbage. I slept terrible last night.
tammy ta
My day went well. Took my son Christmas shopping today. Wish the weekend wasn’t over though.
Tamra Phelps
Have to get up early for an appointment tomorrow, so there’s that to dread, lol. Today has been pretty slow. Dark by about 4:30.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then a trip to the Dollar Store ($1.25 store really). 60 degrees with sun today but the big storm comes in tomorrow evening and high temps only in the 30s the rest of the week.
gloria patterson
Just one of those rainy cool days that really call for a long nap!! Still recovering from day with great niece (6) she is always so much fun……………… but wears me out 🙂
Polly Hall
I did something to my left knee, it’s been bothering me for a few weeks now and not getting better, I’m afraid I’ll have to call the doctor and have it checked out.
It has been a nice quiet Sunday here just listening to piano music and doing some stuff online. Thinking about what to make for dinner tonight something warm and cozy as we are getting some winter weather here today.
IT is a bit damp so that can cause me to move a bit less.
Kate Sarsfield
Another day of minus 4 degrees, dropping to -6 tonight. Have to leave at 6am in the morning to leave myself plenty of time to cross the country for a 10.30 appt. Then dentist at 11.30 & doctor at 3.30. In between, I hope to get to the grave (but the road there is v.bad) and to the storage unit to get my decorating things. Fingers crossed re. the roads, but it’s still going to be a long day.
l p
the day is going well. had an earlier start than anticipated so there’s more time to enjoy the day. thanks
Sherry Williams
Hi. My day has been up and down. I went to an urgent care center because my oxygen level was dropping after what I believe to be a mild virus. Although nobody was in the office who could do xrays, the doctor said my lungs sounded clear and since my oxygen levels quickly rise again she was not concerned. I’m feeling a lot better though. I enjoyed the drive and I’m so happy that my vehicle made the round trip with no problems and I was able to pick up a few groceries while out. Now I’m watching music videos, playing on the computer, and missing my husband who passed away July 2021. But I smile every time I look up at the Christmas tree that my son-in-law and grandson put up for me the day after Thanksgiving.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I spent an entire 2 hours watching the Led Zeppelin 2007 celebration day concert, lol. Time well-spent. Today was the 15th annoversary of it so they streamed it as it happened back then. Jason Bonham did his father proud as the drummer–you close your eyes and you think John Bonham is still there.
Shelly Peterson
I started feeling like crud yesterday. Today I feel even worse. I was planningto see the granbabies this weekend. Not anymore
Sarah L
Trip downtown to the Botanic Gardens for the Tibetan Singing Bowls concert. Volunteering to help with programs like this is a great way to see things for free. 50 degrees again with sunshine. (but storm coming Monday)
Kate Sarsfield
That sounds a lovely way to spend the day!
gloria patterson
great niece 6 spend the day with me we crafted, played games, colored
She is arm full of love BEST WAY TO SPEND A DAY
Cindy Merrill
Celebrated my birthday with a glass of wine, I’m 61.
Polly Hall
Just a slow easy going Saturday watching the snow fall outside our windows.
l p
the day is going well. had a visit with a long-time friend who is moving to another continent. so we’ll have to make sure to keep in touch electronically and using snail mail. thanks
My day is off to a great start. I sure got a lot of stuff done around the house and now am off to do some Christmas shopping before the next storms gets here.
Kate Sarsfield
Every year when we get even a few flakes Irish Twitter goes bonkers! Some of the higher mountain areas of Ireland have had quite a bit of snow but apart from freezing fog & black ice, the rest of the country’s still toddling along.
Michele Soyer
Today is baking day – bread and one batch of cookies…Had a few days of feeling down but back up today! We all get these days when htings frustrate us…..dealing with govt agencies here can get you down….
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 50 degrees with sunshine.
Tamra Phelps
Made a coule of batches of fudge, peanut butter and chocolate just to test the ingredients I bought for the Christmas candy, lol. I’ll send them home with my brother so I don’t sit here and eat 2 pans of fudge!!! I think I’ll go back to my usual peanut butter. The kind I bought this year I had never used and it’s just not as good.
Polly Hall
a very relaxing day, I’m not even making dinner, pizza in tonight.
*** Here is the daily coment that I was unable to post the other day: 12-7-22 daily comment: I did a bunch of running around town today shopping and getting ready for the holidays. It is super cold here below freezing and I just can not seem to warm up today.
My day is going pretty good so far. I just got done putting everything in the slow cooker for dinner should be yummy. I am making some chicken barely soup with garlic bread.
l p
the day is going well. after sending out inquiries to repair some items here, finally got a response and a reasonable quote. they are Better Buisiness Bureau rated at A so that sounds good. got my fingers crossed. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. I am ready for the weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
Bought myself a new fleece with a hood & a ‘hunter-style’ hat today. It’s too cold too snow here but other parts of Ireland got some overnight. That’s all I’ve done today!
Sarah L
It didn’t take my comment yesterday. I had a lovely visit to the Blossoms of Light at the botanic gardens.
Today was swimming with my friends.
Polly Hall
Just a normal day making bread, doing some laundry, cooking dinner
Shelly Peterson
Today was a lazy day. We started getting some snow today.
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis soon. I slept terrible last night, so I am tired.
Shelly Peterson
This was my comment for yesterday. I couldnt get it to post. lol
gloria patterson
WEIRD I think it is playing with all of our minds…………………. Would not take my comments yesterday…………… BUT i see it did take a few………………
OH well have done a few crafts, read a little……………… now on the computer
I am thinking I might fix a late lunch or early dinner………………. OR have a nap
I was up at 4:30 this moring getting stuff done. We should get some snow today we shall see if it happes but it sure is cold here.
l p
it’s a cold, blustery, cloudy day so the day will be filled with indoor chores (going well so far). thanks
Kate Sarsfield
It’s bloody freezing!!!!! Took the day off to catch up on emails etc. Posted off my Xmas cards (sorry, Tamra, your address is in storage!).
Tamra Phelps
I don’t even have your address! Merry Christmas anyway.
It’s my birthday today so I’ve had a really great day.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I tried to comment on a post & all I got was a page saying: ‘Denied For Too Many Attempts’ Huh??? It was my first attempt, lol. I wonder if this will go through…
Kate Sarsfield
I did just comment about my day but it seems to have disappeared! Anyway, gardening with robins & a dog …
Tamra Phelps
It is atually thndering out there–we have had several December thunderstorms this month and it’s just the 6th, lol.
Shelly Peterson
Today I was lazy andspent the day relaxing.
Sarah L
Trip downtown for my infusion. Then a stop at Good Times for their green chile cheese fries. 50 degrees and sunshine.
Polly Hall
I got my Christmas shopping finished today.
l p
the day is going well. lots of appointments so out in the cold weather. mercifully, the wind died down before morning. time for a cup of tea. thanks
tammy ta
My day has been very quiet and boring. I’m ready to fall asleep.
My day is going pretty good so far. I did a lot of outside work this morning and now I am tuckered out and taking a nice long break.
Tamara Ove
It’s sunny and 27 degrees in Minnesota and it’s not snowing! That makes me happy!
Kate Sarsfield
Found out the reason for the delay in the supplies of insulation: the factory in Co. Cavan has been hit by Covid and have had to halve their workforce. It ‘might’ arrive next week. In the meantime I worked in the garden again. Temps are due to drop sharply on Thurs. so I’ll do as much as I can, while I can.
Molli Lillian Taylor
so sick but killin it today!
gloria patterson
It is going to rain all day long…………………… I am staying home and doing nothing. I just may have a long nap……………….. and then read my new book
Michele Soyer
I had a wonderful day yesterday and now it is back to owrk! Arghh. all I want to do is continue to read, play and watch movies!
Tamra Phelps
This afternnon there was a loud boom outside and the electricity when out. It was out for about 2 hours. I’m guessing that boom was a transformer blowing but after the attack on that NC sub station over the weekend, people were buzzing around here. It just takes a few minutes of being in the dark to realize how dependent you are on electricity.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 52 degrees with sunshine.
I just got in the door it is good to be home! Man there are some rude people out there hate it when people cut in line and then act like they did nothing wrong.
Polly Hall
Just a slow Monday not doing much of anything.
Kate Sarsfield
It hardly got above 0 degrees today and is set to get even colder. EEK! I gardened till the sun went down. Still no sign of the insulation. My niece had a really bad allergic reaction to a new skincare product – red, itchy, so swollen she couldn’t open her eyes. She’s on steroids that seem to be working.
Kate Sarsfield
Our zero Celsius/Centigrade equals 32 of your Fahrenheit!
gloria patterson
lazy day………………….. Not in the mood to do any more cleaning etc etc ………….
already had my nap………… poor kids if they just knew how good naps were
Ran over to subway to pick up a hogie to lazy to cook today
Shelly Peterson
Today is my daughters birthday. I am dropping her off a cheescake. We will celebrate when she is feeling better.
l p
this day is going well. it was warmer than usual so it was so nice to get outside with what seemed like 5 lb less clothing. thanks
Polly Hall
I finished working on the Christmas gifts for my girlfriends today, hope they like them.
Tamra Phelps
My sister-in-law came by with my youngest nephew–so I got him to put the tinsel on the tree, lol. He’s young and can get behind the tree to toss some on back there.
Kate Sarsfield
The sun shone even though it was cold so I started clearing the newly-discovered driveway. Bought a nice planter for the mini roses I’ve got for the parents’ grave.
Tamra Phelps
Hard to believe the driveway was hidden like that; I mean it would have increased the value for the seller, lol. I’m guessing she didn’t drive. It’ll sure be a bonus for you, though.
gloria patterson
Don’t know where my eneg=rgy came from today!!! vac, dust, mop, get rid of some stuff……
My apartment looks good LOL
Shelly Peterson
I’m picking up a food order and then I am going to visit my new grandbaby.
I am having a nice quiet Sunday just gettig stuff done around the house. I am a little worn out from over doing it yesterday guess I did too much running around town and working at the house my muscles are tired tired tired today.
Shelly Peterson
My new grandbaby was born on thursday, the day I came home from the hospital. I have yet to see her. But I had my two grandsons until today. So now I can relax and good see baby tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s Saturday night and I’m sitting here watching a Hallmark Christmas movie…yep my youth is definitely gone, lol.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 50 degrees with sunshine. Busy week ahead.
gloria patterson
don’t know where my energy is coming from today I am cleaning the apartment and then going to do laundry…………………………… BUT the problem is I feel a nap calling me
My day is going chilly chilly and chilly. I have been busy getting shopping done and cleaning oh and laundry endless laundry.
Polly Hall
I’ve been wood burning designs onto wooden spoons for Christmas gifts today, 2 more to go.
Kate Sarsfield
There’s a Christmas Market on the street outside yesterday, today & tomorrow. So, as well as not being able to sleep at night ‘cos of the amorous couple next door, I also can’t take a much-needed nap with all the Christmas music blaring during the day. Bah humbug!
l p
the day is going well. staying indoors as it’s rather cold out there. it’s a cooking day so there’s soup stock being made and bread dough is on the rise. thanks
Michele Soyer
Well in until the 21st – have finally done all my shopping yesterday and due to all the flooding was only able to buy imported veggies – not cost affective at all. so stocked up on frozen….
Jodi Hunter
Pretty good, so far so good lookling forward to a good night’s rest.
Pretty good, so far so good lookling forward to a good night’s rest.
Tamra Phelps
Decided to put up a small tree this year. It’s white and extremely tacky, lol. That’s how I like Christmas, though, lots of gaudy and shiny lights and colors.
Sarah L
Got a wonderful massage today. Then back to the library to return the overdue DVD (forgot it yesterday)
Sunny and 45 degrees with HIGH WINDS.
I have been super busy today doing stuff that I have been putting off for weeks now. Dealing with appointments and other disasters. Now I am taking it easy for the rest of the day enough of the phone. Getting ready to make potato soup for dinner.
gloria patterson
NO energy don’t know why. Quick trip to the store and home for anothe nap. So far 3 one hour naps. Don’t know if I am getting sick or just feeling tired LOL
Polly Hall
Day is going ok but I’ve had a bad headach for the last few hours, just can not shake it.
Kate Sarsfield
While I’m happy for those in love, would you keep the noise down after midnight please? 5am this morning they were stlll at it 🙁
Tamra Phelps
I had a neighbor like that once…😂😂
l p
the day is going well. it’s cold here but I keep thinking of the people around the world (especially in the Uktraine) who have no heat, electricity, water, food. I’m very grateful. time to go reread the starfish story. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy December. I just got home from a 4 day stay in the hospital. Fun times…not.
Tamra Phelps
I have turned into one of those people who cannot believe how time flies, lol. I mean, how did it get to be December???
Sarah L
Happy December! For me swimming with friends and a trip to the library. Eating more chicken for dinner.
Connie, That’s some lovely crafting you’re doing. Hope you sold all your t-shirts (and yes, you can do SIMPLER designs next time.)
gloria patterson
Wide awake at 4am………….. could not go back to sleep. Got up etc dressed, did some craft painting for great niece to finish. About 8 am I decided I was a little tired……………. slept till noon. got up started my day………
Kate Sarsfield
Took today off. Viktor’s back is still painful and it was cold so decided to stay put. My Amnesty International Christmas cards arrived so did them (all 9 of them!!!), changed sheets & had a looong nap.
We are getting used to a new parrot in our family. It’s been interesting.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Currently battling a kidney stone – so not having the best day!
Kate Sarsfield
Ouch, Kim. been there – horrible pain – keep drinking LOTS of warm water with lemon juice.
My day is a little groggy today. My cat decided that I should be up at 1:30 am to play with her and I could not get back to sleep all night long.
l p
a new month; got the outside errands run, now it’s the old game of find the top of the desk time. it may take all day and it’s progress. thanks
It is the beginning of a new month and I am hopeful.
Polly Hall
Just woke up a bit ago so it’s the start of my day hope it goes smoothly.