The Environment and Your Car: Protect the Environment While Driving
Electric cars have finally hit the market. While it may seem like you can’t help sustain the environment unless you have an electric car, there are actually plenty of things you can do to be mindful of the earth, even if you still drive a gas-powered car. A few simple adjustments can get you closer to an environmentally friendly mode of transportation, and some of these options may even save you money. They may take a bit of adjustment to your daily life, but the financial savings and earth protection may be worth the adjustment. Here are a few things to consider when striving to protect the earth through your daily transportation habits.
Shut Off Your Engine
Though it may not seem like a big deal to leave your car running for five minutes as you drop someone off, wait for a train, or sit in a drive-thru line, these small moments of waiting can add up. You waste gas and add a significant amount of emissions to the atmosphere that really add up over the course of time. If you’re not going anywhere, shut off your engine. Many of us also have the habit of driving around before settling on a parking space. By choosing a parking space quickly, you can eliminate a significant amount of drive time over the course of a year, and potentially even give yourself some exercise by walking a little farther to get to your destination.
Choose Used Parts
A good salvage yard can be a goldmine, both for providing affordable parts to you when your car breaks down, and for re-using perfectly good parts that are begging to be recycled. If you have an older car you’re unable to sell to someone else, you may also be able to sell it to an environmentally friendly salvage yard. Some salvage yards, even tow the automobile for you if it’s broken down. Used parts can also be an affordable way to keep an older car going until you have the finances to invest in an electric car.
Slow Down
Accelerating moderately and braking minimally can reduce your engine’s output by 20-percent. Most of us are pretty focused on getting where we need to go in the quickest way possible, but this is often not the safest way for you to drive – for yourself, those around you, or the earth. Give yourself ample time to reach your destinations, and you’ll be a little less stressed and a little more kind to our mother earth. You’ll save gasoline, likely increase the longevity of your automobile, and reduce emissions. It can be tricky to teach yourself to slow down, especially if you live in a fast-paced city. Take some time to connect your brain, your brake, and the gas pedal. Set your clock, so it keeps time early and will force you to get out the door earlier than usual.

Thanks for these reminders! I have been guilty of leaving the engine running when waiting for people and I never really thought about it. I will change my ways to help the environment!
Sarah L
I shut off my engine when I’m in a line. I don’t drive fast. Another thing you can do is allow plenty of room between you and the car in front of you so you can slow down if they slow down without putting on your brakes.
All great tips! Thank you for sharing these.