Fine……. I’ll take it back!!

Well, since the world didn’t end…… I have some returns to do.  DANG IT!!!  While I go explain why DH won’t let me keep this car……. and why there are tears on the big screen tv….. and I try to swallow the ring………..  you can laugh hysterically like I did over these pictures!  

A few thoughts on cat baths….
By The Cat:
 ‘But You Said You Loved Me!’ 
‘I want my Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy !’ 

‘Traction… .I’m losing Traction!’ 

 ‘No, I’m not your Good Little Kitty anymore.’

 ‘E.T. Phone home……quick! ‘

 ‘You Lied !!!!!!’ 
‘I don’t think I like you anymore.’ 

 ‘Holy crap, you call this water warm???’ 
‘You will pay, as God is my witness, you will pay.’ 
Oh Hell No !!!! 


One Comment

  • Diane K.Brimmer

    LOL! I think I have ended up taking more of the bath than the cat ever did! LOL Thanks for sharing, gave me a good laugh.

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