Five Essential Parental Preparation Tips Before Your Second Child Arrives!

Mothers expecting their second child might have a bit of a chip on their shoulder. That is, you’ve already been through childbirth and the craziness of your first baby: how difficult could the second one be?

But then your mind is flooded with reminders of those sleepless nights, huge messes and times when you were ready to rip your hair out.

Relax. While you can’t remove every single stress that comes with the territory of having a second child, a bit of planning goes a long way toward making life so much easier on yourself. Let’s talk about five of the most important prepping tips for your latest bundle of joy, some of which are easy to overlook.

Shop Smarter

Double the kids in your house does not necessarily mean double the trouble when it comes to your budget. For starters, think about what you already have from your first little one that you can reuse (think: crib, clothing, toys, etc). Rather than rushing to the store, make a list of items that you don’t need to keep costs down.

Whether you’re shopping for cleaning supplies, diapers or essentials for your new baby’s bedroom, don’t assume that you need to splash a bunch of cash. The same rings true if you’re trying to buy clothes, electronics or other odds and ends for your home.

As such, online shopping is a life-saver for pregnant mothers who would rather shop from the comfort of their own homes. And with the help of discounts such as this Flipkart promo code, you can actually keep more money in your pocket in the process.

Deal With Your Storage

This tip represents a two-way street. Just as you’re probably looking for old baby items in storage, you should also consider items in the home that need to be stored to make room. Although dealing with storage might be the last thing on your mind, suggest that your spouse or immediate family help out in terms of heavy lifting. Seriously: you’ll thank yourself in the future when your house is clutter-free.

Deep Clean Your House

On a related note, this might be one of the last opportunities to truly pay attention to the cleanliness of your home. Whether through a hired service or your own elbow grease, a deep cleaning can be time-consuming will make your home feel more welcoming for your new child.

Talk with Your First Child

Your oldest child is more than likely ecstatic about the prospect of a new brother or sister. That said, explaining what it means to be a sibling can be somewhat bittersweet as your oldest child’s time as being your one and only is coming to a close. Take the time to remind your child of your bond as a mother and perhaps consider a special outing as a sort of celebration prior to delivery day.

Think About How You’ll Divide Your Attention

You’re going to want some one-on-one time with your new baby, but how are you going to make that peaceful time a reality? Making both of your children feel loved ultimately means understanding how to divide your attention. Ensuring that your oldest child is tended to, either with the help of a spouse, family member or sitter, will give you peace of mind and result in a happier household.

Still feeling a bit overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Simply keep these tips in the back of your mind and take everything one step at a time. The more prepared you are on delivery day, the more time and energy you’ll have to cherish the newest addition to your family.


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