Fou Stick Review

My daughters dog Jack get’s horrible sores on his paws. We think it’s from something the apartment complex sprays on the grass? Or can dogs be allergic to grass?? We aren’t certain. The vet has absolutely no idea what is causing it. My daughter spends a fortune trying to heal these paws.  I jumped at the opportunity to review Fou Stick because, frankly we’re out of idea’s to help this little guy.

We’ve been putting Fou Stick on Jack’s paws before we head outside for walks or potty breaks.  Fou Stick is made to protect paws from hot pavement to winter salt. So, why not whatever is on the lawn or the lawn itself?? Fou Stick is 100% natural. Made with coconut oil and beeswax. Fou Stick will NOT hurt your pet even if they lick it. 

The small twist tube that can easily tuck in my pocket.

20131027_180559I am thrilled at the difference in Jack’s paws after just 2 weeks. You can actually see the hair growing back! So whether it’s the grass it’s self or something on it, Jack’s paws are protected!! I can immediately tell a difference if I forget to use the Fou Stick.

The picture really doesn’t show the improvement. But, trust me, it’s now a pale pink instead of a angry red!! There is hair on his leg where there wasn’t before. Same with his paws. They are healing nicely!! I’m really impressed!!

The Fou Stick is $4.99!! What a steal!! $4.99….. ohhhh I cringe at the $$$$ vet bills when really, Fou Stick has helped more than the prescriptions!!

Check out the FouFou Brands website. This is a super store for dog lovers!!

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    That’s awesome how it is helping. My dog has ear problems and has built quite a bit of scar tissue in her ear canals. Only thing that can be done now is to have the canals removed and she will be permanently deaf. So sad she is a rescue pug and has been through quite a deal in her lifetime. She is a real sweetie. Thanks for sharing the good information!

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