Happy July! $50 Your Way Giveaway!!
Hello Peanuts! Happy July! I hope you all have something exciting planned for the holiday. Maybe even a vacation? A week-long vacation? Being retired means ….. ummmmm vacation 24/7. So, the 4th will be the same as today!! But with sparklers.
I can’t wait for the 4th, not for a BBQ or picnic but so I can finally have the “can we see fireworks from the deck?” question answered. I sure hope so. Wouldn’t that be amazing? No crowds to navigate, no driving to the perfect spot. Fingers crossed. I mean with this view….. I should see something…… right?? I’ll let ya know.
Next up; today is The Husband’s birthday. Happy 65th Birthday to my split apart!
My house update for June; windows mostly in. The installers are insane on their ladders 3 stories up. (I wanted to call their mothers!). Still a few more to go. I have to admit; new windows was a great investment. The house is quieter and the temperature remains constant all day! All of the rot around the windows makes me really nervous what the siding guys will find. Fingers crossed again!
The inside doors are almost all replaced and the carpet? Carpet still sitting in the warehouse at Home Depot. I want carpet so I can unpack!! Living out of boxes sucks!
June also saw more wildlife next to our house. Da Bears came to visit for my birthday, follow that link if you want to see the video; not just ONE bear but TWO!!! I mean helllllooooo it’s not everyday ya turn 60! So even the bears come out. Still plenty of deer and HOLY GUACAMOLE Batman wild turkey’s by the dozens and dozens and dozens!!
I’m also going back to the Giveaway Tools. I couldn’t get use to the Rafflecopter! So that’s the Whine Report for July. If you are new here and want to know about the giveaway (the why’s and what have ya’s scroll down) otherwise off ya go to the giveaway!! Good Luck!!
The Blah Blah Blah for the giveaway
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! Moving is exhausting!)
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated.
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!
Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!
Good Luck!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Stephanie Larison
Happy last day of July, I hope your August starts out amazing tomorrow!
Trisha McKee
My day is going okay. It is my last week working from home before returning to the office after six months. I’m ready to go back but I will miss hanging out with my bulldogs working out in the sunshine.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home entering the end-of-the-month contests.
Hope you’re having fun with Alice.
shelly peterson
I spent most of my day at the hospital. Had surgery, no fun.
Kate Sarsfield
Is it cheating that I can get an extra entry ‘cos I’m in a different time zone? It’s August and I can’t get comfy in bed so I got up to play solitaire etc.
My day is going alright. I’m really glad to not be at work anymore!
I have had a nice day. Getting a partial refund on an order due to poor product quality and a local restaurant offered me a $25 gift card to welcome me as a new customer.
Michele Soyer
Pouring rain today so no garden at all.. decided to take the day off… did some baking and chatting a bit with my granddaughter who has up and moved to Florida…making plans for her future and now she is a much closer plane ride to come and see us….Happy times….
Today it poured and poured so I am spending my day inside. At least it hasn’t been so hot today as it has been lately…
Day is going good. Going through some paperwork. Need to decide which project to start next.
Kate Sarsfield
There’s a complete change in the weather today; it’s fresh, breezy and much cooler and it bucketed down overnight. I can hear the weeds revelling in the moisture! Today’s agenda: more painkillers and antibiotics, cook a proper dinner, ironing (ugh!) and pay a few end-of-the-month bills (ugh, ugh!).
Christina Sparks
Been up since 2:30 could not get back to sleep, might be a long day today.
Tamra Phelps
Well, July is pretty much gone. At least things are looking up these days. Bring on August! Maybe I can be home by September???
Kate Sarsfield
Just in time for my birthday – we can have a party! Yay!
OK so I REALLY dont want to go to work. I dont get paid PTO and was wondering how many days is too many days to miss. I have been there 8 months and called out 4 but I also missed a week for a hospital stay 😮 Just wondering what the average call out rate is so I can justify staying home lol
shelly peterson
It was a day of dialysis. It was a little bit of a stressful day.
Paula Hafner
Today has been pretty good. I got to cuddle with a newborn. I FaceTimed my grandbaby #1. Then my pregnant daughter came over for dinner and I got to feel and see grandbaby #2 moving.
Sarah L
Good swim class then a visit to the DMV to renew my car tags. They’ve improved the process so it only took me half an hour wait.
Linda Lansford
Today is my Birthday and it has been a wonderful day
Today was a good day… I worked and got everything I wanted done.
Michele Soyer
Took the time today to disinfect all my gardening tools, pots, gadgets….all done and sanitized so tomorrow I can transplant and start mucking up everything all over again….
My day is going well so far. I went to a step class that was really challenging and now I’m planning to enter as many giveaways as possible today since the month is ending!
Cathy French
I’m doing some email housecleaning today. Getting rid of all my emails that I won’t need after the end of July.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, allergies, how I hate you, lol. Sinus drainage is getting to me today. Blech.
Day is going good. Wow, July is almost over!!! Getting plans together for the week!
ask me how my day is at 5:00 😀 Monday why do you come so quickly?? 🙁
Kate Sarsfield
I’m getting a bit better by the day but today I have to drive into town to get the temp. filling for my sodding tooth and am not looking forward to it. Still, needs must!
shelly peterson
Today was a quiet and relaxing day. Stayed in and enjoyed the a/c.
Sarah L
Had a great 70th birthday party with my friend who is 3 weeks older than I am. Good food, good friends, good weather.
Jen R
My day is going good. I worked out this morning with my husband and sons at our local gym, we came home and had some lunch, and then worked on a home improvement project for awhile. Currently we are relaxing and have got some movies to watch tonight after dinner.
I love Sundays! I did nothing and my mom made bbq chicken wings. So delicious! It’s been a good day! 🙂
I am having the laziest day ever. I didn’t wake up until almost 10am! 🙂
Today is gonna be fun.I am taking my daughter to NYC for a photoshoot. My mom is taking my niece to an icecream festival and hubby just going to stay home and relax
Cathy French
Today is a beautiful sunny and warm day here in central Ohio. I should find something to do outside.
Tamra Phelps
Today is my older nephew’s birthday. He’s 13, officially a teenager! And his sister is 14 and a half, so… Lord help us all, lol. Two teenagers to deal with now.
Michele Soyer
So proud of my niece .. professorship at the University of Hawaii…well I guess I will have to take a vacation and just sadly leave work behind …..
Kate Sarsfield
Wow! Do you need a plus one? Or a gardener?
Day is going good. Some decent weather finally, getting ready to be outside enjoying it! No chores!
Kate Sarsfield
I had a couple of hours really deep sleep and am feeling much better. I’m still sore but nowhere near what it was like. Things are looking up!
shelly peterson
Today was good. I ran errands with my daughter and went to lunch.
Rained a lot this morning.. so I spent my time inside. Got packages delivered… I do love when that happens… feels like Christmas! 🙂
My day is going well so far. I got to sleep in and now Im reading my book and entering giveaways! 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Well, I didn’t get back to bed until about 10 last night, and turns out 9 hours in the wheelchair is a bit much, lol. My right hip and knee are aching today.
Kate Sarsfield
Keep wiggling & tightening your bum & leg muscles while you’re sitting – should help. And take off the footrests & use your feet to walk about – soon builds those muscles up! I used to whizz around in my chair especially going backwards (it’s easier to push with your legs than to drag yourself forward)!
Cathy French
I am going grocery shopping today and after that relaxing for the weekend.
Michele Soyer
Taking the weekend off starting now…..Woke to rain rain and more rain early this am so went back to bed until 7am….the dog told me good afternoon….enjoying coffee and breakfast and other than whipping up a dessert for this evening doing nothing at all…..not even cooking lunch there are containers of leftovers and thats that…reading and relaxing until Monday.. Have a great weekend everyone….
Got to take my peanut shopping yesterday!! I got her 2 outfits, a pair of pants 3 sweatshirts, and 2 sweaters and it cost me 18.98 😀 but then I had to drop her off by my brothers to sleep csause he finally made an appointment to have her evaluated by the state and get her counseling ( 6 years old in counseling good golly miss molly )
and was so sad cause thought I wasnt gonna see her all weekend but he was like I got things to do so I am gonna drop her off Saturday night..yippeeee, happy dancing
Kate Sarsfield
I managed to sleep a couple of hours last night and do feel a lot better. Still in some pain but I’m better off at home rather than in hospital. Am Googling kidney stones! Did you know there were different types?
Tamra Phelps
My Mom had some removed back in the 70’s. Did you know they gave them to patients back then??? For decades, those and a bottle with three gallstones sat in our medicine cabinet, lol. I hope your pain isn’t too bad, Kate. Those things can be a nightmare! Thankfully, it’s something I’ve never had.
Kate Sarsfield
I wish they’d manage to catch mine so I knew what sort it was & what foods etc to avoid in the future. I do know chocolate is frowned upon for all kinds of kidney complaints 🙁
Kim Avery
Today is my husband’s birthday so we are having a huge pot luck/BYOB BBQ with friends and family! Hoping it doesn’t rain and if the wind cooperates we will end with a bonfire and plenty of Smores !
Day is going OK. I was thinking of going out later but more t-storms! I’m about to let out a primal scream – if you hear it in Sandpoint, won’t be surprised! Trying to figure out what to do.
shelly peterson
Today was a very long and tiring day. I am about ready for bed.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Is Alice coming to visit you before school starts?
Tamra Phelps
Good day in physical therapy. They really commit to the process here. In the old place, they put you to doing something then stuck their noses in their phones. I have not seen one person with their phone out here. lol.
Kate Sarsfield
There I was yesterday, sitting at the keyboard ‘chatting’ about my day, when suddenly I had the most awful pain in my belly and it got worse & worse. An hour later I was screaming the house down & Mum called an ambulance. Long story short, I’m just spent 24+ hours in hospital and passed a kidney stone – what next? VERY tired and sore but oh, so relieved it’s over!
Michele Soyer
That is so painful.. Please rest and feel better Kate….
Tamra Phelps
Holy smoke! I’ve seen my Mom pass them and it was a nightmare! I cringe just thinking about it. Once, she had a few so big, they removed them. Take care and get well quickly!
Kate Sarsfield
Thanks girls! I have to say the morphine was rather nice!
Kind of a lazy day… I didn’t do much because I didn’t really feel like it. LOL.
Angela Saver
My day is going good, and it’s Friday, so I’m ready for the weekend! Yay!
My day is going good. Went to town earlier, and now watching the weather says severe thunderstorm watch next six hours. Got a bunch of things done, and am settling in. Didn’t have time to check the “to do” list yet, probably forgot something important….
Nikki Ooi
Day went according to routine, besides the weather. And also helped out a friend, so all good.
Cathy French
Another day another migraine. This is getting old.
Michele Soyer
Staying quiet and behaving myself today.. as I have said before I am not a big fan of eclipses and with a retrograde Mercury to boot….no saws.. no hammers…just a broom and a dust rag….
Laurie Nykaza
Will be going to the beach today should be nice there so hot outside right now.
shelly peterson
I had a pretty good day. I spent some time at the park with my grandson before he leaves for a week.
My day is going great. I went out to dinner with a friend tonight and it was delicious!
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s always a good day when you win something, lol. Today, I won a Hamilton Beach Ice Cream Maker. My niece and nephews will lay claim to that, no doubt!!!
Michele Soyer
Good for you!!!!
Tammy Lyne
Sorry yesterdays comment was so depressing..I cant vent on FB because if the mom or my brother see’s I will never see my princess again. I am taking her school shopping tomorrow and so excited! If any of you have a place called once upon a child near you go there!! I get all her clothes there for like 5 dollars an outfit 🙂
Sarah L
Last night’s concert was wonderful. Tonight I’m teacher’s assistant for Beginning Mushrooms at the garden.
Today was just like yesterday. I try to find the joy in the mundane… lol. 😛
Michele Soyer
Who would have known all those years ago that a little girl from the Big Apple would be dealing with a tarantula like it was nothing…. I sometimes surprise myself… so the rainy season has not been bad as yet but I am ready cleaned drains today all clear and clean.. silt washed away along with leaves….time to continue Mary….
Alyce Poalillo
My day is really not going well, Mercury retrograde I fear! My car gave me trouble on the way to PT and then on the way home I hit a chipmunk and cried the rest of the way home.
Day is going good. More thunderstorms today, so another day I’m hunkered down. I finished the heart pillow yesterday. Doing laundry, and all that kind of thing.
Kate Sarsfield
Today is overcast (funny word that!), hot but breezy so I’m back in the garden. My sister’s going to put temp. filler in my tooth later (she was a dental nurse/hygienist) and I’ve got Mum playing the vocal score from Calamity Jane on the piano & singing her head off so she’s happy! All’s well in the Sarsfield house so far.
Michele Soyer
You made me smile…..
Tamra Phelps
I’m definitely getting a mental picture! You howling in pain as your temp filling goes in, Mum singing away at the piano…it’s a scene from a sitcom, lol.
shelly peterson
I didnt get much done today. It was another hot day.
OK so today was a hard day. My niece who mind you is 6 years old told me if she goes home to her moms and has to see her step dad she will kill herself.I swear she said with tears coming out her little eyes,I will take a knife and kill myself. I have been dealing with child services for a year.They will not do anything. My brother is a loser and wont fight for her,her mother is a loser who stays with a man that beats her and terrorizers her kid. I am at a loss.I have so much evidence against the mom of her being neglectful and video of her abusing this child.She stays with me in the summers,I support her the best I can financially by buying anything she needs such as clothing and the only time she gets shoes is when she comes see me and CPS here even says this is an emergency situation and the child is traumatized but being the child lives out of state their hands are tied. Prayers for this angel that someone steps in and helps..please
Connie Gruning
Oh Tammy, I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your niece. I am so sorry. Many prayers headed your way.
You are a big help and doing what you can.
Michele Soyer
All my prayers go out and a rosary too…..
Tamra Phelps
I’ll never understand Child Services! I know in many cases they are hobbled by laws and regulations, but if they want to make something happen, they can. Have you considered going to Legal Aid and obtaining a lawyer for the child? To actually represent her, not you. Here they call free legal services Legal Aid, but might have different name where you are. That child must have legal rights, especially the right to be safe.
Tamra Phelps
A year ago today, Mom died. So, this has been a hard day. But, though I wouldn’t say it gets easier, I guess you just learn to cope better??
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I know what you mean. Somedays I go all day without thinking of my Mom then something will happen and I’ll think oh I gotta tell…… oh yeah….. I’m with you. I’m learning to cope. It’s been a little over 6 months for my Mom. {{{{{{{{{{{Tamra}}}}}}}}}
Kate Sarsfield
Well, it’s just over 3 years since Dad died and all I can say is that you never feel quite whole again, if that makes sense? Especially when you’ve lived with that person for so long. Perhaps it would be different if we had families of our own, whatever, but then you wouldn’t have all those wonderful memories of just the two of you together. We’ve been very lucky. I remember Dad coming back after Nana’s funeral in the UK and crying because he felt guilty that he didn’t love her more and wasn’t there for her. We’ve had those special times and no-one can ever take that away from us. Bugger it, now I’m crying … aw heck …
Tamra Phelps
Thanks guys! I’ve learned that I will get through…if I’ve learned nothing else.
Beautiful sunny summer day…. worked outside and then came inside. Looking forward to the weekend… lol.
Michele Soyer
Fixed the pipe today finally….cut and patch and jubilee clips and lots of patience that I really do not have…..Cleared some bush with my trusty machete and put up some strong wire cages for my tomatoes.. peppers coming in as are zucchini and tomatoes…melons looking good and sweet potatoes also.. time for a well deserved drink and a Mary Queen Of Scots mini series…. gotta love Mary…..
Connie Gruning
Dang! You have been productive today!!
Kate Sarsfield
Yay for jubilee clips! I must tell Mum, she’d love that Dad is still being useful!
Cathy French
So behind today, woke up late. Keep telling myself I need to run some errands and clean this messy house but I’m still on the computer. LOL
Kate Sarsfield
And yet another scorcher of a day but there’s a lovely fresh breeze so I managed to spend a couple of hours in the garden earlier on. My roses bloom but the flowers are dead the following day so I made the decision to cut them right back. No point them wasting all that energy trying to flower when there’s so little water in the ground. I’ve also cleared a patch of pelargonium that was getting out of control .
Connie Gruning
Kate; I had to go look up pelargonium. Those are SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! I wonder if I can grow them here!
Kate Sarsfield
They’ve gone wild here & made it through 7 feet of snow followed by the hottest summer on record so I don’t see why not!
Wow, weather has thunderstorms today and tomorrow, some to be very strong. A little scared, but guess I won’t dare trek out today. Just as well as it helps to get me to do the chores I manage to keep putting off, too many!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I FINALLY cleaned out the fridge. That’s been on my to-do list forever. It’s just too hot. 90degrees here and it’s almost 8pm. It’s HOT! I refuse to whine (ha ha ha not really) cause before you know it I’ll be snowed in.
good for you!!! I need to do that too, and it didn’t even make the “to do” list, but every time I open the refrigerator door, I feel that little ping. Now I have to put it on the list to add to the guilt trip until I do it. Better summer than winter, it does make you feel that cool air for a few minutes!
Sarah L
Two sensory garden tours then the Melissa Etheridge concert. Fun but long day.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I love, love, love Melissa Etheridge! Can’t wait to hear about it.
shelly peterson
I had a quiet day at home. Spent time with my grandson.
My day since I got off of work has just gone too quickly. I got a lot done, but not as much as I wanted to.
Same day as yesterday… my life is a bit boring…. lol. 😛
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. The only quiet day this week.
Hi Connie! I missed writing here daily,I was away in Amish country. Living life on a farm.Made me realize I am blessed to not have been born to a farmer 😀 But I am back now and getting ready to put a joke on your wall!
Connie Gruning
Tammy I missed you!! And jokes that I have to read out loud to understand. LOL!!!!! That still cracks me up.
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Lost a filling last night and can’t get an appointment till the 27th of August. What’s the world coming to? These people have no right to go on holiday without organising replacements, simply no right. Who do they think they are????? Phew, rant over, heading for the paracetamol!
Connie Gruning
Oh Kate! OUCH!! I know here we have temp filling over the counter stuff you can pack in the tooth. It’s temporary but at least knocks off the pain. Or drink a lot and go to bed until the 27th.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ll pop into town tomorrow & get some temp filler but your second option sounds quite inviting! Hope all well xxx
Tamra Phelps
This has not been your week! Is your tummy at least feeling better??
Kate Sarsfield
Thankfully these drugs seem to be working. They only passed the FDA & EU equivalent 2 years ago and so far success rate is around 50%. Keeping my whatsits crossed! At least it’s not anything life-threatening just painful & long-term.
Supposed to have weird weather several days this week, trying to figure out what day(s) to go to town. Did some on the heart pillow yesterday. I’m going to try to put a couple of things on FB group selling site. Very cheap prices, much less than other people for same items, but limited response, things I wouldn’t put in thredup bag.
Kate Sarsfield
I hadn’t heard of thredUP and have spent an hour drooling over some dresses only to discover that they don’t ship to Ireland – ah well!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, that’s very cool! Be sure to tag me when you do! I’d love to see.
I don’t know how that works, thredup is different than some others, they do everything, it isn’t like poshmark etc. I’m probably going to not send it in until mid-to-late August, for fall things, I decided today that probably too late for summer things by the time I finish and they get it and do their thing.
Michele Soyer
Rainy day and more storms to come this afternoon… no outside work today…plan on changing the curtains in my mums dining room downstairs.. she has been gone 13 years now but downstairs is still called my mums apartment….funny but true…..after that who knows I shall find something to keep me out of trouble….
shelly peterson
It was a long day. It was also too hot.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Today was temperate and some rain. (back to 90 degrees tomorrow)
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a tiring day, but that’s due to physical therapy and being up in the chair, so I’ll take that! A good day.
Kate Sarsfield
Here’s a WHOOP just for you xxx
Susan Smith
My day is going good. It’s not too hot out today. I spent most of it at the pool.
Beautiful day today. Worked outside in the sunshine… and then came inside and did work inside. Now I am relaxing watching tv. 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
While your Mum goes berserk with a saw???
LOL.. I know better than to stay with her when she’s on a mission and feeling crazed. I get out of the way and then when she needs to vent, I listen and give her a hug… lol. 🙂
Michele Soyer
So I had a total hissy fit today… threw things and stamped my feet..yes….acted like a spoiled child…. my fix for the broken pipe did not work then the buckets for the hydroponic system leaked….took a break.. found new buckets for the hydroponic system but have to go back tomorrow and try something new for the pipe leak.. I shall not give up… Took a hacksaw and cut the leaking pvc pipe out and now will reattach ….
Connie Gruning
You are a handy gal!! Good luck! That hydroponic system has met its match!
Cathy French
I’m excited I get to pick up my new glasses today. Been waiting for a while now and will finally be able to see better and in style.
Kate Sarsfield
Hot, humid but at least there’s a bit of a breeze. I’m feeling a little better but look a lot worse apparently! Anyway, I’ve got to get into town for meds & a bit of shopping later so into the shower I go …
More rain and thunderstorms today, so planning on staying in. My bag from thredup arrived, I plan on forcing myself to start putting a few things in the bag and start filling it up. You don’t get much $ with thredup, but you don’t need a smartphone, you just fill it and mail it in the bag prepaid for mailing. First time trying it.
Connie Gruning
I so badly need to try this. My problem is too dang many irons in the fire as is! Let us know how this works out.
shelly peterson
My day was alright. It was quiet and relaxing and hot.
Sarah L
Home again after 7 days of Steve sitting. For a guy that’s 99 1/2 he’s incredible.
Connie Gruning
That is amazing!! You should remind us when it’s close to his birthday and maybe a bunch of us Peanuts could mail birthday cards??
My day was great. I got my eyebrows waxed and had a nap.
Connie Gruning
OH my gosh!! Yesterday I wanted a nap so bad!! I laid down on the bed and looked over at the window and there was the siding guy hammering away…. ACKKK I felt so guilty (it was over 100 degrees outside) I got up and came back downstairs and cleaned house.
It really gave me a jolt. I’m in the middle of no where and see a face in a 3rd story window. LOL!
That’s terrifying! I actually had to close the blinds part way in my kitchen because when my neighbors bbq, I feel like they can watch me do the dishes lol
Tamra Phelps
Feeling much better these days. Happy to be close to home again. Hey, range of motion in my right arm is improving, too. That was the one that was glued to my side at first.
Kate Sarsfield
Good to have you back 🙂
Sunday… sunday. It’s beautiful and the sun is shining. I am reading my book and I don’t have a care in the world! 🙂
Cathy French
Put my ham and beans in the crockpot and now I’m patiently waiting for a lovely meal with cornbread. AND it is all mine. My boyfriend hates it so he gets frozen pizza tonight lol.
Tamra Phelps
What??? Who hates beans and cornbread??? I’m a Kentucky girl, so I love them. And later I would crumble cornbread in a glass and pour milk over it. My Mom called that a Kentucky dessert, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
What’s cornbread?
Tamra Phelps
It’s made with cornmeal, lol. In the South, we eat it with pinto beans…and pretty much everything else!
Connie Gruning
Oh Kate, you need to come over!! Cornbread is deeeeeeeeeelicous!! Especially with honey butter.
Michele Soyer
Yes it is Sunday…. beef stroganoff simmering on the stove and the rice, string beans, and spinach are already cooked and put aside..all that is left is salad and fruit for dessert… Glorious Sunday to all !
Rain and thunderstorms today, so not going out. Took out some fabric to start making a heart pillow.
Michele Soyer
You must be an awesome sewer is that a word? anyway I believe you know what I mean….
Tamra Phelps
You just made me smile, Michele. I read that and thought ‘Wait. sewer?? oh, as in sewing.’ hmmm. Seamstress, maybe?? but then what would a male sewer be?? I’m confused, lol.
ha hah!! Thanks for the compliment. I started sewing age six, a “sewer” LOL, on my grandma’s machine we inherited. No foot pedal back then, you pushed a lever with your leg, so my feet didn’t need to reach the floor. We couldn’t afford doll clothes, so I made my own. I can’t imagine how bad they were, but I’m sure I thought they were “designer.”
Kate Sarsfield
Wow! The only time I tried using the old singer I was aged about 4 and got the needle right through my finger!
Michele Soyer
Do you mean a treadle? I grew up with my mum trying to teach me to sew on a treadle…..
Sue E
I just got up. My husband went golfing with his buddy and I am enjoying some alone time. It’s wonderful today – just what I needed!
Thank you for asking! I hope your day is great!
shelly peterson
I had a great day. Spend the day at my daughters with my grandson swimming at the pool and bbq’ing.
Kate Sarsfield
Sunday has just arrived so I’ll say goodnight! Later on, if I’m feeling better, I’m planning on clearing a part of a raised bed that’s really struggling with the heat/drought. I have an open invitation to help myself to great piles of rotting horse & chicken poo (oh, joy!) on a nearby farm so I’ll freshen up the soil ready for planting in the Autumn.
Michele Soyer
God bless you Kate.. you work so hard…
Kate Sarsfield
Ha! Takes one to know one!
Sarah L
Another too hot day. Went to the lavender festival and it was fun (but hot)
I didn’t do much of anything today… not much energy. I am gonna enjoy the rest of the weekend.. 🙂
Michele Soyer
Done for the weekend….unless a major thing happens in the garden like crying sweet peas or forget-me-nots I am in until Monday!!
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve got awful belly ache again. Perhaps this new drug makes you worse before you get better. I don’t know but it’s hard to even stand up straight never mind doing anything energetic. I’ll have to read the side-effects notes again then go for a lie-down with a hottle bottle or try my TENS machine.
Michele Soyer
Feel better Kate….
Kate Sarsfield
Aw, thank you x
Day is going good. Hoping to walk to town for errands and get a few things done here. Need to cook up a bunch of veggies, fruits, etc., did so much chopping yesterday! Found some super juicy peaches, so one thing will be a peach pie.
Still early, but don’t expect anything drastic today, although it will certainly be hot again. The forecast is for another possibly record breaking day.
shelly peterson
My day was good. I had dinner at my daughters.
day has been super SUPER HOT but night time is comming turn off that light bulb in the sky !!!!
Sarah L
Sort of a good swim class today. I enjoyed it but I was the only one there today. (never happened before)
Today was a good day. Very sunny and I got a lot accomplished. 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Good day here in Carlisle. Doing physical therapy again. Feeling good, knowing I WILL WALK OUT OF THIS PLACE!
Kate Sarsfield
Atta girl! You ARE a warrior woman!
Tamra Phelps
lol, thanks, Kate. Things feel so much brighter here!
Kate Sarsfield
I am sooooooo please for you :)))
Day is going good. Nice day out before a rainy weekend. Going for a walk later. ie
Michele Soyer
Sun is shining brightly and garden awaits.. off I go.. have a wonderful Friday and a great start to everyone’s weekend!
Kate Sarsfield
Not much happening in the village today, in fact it’s extraordinarily quiet out there! We had a little rain over night and it actually woke me – “what’s that noise? Ohhh, rain!”. I’m in the middle of transforming the spare bedroom from a dumping space into a proper room again and it looks so much better.
Tracy Robertson
It was a beautiful day weather wise. I had a really long, hard day at work. I work with developmentally disabled individuals and I usually love my job, but 2 clients had some really bad behavior today and made me earn my money the hard way, LOL!
Its almost midnight and I should be sleeping cause we are leaving early for a weekend getaway to Amish country PA!
shelly peterson
I had a quiet and relaxing day. Its still too hot. But it is Summer lol.
connie danielson
my day went very fast, but it was a cold,rainy day here and windy! temperature 66 degrees. I got my grocery shopping done this morning and rested and watched the rain the rest of the day
Cathy French
Received a couple boxes from Amazon. Yep, I shopped the prime sale. Love getting packages.
Power outage today… Oh well… thank goodness for battery backups… lol. 😛
Sarah L
Took Steve to his club. Now I’m home using the fast computer. Don’t know why my laptop doesn’t work well at his house.
Tamra Phelps
Things are just so much better and brighter at this new nursing/rehab. The whole atmosphere is just different. Back in physical therapy.
Kate Sarsfield
I am so happy things are beginning to look up for you – see the whole universe wasn’t against you!
Kate Sarsfield
Bad night – Mum’s colostomy bag started to leak at 5 am and in the middle of cleaning her & the bedding etc. we had a power cut! Luckily she saw the funny side and had a real laugh about it! Not quite so funny for me but there you go …!
Michele Soyer
Trying to get an early start outside before it starts to pour…have a list that I must get done today….
Nice day out. I’m getting a ride from Dial-a-Ride, to go to a store today. So far I used it two times, it is worth the $50 they take you to doctor and a couple grocery stores in town, for an annual fee of $50.
Kate Sarsfield
Wow, Rosie, that’s a great system & far cheaper than keeping a car on the road!
This is true. I still can’t get to any stores like Target or a Walmart, etc. The town doesn’t have much, but it is way better than nothing.
shelly peterson
My day was good. Day of dialysis and time with my grandson.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Have to come home to use my desktop computer since my laptop is TOO SLOW at the house I’m sitting at.
Another rainy morning… I could barely get out of bed… LOL. But I did eventually and began my day, did some office work and now I am watching The White Princess.
Tamra Phelps
Well, happy to say I’ve moved to a new nursing/rehab, only 25 minutes from home and I’m back in rehab. I had to go to the hospital from the old place and they admitted me with a UTI, low potassium, dehydration, etc. The social worker there got to work and in a few days arranged for me to come here. Feeling VERY LUCKY.
Kate Sarsfield
Way hay! Fabulous news – oh, I’m so happy, you’ve no idea!!! I’m wiggling my bottom with delight as I’m typing this 🙂
Cathy French
Just chillin today staying online and ignoring this messy house.
Angela Saver
My day has just been busy, busy, busy already, but it’s a good day! Looking forward to Friday!! ?
Michele Soyer
Very productive morning….planted 2 large flowering bushes..transplanted zucchini and finally boxed all of my mums books that there is just no library room for.. eventually I will either buy a new set of bookcases or have them made…. in the future….ready for a cocktail and lunch…. still have my Broadway show tunes on…..
Kate Sarsfield
I was still awake at 7am – started a new book at midnight … anyway, mea culpa, mea culpa! All I have to do today is to take Mum’s blood to check her INR and ring the results into the surgery. She hates me doing it – “you’ve made the hole too big”!!! She’s not a fan of needles but this is a tiny pin prick – anyway, it’ll take days to recover & I’ll be blamed for all the pain she’s suffering, then it’ll be forgotten about till next time!
Day is going good. Getting ready to go to town, weather is better today. Have a lot of things to get done.
Welcome to Wednesday. We are halfway there! If you tiptoe you can see the weekend 🙂
shelly peterson
I had a great day. I had dinner with my grandsons and found out I will be a grandma again soon. 🙂
Sarah L
Starting my house sitting today. Will be here thru next Sunday.
My day is super so far got the shoping out of the way the rest of the day is ours to do whatever All Star game on tonight !!!!
Worked outside today… and I’m tired. But I got a lot accomplished, I am happy. 🙂
Michele Soyer
Worked outside cleaning out the aviary… my husband had lovely doves.. apricots, whites so beautiful.. After he passed an avian virus came thru and a good number passed also… hmmm.. but now we have babies and they are just as lovely… had a memory of all the Broadway shows my mum took me to starting with the premiere of Funny Girl with Streisand when I was 13…..we were there at the 3rd show premiere.. and from then on it was many Wed matinees when mum would take me out of school to see Sweet Charity etc…with the original cast….still have all the Playbills….so on the stereo is Annie Get Your Gun….
Kate Sarsfield
I love Sweet Charity! So sad but what wonderful songs! Did you ever see Calamity Jane? That’s what we’re doing next April.
Michele Soyer
No of all the musicals we never saw that one.. Annie Get Your Gun,the King and I, Carousel, ShowBoat the list of the old ones goes on and on and one of my favorites.. Bali Hai.. South Pacific!!! the last one I saw was a present from my son.. a trip back to the city to see Wicked…God bless him he flew me up and we had a wonderful time..cocktails and dinner on Central Park West then the theatre…boy did I get homesick Kate..he loved the theatre and since he lived and worked in the UK he always shared West End stories with me…..
Kate Sarsfield
We do a great version of Gonna Wash That Man … in the choir! Great to see the classics coming back. We had a lot of the original soundtrack LPs so I grew up listening to them. I know every word of Oklahoma, Carousel, King & I etc! And as for Paul Robson in Show Boat – swoon. Actually there’s a story about him I must remember to tell you but I’m falling asleep on the keyboard so I’ll say g’night for now xxx
Michele Soyer
Don’t forget to tell me that story…..
I had a bit of good news on some medical tests. Have more to undergo so hopefully things will be OK>
Day is going ok. We’re supposed to have severe thunderstorms later, and I don’t know if the latest caulking has worked yet, b/c we’ve not had much rain for a month at least. Got my chores done in town yesterday so I could be home to watch.
Kate Sarsfield
Mother Nature never fails to astound me: our grass has been crunchy and dead for weeks. Add a little drizzle last night & it’s green again! I swear I can hear the weeds laughing at me!
Good Morning. Just wondering if anyone else wake up before their alarm. No matter how tired I am, even if it is a weekend and I have no alarm, I wake up too early. I am working on 4 hours sleep and sure enough I woke up before my alarm. Why wont my body let me sleep
shelly peterson
I had an ok day. I went to dialysis. It is too hot out.
We went shopping today.. no sales but at least we got what we were looking for…. It was a good day. 🙂
Michele Soyer
Very pleasant day today… bulk shopping then the regular grocery.. stopped at the vegetable shoppe then home…..now I am in for the remainder of the week I hope….
Cathy French
Having to use the heating pad today but still trying to get some chores done.
Annmarie W.
My day’s been okay so far. Nothing exciting. Did a little laundry, getting caught up on emails/blogs, etc. Have to take son to work in a bit. Hubby in NYC for the day for meetings, so I’m on my own for dinner.
Kate Sarsfield
Just back from seeing the doc in Dublin. She’s ‘concerned’ but not overly so. Is that good or bad? I’m starting on a course of new drugs that may or may not help (only a 50% improvement rate) but it’s worth a shot. I think I’ll go for a nap before even thinking about what should be done around the house!
Day is going good. I have to hustle and hurry to town before the thunderstorms start.
Monday…oh Monday..why must you come so quickly!! Hope everyones Monday goes quickly!
Laurie Nykaza
Had a great day working in the garden today planting flowers
shelly peterson
Today was a quiet and relaxing day. I didn’t do much.
My day is going great. I went to a really good yoga class this afternoon 🙂
Tammy Lyne
Happy Funday Sunday..getting ready to post a jke to your FB I do hope you are enjoying them 😀
Happy Sunday! I can’t believe July is half over already… Where is 2018 going? Well, today is my fun day… so I am not doing anything… lol. Just relaxing and enjoying myself. 🙂
Cathy French
Lazy day just doing laundry and as little else as possible.
Michele Soyer
Happy Sunday everyone.. Enjoying a total down day.. reading, listening to music and my fav cooking….
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve an early start to get to see my consultant in Dublin at 9.30 in the morning so today is just getting everything ready beforehand. I’m leaving a lunch for Mum so that’s sorted & warned my niece (on pain of not getting a birthday prezzie) that she has to be here to keep her company from 11am.
Oh, and the men’s singles final at Wimbledon is on as well so no housework will even be contemplated today!!!
Day is going good. Raining and thunderstorms predicted, too, so skipped church. Have a good pot of coffee and taking it easy.
Judy Thomas
I am having a lovely lazy Sunday 🙂 It’s raining cats and dogs.
shelly peterson
I had a very relaxing day. I enjoyed the air conditioning inside.
Today was a nice relaxing day..but my highlight of the day was hubby and I went on a dinner date. Being married for 20 years together for 23 and raising our daughter I thought we had become more friends then romanticlol..but I sat across from him and we talked for over 2 hours and I swear my heart fluttered 😀
Today was good. It stopped raining and I spent the whole morning cleaning out the yard. A bit tired now, but I got a lot accomplished.
Day is going good. Decided to stay home and get some things done, the little things, that are easy to overlook, then pile up. Also worked on a couple of kids’s sun hats, one with a bow, and one with a fabric flower.
I’m feeling super stressed out inside, but acting really calm and relaxed. weird lol
Anna Memphis
Suffering major jetlag after a business trip. I’ll be fine by the end of the week, but the first few days are rough.
Michele Soyer
I know I was supposed to search for those clips but I got distracted by flowers and plants etc so I decided to call it a day.. shower and do nothing for the rest of the day….
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Saturday folks! On the agenda today: popping into town to get a replacement mains flex for the vacuum cleaner (I am my father’s daughter!) and checking the tyres etc. on the car for an early trip to Dublin on Monday morning. Then Wimbledon & pizza!
Michele Soyer
Wimbledon and pizza sounds great.. I am so in for that Kate.. have a great weekend….
Judy Thomas
It’s been cold and very wet today. Thank goodness I am inside and dry.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis and ran some errands. So glad it’s Friday.
Today was soo busy!! Drove from NJ to Conneticut, starving stopped at a place called 99 Restaurants.OMG it was terrible lol. Conneticut was so beautiful though 🙂
My day is going great. I got a new kitchen faucet installed today and I am going out to dinner with a friend tonight 🙂
Abigail Gibson
TGIF! Going out with friends later.
Rained all day yesterday…. but it was sunny today and I got some work done. Now I am rewatching the miniseries The White Queen. Very good!
Michele Soyer
All chores done, transplants done, seeds started, hydroponic trays filled, now on to changing the dining room curtains and the gallery curtains… then lunch and the weekend relaxation begins…. tomorrow I will search for the jubilee clips …..
Kate Sarsfield
you’ll need a Phillips screwdriver as well!
Kate Sarsfield
At last the weather seems to have come to its’ senses! It still hasn’t rained but it’s cloudy & cooler so we live in hope. The farmers & food producers are really finding it tough (one dairy cow needs 70 litres of water every day) and wells are running dry. The grass is dying so they’re having to use winter fodder already. All this means that prices for the consumer will shoot up this autumn/winter.
On a happier note (!) we’ve chosen Calamity Jane for next year’s performance. A great classic & I’ve already ordered my vocal score from eBay & YouTube is blaring Doris Day through the house!
As it is still early–hoping for a beautiful day.
shelly peterson
I had a good day. I spent time with my grandson.
Met with human resources and things went great! Off work tomorrow,so today is awesome!
Connie Gruning
Once again Sarah saves the day!! BEST part time editor EVER!!!
Now, let’s see if I can’t get my day back on track!
Cathy French
Only thing on the dokket today was my yearly eye exam and went well. Still beuatiful weather here in Ohio.
Abigail Gibson
My day is doing well. Very hot though.
Gina Ferrell
My day is going good just relaxing and watching some TV since it’s 86 outside and rainy.
Kate Sarsfield
My little sister is 57! Agh, where has the time gone? Seriously, this getting older nonsense has to stop or at least slow down ‘cos the only way to stop it would be … Made her a white chocolate & raspberry meringue roulade and was very tempted to keep it! No other plans for the day other than my first meeting of the musical society as a committee member later tonight.
Kate Sarsfield
See you soon. Have a safe trip!
Michele Soyer
Glad that you didn’t get hurt in anyway…I don’t know what a clutch cable is but it sounds serious….( Always drove an automatic Kate)
Michele Soyer
Well here we are eclipse day….. going down to do a bit more painting and re-arranging all the book shelves down there and thats it!! Cooking and resting for the balance of the day….
Judy Thomas
It is very cold here! My day has been great though . Good luck everyone 🙂
Sarah L
Just about all packed and ready to go to Santa Fe. Most likely not on computers for 3 days.
Connie Gruning
I will miss you the moistest!! Have a safe and wonderful trip!
shelly peterson
Today was an ok day. Went to dialysis and did some cleaning.
My day didn’t start off so great but I went to a great yoga class this afternoon!
Today was an ok day.. Worked on inventory with my mom. Then it poured and poured. Made me a bit blue.. but then i perked up.
Sarah L
Good swim class but 100 degrees is TOO DAMN HOT!! Packing for my trip to Santa Fe tomorrow.
Cathy French
I only had to run out for a quick errand but found myself almost hitting a small deer. I don’t know what he was doing frolicking in the middle of the day but everything worked out fine. He hopped and jumped and then ran away.
Kate Sarsfield
and now yesterday’s comment is back???
Kate Sarsfield
That’s weird, no yesterday’s comment is nowhere to be seen. Connie, what’s happening?
Anyway, onto today’s comment: The clutch cable went on my car as I was heading into town yesterday afternoon to buy my sister’s birthday present (a yard brush – don’t ask!). I just got it fixed and now I’m broke till next week so the prezzie will have to wait 🙁
Michele Soyer
Working on the downstairs rooms today.. changing the drawing room around.. really just want to buy new furniture.. it was mums place when she moved in with us and still has her furniture..also preparing for the eclipse tomorrow.. I am not a fan of them at all….
Today is wednesday and I have to go to human resources first thing before starting work. Not a good way to start my day..my tummy is all butterflies 🙁 I am firly new being there only 6 months, I asked a question and the supervisor made us go back to my desk, was loud while addressing my question and before I knew it I had 2 supervisors, the trainer and the director all standing around me at my desk in front of everyone!! I felt so degraded and stupid, it was handled so poorly 🙁
Abigail Gibson
Have an early start this Wednesday. So far it has been a very good day.
Tracy Robertson
It was a long day today. Eleven hours at work, but at least most of the day was pleasant and the weather was very nice. I look forward to a shorter, 9 hour work day tomorrow.
shelly peterson
I had a good day. I ran a few errands.
Worked outside today and it was so hot. So tired but I got it all done. 🙂
My day is alright. Im not at work anymore which is fantastic!
Cheryl Chervitz
I have been really lazy today, its too hot out to do much of anything!
Kim Avery
Today was great! For the first time in a long time I woke up without a headache! I managed to do a lot of sorting and tossing stuff out!
Cathy French
Today I decided to jam out to all my favorite music. Getting through the day through the beats and melodies.
Abigail Gibson
I am having a very good Tuesday.
The sun is shining and my day is going on so well for now. Thanks for this great giveaway. :)))
Its Tuesday :/ I hate Tuesdays! I woke up cranky and have so much to do..feeling overwhelmed
Kate Sarsfield
Where did my last 2 comments disappear to? Oh well, here’s today’s report from the sunny south-east of Ireland: We’re glued to the telly as more boys are rescued from the underground cave – isn’t it marvellous how people can forget their differences and all pull together – that’s what being human is all about.
shelly peterson
It was another hot day. Went to dialysis.
Sarah L
Good swim class today. Still TOO DAM HOT: 98 degrees.
shelly peterson
It was another hot day. Spent time at my daughters pool and stayed for dinner.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Too hot to go out – 97 degrees.
Cathy French
I’m not sure what Mother Nature is doing but its so nice today and cool after being in the 90s for about a week . Loving this summer
Connie The Head Peanut
Cathy, it’s finally WARM here!! After just being in the 60’s I actually had a 90 degree day yesterday and 80s today. I am in heaven!!
Michele Soyer
Watching hurricane Beryl moving.. right now she is moving past us in the Lesser Antilles by tomorrow she will close to Domenica who has hurricane watch out…the season has begun….
Kate Sarsfield
Stay safe you two xxx
today is not such a good day 🙁 Hoping tomorrow goes smoother 🙁
Kate Sarsfield
Mum started the day with a real out-loud belly laugh, which is always good. I decorated the main bathroom with Happy Birthday garlands & balloons and of course she didn’t see any of them till she splashed water on her face & noticed them in the mirror! She things I’m an idiot and I know I am 🙂
shelly peterson
I just got home from the movies. It will probably be a ;ate night for me.
Abigail Gibson
I had an enjoyable Friday especially after washing my car and running a few errands.
Sarah L
Swimming but no class to teach since the regular pool is closed. Getting ready for my trip to Santa Fe next week.
Cathy French
It is a beautiful day here in central Ohio and I haven’t enjoyed any of it being stuck inside. Think I’ll sit out in the backyard this evening when it cools downs a bit.
Today was an ok day…. Not much to report. A bit of rain and I didn’t have a lot of energy to do much of anything… so I synchronized all the clocks in the house. LOL… I am so sick of every clock saying something different so now they all say the same thing. 😉
Connie The Head Peanut
OHMYGOSH CJ same here. No matter where I look the time is different. LOL I’m with you I have no energy today. I think maybe it’s time to Netflix Binge.
Kate Sarsfield
We have clouds in the sky!!! No sign of rain though but it does make a nice change! Who’d have thought we’d be thinking that in Ireland? The whole world’s gone mad.
Mum’s 85th tomorrow so hopefully I can bake a cake after she’s gone to bed (usually around 2am). H and I have clubbed together to get her a makeover at a local beautician who’s also going to show her how to draw on eyebrows (they never grew back after the chemo). Then a pub grub lunch outside and home to watch Wimbledon!
Michele Soyer
Well the pipe fix was not good at all.. leaks leaks leaks.. back to the drawing board…so today i plan on going thru all the drawers and closets in my bedroom and re-organizing them and seeing what I can get rid of….
Kate Sarsfield
Would jubilee clips help your leak? Dad swore by them and now I do too!
Michele Soyer
What are jubilee clips? Educate me please….
Kate Sarsfield
Here you go: any hardware store etc. will stock them. Simply put the two ends of pipe/hose together with this over the join & tighten the screw. You can reinforce the join by fitting each end over a piece of copper pipe first & then tightening the clip. They come in lots of different sizes. If still in trouble maybe try the Ask Jeeves website for DIY tips???
Michele Soyer
Thank you Kate.. my husband had a box full of them.. I just marked the box rings..lol.. now I know their name and can try and do the pipe again.. one learns something every day….
Kate Sarsfield
Glad to be of service!
shelly peterson
Today was a really hot day. Tried to stay cool by the pool.
Suzanne K
Today has been fabulous for me! I finally got good news and am looking forward to more good news soon. Now, to survive the next few days of 110+ degree temps!
Connie The Head Peanut
Suzanne, I hope you continue to get good news!! 110 temps…… I doubt Idaho has ever seen that much heat. I’ll have to Google it. LOL
Sarah L
Took Steve to his club. Was going to stop at the pool since it was closed yesterday. Nope. Took nap instead.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, no we’re not!
Tamra Phelps
Hoping lunch stays down today, lol. I swear, I sometimes feel the entire universe is conspiring against me, ha.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, no we’re not!
Connie The Head Peanut
Oh Tamra! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS and Love heading your way}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Now, with the hug don’t go doin’ that baby thing and puking down my back. : )
Feel better!!!
Cheryl Chervitz
Its hot, hot, hot here today. Not doing much but staying in, so its been pretty good so far.
shelly peterson
I am tired today. Yesterday was a busy day.
Cynthia C
The day is beautiful and I’m going to go out and catch up on some yard work soon. I love summer!
Margaret Smith
Just woke and the day seems great so far. Nice sunny day and a little cooler than the past few days of a heat wave.
Kate Sarsfield
Phew! Another hot one! We now have a nationwide hosepipe ban, thankfully we have our own well but I’m still being careful in case the pressure drops. Otherwise I’m dead-heading the roses & wondering how on earth I’m going to bake a birthday cake for Mum without her noticing! I may have to do it after she goes to bed. She’ll be 85 (!) on Saturday at 7 minutes past 7 on the 7th day of the 7th month 🙂
Connie The Head Peanut
Happy Birthday Mum!!! That has to be a GOOD LUCK year 7, 7, 7, 7. Has to be!! I see a great year for you and Mom.
Kate Sarsfield
That would be nice!!!
Michele Soyer
Sun is shining so off I go.. have to go back out to the barn and check on my fixed pipe…I believe it is leaking.. oh well try again…
Judy Thomas
Had a busy day cleaning and doing house work. Thank goodness for pizza!
Abigail Gibson
Had an enjoyable day with friends and family and good food.
My day went really well..I slept until 2pm :O !! Then took a swim and ate my husbands awesome ribs!
Happy 4th! We had a BBQ…. first BBQ without my Dad. Not the same…. Right now We’re watching Jaws. It’s a tradition we always did together. 🙂
Connie The Head Peanut
CJ it’s hard. The firsts without my Mom just seem to stick out. Of course I know she is right here with me. This morning my closet door opened. ALONE. There is no attic opening, no windows, no way a breeze could come from inside. So, Mom! Apparently nobody puts Mom in the corne I mean closet.
Tara Peterson
Thank you for the opportunity!!! We’re just cooking out and chilling in the AC! With 3 kiddos under 4 it’s so hot to get out and about. Luckily we live in the country so I’m sure some of our neighbors will be shooting off some fireworks!
Connie The Head Peanut
3 kids under 4. YIKES!! Here I am wondering what I’ll do with 7 year old Alice when she gets here later this month. ONE kid. 3 weeks! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah L
Happy 4th of July! Have some fireworks on me!
Cathy French
Today we are heading to my boyfriends’ mothers home for a nice family cookout.
Michele Soyer
Happy 4th all !!!.. Getting ready to have a BBQ this afternoon and right now sitting and enjoying a drink and doing nothing!!! Hope all have a wonderful holiday….
Kate Sarsfield
It hasn’t rained here for 3 weeks now. It’s a very peculiar situation when people aren’t complaining about the rain and can actually plan BBQs for the weekend without having to make a contingency plan! Pat the Postman loves it (his wife is from sunny Sardinia so when she’s happy, he’s happy!)
Sue E
It has been so insanely HOT! We have to wrap something around our hand just to open up our metal screen door! We have a Fourth of July block party to go to and I hope we can stay cool and enjoy it! Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your day!!
Everyone have a cool wonderful safe Fourth!
Connie The Head Peanut
Sue, WOW! I am so extremely blessed. It just doesn’t get hot here. Stay cool!!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Independence Day, America! Hope you all have a rollicking good one 🙂
Went shopping today. It was a good day. Great prices and no crowds…. Perfect! 🙂
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. Had to get the fan out of the back closet to help keep cool at night.
shelly peterson
My day is going good. I ran some errands earlier.
Tamra Phelps
I have high hopes that in a few days I’ll be feeling better. Seriously, it’s hard to focus on trying to walk again when your worried lunch is going to come out one end or the other at any moment, lol.
Sandra Watts
So far so good today. Yesterday we had a horrible thunderstorm and a branch came down. Our power was out for a couple hours. Hoping today goes better.
Kate Sarsfield
Today Mum & I are starting on cupboards. Last night she declared to the world that there’s no point having lovely things just sitting on a shelf where nobody sees them or uses them. They only see the light of day once a year when they get washed & then put back. Her dinner party days are over and so if it hasn’t been used in the last year then out it goes! The charity shops will get most so at least someone will get the benefit from them. I have to say I’m relieved; I had visions of me having to tackle all this accumulated ‘stuff’ by myself when Mum leaves us.
Michele Soyer
I understand… just did mine.. i like to use all the “fancy” dishes all the time.. Sunday.. holidays during the year.. birthdays.. any occasion I can dream up to have them out…must admit some women have hundreds of shoes or bags my thing is china, glassware , every cocktail glass invented..I figure when I pass CJ will have to figure out what to keep and what to give away….
Michele Soyer
Off to the village today.. bit of this and bit of that to buy….good to be getting out …rain or shine it makes no matter…
Sarah L
Good swim at the other pool. No class this week since my regular pool is closed all week for cleaning.
mary rutter
It is so very hot here. In the 90’s
Dana Rodriguez
Another hot day here. Happy belated birthday to your hubby! Sounds like your home is coming a long!
Today was good. Got a lot of work done and the sun was shining. Not to hot, thank goodness… 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Finally, the place here decided something might be wrong with my gut and checked it out. After weeks of throwing up, found out I have a bacterial infection called c. diff—and I’m in contact isolation for crying out loud. That means the aides who touch me have to suit up like haz-mat people, lol. Well, It’ll clear up after some antibiotics. At least I know the problem now.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, thank heavens! What I don’t understand though is why they weren’t checking for that in the first place. Clostridium difficile is one of the main causes of colitis. It produces really nasty toxins that attack the lining of the colon … sound familiar? Make sure that they give you those yoghurty drinks that contain live Lactobacillus casei to replace the good bacteria that will also be killed off by the antibiotics. If this has been a recurrent problem there is a new technique that’s really proving successful although it sounds pretty yucky. Basically they transplant healthy stools into your gut! Heck, who cares as long as it works! Fingers crossed you feel a bit better soon xxx
Cathy French
So far so good today. No headache so I can certainly get some chores done today.
Michele Soyer
Working inside today.. cleaning out the china closet and the buffet.. all those glasses to wash!!! all those dishes to wash!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Whoop-de-doo! Wimbledon starts today. That means Mum has something to keep her occupied ALL day!
Traci A
Pretty normal day for me, stayed up practically all night and slept til after noon, now awake and catching up on email at almost 3 am lol.
Sara Ing
Good gosh it’s hot up in Canada. Just going to settle in for tonight and watch the fireworks 😉
Judy Thomas
My day is very chilly! It is witch’s tit weather here in New Zealand and my hands are numb!
Kate Sarsfield
Ha! I haven’t heard that expression in years!
Tamra Phelps
Ha!My Dad used to say that or colder than a well-digger’s a*#, lolol.
Sarah L
YEA!! Welcome back to the GT form. Like it so much better.
Part time editor here: Remove the last two entries since they don’t do anything.. Get rid of the Klout box: Klout is now kaput.
Connie The Head Peanut
Sarah I adore you. Fixing right now.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Happy July! I spent the day making a strawberry rhubarb pie for the fourth!
Happy July everyone! I am enjoying my Sunday. Right now I am watching Troy: Fall of a City. I am enjoying it! 🙂
Laurie Nykaza
Our summer is ok son was in the hospital he has a heart transplant but is feeling better now.
Connie The Head Peanut
Oh Laurie! I am so glad to hear your son is doing well. Prayers and good thoughts heading your way!
My day is going great. It is hard to believe it is now July. I wish it were not quite so hot.
Cathy French
Looking forward to dinner tonight as I bought some real nice ribeyes for the grill.
Tamra Phelps
Here’s my home page comment. Hmm, I wonder if the bears will be back for your husband’s birthday??? Lol, unwelcome guests can be a pain.
Tamra Phelps
It’s July????? Wow, how did this happen, lol? Well, I’m seriously tired of living here in physical therapy world and really want to just get up and walk, lol. Soon, I hope.
Connie The Head Peanut
Tamra, I sure it’s soon!! Keep up the great work! YOU are an inspiration!
connie danielson
Happy 4th of July! connie daqnielson
Kate Sarsfield
For my home page comment I thought I’d wish George a very happy birthday – I mean the poor man puts up with so much he needs all the help & encouragement he can get 😉
Connie The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh so true!! My honey do list is INSANELY long with the new house!
Kate Sarsfield
Yay! The old format is back! It’s these little things that mean so much 😉 It’s a wee bit cooler today so I’m doing some painting of garden furniture.
I know we wait all year for warmer weather but it is HOT today.
Michele Soyer
Belated Happy birthday to you Connie and Happy 4th……Enjoy those fireworks…
Terri S.
With temperatures expected to hit 95 degrees today with heat wave continuing through the week, I plan to chill out and check out movies on Netflix today.