Happy June!! $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

Hello my darling Peanuts!! I can’t seem to get motivated to write my Giveaway Whine Report for the month. Might be the weather, it’s cold and it rained all night. June 1st and it’s 46 degrees!??! Again, Sandpoint Idaho is way different than California.

I don’t have any before or after pictures because we STILL haven’t started any remodeling. Carpeting is still on hold. Stupid ugly bathroom is holding up the entire house! I did decide I don’t care if the Home Depot folks have to move furniture I am having my furniture delivered. That will happen tomorrow and you know I’ll share my pictures.

I drove to town and hit the post office and Walmart. AND did so without the use of my GPS. I’m so proud of myself.

Now I might just go back to bed just to get warm!! June and 46 degrees?! What the heck!?

I hope your day is full of sunshine!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


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  • Rosie

    Heat wave going on, so getting things done that don’t require heat!! Going out for a bit later. Wow, June went so fast!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ah, I can’t believe June is nearly gone. This year has definitely not been what I expected. It’s been easily the worst year of my life. So, it can only get better…right??? Convince me I’m right, people, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s the early hours of Saturday & it’s too hot to sleep so I’m just messing about online till it gets a bit cooler. Hope everyone has a nice weekend 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Big heat wave for a few days. So I have all the shades closed and trying to stay cool. Just getting a few things done and drinking lots of sugar-free drink to stay hydrated. Was supposed to go to town, but not going to walk that far in the heat and sun beating down.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    How can we be in the second half of the year already? I finally finished clearing out the cattle grid. I do love really dirty, mucky jobs and it doesn’t come much dirtier & muckier than standing knee deep in decomposing leaf sludge! Any way, now comes the hard part, carting the 7 wheelbarrow loads around the garden & chucking the mulchy goo under the hedges. I’m going to cheat & let it dry out first though!

  • Michele Soyer

    Another thunderstorm day predicted so out early to do some garden work then in for the duration..have to do some baking tomorrow so will prep this afternoon….

  • CJ

    Thunderstorms today….. I spent the day working inside. It was a productive day. I’ve started watching the show Britannia. I like it so far. 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going OK. Rain and thunderstorms, so not venturing out. Watching the buckets, as who know if the latest attempt at caulking worked, probably not.

  • Michele Soyer

    Into the garden early to do some planting.. thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon have to hustle and get everything done….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Dad would have been 85 today and to celebrate, Mum’s baking a cake which she will then eat! I was voted onto the Committee of the musical society last night. L’il ol’ me is a committee member!

  • Zevs

    My brother suggested I might like this blog. He was entirely right.
    This post actually made my day. You cann’t imagine just how much time I had spent for this info!

  • Michele Soyer

    Up and out.. feeling so energized today.. checking my pipe work first then heaven knows what but there is always work to do…. Prepped lunch already to time is not an issue .. when I get back up here is up to me…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another scorcher on top of a sleepless night make Kate a very tetchy person! Got things to do though: finish clearing out the cattle grid and then the AGM of the musical society tonight. I might get some shopping after that as well to save having to do it during the heat of the day.

  • Michele Soyer

    Tackled the broken pipe line by the barn.. tomorrow I will put the water back on out there and check for leaks…Reading for the rest of the late afternoon….

  • Eric V.

    So far, so good! Took a walk down to the public library today and ran a few extra errands too.. Since I’m downtown, think I’m going to go out to eat for lunch today!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s official. Ireland has a heatwave! A few more days of this & we’ll have a drought, the farmers will be praying for rain and men will start wearing shorts – agh! The sight of hairy legs everywhere – ew! And men’s hairy toes in sandals – double ew!

  • Sarah L

    Had a wonderful massage this morning, then a good swim class. The off to Costco for some things including a roast chicken.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Bought two new Replacement chickens. They were younger then I wanted. I am hoping this won’t be a problem. Younger ones aren’t always tolerated by older ones. And they are more likely to get caught by chicken hawks. So we shall see!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s very early Monday morning and for once I managed to get to bed early. Then the youngsters from the house down the road got home from the pub & a flippin’ party has started up. Lots of boom boom music & shouting going on, as well as some very bad singing! I have given up trying to sleep so I’ve prepped the dinner & am now going to do some ironing 🙁 I feel old just typing this … ah, those were the days when we used to party as soon as the parents had gone on holiday!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, laying low, as I don’t feel too good, skipped church. Reading the news. Supposed to have more rain and thunderstorms.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s too darn hot, yes it’s too darn hot … well, for me anyway! I’ll wait till it cools down a bit before starting to clear out the cattle grid (leeches & all), till then I’m just pottering about & checking out eBay (bad Kate!).

    • Kate Sarsfield

      It’s not excitement you need, it’s get up & go. Start with stubbornness, being bolshy and showing the world what you can do! C’mon Tamra, we all know you can do it xxx

  • Michele Soyer

    Shopping on a Saturday.. bleh.. now I remember why I don’t do it.. Went to the dentist so why not stop on the way home and pick up a few things to keep me out of trouble during the week.. tempers were high among the workers in one shoppe and it was good to get out of there.. Bought some gardening supplies and a few cans of paint for my newest project…. Happy Saturday all….

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. Caught up with a relative I haven’t talked with in ages and talked for an hour! Just got through making hummus from scratch. Looking around to see what else I can make ahead of time. Raining and supposed to have thunderstorms, so hope I don’t have to venture out.

  • Cathy French

    I transferred my spare bedroom into a pantry and today a new shelf goes in so have to reorganize. Yikes this is gonna take a while.

    • Rosie

      That sounds great! I have been using my extra room as a “junk room” – not junk but everything that doesn’t have some other place, it has grown and grown! Now I nee to organize and get rid of some things. I just saw The Container Store does custom pantries, I wish I could afford it. So nice.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Glorious weather so we’re washing curtains & blankets then I’ll pop out for the papers & visit Dad’s grave.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class with lots of people. Then Mary Chapin Carpenter in concert at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Beautiful music and beautiful weather.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Pulling hair out over wedding plans. Might as well have said they were having wedding in Hawaii. Not sure I will be able to help at all.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. No rain, and I still have many errands to do on the far side of town, so will be out walking in a while. Glad summer is here!

  • Michele Soyer

    Did well today.. my to-do list is done.. planted morning glory plants up the garden fence , the plant conservatory railings and the fence out to the land….discovered a broken pipe out there but have no fear tomorrow I will buy some pvc glue and fix the thing myself! inside now for lunch and the beginning of my weekend….

  • www.linux.ca

    You mean like once we sing praise songs in Church??
    Larry requested and daddy nodded. ?Well I can make up a worship song.?
    So Larry jumped to his ft and started to make up a song to a very
    bad tune. ?Jesus is so cool. Its fun being with God.
    Hes the funnest God anybody may have.? Larry sang very badly so Lee had
    put his fingers over his ears.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Multiple Store returns today. Then Shopping for tall flexible containers to put sheets in in the hall closet. As I am looking to use all the space in the top of the closet!

  • Eric V.

    It’s been pretty nice. Hasn’t rained for a few days and today we’re in the 80’s outside! 🙂 Got some errands done this morning, and took a walk downtown to the library. It’s so nice to see a lot of people outside today! Finally feels like summer is “officially” here today!! 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, Insurance cut off my p.t. today, as expected. I’ve appealed, but no idea if it’ll work. For now, they’ve put me on ‘restorative therapy’ which basically is done by the aides here & keeps you from losing what you’ve gained. Darby, head of physical therapy, said she was telling them to bring me to the rehab rooms so I can practice pulling up at the bars. And hey, if I accidentally manage to get my butt off the chair, well, hey, who knew, right???

  • Michele Soyer

    Chores done and really did not accomplish much with my to-do list….For some reason I got very dizzy and had to sit down… I NEVER get faint only when I was pregnant and that was 35 years ago… daughter brought me juice and said maybe its time to quit for the day….recovered quickly but took her advice and called it a morning….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’re at the start of some really hot weather (I mean hot for dear ol’ Ireland) and I’m suffering already. I was never much good in the heat as I burn easily even with factor 50 on so I’m twiddling thumbs & fingers wondering what to do for the next couple of days. Of course I could paint the hallway …

  • Kathleen Whitney

    More closets getting cleaned out. Downsizing is a liberating thing to do. Four bags to go to Salvation Army.

  • Michele Soyer

    More rain but we worked thru it….transplanted flowers and a foliage plant….cleaned my planting shed and thats that….time to relax and have some lunch

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      I got up at 7. Got the house opened up for the workers so they could work on the doors. Also had an 8am appointment for Viasat internet to come upgrade me so I can actually have internet that isn’t dial up!! (who KNEW that was still a thing right?!!)
      Now it’s 4pm and I haven’t seen a soul.
      Yes, I am in a WONDERFUL MOOD RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! (@*#P**(@(#*(*#&(*) Just a wonderful mood.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Ah, the joys of living in the middle of nowhere! They’ll get there & get the work done; just at their own pace!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Getting ready in a bit to go to town. Way far to walk for one place. But glad I can walk. Counting the days to Dial-a-Ride, July 1! Yea, I will be celebrating! Haven’t finished re-doing all my bed linens yet to display the new duvet cover. I need to rent a winch to move it to its new location!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bit of a grey day today but still nice & warm. I’m planning on clearing out the dead leaves and such from the cattle grid later to make sure the outlets are free for when autumn & winter come around again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am not a good sick person, lol. I’m not one of those upbeat, inspiring people who just BELIEVES all will be right again. I wish I were…but nope.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Good, I’m glad you’re not a good patient, that means you’ve still got some fight left in you. Give me ‘doing’ over ‘believing’ any day 🙂

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      I’m not a great patient either. But, truly everything you’ve been through I think you are doing fantastic!!! Just keep trying!! You’ll be dancing circles around us all soon!!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Made some bars today with raisins and walnuts, not too sweet. I like to put a very light dusting of rice flour on them and it makes an interesting texture, but have to be careful it can burn easily, no recipe. I found a good bargain for some Irish linen, powder blue, want to make chair covers, but need to figure out how much I really need, not that easy without a pattern. Won’t get it if it ends up I need more than I can afford and it is too expensive. We’ll see.

  • Michele Soyer

    Rain did me in today..baked instead.. ciabatta bread, cranberry bran muffins and a copycat recipe for Little Debbie oatmeal filled cookies….

  • Sab Edwards

    New girl is on her own now and is doing as expected…as long as she shows up for work, thats all that counts until we can get the students trained up for the summer month

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I think I’m going to have to switch to decaff. tea bags. Mum was still awake at 5 this morning so it was 7am before I got to bed. At 10 the phone rang – phone company technicians on their way to the house to check on a recurrent fault. I have a headache and, I have to admit, am feeling a wee bit grumpy today. I’m going to sort Mum out, get the chores done, grab some fresh air, prep & bung a dinner in the oven and hopefully (she says with fingers crossed) get a snooze later on.

  • CJ

    We had the first thunderstorm of the summer.,, not too dramatic, but I enjoyed sitting by my window and watching it safe inside my livingroom.

  • Eric V.

    Whoops! I mean’t to say “my day” and not “my dad” in the last post. Haha! 🙂 I also wanted to say that this website is beautiful and the articles are very interesting and great! Lately I’ve been visiting the page daily! Thank you! 🙂

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Eric, you had me going back to see what was wrong with Dad! LOL! Glad your day is going good! Thank you for stopping by!

  • eric V.

    My dad is going good! We had a lot of rain over the weekend, but today is nice and sunny! It’s about 75 degrees outside, so I figure I would take a walk down to the local library and enjoy the beautiful weather outside! 🙂

  • Cathy French

    I feel back to normal today after being under the weather for a few days. My boyfriend was nice enough to clean the kitchen and do laundry so I have only a little to do. Don’t want to over do it anyways.

  • Michele Soyer

    In between rain drops I started cleaning all the grass from the walkways out to the barn..Sorta pooped right now so time to sit back and relax for the rest of the day….

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Record breaking heat, and humid, too, so staying in, no hiking to town today. Have plenty to do. Hope to look for a lamp, I knocked mine over. I had made a silk shade for it, and I haven’t been able to find a plain, inexpensive base – surprised! So looks like I need to get a whole lamp.

  • Sab Edwards

    Some of m yphysio stuff really hurts and I was in pain for most of the day yesterday but I actually had a solid sleep last night and woke up pain free..so maybe its a little bit of pain to gain some peace? I’ll be trying to do the stuff late at night before bed though as I work M-F and need to be pain free during my shifts

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ugh, still up at 6 this morning. Anywho, what can you do? Tired, headachey (is that a word?) but time to get this show on the road and hopefully manage a nap later when Mum nods off.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Just got back from going Camping. Really hot here in Texas. We were expecting rain. But only got small amounts. We were expecting a lot at home but didn’t get much. But there seem to be some moving in tonight!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, really hot, and tomorrow is supposed to be a scorcher. Going out in a little while. Missing my dad. I haven’t been able to get to my mom and dad’s grave in ages.

  • CJ

    This is the first Father’s Day since my Dad passed. It’s been VERY hard. I’m a bit sad, it will get better though.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’re just back from the annual blessing of the graves and it’s Father’s Day as well so rather poignant. No other plans for the day, just keeping things quiet.

  • Michele Soyer

    It’s Fathers Day and very hard in this house.. So finished chores very early and am listening to all the music we began with 48 years ago… starting with Brook Benton rainy Night in Georgia..it was our song.. then Bread Wanna Make it with you….our 2nd song.. then from there Howard Roberts Quartet.. Wes Montgomery and all that jazz…..

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Great choices – the pair of you had excellent taste. Can’t believe it’s that long ago though… “Late at night when it’s hard to rest
      I hold your picture to my chest, And I’m all right”.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Spent time driving around a retirement town today. And talking to a Realtor. Not ready yet to retire but its coming up fast!

  • Michele Soyer

    Was going to take the whole day off but I got some ideas for the garage so I did some re-arranging and this and that now it suits me better….Not even noon as yet and I am in for the rest of the day..

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Getting really hot summer weather! Returning some leggings that are small enough for an 8-yr old – the bane of online ordering!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    All I’ve got on for today is to nip into town to get some flowers for Dad’s grave. It’s the annual blessing of the graves tomorrow – hopefully it won’t rain!

  • Kathleen Whitney

    We are camping today. Been a while since I have seen a sun shower. Can’t wait for the chicken to get done.

  • Michele Soyer

    All chores done… started finally going thru all my husbands old tools. some to get rid of and a lot to keep for practical and sentimental reasons….I still have many of my fathers…..did a bit more flower starting and now I am in and happy to start my weekend….

  • Rosie

    Making pizza today, getting it ready for later, making the dough, and peppers and mushrooms, and cheese and sauce of course. Dough is rising. Found a good site for fabric remnants, my favorite store for good home dec remnants closed down a while ago.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I didn’t get much sleep last night between one thing & another and I’m tired and have that ‘heavy’ kind of headache. I’m popping up to visit Dad later and tidy his grave before it rains again. Other than that … nada!

  • CJ

    Today was a sunny and beautiful day but I stayed in and researched online classes. I am thinking of furthering my education and skills,,, it does get a bit overwhelming for me at times though…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I loved it! I did a 4-year Hons. degree course (actually went into 5 years because I dislocated my knee in the final year & had to postpone a couple of assignments) and I worked full-time for most of it too. I just didn’t do any housework 🙂 I found the teaching style really suited me.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Another day in paradise. Yeah, right, lol. I’ve always said I never got a tattoo because there was nothing I felt strongly enough about to have it commemorated on my body forever, lol. Well, if I ever walk out of physical therapy and go home…that date will be tattooed on my butt or somewhere, lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    Great planting day.. Put in a few citrus trees and a papaya….re-potted some flowers that were way too big for the pots they were in.. started some apple seeds and cherry seeds.. will see if any of them sprout for me.. not planting the apples for fruit just for a decorative tree in the driveway….the cherry seeds are acerola cherry aka Barbados cherry so they will grow….ready for a restful late afternoon…

  • Cathy French

    I’ve had such a stressful time of it lately I went to take a nap yesterday afternoon and didn’t get up until this morning. Wish I could say I slept the whole time but at least no one bothered me for 15 hours.

  • Sab Edwards

    so far so good!!! THis is the first thur in a very long time I did not have to work at 10am and do 2 hrs OT. I am actually well rested today because I was able to sleep and not be worrying about work. The new lady is still there although she is on her own today as they took her trainer away from her (I had offered to come in at 10am but my boss said no, apparently she only needs 3 days of training lol)..she got to learn the potatoe machine yesterday which takes 5 hrs to clean with a power washer. If she survived that, she’ll be ok. Most people quit even before we can even start training them on that. We currently have 7 people cleaning , they rotate on the certain days as three of them are students and can’t work every day

  • Rosie

    Nice day today! Going to get out and get some fresh air later this afternoon, so going like a tornado to get chores done.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Storm Hector came & went leaving trees down, roads blocked and about 40,000 homes without power in the west of the country. Doesn’t sound too bad but when you consider the size of the total population is under 4 million … We got off very lightly and of course the farmers were delighted with the rain. There’s another downpour due tomorrow so I’m washing every bit of clothing that’s lying around.

    • Rosie

      That does sound awful. I keep at least a dozen containers of water always concerned about losing power in bad storms.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        We do too especially as we need the electricity for getting water from the well! Sometimes it’s a toss up between drinking the water, washing in it or using it to flush the loo!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Stormed here the other night. My bed is one of those inflated, constantly shifting contraptions to prevent bed sores…so I worry the power will go out and the bed will deflate, lol. It’s happened twice and it leaves me laying on metal slats.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    I had to chase my chicken all over the yard to give her her meds. This would have not happened if she stayed still while my hubby had her in his arms!

    • Rosie

      I’ve had a couple of chickens, but didn’t have to give them meds. I can imagine them giving you a hard time!!! I don’t know if you could hide it in anything, mine loved grapes. My rooster would rush to grab a grape I’d put down, and then the hen would chase him around and around for that grape. When she’d finally give up chasing him, he’d gallantly go over to her and plop down the prized grape at her feet for her to have, like a real gentleman.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Then to the library to get some new books.

    Connie, I really miss the old form and even if you keep this one please add a link so we comment on your FB page.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Rainy, so doing inside chores. Made scones with almond flour, wow, they are so good, no recipe, just some of this and that. Waiting for Target delivery, they must be losing money big time on home delivery – one order with about 7 items comes in pieces on multiple days. Yesterday AA batteries came, just one little 4-pack – today 2 small packets of sugar-free drink mix is coming, and tomorrow a few more small items. I have to keep watching for UPS b/c everything gets stolen.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The Irish summer looks like it’a drawing to a close 🙁 Storm Hector is heading in from the Atlantic & is due to hit the west coast today. It probably won’t affect us here on the east but looking outside it looks like November (apart from the green leaves). The only thing I’ve done today is to go into town to get surgical gloves & brought Mum as well for a jaunt!

  • Michele Soyer

    Rainy day….gave me the chance to leave the garden and press and put up new kitchen curtains and change the canisters etc a sunflower look that I try to put up every June July….made some Indian Saheina for lunch and cleaned my bedroom from stem to stern.. saw a few discolorations on my bedroom furniture…got the scratch varnish and did a job on the nightstand.. that furniture is 48 years old…the very first bedroom suite we bought after we got married….they sure don’t make furniture like that anymore…..

      • Michele Soyer

        There are many different ways to make it but the gist of it is a filling of yellow split peas (dhal) cooked with onions and garlic ..I then whirl them in the food processor to make a smooth paste…steam some dasheen leaves … fill the leaves and roll up neatly….dust them with some split peas powder and fry…..my sister-in-law was kind enough to give me this her recipe…..oh and you have to eat them with some serious pepper sauce!! I use scotch bonnet peppers.. not for the faint hearted!!

        • Rosie

          That sounds good! I never heard of dasheen leaves before, though. I’d probably try a pepper sauce with peppers not quite so scorching!

  • Sab Edwards

    doc apt on monday left me breaking my coffee cup, today was physio, so I have use of my hand once again..new girl lasted two days so far..here’s hoping she needs to work for a living as the last three people all quit before the third day of work..honestly, I don’t think cleaning is that hard if you are careful with the lifting stuff (which I now am) ..she’s actually not done any of the hard stuff yet, that happens on Wednesdays so we are all rather somewhat confused when people quit after the first or second day, because they actually have not done anything “hard” or heavy, yet.

  • Cathy French

    Disastrous day. Totally sucked! Went to go to the grocery store and pick up some prescriptions , which I was out of (totally different disastrous story) and my car wouldn’t start. So called the boyfriend to get me to pick up the prescriptions to find out one wasn’t even called in by my doctor. Dr ofc says they did, phy says no so long long wait, boyfriend upset because he just got off very long day of manual labor. Between my nerves already strained he was driving like a maniac. OK vented enough even there is so much more to this terrible day. Tomrrow have to deal with AAA and mechanic. Fun huh.

  • CJ

    And DSL is back! The problem was the modem… almost ten years old and it finally died. Got a new one and now everything is working very well… 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was going to do so much today but somehow not a lot actually got done. Ah well, there’s always tomorrow, I suppose.

  • Tamra Phelps

    There are just days that you have trouble holding on to hope. I’m really trying to hold onto hope that things will go OK, I will find a way to continue physical therapy and get home soon.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Hang on in there, Tammie & don’t give in now or I shall be forced to take action (???, no I don’t know either!).

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Nice weather today, getting some chores done inside. Hope to go for a nice walk later in the afternoon.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Went to the Doctors’s today. Didn’t get much out of the that visit. Not sure what I will be doing going forward.

  • Michele Soyer

    It has been over 9 months since my husband has been gone and I finally took out all the hydroponic reagents, buckets and doodads and set up what would have been his system….Had all the seedlings ready and lets see how well they grow.. did spinach, arugala, broc rabe, tomatoes and eggplant….also set up another plant station with planks of wood held up with concrete bricks….there I transplanted the same veggies in a dirt system in containers….still energized transplanted in LARGE containers watermelon, melons, zucchini more eggplant and some corn….His aquaponic system is next but I am a wee bit tired……

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a really bad night. Every time I got to sleep something woke me and have hardly managed to do anything today – really tired 🙁

  • Sab Edwards

    was just at the doc and he wanted to know if I had reduced work because of my work injury…nope, I have to work longer hours now, thanks

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. Went to an open house at my complex yesterday, it was amazing their remodel, even changing walls. I thought I had been doing pretty good with spritzing up my place without spending much, but boy oh boy, it was quite an eye-opening experience. I’m just going to keep chipping away with what I can do. I was impressed the agent said that professional photos and staging was included in the listing price.

  • CJ

    I am a bit tired today… so I have been pretty low key and quiet. Enjoying my Sunday… reading my book and drinking coffee! 🙂

  • Cathy French

    Woke up feeling a bit melancholy today so I decided to crank up some tunes and am listening to all my favorite rock songs while I get stuff done.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another bad night, but hey, it’s not like we have to get up early or anything! It’s another lovely day here (it hasn’t rained for over a week!) but that means a couple of hours watering the pots and beds this evening when it’s cooler.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, there is a town celebration today, we’ll be going to for a little while. Just had morning coffee, but want to make another pot, need some extra lead in the tank!

  • Kathleen Whitney

    I learned that if you plant corn with squirrels around. You need to have your netting ready before you plant. Otherwise you have to work around the plants after they are grown. A couple of years back we were about a week from harvesting. and had squirrels come in and eat everyone of the ears. Never again!!

  • CJ

    Did all my outside chores, and when I am finally ready to relax there is a power outage. So I am surfing the net on battery until it comes back…

  • Michele Soyer

    Doing nothing at all….enjoying the down time this Saturday….hope everyone here enjoys their day also…..

  • Cathy French

    Today I’m thinking a lot about the late Anthony Bourdain. Seems he had such a dream job and was so successful that some don’t understand why he would choose to commit suicide. I have personally been affected bysuicide and people who are quite unfamiliar with the feelings that go along with this until they have also been affected. RIP Anthony Bourdain.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We had a bit of a bad night so our day’s only beginning (at lunchtime) and it’s already too hot to go out. Even the cat is staying inside. Never mind, we’ll get outside later and potter again.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    I found out my chicken has the flu. Just standard flu. We thought we would see if she will make it with Medicine. Crossing my fingers.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I got my butt completely off the chair again, lol, and a little higher. My arms are killing me right now (I pull up on a bar in front of me.) Well, I have to try and do all I can before insurance cuts physical therapy off,sigh.

    • Tamra Phelps

      I hope all goes well for you. I went through kidney failure back in February, but they seem to be doing okay now (fingers crossed. It was due to UTI/SEPSIS thing.)

  • Michele Soyer

    O K I am done for the weekend.. did some more outside painting and chores….it has been a good work week and time now to relax…. have all my wedding cake recipes out maybe I will get an order……if not thats fine too .. lunch , a movie then reading until this evening……

  • Cathy French

    Today I am trying to get as much done as I can before my late afternoon dr’s appointment. Still beautiful weather.

  • Sab Edwards

    Yesterday was only 2 hrs OT, today I said I would only stay for one hr. because there is only myself and then a student in at 3:30pm and there is literally 26hrs of cleaning to do. We’ll have to leave quite a bit of it for Monday morning. Although front office might expect the student to work until 3am, but I certainly do not lOL

  • Kathleen Whitney

    More closets being emptied out. You know I really feel good about most of the stuff going. And looking forward to cleaning up my space.

    • Connie Gruning

      I took scissors to my own hair…….. shhhhh don’t tell my best gal pal and hairdresser in California. I will just tell her we had wine when she trimmed me last time……….. she will never know…… (I AM SO FUNNY I make myself laugh!)

  • Michele Soyer

    Very productive day.. did some painting ( second coat on the cistern) and seed starting ……even sold some coconuts….enough to get the 100 pound gas on Sunday.. life is truly good…..

    • Connie Gruning

      That’s AWESOME!!! Very productive day. I ummmmmm I had coffee and checked emails. Yup, that’s the extent of my productive day. May drive down to the mailbox. We’ll see.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was awake all night with a bellyache – I won’t go into the yucky details but it involves my bowels and non-functioning valves! I’m off to see the consultant again in July. Hopefully there’s some procedure that can rectify them. ‘course I could always get a plumber in!

  • CJ

    Today was ok… Sold some produce and started work on the downstairs bedroom. All in all it was a good day….. 🙂

  • Dana Rodriguez

    My day has been great except for my kitten getting in to a lot of mischief. I hope you can get your new home fixed up the way you want soon!

      • Rosie

        New windows can really transform how a place looks, and you’ll save a lot of money for being energy efficient. We had very expensive and pretty casement windows put in, and it was amazing how much cooler it stays in summer and warmer in the winter, saving quite a bit.

  • Cathy French

    Today is so beautiful here in central Ohio. It had been pretty warm of late and today we are still only in the 60’s. Glad to be able to open windows again.

  • Sab Edwards

    Well I guess its easier to find someone to work a production shift then to work cleaning. We have hired 5 cleaners now in the last year. The one lady lasted a day (She said she was only working because she was bored and actually didnt need the money) The next two were hired at the same time and lasted two days . One lady has been hired to work M T W TH, from 4pm-8pm…she NEVER shows up the first day of the week (if mondays a stat she takes the tue off lol) She has yet to show up this week…. The last lady has worked for us before and only needs to make some extra money for her daughters wedding. She gets paid the min call out (3hrs) to do the 2 hrs worth of work. We’ve hired a new lady for full time and she starts monday. My reg cleaner will train her for a week then she is off onto the production day shift…. Today she is on production because they are short staffed (we only have two busy months btw)So today, I am short staffed for cleaning, There is basically 19hrs of cleaning to do and there wll be myself and I’ll start 2hrs early, and two students who will come in for 5hrs each as well . Tomorrow is worse lol

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      HOLY MOLY!! That’s insane that people just don’t show up. Hopefully the new hire will be a fabulous hard working person!! Fingers crossed.

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Hopefully a calm dog?? Not one that yaps all night?
      Our neighbors about a mile from the house have a dog. It’s our early warning alarm. He only barks if there is someone coming up the road. That’s a GOOD dog!!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        We’re surrounded by farm dogs & they bark at ANYTHING! I suspect it’s just a way of keeping contact over long distances, like yodelling!

  • Michele Soyer

    Spent the morning and early afternoon reaping the last of the tomatoes, eggplant and sweet potatoes… got ready for the new plants to go in tomorrow…re-potted some small flowering trees and by then it was after 1pm…well i got up late at 6:30 this morning.. should I say good afternoon!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The big State exams start today for school goers in the junior & senior cycle so of course the sun shone. Poor things, still it’ll all be over in 2 weeks and they’ll have the whole of the summer to chill. I’ve just spent the day pottering in the garden.

  • Cathy French

    Today is going just fine for a change. Still need to catch up on some chores but nothing pressing. Nice and unstressful day…so far.

  • Sab Edwards

    Wed is physio day for me… hurt myself at work back in Jan and I am on physio until I have full use of the arm again. Tons of OT again so far this week, Friday will be the worse because I suspect it will be 3 hurs OT again

  • CJ

    I cleaned today and sorted through boxes and made some decisions on what to keep and throw away. Trying to get rid of the clutter…

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Spent time cleaning closets today. Always feels so good to de-clutter and get rid of stuff you are not using any more!

  • Sarah L

    Had the SPARK group at Chatfield this morning. We got to see the Butterfly house. 92 degrees and TOO DARN HOT.

  • Tamra Phelps

    A little under the weather today. Bad stomach. Yesterday, I made my first serious effort to ‘stand’…which means getting my butt off the wheelchair while still leaning forward and grasping a bar. Hey, it’s progress, lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    Spent the morning outside designing a plant stand for all the delicate flowers I have grown from seed…The rains have started and they are not the hardiest so I took some planks and the sawhorse and some paint and now the safest weather free section of the garage/patio area have a plant stand….transplanted some large tropical foliage into new terra cotta pots and started placing them down the driveway….I have some plans for tomorrow too….

  • Cathy French

    Had a bit of a rough start to the day today but things seem to be getting better. Hoping the rest of the day is incident free.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I went internet-free for a couple of days and the first email I opened was from Connie, announcing that I’d won the contest for May! PayPal here I come!

  • Jason Day

    I have bookmarked your website because i have collected celebration tine date news from this site and for me the contains have valuable information in it. I am really happy with articles quality and presentation. Thanks a lot for keeping great stuff. I am very much thankful for this site.

  • CJ

    Went to the bank and went shopping today with my mom… Great sales and beautiful sunny sky…. I have no complaints. It was a good day…

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Treated myself to a Frosty at Wendy’s.
    I am a creature of habit. I come here, tweet, comment and then read your FB and comment there.
    In your new form you have the FB entry to only one time instead of daily. How can I keep up with the funnies??

  • Michele Soyer

    Spent 2 hours in the bank just to close an account…by the time we did all the other errands it was 2pm….tomorrow is another day…..

  • Sab Edwards

    So far so good. My baby sis had to move so we did that for two days. She was not able to take her ferret but we might have found someone who will buy it….otherwise I have someone lined up who can baby sit it. Its rainy here and I haven’t put my new plants in the ground due to the move so maybe tomorrow the clematis will be put into its new home. I think today I am more thankful for what I have then on Friday….although both my son and husband are unemployed, we have each other.

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Cleaned the Garage out today. Boy its hard when all the hubby wants to do is throw everything away!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I just popped down to the village to get Mum a bottle of S. Blanc and couldn’t get parking. I thought it must be the drinkers from a huge funeral or similar but no! The local women ran a half marathon this afternoon to raise funds for a defibrillator and to help the family of little Ollie, a 2-year old child who died at the beginning of the year from heart failure during the flu season. His grave is next to Dad’s so I visit it regularly. So sad; balloons, fairy lights and toys for a little boy lost. However, on a brighter note, the women raised enough to get that defib and to put something towards a headstone for Ollie.

  • Michele Soyer

    Woke up to rain this morning but the day has cleared…Getting my lists together for a shopping day tomorrow….plenty of local shoppes and the bank.. bleh… wish everything could be done without walking thru those doors….

  • CJ

    It is a rainy sunday morning…. I am sitting drinking my coffee, listening to music, and surfing the net. A great beginning to a relaxing day… 🙂

  • Kathleen Whitney

    Went out to hit some Yard Sales. Didn’t find to much. And here in Texas the heat started coming in!

    • Connie Gruning

      Kathleen, that’s what I need to do. Hit some yard sales! That will either help me find my way around the new town OR I’ll get so lost I’ll have to find a hotel room for the night. LOL!

  • Sarah L

    Spent several hours volunteering at the local library system’s big book sale. As a volunteer I got 2 free books. Only came home with one.

  • Molli Taylor

    my day is a little weak, im sick after hosting my daughter’s 9th birthday sleepover, but it was worth it!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Might get to see one of my nephews today. He has a baseball tournament just 30 minutes from here, so if it doesn’t go too late, they’ll come by here.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh, I do hope so! It would help to break up the boredom that you’re obviously succumbing to. How and ever, you are, as far as I’m concerned., doing rather well! Compare yourself now to how you were all those weeks ago; HELLO? You are doing just fine! It’s gone 6am & I’ve finally got Mum & the cat to bed, everything is switched off; the blackbirds, swallows and my 2 robins are beginning to warble so time for me to hit the hay. G’night xxx

  • Michele Soyer

    Connie temps like that would undo me….Coming from So Cal I give you a great deal of credit…the view and the space is worth it though I bet.. Me if it goes below 85 ° I grab a sweater!! I cannot believe that I used to brave New York winters…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      What are your temps measured in? For instance, today in Ireland it was an average of 17 degrees Celsius (about 62.5 Fahrenheit). So your 85 would be about 29 over here & that just hardly ever happens. You have sea breezes though, as do we here, and late evening mists as well that make it a wee bit cooler at night. Back in the late ’80s, when I was working in London it hit 35 degrees, which is about 95 Fahrenheit. Horribly humid as well but I had just been to Menorca & bought a load of silk shirts/dresses so managed, although the Tube was hellish .

      • Michele Soyer

        Even though temp here is measured in celsius I always convert can’t help it….During dry season we run about 35°C with dry Sahara winds.. now in rainy season we go between 26-27°C at night and the same 35° or higher during the day…..but there are days now that are not too humid but when they are wow the barometer can go as high as 82% humidity….

      • Connie Gruning

        Our temps are in degrees. It’s weird here on THE mountain. When that wind picks up it’s down right chilly. EXCEPT the master bedroom which is pretty much all windows so……. it’s hot upstairs. In the winter I do believe that will be my favorite room ever!

  • Cathy French

    Today I’m nursing a pretty bad headache but trying to muddle through because I have a large grocery trip planned for this afternoon.

  • James Robert

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway. Having 5 kids, there is always someone in need of something.

  • Sab Edwards

    Well up early because we have a lot to do today. (5am) We have to head to the city to pick up the moving truck (i’ll just drop them off) and I’ll go do some shopping for a bit then head to the town where the moving truck will be and pick up my crew to bring back home. Not sure when these guys are actually moving…I work so have limited amounts of time to actually help out. If its during the week both my guys are still unemployed so they can help

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Hi Sab, are you moving? Hope all’s well? Realise that you’re the only breadwinner but hope that all’s ok?

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Judy, you’re in New Zealand, am I right? In Ireland, in May/June everything is going green, blossoming, taking root, so I think you guys must be heading into late Autumn? Which island are you on?

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I used to run the office 5 days a week for a nursing home in S.E. London, just 30-35 residents and then at the weekends I did 12 hours Sat & Sunday. Everything from cutting toenails (ew!) to cooking roast dinners for the whole house in a tiny kitchen. I lived in staff quarters so was always on call as well. So honey child, I do know what it’s like to be stuck in a nursing home!

      • Tamra Phelps

        Lol, they weren’t allowed to cut my toenails (diabetic), not even in hospital, so mine got as long as my fingernails before the podiatrist finally came and cut them.

        • Kate Sarsfield

          Ew again! I don’t ‘do’ feet! I was the only one that was allowed to cut Dad’s toenails & we’re talking about diabetic, fungus, thick, yellow … When I was little and comparing mine to Mum’s & my sister’s, whose are bigger/longer but sort of plumper & prettier, well we used to say that mine were ‘the ugliest feet in Christendom’. Of course I now know better; they’re just plain ugly! Bony, wide & with a bunion on one of them (I did love my high heels); still they work just fine when I’m in the water! It’s only when I’m I’m on dry land that they start to ache.

          email me/message me if you need to shout & let off steam – you have all my no.s

  • Debbie P

    My day has been okay today. I’ve been a bit tired. But it’s the weekend and things can always be worse.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class with lots of people. Then a salted caramel shake at Smashburger.
    Why the change in forms? No entry for FB comments?

  • CJ

    I cannot believe it’s June…. before you know it… it will be the holidays. Very overcast… and humid today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Here’s my home page comment: Re. the Visa outage, all Mum was worried about was how would she get her bottle of wine for the weekend!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Oh, poor Connie! You’ll get sorted eventually, son’t worry 🙂 As for me, a kind of bleh, nothing much happening day apart from this evening when it looked like the end of the world was nigh. Visa cards stopped working on a Friday evening of a public holiday weekend. WTF? Twitter was ablaze with comments about the folly of being a cash-free society etc. I just pity the shop staff, I’m sure they had to put up with a heck of a lot of abuse.

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