Happy Kids Songs by Dr. Mac & Friends

When you travel with 3 kids in the car YOU KNOW there will be an argument; I take that back; they will fight from the second the seat-belts latch. NaNa will yell, someone will pout, someone will cry and someone else will look out the window and mutter about being picked on. Yup, sure as I’m sitting here it will happen!! So, when I find something that can head all of this off at the pass, I am IN!!!

Check this out an Award-Winning Children’s Music Series and Workbook from Dr. Mac & Friends Is All About Learning Through the Magical Medium of Music

Kids have so much to deal with these days, inside and out, as they learn, grow, and develop into the diverse people they’re going to be. That’s why so many parents and teachers are thrilled to have discovered Happy Kids Songs by Dr. Mac & Friends. This creative, upbeat new music series helps kids navigate their way through it all, empowering them with character, social and emotional skills, and some really cool music to boot!

All eight award-winning albums are available for download now, and Happy Kids Songs albums and Happy Kids Songs Workbook are Winners in the just-announced Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Children’s Products 2015.

This music isn’t your normal kids music. This music makes ME sing along. This music makes The NaNa Dance in her seat. This music is not the same as the big purple guy’s music where you are ready to throw the CD out the window in the first 3 minutes. This music is AWESOME!! Music I would choose to listen too. There is truly something for everyone’s musical tastes. While the music is awesome it’s the words that are amazing. There are songs about bullying, songs to help kids handle frustration and even manners!! I love fun songs that have a message and teach kids to be better people and better to each other.

For a special treat!!

Download and listen to the free song, “Bye, Bye Bully” at http://happykidssongs.com/bye-bye-bully-2/.


The albums in the series – which include five sing-along songs each – are “Friends & Sharing,” “Social Skills & Bullying,” “Feeling & Fears,” “Practice & Success,” “Talking & Listening,” “Manners & Characters,” “Happiness & Attitude (which also received the Academic’s Choice Award),” and “Respect & Responsibility.” Themes covered include acting responsibly, showing respect for others, helping out, positive thinking, trying new things, learning from mistakes and how to adapt, the Golden Rule, being thankful, handling frustration, sibling rivalry, honoring differences, managing upsets, resolving conflicts, expressing feelings, and much, much more.

Happy Kids2By the end of the album the kids are discussing the songs, telling each other which song is their favorite and why. Then we start the CD over again. After twice through the kids had picked up the words on several songs. Smart little kids!!

Not only great music but seriously think about adding the Happy Kids Songs Workbook: Hands-on Activities to Build Character, Social &EmotionalSkills

This 124 page workbook offers hands-on activities to Build Character, Social and Emotional Skills. The workbooks also feature coloring pages, games and puzzles.

You can download MP3 songs on Amazon

Happy Kids Songs by Dr. Mac & Friends
MP3 Music Downloads
Children, Ages 4-8
99¢ per song, 5-song album $4.95
Tunes.com and Amazon

Happy Kids Songs Workbook by Dr. Mac & Friends
Children, Ages 4-8
ISBN: 9781497451865
$13.95, (SB, 124 Pages, B&W)

The creator, Dr. Mac – a.k.a. Don MacMannis, Ph. D., wears many hats, including singer, songwriter, producer, child and family psychologist and author. The Happy Kids Songs series features tunes sung by singers of all ages accompanied by a wide variety of instruments, creating adult quality music with lyrics and themes that tap into the most common issues four to eight-year-olds face.

In addition to the Dr. Toy Award, Happy Kids Songs has received many other awards and honors, including KIDS FIRST! Endorsement, Teacher’s Choice Award, iParenting Award, and National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval.

About Dr. Toy

The author of 15 books, including The Toy Chest, Toys for a Lifetime, The Whole Child, Choosing Child Care, and hundreds of articles on toys and play, Dr. Toy (Stevanne Auerbach) is the only Ph.D. in Child Development evaluating toys and children’s products with extensive training, background, and over 40 years of experience writing and speaking about toys and children’s products. The Dr. Toy Award Programs recognize the best toys and play things in many categories including, Best of the Year, Best Picks, Best Classics, Best Vacation, and Best Green. Visit www. Drtoy.com

About Dr. Mac

Dr. Mac (aka Don MacMannis, Ph.D.) is a singer, songwriter and producer who specializes in creative projects for young children. He is music director and songwriter for the PBS hit series, Jay Jay the Jet Plane, has won numerous awards for his songwriting and production talents, and has written and produced over a hundred songs. He is the Clinical Director of the Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara and co-author of the highly acclaimed books How’s Your Family Really Doing?: 10 Keys to a Happy Loving Family and Who’s the Boss? The Win-Win Way to Parent Your Defiant Strong-Willed Child.



  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, boy, if this works, I’d use them everywhere! When you put my niece (12), & my 2 nephews (10 & 6) in the same area, there will be screaming, crying, hitting…& then I will be screaming, crying & hitting, lol. Well, okay, not hitting (not me, anyway.) It drives me nuts!


    Hoorah for active entertainment for children (and adults); so much healthier, physically, mentally, emotionally & intellectually than passive (ie staring at screens). Actually Mum made a series of CDs a while back that were circulated to junior schools in Ireland (what she calls her happy-clappy music), based on the songs we used to sing on the way to school everyday or on longer (are we there yet?) trips!

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