Happy New Year!! January 2020 $50 Your Way #Giveaway
WOW!! My first #Giveaway in 2020!?! REALLY??? Now I’ll really show my age here but …….. in high school 2020 sounded like it was SO far away! I mean hello…… I’ll practically be dead! Seriously, 60 sounded like a really OLD persons age. 61?! Hello? Would I have a blanket around my shoulders, be knitting blankets be in a rocking chair ….. wait… that’s a bad example because I WOULD love a rocking chair on my porch and I am slightly addicted to knitting.
I did think we would have flying cars……. course if you’ve ever seen me on the road….. I kinda do fly.
What about you? Did you have any crazy expectations about the year 2020??
Happy New Year little Peanuts!! I hope the year is full of amazing things for us all!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. I am blown away by your support!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!
Here it is July of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Diane K. Brimmer
Congratulations to Lauren P. , Hope you enjoy your gift card. Oh and as Connie would say, buy something for your self. You earned it!!!
Connie Gruning
Diane, Thank YOU!!
Shannon Holmes
I had a great salad from the thai restaurant. I also made some steel cut oats mixed with farro for breakfasts.
Connie Gruning
Shannon what is Farro?? I love thai food. You know what I really miss from California?? Sushi rolls ohhhhhh man!!
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today. Then I went to dinner with the family for my sons birthday.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a salted caramel shake from Smashbuger.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, Smashburger is my FAVORITE burger joint. They don’t have them anywhere close to us and I miss them.
Patrice P.
It wasn’t the best day. There was some snow this morning, then a cold rain fell all day, so I couldn’t take a walk.
Connie Gruning
Patrice, rained all day long here. Ours is a cold rain too. We sure could use some drying out!!
Jennifer Wilson
Wow. You’ve never had a veggie burger? When I was in college in the 90s our cafeteria had them, and they were SO good.
It’s a Friday so it’s the start of our work week. So, while everyone is celebrating, I’m getting back to the grind. lol
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, have a great week. I’ll try and enjoy the weekend for the both of us.
wen budro
My resolutions for 2020 are to organize my home and to eat healthier. Both of my resolutions are going quite well so far. I feel positive about my progress.
Connie Gruning
Wen, GOOD job!!! I already fizzled. But, tomorrow is a new month. Not to late to start over for me.
wen budro
My day is going pretty well. It snowed and I’m staying inside today. I lack energy and feel lazy but I use the snow as an excuse. LOL
Connie Gruning
Wen, we had rain ALL DAY long so at least it’s melting the snow. Now, we need some sunshine or this whole farm is gonna be a huge mud pit.
I love this Simple Opal Ring, the design is spare on frills so that the opal really gets the attention!
Tamra Phelps
Physical therapy is progressing slowly but surely. I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, That is GREAT news!!! How is the North side quarantine going??
Tamra Phelps
The diamond tension ring is really simple but so pretty. I like it!
Nidhi C
I took off today from the day as I am not feeling good due to cold and cough.
Connie Gruning
Nidhi, I hope you feel better quick!
Kate Sarsfield
I love opals of all colours and this little ring is screaming ‘buy me’! Or ‘you buy it and I’ll wear it’ 😉
Diane K. Brimmer
good morning! I am in a rush toady as I am suppose to be out the door and driving down the road. I am meeting with some Church ladies this morning. Once a month we have coffee together, devotions and just plain chat. Have a great day.
Connie Gruning
Diane, I just joined a knitting circle at one of the local churches. I love the idea of a coffee together. I hope your day is awessssssssssome!
Kate Sarsfield
Well, somehow Mum made it to the phlebotomist by 10am! The first daffodil was waving at us as we left the house!
Connie Gruning
Kate, WOO HOOO for out the door and arriving by 10! You my friend are so organized and PATIENT!!!
Michele Soyer
Dark and dreary today.. the electric company is shutting us down from 9-3 to ” upgrade the lines” this is such a joke that it is actually no longer funny…I truly believe they do nothing at all… trying to get everything done that needs current.. I do not want to have to turn on the generator…12V will handle the few things I absolutely need….like MUSIC!!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO!! 9 to 3?! Ohhhhhh yeah that is not cool.
Lauren Peterson
Unfortunately, my husband caught the flu…I feel so bad for him!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, Oh nooooooooooooooooo husbands with the flu are worse than everything. (Just ask them!) that was mean. I hope he feels better quick.
Shannon Holmes
I was upset yesterday and went to bed early for me and I do feel better today.
Connie Gruning
Shannon {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} I hope today is WAY WAY better.
shelly peterson
I had an ok day. But I am ready for bed.
Terri S.
My day was very depressing. My niece called me to let me know that her Mom, my big sister, is in the hospital. She had fought lung cancer and it had been in remission but she found out it returned and now has gone to her brain. Once again, she will be going for radiation and chemotherapy.
Kate Sarsfield
Terri, so sorry to hear this – such devastating news for your family.
Connie Gruning
Oh Terri! I am SO SORRY!! Saying a prayer for you and your family.
New Year’s Resolution is to try and get stronger. Using light weights
Connie Gruning
Rosanne, That’s a great resolution. I keep trying to do plank exercises and then I get off my stride and have to start over. GOOD luck to You!!!
My day is going well. I spent it doing exactly what I wanted getting things organized and clean and followed it up with a strength tone class and I’m now watching the Crown.
Connie Gruning
Rosanne, Now THAT sounds like a perfect day in my book. Tomorrow is my clean the house day. UGHHHHHHH
Jennifer Wilson
Got the free burger today at Denny’s and loved it. The people at the next table were lauging and thinking a veggie burger was some kind of a joke that was being played on them and who would want to eat that? Well, I did and I loved it! 😛
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, I can’t believe I’m 61 and have never tried a veggie burger. Gonna have to put it on my bucket list!
Tamra Phelps
I’m getting so frustrated with being here, in this nursing home. Yes, I know it’s temporary. But I’m tired of having no privacy, no place to call your own and all the noise and smells. I guess I just need to use that as motivation to get out of here.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, Stay strong. You are really doing so good. I’d be going stark raving mad with no privacy. You said it, it’s only temporary.
Tamra Phelps
I think the Simple Pearl Ring is so pretty. Pearls are a classic.
Cynthia Conley
Still trying to get Spectrum to fix their email issues today. It’s really frustrating!
Connie Gruning
Cynthia, this has been at least a week hasn’t it?! That’s not cool!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. I did put Love Letters on hold at the library.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, SWEET!!! It was a quiet day here too. Now I’m ready for a shower and bed.
Shannon Holmes
I am making some veggie burgers from scratch today.
Connie Gruning
Shannon I am very intrigued with this. How exactly does a person make a veggie burger from scratch?? What holds it together mainly.
shelly peterson
I am spending the day watching my baby granddaughter today.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, That’s awesome!! I am so jealous!!!! I wish I was hanging out with Alice today.
Diane K. Brimmer
Lol, I am still blushing over commenting on Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn post. Three kids, 11 grandkids and 42 years later and the man still gets me! I am blessed!
Connie Gruning
Diane, 11 GRANDKIDS!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! you are soooooo blessed.
Diane K. Brimmer
Not so blessed at Christmas time. Let me tell ya. LOL No really we are very beyond blessed. 9 girls and 2 boys! Lots of fun! We have had to cut down on the amount we spend on gifts though.
Connie Gruning
Diane, THAT was exactly my first thought. Christmas has to be expensive! YOUCH!!
Kate Sarsfield
I love stacking rings such as their Diamond Stacker Ring but they just don’t suit my little square hands & stubby fingers! ‘course I could just wear one …
Connie Gruning
Kate, It’s diamonds. We don’t care what our fingers look like. THEY ARE DIAMONDS!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Not much sleep again but a busy day ahead so that’ll keep me going. Have to go to Dublin to collect my niece from College later on as well.
Connie Gruning
Kate, have a safe trip to Dublin. Is your niece staying with you for a while?
Day is going good. Doing some laundry. My first flannel pajamas ever arrived last night, so I’m excited to wash them so I can wear them. Been wearing my bathrobe to bed, so glad to have real pj’s!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, flannel pj’s are the BEST!!! Soft, comfy. You will probably spend all day tomorrow in them. No one would blame you.
These Huggie Earrings with White Diamonds are so nice! Small, but that is why I like them!
Michele Soyer
Well by the time I was done playing with the dogs one was so tired that she plopped down looked me in the eye and fell asleep.. the other just wanted more!! gotta love them..had 7 now down to 2 .. I remember when they were born all those puppies running up and down the driveway!! No play today.. gotta get out early and clean debris leaves and such.. work on the compost…..
Connie Gruning
Michele, we had a ‘NEW’ thing today. I was putting away all the clean clothes and I usually stand at the window and look for my four legged animals walking around. Instead of deer I found a LADY walking her dog. She had to walk up a over a mile from the road into someone else’s yard for you dog to do his business?? Ummmmmm HELLO!??!
Michele Soyer
I would not appreciate that….
Lauren Peterson
The day is early, but so far so good. Watching the guinea pig roam around and explore 🙂
Connie Gruning
Lauren, that sounds like a great way to start the day.
Tamra Phelps
Well, therapy is going well. But, man, my right hip is aching tonight!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’m sorry your hip is achy but I am so glad therapy is going well. How many steps today?
Kate Sarsfield
It’s my left that’s the divil – what a pair we’d make!
Tamra Phelps
The infinity heart ring is so pretty. My Mom would’ve liked it so much.
Jennifer Wilson
Last night I was at a store 10 minutes before closing and was told to take all their Christmas candy (mainly candy canes). I went into the store to buy a $3 item and left with what I needed and over 80 boxes of candy canes. Now to find a place that will accept them as a donation. lol . They were going to go in the trash at closing. 😮 .
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, THAT is a lot of candy canes. You could save them and make decorations next Christmas. Like tin cans circled with candy canes for a pencil holder. There has to be a Pinterest idea out there that you could use for Valentines Day? Right?
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Leftover pizza for dinner.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I finally got my pizza dinner tonight. The Husband even did the cooking so I got to just sit and knit while he fixed.
Nidhi C
My day was ok ok at the work.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well it has been a busy day! Dr.’s appointment, pick up prescriptions, grocery shopping, gone to the Dollar Tree and stopped off to the daughter’s house to chat and play with her new puppy. Oh I bought some wool to try felting! I won’t post anything after seeing yours on your first try. That snowman is just so dang cute. Love, love, love it!
Connie Gruning
Diane, OHHHHHH MAN I wish we lived close!! I would love to sit and felt with you. I am trying my hand at felting a mitten. I say A mitten because I’m having a hard time deciding how to continue…… so this may just be part of a wall art thing. ONE mitten! LOL
I love our Dollar Tree here in Sandpoint. I’ve never seen one so clean and organized in my life!!
Puppy?! What kind of puppy?!
The Zeitgeist Earrings are very eye catching, they’d add just the right amount of sparkle to an evening gala. I have to stick to studs, but would make a gift sure to be appreciated!
Michele Soyer
Not sure I have the stamina of yesterday but the jobs today are light….cleaning out a flower bed and putting in new seedlings.. thats about it.. the rest of the day this and that and without a doubt giving my dear dogs a day of play play play!!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, We ran Bear like crazy. She’s all antsy. I stand near the house. The Husband by the barn, I say “Where’s The Daddy?” and she will tear out to daddy. She gets a scratch, a treat and a “where’s The Mama” and we do that until either she’s tired OR (here’s the big OR) a deer pops over snow then it’s a free-for-all!
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Another night with no sleep. I tried music, reading, meditation … gave up at 6am when I heard Mum going to the loo. Made her breakfast then attacked the housework – the birds haven’t even started singing yet! I’m going to wear myself out one way or another & try to get to sleep later.
Connie Gruning
Kate, Dr. Connie here to the rescue. Hot bath, add lavender in the bath water. Sip or guzzle a tall glass of wine or marshmallow vodka on ice, while in the tub. Do you have a sound machine? Turn that on. Yawnnnnnnnn I’m ready for bed…
Kate Sarsfield
Ha! Problem there Connie – I can get into the bath but can’t get out! I could just lie there sipping on vodka – might keep the hypothermia at bay!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I just KNOW we are related! We just have to be! You crack me UP!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Now these are cute – wonder if they’d take a deposit! Huggie Earrings with Bezel
Connie Gruning
Kate, Those are super cute earrings.
Laurie Nykaza
Worked today a few hours then went out shopping which is always fun to do with my kids.
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I have always loved shopping with my kids especially when they were in high school. They were always so funny!!!
Lauren Peterson
I’m watching Homeland for the first time in a long time…Great show!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, Is that the one with Keeifer Sutherland? If it is whhhhhatttt is with the soft voice all the time?!?! If it isn’t Homeland then nevermind.
Shannon Holmes
Yesterday I cleaned my living room. I also made steel cut oats which are amazing.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I so badly want to rearrange my livingroom but we have this huge beam in the middle of the room. I really have to be creative in how the furniture gets placed. I get so frustrated!
I’m going to have to head over to Pinterest and learn to make steel cut oats!
shelly peterson
I didnt do much of anything today.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, You probably needed a day to regroup and relax.
Shannon Holmes
I had a really nice day today and even got to take a nap.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh a nap! That sounds wonderful. I especially love a nap on hot summer day. Ohhhhhhhhh how I long for a hot day. I’d even take 40degrees??
Diane K. Brimmer
I hate to say it but my husband and I went to bed at about 8:30 after the kids left. We even took a nap today, which never happens. What’s even better is we are going to do it again this coming Monday. I think my son expects me to do the same for him as I did for his sisters. In all fairness, That was 18 years ago that I got my first grandchild. Hunter is going to be 5 and is nothing compared to these Tasmanians. LOL I was glad my husband was here as the two yr. old must have 13 hands!
Connie Gruning
Diane, Remember keep chanting “they are keeping me young” “they are keeping me young!”
I really have to laugh it’s 7:53 and once I catch up on comments I’m turning off the lights and hittin’ that pillow.
Sarah L
A quick dip in the pool, then a massage. And now pizza for dinner.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, you have the BEST life!! Swim. MASSAGE!! I want a massage! I need to find someone in town and just go. All of a sudden my joints (knuckles low back and knees} have started just throbbing terribly. Over night I acquired a bump BIG hard bump on the side of my thumb. I looked at that swore and then WHAT THE WHAT?!?! Is this how the arthritist bumps begin? Just POP up?!?! Sorry for rambling but it just POPPED up! This getting old is NOT for sissies!!
BTW Pizza is such a great idea I’ll be fixing that for dinner.
Cynthia C
Today I’m completely frustrated. My Roadrunner email is not functioning and they can’t seem to help at Spectrum. UGH!!!
Connie Gruning
Cynthia, Hopefully you got your email situated. That is so frustrating!
Tamra Phelps
I’m starting to get back my strength. I can manage 15 feet walks 4 or times in p.t.
Kate Sarsfield
Atta girl! You’ll be pushing weights soon 😉 Are you still under quarantine in there?
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that’s EXCELLENT!!!! You are going further every day!!
Tamra Phelps
The open link ring is really pretty. I’d definitely wear that one.
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t usually wear delicate bracelets (‘cos I’m so clumsy, they don’t stand a chance!) but this Pave Diamond Zodiac Bracelet is very pretty.
Michele Soyer
Up and showered.. I am pooped! Weeded all beds.. started seeds.. transplanted seedlings….chlorined all the concrete walkways….lunch a glass of wine or two and another episode of Outlander!
Connie Gruning
HOLY MOLY Michele! I ummmm…… got out of bed.
Michele Soyer
Kate Sarsfield
It’s bitterly cold (for Ireland) today but sunny & dry – perfect for blowing away the cobwebs in my brain!
Connie Gruning
Kate, it’s snowing here. AGAIN. Or is it still. I would love sunny though. It’s really dense wet snow. Oh well, I’m inside, ready to sit and knit so it’s all good.
Lauren Peterson
My day is much better! The flu is finally going away.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, that’s such good news.
Wow Large Diamond Stud Earrings – these are gorgeous!
Terri S.
Mondays are always hectic for me. Glancing at my clock, I see it has turned over to Tuesday morning (12:19 am) and I’m wide awake. I can’t shut down my brain, too many thoughts.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I’ve heard……(I haven’t don’t but I should!) get out of bed, go get a glass of water, sleepy tea, read or listen to music for 30 minutes. Then you can go back to bed and supposedly back to sleep. Do I do any of that? NOOOOOOO I just toss and turn. One of these days I will try it.
shelly peterson
Today was a long day. I went to dialysis and then had to take my son to urgent care.
Connie Gruning
Oh NO Shelly, how is you son? Everything okay?
Nidhi C
I had okay okay day. my son got sick and I also started having cold and cough due to bad weather.
Connie Gruning
Nidhi, Feel better soon! I hope your son is feeling better too.
Sarah L
Sigh. I went to the pool, but their heater went out this weekend so it was closed. So I went to the library and checked out the DVD of Crazy Rich Asians.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I started to watch Crazy Rich Asians on the last plane ride home. I think I got half way. It was hysterical in the beginning. I need to rent it and see the end.
Shannon Holmes
I had an okay day. My doctor is leaving the practice and I am sad about that.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, Oh that would make me sad too.
The Diamond Circle Earrings are so pretty, but they are a lot of money. I can still appreciate them from afar!
Tamra Phelps
Therapy is progressing, moving right along. Hopefully, it will keep getting better. Today’s walks were 15, 15 and ten feet.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that’s excellent!!!! You are really moving right along!
Tamra Phelps
The long gold ball hook earrings are a little different. I like that.
Kate Sarsfield
I love pearls and this is so simple but different: Proud Simple Pearl Pendant.
Kate Sarsfield
Connie!!! We had snow! Well, it started as rain, turned to sleet, then snow … Check out my FB post for more – you’ll be so proud of me!!!
Connie Gruning
Kate! I can’t find it!! I wanna see!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s on YOUR page – doh!
Connie Gruning
Kate, ROFLMAO!!!!! THIS is what happens when I have wine. Now I really can not stop laughing. OhhhhMYYYYYYYGOSH
Diane K. Brimmer
I love the White Diamond Ring in rose gold. It is just gorgeous!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Today I have my youngest two grandchildren Alley 3 and Aaron 2. This should be a lot of fun as I haven’t had them here in quite a while. Got things locked and bolted! LOL
Diane K. Brimmer
Update it is non here and I am ready for bed. I think I am too old for 2 & 3 yr. olds! I think I have them till 5pm. OOps gotta go he is into another thing! Thought he was napping!
Connie Gruning
Diane, Oh man! 2 and 3!? At the same time!! I know I don’t have that kind of energy anymore. But, they are keeping you young!
Connie Gruning
Diane, LOL locked and bolted and still in tact??
Michele Soyer
So time to get back to work.. the weather is glorious today so weeding and mucking about in the garden and land won’t be bad at all….Plug in some old school R&B and disco to keep me moving and off I go…
Connie Gruning
Michele, I love your motivating music. I can’t wait to get into my garden.
Jennifer Wilson
I’m looking forward to the $4 Christmas grab bags at Michael’s tomorrow. 😀
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, OH MAN!! I so wish I lived close to Michael! I am SO JEALOUS!!!
Terri S.
I watched the rest of the Daytona 24 Hours Race today. It was really great. Those race drivers are amazing to complete 24 hours of racing.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I would love the opportunity to put the peddle to the medal just for a couple of miles. STRAIGHT I don’t wanna try and turn.
shelly peterson
Today I relaxed for a bit. I took my grandson to Krispy Kreme and to dinner.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Lucky grandson!!
Tamra Phelps
The weekend is nearly over. Thank goodness, lol, because to me weekends are just slow days without physical therapy.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, You’ll be all ready for Monday’s workout. How’s the North end??
Tamra Phelps
The X earrings are so classic. I like those a lot.
Sarah L
Good rehearsal for Sage Singers. Only 2 weeks til our concert.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I’ll bet you sing like an angel. I did a google search on Sage Singers in Denver. I found a group picture. Which one are you?
Diane K. Brimmer
I like the Connection Bracelet it is very beautiful. Let’s face it I love them all but if I were buying one I probably would looks for something simple and cheap! There it is I said it!
Connie Gruning
Diane, We are seriously the same person…….. but oh when I win the lottery. LOOK OUT!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I need to get out of the house, so this storm needs to quit! I have made chocolate muffins, homemade Chicken Fajitas, a pot of homemade Chili, and homemade Guacamole. I say homemade because we grow veggies and Chicken.
Connie Gruning
Diane, I want to get snowed in with YOU!! Dang girl! You cook and bake like a crazy woman! I have to head to town tomorrow because we have another slush storm headed our way next week. UGH! I’m kinda over the rain/snow concoction already.
The Three Stone Diamond Bezel Ring has just the right amount of flash! Enough flash to catch the eye, but not like you are flashing your cash!
Kate Sarsfield
Simple and clean and if they’re good for tension I’ll take a couple! Diamond Tension Ring
Kate Sarsfield
I’m heading into the theatre for the showing of the DVD – great chance to catch up & enjoy the show from an audience’s perspective for the first time!
Connie Gruning
Kate WELL?? How was the DVD?? Any chance they will post on line somewhere so we can enjoy too?
Michele Soyer
All peanuts are welcome!! So just waiting.. and it is early ..for the cake to be picked up .. then I can relax and have another cup of coffee.. I do have 3 loads of laundry to wash and hang out to dry then my day is my own….the weeds are calling but tomorrow is another day….going to indulge and watch another episode of Outlander.. never saw it before so only on season 2 but my goodness this is good!!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I have so much to do tomorrow. Trip to town because more wet rainy/snow headed our way next week. Need wine. Cake. Chocolate. Wine. Cheese and stuff for Killer Beans and wine.
I LOVE Outlander!! I need to catch up though.
Jennifer Wilson
My husband brought me home a Diet Pepsi from his work. I feel like I married UberEats. lol
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, that made me laugh so hard! I’ll have to remember that for the next time The Husband brings me food. LOL!
Terri S.
I spent a good part of the day watching the Daytona 24 Hours Race. It finishes tomorrow. My son got me hooked on watching these races.
Connie Gruning
Terri, my Son-in-Law is addicted to NASCAR. He even records them to re-watch.
shelly peterson
I had a good day celebrating my grandsons birthday.
We had a great day today. It was cool but the sky was a beautiful blue. We ate at a favorite Mexican restaurant at lunch time.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, that is a great idea. I think The Husband and I deserve an early dinner out. There’s a Mexican restaurant near out house that we haven’t tried yet.
Sarah L
Went to a great concert by my old chorus, The Denver Women’s Chorus. Excellent music and message celebrating 100 years of women’s suffrage.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, that sounds like a great day. Was it crowded? Did you perform?
Oh, I’m a sucker for hearts, and my jewelry box confirms it. Even so, I’d love to have the Infinity Heart Ring! It is so darn cute!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I love hearts so much that everything I find a rock shaped heart or flower or something similar I always take it’s picture or bring it home with me, I believe it’s my Mom putting them there for me. Someday I’ll create collage of rock hearts.
I’m glad to find someone else who loves hearts as much as I do!
Kate Sarsfield
Hey, did you notice that you can try on the jewellery at home? Put my name down for the X Cuff, please!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I that’s one of the best things about them.
Kate Sarsfield
Connie, the vixen is a female fox! The male fox is called a dog! The red fox mating call sounds like a small baby crying. I had one of those ‘did a lot of little things but nothing to show for it days’! Happy Chinese New Year or Burns’ Night, if you’re of Scottish extraction.
Connie Gruning
Kate, Got it. Oh man I wonder of your human visitors think you have a baby in the woods.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s early, so not a lot has happened today. Weekends are long and tedious. I miss having physical therapy, which they only do on weekends if you miss a weekday session. It’s an insurance thing, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that was the same when my Mom was in therapy. Weekends were hard. Maybe walk around the south wing? Still stay away from the North wing
Tamra Phelps
We’ve established I like Art Deco style jewelry, lol. So, no surprise I like that deco fan pearl ring. Beautiful.
Diane K. Brimmer
Well I made it through my Colonoscopy! I can say I am clean! I am Hinny clean! LOL I don’t have to see him again for 10 years. Yahoo! I have to say the cocktail prep and the IV was the worse part of it. The IV because I have little tiny spider veins and they are like rubber bands. Three tries!!! He had to push down on the vein so he could finally peirce it. Not fun!! After 6- 16 0z glasses of the Suprep concoction I would have never thought he would have a hard time. Well I guess it didn’t all stay in my veins. LOL
Connie Gruning
Diane GREAT now I have that song in my head “I’m clean because my hinny’s clean”
Feeling back to normal yet?
Diane K. Brimmer
Connie, Yep! I have embarrassed my kids by posting that I had this done. I told them “Hey I am old, when your od you talk about stuff like this!” LOL
Connie Gruning
Diane, LOL Well, you how much I embarrass my kids. It’s payback from their teen years. Besides it IS WHAT we talk about now. That and The Husbands announcements “Guess who died today?”
Michele Soyer
I planned on weeding today .. bleh …then I got a call .. thank goodness .. with a last minute chocolate cake order.. Yes!!!!! they need a birthday cake for Sunday…. weeding.. well.. too bad not today!
Tamra Phelps
Yep, baking a cake beats pulling weeds every day, lol!!
Kate Sarsfield
can I lick the bowl?
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I bet the house smells delicious. I’m going to have to go down stairs and forage in the fridge.
Connie Gruning
Michele, Cake! Make two. We’ll all be there. I’ll bring my own fork.
Kate Sarsfield
Better make three then!
Laurie Nykaza
I was out at the nursery buying plants today for my yard love Hoya plants they are so pretty
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I can’t WAIT for Spring! I want to plant things!! I really want to see the ground again. Snow slush is not pretty.
Lauren Peterson
This day isn’t going as well…Too many frustrations at my job, and feeling like I’m not appreciated.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I am so sorry. Nothing makes a job worse than people not appreciating you. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}
Jennifer Wilson
I got a new planner for NEXT year (2021). It’s undated and I began putting the date stickers in it today. I like to keep one full year ahead in the planner I carry everywhere, so I can add January 2021 as soon as this January ends.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, I LOVE planners. I love decorating them, adding stickers, writing positive notes. I carry mine everywhere too.
shelly peterson
Today I went to dialysis. And later I went to dinner with my daughter and grandson.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Dialysis yuck. BUT dinner with your daughter and grandson sounds great. I really WANT my kids to move up here!!!!! I miss them sooooo much!!
Terri S.
I had a really nice day today. One of my girlfriends and I went to lunch and then did a little shopping at the mall.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I love girlfriend lunches. SO MUCH fun!!! Then shopping!?!? What a great day.
Tamra Phelps
Physical therapy is still going pretty well. The walking is getting a little easier, slowly but surely. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel again. I really hope it’s not the MRSA train coming at me!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’m so glad walking is getting easier. Just DO NOT wander to the North side of the hospital!!!
Tamra Phelps
I think the connection necklace is pretty. It’s simple but nice.
Shannon Holmes
I went into town today to the Mediterranean Deli. I got the falafel sammich and it was awesome.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, that sounds delicious. I actually stayed home and cleaned the house top to bottom. It feels so good to get everything caught up.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then stopped at Panera and had a bowl of their French Onion soup. (had a $2 off coupon).
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I love Panera! AND coupon. OH YEAH!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I just love the ring that you chose, Midi Stackable Diamond Ring is one of my favorites and it’s $180.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am kinda in a hurry this morning as I am off to my scope! Whoot! Whoot! I am having trouble with the Giveaway form. Doesn’t seem to want to load for the last three days. Just wondering if anyone else is having issues. Well, wish me luck!
Connie Gruning
Diane, I will see if Giveaway Tools is reporting any issues.
Diane, you can officially declare “These Pipes are CLEAN!!” Sorry………. someone had to say it; so I did.
Diane K. Brimmer
Ha ha!!
I love pearl earrings, these Pearl Studs 14K SOLID GOLD are extra nice!
Michele Soyer
Taking a break today…..doing chores then doing whatever makes me happy….we should all take a “me day” if we can….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I love ‘me days’. The Husband went to town today for a doctor appointment. I got SO MUCH DONE!!! I don’t know WHY but he is here I get nothing done. He leaves and WHAM I have energy and I can clean like a mad woman! I am thrilled that my house is sooooooo clean right this minute. So quick. COME OVER NOW. By morning it will not be clean. Bear is a major shedder and then there’s The Husband……
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh look, paper clip rings: Open Link Ring!
Kate Sarsfield
I tried to sleep but gave up after a couple of hours tossing & turning. If this fog lifts to day I have to get some fresh air to tire me out. Just listening to vixens calling for a mate (lucky them!).
Connie Gruning
Kate, I had to go look up vixens. Now I’m more confused. Is a vixen a fox or a dog? Then I will go back and find a recording to hear what this booty call sounds like.
Jennifer Wilson
I only got about an hour of sleep last night and we had a long day today. I can’t wait for my husband to quit puttering around and go to bed.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, I had the worst night sleep. My back is killing me. I’m positive that all my crazy cleaning 3 floors will show my body who is boss tomorrow.
Lauren Peterson
My day is tiring so far…I didn’t get near enough sleep yesterday.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I hope you can get caught up on you sleep this weekend!
Terri S.
In just this week I learned that many of our friends and family are dealing with sudden health problems (bronchitis, torn ligament in knee, UTI, broken arm, COPD, to name a few). I’m so grateful that hubby and I as well as our kids & grandkids are well. It makes me realize that we often complain about the small things in life when we should be counting our many blessings.
shelly peterson
I slept in today and then watched my granddaughter.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Had a good long sleep.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, quiet day here too with a steady rain. Rain that is supposed to continue through till Monday! At least all the snow will be gone by Tuesday.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am preparing for a Colonoscopy Friday. Oh joy! I have never had one so I am a little nervous. This jug they have given me does not look like a burger and fries!
Kate Sarsfield
I have them regularly Diane, and, although they’re not something I look forward to, they’re not bad – heck woman, you’ve had children! You’ll be fine x
Connie Gruning
Kate, you are so right!! Diane, after childbirth pffffftttt *not a fart noise……. honest…… except now I really can’t stop laughing… after childbirth everything else is easy.
Connie Gruning
Diane, Colonoscopy’s are important. But ………. ha ha ha ha I made a funny……. but the prep work is disgusting. It’s not bad honest. You sleep through the entire thing. Thankfully!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh I don’t Connie! Don’t even take valium, just watch the whole procedure on the monitor – fascinating!
Diane K. Brimmer
Kate, wake me up when it’s over. I haven’t slept all night. I think you know why. LOL
Diane K. Brimmer
Oh Connie, Thanks I think I will sleep. Oh and the prep was disgusting and it was bad. I am a gagger! LOL
Connie Gruning
Diane, Oh man, (to me that anyway) prep is worse than the whole procedure.
Connie Gruning
KATE!!! What!? That was a choice??? WHAT!?!? I had mine done in California and there was no option. ALTHOUGH, here is Sandpoint the tech let me see all the scans from my boob squish. That was very fascinating. Found a couple of spots so back again in 6 months. Oh goodie more squishing. My favorite part is when the tech says “Don’t breathe” UMMMMMMMMM I couldn’t possible breathe if I TRIED!!
Tamra Phelps
Well, so far I’ve managed to avoid the stomach bug here. I hope it passes soon. We all have to wear masks if we go to the therapy side of the building. It looks like some modern day plague movie back there.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, keep your mask on. Heal faster and get out of there before they make a movie of that place!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra, if you don’t get a move on out of there soon, I shall get on a plane & set fire to the place! Least that’d kill some of the bugs going round.
Connie Gruning
Ooh ohh Kate, can I come too!??? I want to play with fire.
Tamra Phelps
In the pearls, the pearl ear chain threader is so neat. I had never seen that before.
I’d love to have this for Valentine’s Day! Diamond Bar Square Ring with White Diamonds!! Even if I’m sitting home eating ice cream, I can do it in style!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, That would be an AWESOME way to spend Valentines Day!! Diamonds, ice cream and something funny on the television. I’m in!
Kate Sarsfield
Trust me to go for the most expensive on there: Large Diamond Pendant Necklace!
Connie Gruning
Kate we have EXCELLENT taste!!
Kate Sarsfield
I opened the curtains this morning and … nothing! We could be in Dickensian London. The cat was not impressed & the fog’s expected to stay for a couple of days. Not a breath of wind out there.
Tamra Phelps
Lol, made me think of the Sherlock Holmes TV series I liked. They would always talk about the London fog being a pea-souper because it was so thick.
Connie Gruning
Tamra I love the Sherlock Holmes TV series. We really love the Elementary series with Jonny Lee Miller, have you tried that one?
Tamra Phelps
I have. I love all Sherlock Holmes, from the books to the old movies to the TV shows!
Connie Gruning
Tamra me too!! Except I wasn’t a great fan of the Will Farrel version. LOL!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I picture a scary movie!! When you have fog does it last all day?
Kate Sarsfield
Yep, all day, no movement, no birds … perfect for Halloween!
Connie Gruning
Kate, WHEN I win the lottery I’m coming to visit YOU!! I need to see this stuff!
Michele Soyer
Have to get a move on and work on some grow beds….there are days when I still cannot believe that a little ( many many moons ago) girl from NYC is playing in dirt all day…never saw this at all….and loving it …
Connie Gruning
Michele, I’m with you. Had someone told me I’d enjoy gardening and living out in the boonies again I would have told them they are insane. Yet, here I am and loving it.
Laurie Nykaza
Cold outside today so we cleaned the house and watched some movies with the kids.
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I would clean house too for snuggling with the kids and watching a movie!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far. It’s been productive, but I’m definitely looking forward to going home and getting some sleep!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, productive day always makes me feel good. I am hoping tomorrow is productive I need to get out of this BLAH mood.
Nidhi C
My day was good at work.
Terri S.
It seemed like I spent hours on the phone today trying to speak to customer service reps. They start with press 1 for this, then press 3 and then our representatives are all busy on other calls, please hold on. After 15 min. I hear a click and if you want to make a call…and realize that I have been disconnected. This happened over and over with different companies. I miss the days when humans answered the phone. Very frustrating day today.
Connie Gruning
Terri, OHMYGOSH I am so with you!! Being on hold is so annoying and when they have that high pitched music it makes me ANGRY!! Ohhhhhh then to be disconnected? I would be frustrated too. I hope tomorrow is wayyyyyy better!
shelly peterson
Well I got my car repaired, but it cost me 560.00. 🙁
Connie Gruning
Shelly, OUCH!!! Why do car repairs have to be so expensive??
Jennifer Wilson
Been hitting all the Dollar Generals I can for the 25 cent Christmas item sales Found 10 cans of cranberry sauce tonight for 25 cents a can. 🙂
Connie Gruning
Jennifer WOO HOO!!! You did great!! I hit the Dollar Store last week and picked up everything I need to make some Valentine Gnomes. No Christmas items left to be found.
My day went well. We were very busy. The weather is still pretty cold.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, our weather is about to change yet again. More snow headed our way tonight. I think I would like to have a sun day. Please.
The X Ring with White Diamonds is very pretty on the hand, it is striking and very feminine!
Diane K. Brimmer
I too love the Halo diamond opal ring. It is just so pretty. Good thing I am broke, because if I wasn’t I soon would be with all these pretty things.
Connie Gruning
Diane, same here. It’s a good thing I don’t have a ton of money. I would be one of those little old ladies with rings on every finger and necklaces that make me hunch over. LOL!
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then grocery shopping. How come I keep having to go there?
Connie Gruning
Sarah, That made me laugh so hard!! My Mom used to ask me the same thing. She tried to get me to do all her grocery shopping……. the answer was NO. If I have to go SO DO YOU!!
Tamra Phelps
Things are just going along as expected here, which is good. They still have the North side of the building, where therapy is, on lockdown. You have to wear a mask when you go there. It’s a stomach bug. Shouldn’t be much longer until it goes away. Hope I steer clear of it.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, as long as you are still staying away from the North Side!!
Tamra Phelps
The Halo Diamond Opal Ring is beautiful. I’ve always been fond of opals.
Shannon Holmes
I am having a good day so far, just had homemade burritos for lunch.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, homemade burritos sounds really good. I’m grilling a chicken tomorrow in my Ninja Foodie and then Friday will be chicken burrito’s. Yummmmmm
Diane K. Brimmer
Goood Morning! Well not much of the morning left! Lol I got to spend the day with one of my daughters. It was so funny just sitting and listening to her and how things are going. I see her all the time but it is usually in passing as I am watching their kids while her and her husband work. I go there becuse it is much easier on the kids and them.
Connie Gruning
Diane, I miss getting to sit and talk with my daughter. I’m going to have to start calling her while she is on her drive home. HA! Captive audience. I use to watch Alice at her house, my motive was the mess stays THERE and no MY house! LOL!
Kate Sarsfield
Wow, clean, understated but dramatic: Bold Ear Cuff With Diamonds!!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m still tired after Panto & my hip hurts like hell but, as we professionals know the show must go on! Cue Connie singing ‘There’s no business like show business’ in her best Ethel Merman impression 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate, I sounded FABULOUS!!!!!!!! Thank you!! And feel better!
Connie Gruning
Michelle, January has been a heck of a month. I’m ready for February aahhhhh who are we kidding I’m ready for JUNE!!!
Lauren Peterson
My day is okay so far. Work is not bad, but just found out two of my friends are leaving 🙁
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I’m so sorry your friends are leaving. Will they be moving far away?
Terri S.
I was afraid my car wouldn’t start since it was only 6 degrees this morning but fortunately it did. I had to do several errands in town. First stop was to my card store to get Valentine’s Day cards for my 2 granddaughters, a birthday card for my cousin, a get well card for my sister and a baptism card for a friend’s baby boy. I love sending cards to friends and loved ones.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I FINALLY, FINALLY have convinced Alice to write to me!! I LOVE sending her fun cards. With a few bribes included. Usually a squishy toy and a t-shirt. Card sending is a dying art, But, I am trying to keep it alive in my family.
shelly peterson
It was not the best day. I spent thee day dealing with car problems.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, car troubles are the WORST!!!! One tiny little part costs so much to fix. Crossing my fingers car problems are little and behind you now.
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. Did a few chores.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I actually got some work done today. Have to get my valentine gifts made for Alice. I feel much better now.
Tamra Phelps
Well, there’s a stomach virus going around in the building. 19 people got sick last night! So, this morning if you leave your room, you have to wear a mask, lol. Lord, I hope I don’t catch this!
Connie Gruning
Oh Tamra, DO NOT GET SICK!!! NOOOOOOOO Hand sanitizer. Stay in bed. Don’t touch anyBODY!! Ohhhh Tamra don’t get sick.
Tamra Phelps
The ear cuff with black diamonds is pretty. It’s unique, too, which I like a lot.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, ear cuffs are so cute. That one with black diamonds is great!
Shannon Holmes
Today has been a good day so far. My outdoor kitties are slowly becoming indoor kitties.
Connie Gruning
Shannon you have such patience. AND LUCKY Kitties too!
Kate Sarsfield
I love this little flower ring: Flower Ring Closed. Reminds me of the one that Dad had made for Mum for their anniversary many moons ago.
Connie Gruning
Kate, I love that your Dad had a ring made for your Mum. That makes it even more special.
Kate Sarsfield
We’re having one of those lovely misty days when there are pearls on the cobwebs outside. The first snowdrops are out already.
Connie Gruning
Kate, I love seeing sparkly cobwebs. I saw a picture floating around I THINK it was on Facebook of a spider web that had gotten wet and was frozen solid!! It was sooooooooo cool looking.
Diane K. Brimmer
Oh this morning woke up to 3- degrees. One thing possitive is that it makes the most beautiful frost on the trees and branches. It is simple gorgeous outside. I just don’t want to stay out there that long.
Connie Gruning
Diane, we had snow but 23 was the low for us. You be a love and keep the -3 okay??
Michele Soyer
Had a really nice day yesterday.. got everything on my lists s and stayed within budget … a miracle… looking at the day and I truly do not feel like yard work so baking?? yes!!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, Getting everything on your list AND staying in budget! I hopefully, you treat your self to a feet up watch a show on tv or a nap? I will always pick a nap!
Lauren Peterson
My day is fine so far. It’s been a bit busy at work, but hopefully it’ll settle down soon.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, hopefully your day calmed down and went fast! Have an excellent day tomorrow!
Terri S.
It was so cold today so I decided to bake oatmeal cookies and an apple pie (hubby’s favorite). I love the aroma that fills the house when I make an apple pie.
Jennifer Wilson
Ran water all night last night to keep the pipes from freezing . Got down to 10 last night. Was awake really late reading a new book on Kindle Unlimited, and fell asleep before putting on my cpap and felt bad upon waking. Feeling better now though. But this month. I’m so ready for January to be over.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, I’m with you! I’m ready for January to be over as well. All this snow and tomorrow it’s supposed to rain all day! That will not be good!
Sarah L
Good swim today. Then I stopped by to pick up the wind chimes from Steve’s daughter. They sound beautiful and I will think of him when I hear them.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, what a great way to remember Steve. I have a set of windchimes for my Mom. They make me happy to hear them.
Tamra Phelps
Well, there were three walks in therapy today. They were 8 feet, 8 feet and 6 feet. Hard to imagine how exhausting they are. But things are going quicker than they did the first time around, so I’m hopeful it will continue like that.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, THAT’s AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Good job!!
Tamra Phelps
The Tableau Bracelet is really nice, very classic. I love it.
Kate Sarsfield
The Diamond Snake Ring with White Diamonds is stunning!
Kate Sarsfield
I have done absolutely nothing worth mentioning today!
Connie Gruning
Kate I built a snowman! That’s how much I didn’t want to do anything!! Alice said “Non, build a snowman” and Sooooooo I built a snowman. Upside down as requested. I also forgot how much snow weighs. HOLY MOLY I forgot how much work building a snowman IS!
The Quadricolor Ring with White Diamonds is one I’d like to have to mix and match!
Sandy Klocinski
My day is going pretty great. Thanks for asking
Connie Gruning
Sandy, my day went great! I built a snowman!! Haven’t done that in over 40 years!
Diane K. Brimmer
Top of the morning to ya! Seems the storm has passed and now it’s quiet and calm. Although they say we have quite a bit of black ice and to be careful. Glad I don’t have to be in town till this afternoon. Hope you have a great day!!
Connie Gruning
Diane, We have all this snow and tomorrow and the rest of the week. ON the snow? OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO that means we shall have an ice rink. UGH!! I’m so glad I don’t have to go anywhere this week.
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…I got more sleep last night than I have in a long time!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, a good nights sleep makes just about everything better.
Michele Soyer
On my way out to go shopping.. Yeah…I need a shopping day even though it is to the grocery…squeezing the melons is a treat for me! Had another lovely surprise yesterday afternoon my godsons wife came for a visit.. lovely catching up….
Connie Gruning
Michele, that sounds like a great day! I am excited for spring and our farmers market. Actually, I’m more excited about having a dry driveway so I can company too! Right now, it’s either a mud pit or an ice rink. I have not inbetween right now.
Shannon Holmes
I went to my fave park and saw the goats. Also cooked a lot so that was fun.
Connie Gruning
Shannon I want a GOAT! But I settled for deer and a BIG dog instead.
Terri S.
I had a relaxing day and watched several movies on Netflix.
shelly peterson
Today was another day to relax, But I did go grocery shopping.
Nidhi C
It was freezing cold here in NJ but we enjoyed it.
Connie Gruning
Nidhi, we actually hit 35 degrees today! It was practically tank top weather!! LOL!
Jennifer Wilson
My day is finally better than any I have had so far this year. Ha! Sitting here holding sweet little HoneyButter — it’s 16 degrees outside and having to make sure the water doesn’t freeze. Happened a few years ago, a pipe burst, and we had to go to the local gym to get a shower on days it was open to the public and not just members. Paying $5 for a shower was never so wonderful. lol
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, before we bought this house the pipes burst downstairs in the middle of winter. Fortunately, or unfortunately no one was living in the house at the time. Soooooooo lot’s of damage. Do you do anything special to keep the pipes from freezing? We leave a faucet in the downstairs bathroom drip. We did the insulated covers for the outside spikets and we keep all our fingers and toes crossed. I don’t even KNOW where we would go for a hot shower. UGH!! Stay warm!
Sarah L
Good Sage Singers rehearsal. I like carpooling with my friend to rehearsal.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, Is Sage Singer performances year around? I wish I could sing. As is people would probably pay me NOT to sing!
The Connection Bracelet is perfect for a special occasion or a date when you want your wrist to look extra pretty while holding a wine glass!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, wine? The bracelet comes with wine? I want TWO!! Actually that bracelet is beautiful!
Tamra Phelps
This has been a blah kind of weekend. The weather has been gray and rainy, and my mood has matched it, ha!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’ve had the blahs all weekend. Tomorrow I HAVE GOT to SNAP out of it!! (that was my VERY best Cher impersonation!) This house is a MESS!! I need to get some work done!
Tamra Phelps
I was looking at the rose gold jewelry. The Brooklyn Bridge ring in rose gold is really pretty.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that ring is pretty. It’s unique.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am enjoying my morning here even though it is really snowing. We have a lot of churches cancelled because of the snow. We are suppose to go out to dinner with my brother but secretly I would love to just cancel and stay home. Oh man, I am getting old! This warm fire just seems to be drawing me to just stay here.
Connie Gruning
Diane, anymore I’m such a homebody! It’s got to be the snow right?!?? The snow makes me want to stay home and read or knit. Also not a fan of the roads with this much snow.
Kate Sarsfield
Sorry, Connie, all I did today was to reply to Michele’s comment re. her jewellery!
Kate Sarsfield
Does that still count?
Connie Gruning
Kate, ABSOLUTELY it counts!!
Connie Gruning
Kate, that’s fine! No worries.
Kate Sarsfield
I sparkled, I shimmered, sang my heart out (Oh, and did I mention I’m in charge of sound effects? Well, it’s an iPad and all I have to do is hit the icon … Yes, I am/was in charge of all the farts/burps etc. etc.). Didn’t go to the party as Mum wasn’t feeling well … catching up on all the goings on on FB as we ‘speak’!
Tamra Phelps
I’m glad it went great! You can add sound engineer to your resumé!
Connie Gruning
Kate, will be get to see it on Facebook or YouTube??? Farts and BURPS?!?! NOW I have GOT to see this!!
Michele Soyer
Love Me Knot Ring that is the one for me….
Michele Soyer
Sunday glorious Sunday…First thing after I get things sorted is mass….after a day relaxing with my lists for bulk shopping tomorrow.. The first since the holidays.. my cupboards are bare!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, Since there is so much snow out today I stayed in my jammies ALL DAY LONG!!!! It was awesome!
Shannon Holmes
I took a walk with my room mate and our doggo. It was nice.
Connie Gruning
Shannon the most I walked today was to take Bear out for a potty run. It’s cold and snowing. (That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!!)
Lauren Peterson
My day is better…Had a really bad headache yesterday, so I’m glad it’s finally gone.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I’ve got a dozy of a headache brewing right now. I need to take something before I go off to bed. I do NOT want to wake up with a headache, I have to clean this house tomorrow.
Terri S.
It snowed today. We got about 6” and the temperature was only 10 degrees while my poor hubby cleaned it away with the snowblower. It felt even lower with the strong winds. It was a good day for homemade chicken soup.
Connie Gruning
Terri, Homemade chicken soup sounds so good!!! The Husband has to take the tractor out and clear the roads tomorrow (it’s supposed to be in the 30’s soooo not as bad as your 10 degree weather.) but soup and homemade bread would probably be appreciated… Yup. That’s the goal for tomorrow!
shelly peterson
Today I did a whole lot of nothing.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Same here! As a matter of fact I stayed in my pajamas all day long!! Now, I’m headed to bed! 3 cheers for lazy days!
Jennifer Wilson
Is it 2021 yet? I’m so over 2020 already. I have been belittled, falsely accused, and nearly scammed, not to mention my health has been bad from my blood sugars almost doubling to a stomach bug.
Connie Gruning
Ahhhh Jennifer I’m so sorry. I wish I could come and give you a big hug!!
Hopefully, your blood sugar is back to normal.
It’s almost Monday a new week. A better week!! Sending you positive thoughts.
Sarah L
Bittersweet time this morning. Memorial service for my friend Steve who died at age 100. He had a good, long life. Good to see his kids, grand kids and great grand kids.
Connie Gruning
{{{{{{{{{{{Sarah}}}}}}}} you were such a good friend to Steve. 100 years old. That’s my goal!
With this Flower Ring Open with White Diamonds I can get my wish for flowers!
Tamra Phelps
Ugh, it’s been a rainy, nasty, windy day here. I just don’t like dreary days like this.
Tamra Phelps
On AUrate, the assynetric pearl ring is drawing me in, lol. It’s gorgeous.
It is a chilly day today. We had a nice breakfast this morning. I am working on some projects today.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, I’m trying my hardest to get motivated to do ANYTHING. I have a case of the blahs!
Wanda B
Day is going wonderfully once again. It always start with a good cup of coffee and a snuggle with my little dog.
Connie Gruning
Wanda, NOW you’re talking my language!! Coffee and the dog! I’m in! Actually, that sounds like a great idea…… that’s exactly what I’m going to do right now.
Shannon Holmes
I finally was able to get some restful sleep and I am happy about that.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I’m glad. I’m so tired today and it’s not even 11am! But, I’m ready for a nap!
Kate Sarsfield
Arc Ring: … bold and curvaceous … just like me!
Connie Gruning
Kate! With that description I must have the Arc Ring as well!!!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Not sure where I should really be posting this but here goes:
Now I just looked at the Medium Diamond Solitaire Ring it is absolutely gorgeous! I know that the round diamond ones would probably stay in the setting better but I love the square ones. I lost mine because of the prongs wearing out. So I haven’t had one in years. Guess not much need when you live on a farm and tend goats, chickens and so forth. LOL
Connie Gruning
Diane, you can post anywhere you want too!!! I’m with you. We never get company out here so I don’t wear anything but my wedding set and truthfully, IF I could get it off I probably wouldn’t be wearing that either.
BTW I want a chickens and a goat!! But, we found the remains of a doe yesterday up by the house……… sooooooo I do not believe chickens OR a goat are in my future.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m trying to beat the clock by getting all the usual Sat. chores done because it’s the final show tonight followed by the wind-up PARTY!!! Sequins all the way for me!
Connie Gruning
Kate, break a leg!! Sparkle all the WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamra Phelps
Yep, sparkle and shine like a star!! (I feel I said that with jazz hands!!)
Diane K. Brimmer
Good morning! Well, we are in the middle of a storm here. It would be great if I didn’t have to go out in it, but duty calls. Going to watch my little buddy and his sisters, while moms at work and dad goes to work on the farm. Cattle don’t feed themselves! When you live on a big farm it takes a lot of work. Don’t tell him but I like my job better than going out into the bitter cold on a tractor.
Connie Gruning
Ewwwww Diane, you must be getting what we had last week. It’s a dooooozy!! Drive carefully. Having grown up on a farm in Colorado I do not envy farm work!! Farming is so much hard work. I’d much rather spend the day playing inside with the kids!
One thing having had experience on a farm I insisted The Husband get a tractor with a heated cab. NOW he is thankin’ me big time!!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…Not too busy at work, and we’re planning a coworker’s birthday.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, CAKE!!! I’ll be right there!! Have fun at the party.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis and then went to dinner with my son and daughter. I had my grandkids over for a while.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, That sounds like the perfect way to end a session of dialysis. {{{{{{{{{{{{Shelly}}}}}}}}}}}
Terri S.
My day went by so fast. The older I get the faster time goes for me. My hubby was longing for a candy he had when he was a kid, black licorice pipes. I found a company on line that sells them and lots of other candies from our childhood (OldTimeCandy.com). They came today and he was thrilled.
Dana Rodriguez
I love their Simple Opal Ring in rose gold. Opal is my birthstone and that is so pretty.
Connie Gruning
Dana, I keep looking at that same ring. It’s sooooo pretty.
Connie Gruning
Dana, beautiful choice!
Sarah L
Good swim. My car was yelling at me so I stopped and got gas.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I’m so amazed at myself; these last 3 years I fill up the car when it get’s to the half way mark. If you knew me in real life you would know that is a MAJOR deal for me. I normally say E is for Escondido. (That’s the town where I use to work) I was so good at playing chicken with the E. Snow and long lonely walks up a steep road…. that will cure anyone. Even ME!
Wanda B
Day is going great! Lots of snow coming down but it’s so pretty!
Connie Gruning
Wanda, since we live up so high we get SO MUCH SNOW. The Husband is using the blower to send it down the mountain. Our trees flowers are going to look awesome this Spring!
Connie Gruning
Wanda, we ran into town today because we have more snow headed our from tonight to Monday. That’s gonna be a lotta snow.
Tamra Phelps
Since I had an allergic reaction, likely to the newest antibiotic, they’ve decided to pull the picc line and switch to a pill antibuotic. Fine by me. I hate those picc lines. An infected picc line is what led to MRSA to begin with.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I would much have a pill than those picc lines. Anyword on Cardinal Hill???
Tamra Phelps
The flower necklace closed is really pretty. It looks thick and heavy, but pretty.
I’ve been going gaga lately for aquamarine, and I found this ring!!! BIRTHSTONE – AQUAMARINE – MAR!!!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, Aquamarine was my Mom’s very favorite stone. Should have loved that ring!
Sandy Klocinski
So far so good but there’s still plenty of time for things to fall apart…
Kate Sarsfield
I love this Crossover Ring! Easy to wear with anything & a bit different as well!
Connie Gruning
Kate, that is a great ring. I love BIG bold rings. Or rings that are unique!
Kate Sarsfield
We’re in for some beautiful cold but sunny days & frosty nights so I’m getting out into the garden for fresh air as much as I can. Great way to get rid of stress as well 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate enjoy your sunshine!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good Morning! Hope your day is going well so far. You know they say you can tell how old a person by their conversation. I am going to pick up more monthly prescriptions. LOL I guess there might be some truth in that. I am going in now as they are predicting another snow storm. Can I say I won’t really mind as we have a busy weekend ahead and it wouldn’t be so bad if we had to cancel. I am awful!
Connie Gruning
Diane, If the how many prescriptions you take thing is correct ………. I’m REALLY OLD!!!!! I’m with you, I would be fine with a ton of snow and just stay home get some work around here done. I also want to see just how close I can get to my deer buddies.
Michele Soyer
What a surprise this morning.. heard from a friend that I thought was gone from my life for good.. it has been 14 years!!! Replied immediately and so happy to get that connection back…doing a happy dance….
Connie Gruning
Michele That’s so exciting!!!!!!! Good for you!!!!!! Do you live close to each other?
Michele Soyer
Across an ocean Connie!!! LOL…travel might be in the cards in 2020!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I have GOT to play the lottery!! Travel would be AWESOME!!!
Shannon Holmes
I haven’t been to sleep yet, boo. I have tried.
Laurie Nykaza
Today we went for dinner for 2 birthdays we celebrated and it was so much fun to see everyone there.
Lauren Peterson
I’m good so far…Still feeling the lack of sleep though!
shelly peterson
I had a good day relaxing and doing a little cleaning.
Lauren Peterson
My day went pretty well…Didn’t sleep as much as I would’ve like, because the dogs kept waking me up, lol.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I can barely keep my eyes open right now!! Hopefully, we can both get some sleep soon!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Then a busy few days.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I’ll be thinking about you Saturday. I wish I was there for you to lean on. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Wanda B
Day is going great so far! Just bought insurance for our upcoming Caribbean cruise. Getting excited!!
Connie Gruning
Oh Wanda!!!! LUCKY LUCKY you!!!!!!! When you come back we need all the details!!!!!!How FUN!! I’m so jealous! I love cruise travel.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh my, these are beautiful and not heavy so easy to wear: Pearl Ear Chain Threader
The Diamond Circle bracelet is very pretty, dainty and sweet. Nothing gaudy or too flashy, but graces your wrist in a captivating way.
Kate Sarsfield
Another terrific show last night but I’m beginning to feel tired (note to self: put the bloody book down and say no to ‘just one more chapter’!).
Connie Gruning
Kate, I’m finding myself saying “knit just one more row” ssooooo tired.
Tamra Phelps
Well, last night what had been a mild sort of itchy thing with my skin went ballistic. It might be a reaction that built up to one of the antibiotics I’m on, likely the one I started a few weeks ago. For now, they’re stopping the I.V.s. Some one who deals with recurring bouts of MRSA can’t afford to have too many bad reactions to antibiotics. I already can’t do the sulfa ones because I’m very allergic to them.
Kate Sarsfield
Aw heck, Tamra! What next? Try to stay positive & aim for Lexington! Far easier said than done, I realise, but water off a duck’s back compared to what you’ve already been through.
Connie Gruning
Oh Tamra; Sending you hugs and healing thoughts. Cardinal Hill…. just keep your eye on the Hill!! YOU can do it!!
Tamra Phelps
I really like bracelets. Their X Cuff bracelet. I tend toward big bracelets like that.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today is my little Avery’s 8th birthday. Sad to say that her whole family has got the flu. As much as I hate to say it I guess we will drop her gift off at the door.
Shannon Holmes
Been watching The Witcher on Netflix and I love it.
Michele Soyer
Back out again today.. more flowers to transplant then setting more seeds.. doing a little test of my homegrown seeds against store bought… sometimes you never know…anyway this is my chore for the day then I want to start watching Outlander.. it will be my television guilty pleasure for the month!
Connie Gruning
Oh Michele, I love Outlander. I haven’t started the new season yet. I have no doubt homegrown seeds will win. My chore list is ummmmmmm maybe try to drive into town. Let’s see how much snow is out there first!
Laurie Nykaza
We had fun at TJMax shopping today which is always fun. We had to buy some gifts for Birthdays coming up in our family.
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I miss TJMax and Ross and Target!! Sandpoint has a Walmart (A really nice one) but Target is over an hour away and well, basically I am lazy!
Sarah L
Good swim today. No errands for a change.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, YEAH you! You don’t get a lot of quiet days with no errands. Hopefully, you enjoyed yourself.
The Double Mini Letter Charm Pendant with White Diamonds would make a nice gift for someone special, esp as shown, with XO, it is so cute!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, That is such a cute bracelet. SO CUTE!!
Shannon Holmes
My cat is feeling much better today. I have an outside kitty we have been working with to come inside the house and she will come in longer and longer each time.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, YEAH for the inside kitty!
Tamra Phelps
Went out for a CT scan today. The goal is to see what’s going on with a bed sore I got while in the hospital at Thanksgiving. With my bad health, low immune system, these days, I don’t heal quickly. They want to be sure there is no infection because it was tunneling, but it seems to be better since they put me on another antibiotic…yep, two major antibiotics now, lol. But if it gets well, I might be able able to get into a physical therapy place in Lexington, called Cardinal Hill. It’s the state of the art facility in KY. They can work with you three times a day, for hours. (As good as these guys are here, they can’t do that.) Cardinal Hil’s goal is to get you home quickly. I’m good with that.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, 2 big antibiotic has to tear up your stomach! UGH!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for Cardinal Hill!! Mostly hoping for HOME really soon!
Kate Sarsfield
Eat lots of natural live yoghurt! Lexington sounds terrific!
Tamra Phelps
The pave diamond evil eye bracelet is pretty neat. I like the idea behind that, lol.
Wanda B
My day is going great! Weather isn’t too bad today so I’ll go for a long walk.
Connie Gruning
Wanda, I HAVE SUN!!! I have SUNSHINE!!! I don’t dare go for a walk except the drive because I’m certain I’ll fall off the mountain but it sure is beautiful today!
Kate Sarsfield
Hold the front page, folks! Mum got up & dressed by herself! This morning’s bit of dry weather & sunshine worked it’s magic!
Connie Gruning
Kate picture me doing the dance. hhooooowoooo go Mum go Mummm Go!! Sway over here….. sway over there….. go Mum GO Mum…. YEEEHAAAA Now, I’m exhausted and must go rest.
Tamra Phelps
Way to go, Mum!!
Kate Sarsfield
More paper clip jewellery: Sway Large Chain Earrings Long!
Connie Gruning
Kate, well, of course we have to have the whole set!! I really do like those, they look great and are dainty too.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today is another great day other than all my kids are coming down with the flu and I am staying home, where they are not! I know how that sounds but I don’t bounce back like I use to.
Connie Gruning
Diane, I’m with you! NO WAY I’m going to visit anyone with a cold. Nope. Nope. NOPE!!! Those adorable little germ carriers want to hug and cuddle, kiss and snuggle. They have super powers of persuasion and G’ma’s can’t resist. Stay home.
Michele Soyer
Yes I am back to normal in the swing again.. Cleaned out the conservatory and re-arranged all the plants.. then re-potted more flowers and transplanted some veggies…Today no matter what the weather back out again to clean out the beds and get ready to plant some lettuce and greens….
Connie Gruning
WOW Michele! You really are back to normal. Good for you!! Spring and summer will be tasty at your house!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…I’m hoping it’s a nice, easy shift!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I hope your shift was fast and calm!
shelly peterson
I stayed in today. It snowed all day.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, it snowed here all day. Snow here is officially up to my waist.
Shannon Holmes
I made some african peanut soup with collard greens today and it was delicious.
Sarah L
Busy day. Got my infusion. Got an Oregon Blackberry shake from Good Times. Then an hour massage.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I would love to try an Oregon Blackberry Shake. We have Huckleberry shakes up here and they are mighty tasty!
Tamra Phelps
Physical therapy is going well. I’m able to push my own butt out of the wheelchair now. So, my strength is coming back.
Connie Gruning
Go Tamra GO!!! We knew you could do it!
Tamra Phelps
All AUrate, they have a Sensu Ring that reminds me of the Deco earrings and rings. I really like that.
Sandy Klocinski
Meh. I need more sleep, otherwise it was a decent day so far
I love the Mini Stackable Diamond Ring. I actually have one similar, that is for my baby finger. And now I’m thinking how I never wear it! But stackable is nice, you could pair it with something else, and it would look nice.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I have several thin stack-able rings and I mix and match them to my mood. It’s fun. I love mixing silver and gold together.
Wanda B
My day is going great! Got my flu shot this morning and should stay healthy for the rest of the season.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve always loved opals so this would be a nice one to own: Simple Opal Ring.
Connie Gruning
Kate another classic! I love the look of opals.
Kate Sarsfield
Half 4 in the afternoon & I can’t get Mum out of bed! She’s glued to the snooker on tv and doesn’t want to budge – well, sorry Mum, the rest of the world is moving and so must you! I’ve got 3 hours to get to the theatre…
Connie Gruning
Kate I had to look up snooker. POOL!! I could watch pool. Especially the people that can do all those trick shots.
Diane K. Brimmer
I reall like the White Diamond Ring in rose gold. It is just so gorgeous.
Connie Gruning
Diane, Diamonds ARE a girls best friend after all………. well after Grandkids that is!
Diane K. Brimmer
Good Morning! My brother came out just fine and the nephew is doing okay. It’s a great day! Well, we will see what the day has instore for me as the phone has not rang just yet. It is hard to make plans as usually the phone rings everytime and I have to change them. I guess I could protest, but not when it comes time with spending time with Hunter.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, thank goodness!
Connie Gruning
Diane I am so happy your brothers procedure went well. AND your nephew too! I bet Hunter and Alice would have a great time together.
Michele Soyer
Ok so enough is enough.. time to actually get back to work…I have my “get back to work” to-do list and after breakfast out I go….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I actually crossed off 3 things today. Course, it helps that I am snowed in and really had no excuse. But the house is vacuumed. Bed changed and the kitchen is sparkling. Whew…… now the dog wants to go out and I DON’T WANNA GO!!!!!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…My friend sent me a video of a dog rescue that got a ton of donations I collected from neighbors…It felt so amazing to see it!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, that is a great way to start your day.
shelly peterson
Today was a typical day of dialysis.
Connie Gruning
Shelly Hugs, hugs and more hugs headed your way!
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m more determined than ever to move therapy along as fast as possible. I’m just sooo tired of being here. I want to be on my feet, at home.
Kate Sarsfield
And you will! How can you not when you’ve got us lot rooting for you 😉
Connie Gruning
Tamra, we believe in you! You can do it!!!
Tamra Phelps
I was looking at AUrate’s black diamond rings. The black diamond circle ring is soooo pretty. I love it.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, another great choice! I LOVE it!! Of course you had me at diamond………
I love the Diamond Cluster Studs! I have to be careful with my pierced ears, I had to have a cosmetic surgeon fix them, but studs are OK. I’ve been noticing lots of stars wearing diamond studs, after so long of not wearing much jewelry. These would be good for so many occasions with just the right amount of sparkle, nothing too gaudy, yet noticeable!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I don’t wear any dangle earrings anymore either. I wear studs. This aging thing has it’s drawbacks like really long lobes!
Daniel M
no resolutions this year
Connie Gruning
Daniel, that’s a good thing. I’ve already forgotten all mine and it’s only the 14th of January
Sarah L
Good swim this afternoon with friends. Then I had to drop off the house key I had for when I was Steve sitting. His memorial service is this Saturday.
Kate Sarsfield
Aw, Steve died? I’m so sorry. All those memories and stories of his …
Connie Gruning
Sarah, Hugs for you!!! I’m so sorry Steve is gone. Saturday will be a very hard day for you and his family.
Heather E.
My day is going just fine so far. I work from home and have two toddlers, so there’s been a couple minor upsets this morning, including them slurping milk off the floor after spitting it there…but they are in good moods!
Connie Gruning
Heather, bless your heart! Working from home with toddlers is double the work I load. I mean triple. Slurping milk from the floor made me laugh so hard I snorted.
Diane K. Brimmer
I also love the White Diamond Ring $350 14K SOLID GOLD. It is just beautiful! No body ever said I was cheap! LOL
Connie Gruning
Diane, we are the so the same! I’ve learned just point me to the most expensive piece that’s the one I’ll want. Be it food or appliances or jewelry. We just have excellent taste!
Diane K. Brimmer
Today is kinda a nerve racking day, as I heard last night that my niece’s huband choked on a piece of chicken. In the process they had to defibulate him. As far as I know he is doing okay. My brother is having a procedure as we speak and I am on pins and needles. Hope the rest of the year is not like this.
Connie Gruning
Diane, I hope your nieces husband is on the mend. Saying a prayer for your brother. Also praying that the rest of this year is a calm one for you.
Diane K. Brimmer
Kate Sarsfield
The Large Chain Bracelet reminds me of when we were little and made jewellery out of paper clips!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I had to go look, that is what the bracelet reminds me of, except classier and prettier. And note to The Husband noooo you can not chain paperclips together for my Valentines day present!
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Awake half the night with Storm Brendan but not as bad here as on the Atlantic coast, and anyway I was snug in my bed so what on earth am I complaining for?
Connie Gruning
Kate, stay safe and cuddled up in bed. I did send The Husband out to clear snow. But then just looked outside and it’s snowing AGAIN!!!!
Shannon Holmes
I just got up, getting ready to go to my appts today. Looks to be a nice day besides the rain in the forecast.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, hopefully you’ll be home before the rain starts.
Michele Soyer
Looking out at the weather today and I have decided that I need another day off…..so I have to find something to get into trouble with here in the house! This will not be hard….Happy Monday all….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I’m with you. Another day off sounds great! We keep loosing Internet so I’m trying to type faster? Yup, that’s how my brain is working today!
Lauren Peterson
My day is okay so far. Not looking forward to how many errands I have to run in the morning, though!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I am SO glad I don’t have to go anywhere. Well, technically I couldn’t if I tried. Our road is totally blocked by snow.
shelly peterson
I went to breakfast with my kids and grandson. They came over later to watch The Seahawks and eat home made soup.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, That sounds like a great Sunday, except maybe the game. Really wanted the Seahawks to win!
Nidhi C
We went to six flag today. It was a pretty fun day.
Connie Gruning
Nidhi, I LOVE Six Flags! Was it crowded? What a fun day, crowded or not
Sarah L
Had a good rehearsal with Sage Singers. This is the 2nd week I’ve been picking up a friend so she can attend the rehearsals.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, you are such a good person!!
I love the Flower Bracelet Closed!! Very pretty!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I really love that entire collection of Flower jewelry. I love that ring the most or maybe the necklace.
We’ve had a couple of really warm days, today was sunny, too! I just finished making kale chips with a topping, and putting dishes away. Now to relax for a bit!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, It’s actually not really cold here even with all this snow. It’s 27 degrees. DID I ACTUALLY JUST TYPE THAT?!?! NOT cold? OH NO!! I think it’s official!! I’ve become a full fledged Idahoan! The part of me that lived in California for 40 years just started to cry.
You’re getting used to those temps, after balmy Cali!!! Either that or you have some really good longjohns!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, who would have thought I would get use to Idaho cold? Surely NOT ME!!
Wanda B
My day is going wonderfully! I’m healthy and alive and happy!
Connie Gruning
Wanda, your comment made me happy!! That is a wonderful day!
Tamra Phelps
My brother just visited and brought me Oreo’s new caramel coconut cookies. That’s been the highlight of my day, lolol.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve never had an Oreo – remind me too much of dog biscuits!
Connie Gruning
WHAT?!?!! Kate!! Never had an OREO!?!?! WHAT!??!!? Omgeee I have such a funny story about Oreo’s. Alice was under a year old at the time. Her parents didn’t want her to have sweets…. I tried. HONEST I tried. Then there was the OREO’s!!
Off to Tennessee the three of them went. Alice’s parents again with the no sweets to Grammy and Granddad. Granddad said “Oh one Oreo won’t hurt her!” as he tossed the cookie on her highchair tray. (This was the first time I was ratted out by a kid that couldn’t talk yet!!) Selena got out her phone to take video of the 1st cookie……..
Alice twisted that Oreo like a pro, licked the icing and then ate the cookie.
Granddad said “MY ASS this kid has never had an Oreo!!”
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that’s a new flavor to me. I’ve never even seen caramel coconut Oreo’s. Good huh??
Tamra Phelps
Like I said, I like Art Deco a lot, and I noticed they have those Deco Earrings with a pearl, too. Nice!
Kate Sarsfield
I love pearls. So simple, easy to wear and beautiful, the Simple Pearl Necklace is really elegant.
Connie Gruning
Kate, Pearls are so elegant. I have my great-grandmothers set of course she was a skinny, tiny thing and my big ole neck won’t allow me to wear them without having them re-stringed.
Kate Sarsfield
That’s the last of the matinées done & dusted. Another full house & standing ovation! Hopefully I’ll get to have a lie-in tomorrow before catching up on housework – yay (not!).
Tamra Phelps
Yay!! I’m sure you deserved a Standing O!!! ??? I wish you guys had your performances on YouTube! I’d love to see it.
Kate Sarsfield
We’re not even allowed to share anything on FB etc. till later in the week so as not to spoil the surprise for the audiences! Anyway, Panto is v. topical, political, local etc. so you wouldn’t get the wisecracks! I can reveal that a certain high-ranking, global leader makes an appearance 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate, that is SO COOL!!!!!! I can’t wait to see some clips!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I agree. Hopefully, there is a video for us to watch! I would love to see it.
Connie Gruning
Kate, I hope there is a video for us to see!!
Robin Abrams
My day is going good. I got to sleep in today. We have all been sick and today is the first day in a month that I have felt good.
Connie Gruning
Robin, I hope you all feel 100% soon. Having the whole household down with the flu is really no fun.
Shannon Holmes
Our outside cat is getting better at being inside with the indoor cats for the most part.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, No cats here, but man oh man would Bear love it if I let her just GO! I’m afraid little miss would just keep going!
Lauren Peterson
Today is good. I slept in, after being up for about 20 hours yesterday. Whew!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, 20 hours? Hopefully you slept like a log!
Diane K. Brimmer
It is absolutely beautiful here today. The snow is sparking like diamonds through the sun. Went out to dinner with my brother and his wife after I got done kid sitting. He said something last night that made me cry. He told me I was his best friend.
Connie Gruning
Diane, That is so sweet!!!!!
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. I went to lunch with my family and then to a movie.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, that sounds like a perfect day to me. I haven’t been to a movie in forever! May have to wait till spring to get out though! Another 20″ expected today.
I love the Lariat Necklace! Oooo la laa!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I love the Lariat bar one too. The Y shaped would by my favorite of the two. So elegant.
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. I see you’re having a snow day up there. It’s strange for me to see that you have snow and then the rains come and melt it all away.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, we are still getting hammered apparently until Monday
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m just flipping channels, watching people re-do their houses on HGTV, or animals on Animal Planet, or people ‘off’ each other on ID, lol. In other words, I’m not being very productive.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I saw the most amazing bathroom makeover. I was just drooling!!! I imagine my green and purple bathroom will stay weird for another year or two.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, did you check out the earrings on AUrate?? My Mom loved earrings, so I was checking them out, thinking, ‘oh, she would’ve loved those,’ etc. I love Art Deco, so the Deco Fan earrings caught my eye. Beautiful.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, Those are unique!! Did you see the ones with the pearls in them??
Shannon Mitchell
No resolutions for me they don’t seem to work out anyway.
Connie Gruning
Shannon I have GOT to lose weight by July. My son turns 40 then and I’d like to show up to his party 40 (70) pounds lighter. Keep your fingers crossed.
Kate Sarsfield
That’s the first of the matinées over, just tomorrow’s to get through and then Mon – Sat are evening performances (get to lie in for a bit)! Full houses & great reactions so far! Going to sit down to a pizza & might even finish off a box of Christmas chocolates.
Tamra Phelps
I’m impressed that you still have boxes of Christmas chocolates!! You must have iron willpower! Mine are gone way before the New Year, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve got boxes of them in the boot/trunk of the car! We bought them for neighbours then we had to warn them to stay clear of the flu’! I’ll take them into the Theatre for the cast & chorus etc. later in the week.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, Kate has Christmas CANDY??? I’ll swing by grab you and we will trick or treat loudly until she shares!
Connie Gruning
Kate, Good for you!! Congratulations!! Hope the next two performances go even better! Pizza and Christmas chocolate!? I’m ON MY WAY!!!!!
Wanda B
Great day so far! Going out for lunch soon!
Connie Gruning
Wanda, I hope you enjoyed your lunch! We are officially snowed in. Gonna hunker down with my knitting here soon.
Shannon Holmes
Well we thought our cat was sick and we were going to have to take her to the vet but she is looking better today.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I’m glad your cat is better. I don’t like it when our fur babies are sick!
Diane K. Brimmer
Well I am off to the kids house. Not very excited about the drive in as the weather took a drastic change over night.
Connie Gruning
Diane, drive carefully. I am soooo glad I don’t have to go anywhere today. It’s NASTY here.
Lauren Peterson
So far, my day is good, but I’m definitely looking forward to getting off work!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, hopefully you get a relaxing rest of the weekend!
Terri S.
My goodness, this day is over in a few minutes. I got my home ready for my weekend guest. Cleaned the house, stocked the fridge and now I can relax.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I really, really REALLY should be upstairs cleaning. However, since we are all stocked up on food and snowed in I’m gonna be lazy with a dirty house. Have fun with your guest!
shelly peterson
Today was a dialysis day. We got a lot of snow today.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, sending hugs your way!
Sarah L
Glad to get back to the pool today. Had a fall on Wednesday (my dr. checked me out as OK).
Still a bit stiff and sore.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I am glad your okay. That pool had to feel really GOOD!
Wowie zowie I love this Marilyn Monroe Collection 1/15 CT. Diamond Solitaire Curved Bangle in Sterling Silver. It is unique, but not in a weird way. So pretty and delicate!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I love the Marilyn Monroe collection. Very pretty bracelet!
Shannon Holmes
I think that I am trying to get sick, my roommate and I both have the sniffles and sneezes.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, go get Zicam now! I swear by that stuff.
Tamra Phelps
I was able to take three steps today, so that’s consistent, which is what you want to see in therapy. Man, I never imagined taking three steps would be so exhausting, lol.
Wanda B
Day is going great! Finally put the Christmas decorations put away for another year.
Tamra Phelps
The little black diamond ring is so pretty. I’d wear that one.
Kate Sarsfield
Welcome ladies, gentlemen and children to the opening night of Beauty and The Beast! Hopefully the adrenaline will start to kick in ‘cos I’m tired before we even start!
Connie Gruning
Break a leg Kate!!!! We can not wait to hear about the standing ovations!!
Tamra Phelps
Go, Kate! You’ll get your second wind when the limelight hits you, lol.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today is just awesome out as there is no snow! For today at least! I do hear it will be back in full force this weekend. I have to go kidsit this weekend and the weather makes me so nervous anymore when I am out and about. Oh the joys of getting old!
Connie Gruning
Diane, I had to drive to Coeur d’Alene yesterday for recall on my car. It’s only 40 miles but knowing that the snow was coming made me a little nervous. Made it back safe and sound. We are fully stocked with food. Wine. Yarn. Bring it on Mother Nature! (I AM SORRY MOTHER NATURE……. it was just a reflex PLEASE be gentle!!)
If you get what we are supposed to get (14″) go get more wine.
Diane K. Brimmer
Oh I hear you! I had the clerk in the store ask me if I got everything I needed to for the storm. She said you better stock up.
Diane K. Brimmer
Midi Stackable Diamond Ring and it’s $180 I probably would break down and wear that everyday.
Connie Gruning
Diane, we have the same tastes. I love the stackable jewelry. I am to the point in my life if I love it I’m wearin’ it.
Michele Soyer
I really like the Bridge Ring….
Connie Gruning
Oh Michele, I drooled over the Bridge Ring too. I really had a hard time between the signat ring and the bridge. One is modern and fun and one classic. It was really hard.
Connie Gruning
Michele, Let me look and see if your comments went into the spam folder.
Michele Soyer
I have no idea where my daily comments have gone.. do not see them here oh well.. lets see if today is my lucky day.. the eclipse is here.. as for me lying low and as it is a rainy windy day I can stay put inside and read….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I trust you. Must be the Peanut Gremlins at work again. Staying inside and reading is a great thing to do!! I plan to go knit soon.
Tracy Robertson
Today was okay. It was just a regular work-a-day Thursday. I am so ready for the weekend!
Connie Gruning
Tracy, why does the work week go so slow and the weekend speed by in a blink of an eye? I hope your weekend is relaxing and slow!
Lauren Peterson
My day is busy so far…Came into a big rush at work, so playing catch up now!
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I ran a couple errands.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I ran all my errands yesterday we are supposed to get slammed with snow through Monday. Ewwwww!
Jennifer Wilson
I’ve known my primary care physician since elementary school. That can be awkward at times. . . anyway, had an appointment with him today and he is perplexed as I am at why my blood sugar is doing wacky things all of a sudden.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, GRADE SCHOOL? You really did grow up with your physician. When I lived in California I had the same doctor for 40+ years. She retired the same time I did. Now my doctor in Sandpoint looks like she is 12!! OMGOSH I am old.
Sarah L
Went to see my rheumatologist. It’s a long drive from my house but she moved facilities from downtown to quite a ways north. She’s worth the drive. Very caring.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, my rheumatologist is in Spokane WA but he is hysterical! Also worth the drive.
I like the classic rings, especially the cute little diamond cluster ring, it reminds me of a tiny flower.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, that little cluster ring reminded me of a flower too. Very cute!
Tamra Phelps
So, I said I wanted to take steps this week…AND I DID!! Just two, but I’ll take that, lol. It’s a start.
Kate Sarsfield
Whoopy ding dong! Go’n ya good ting ya as pronounced in a Wexford accent, which I don’t have! (Go on you good thing!)
Connie Gruning
Kate you crack us up!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, this is me throwing confetti and dancing!!! GOOD JOB!!!!!!! You are unstoppable!
Tamra Phelps
I’m a bracelet fan. I like the flower cuff or the arc cuff bracelet.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that arc cuff is sooooo cool!! The arc RING!! Oh mama I like that ring!!
Shannon Victoria Holmes
Halo Diamond Opal Ring in rose gold.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, that ring is so pretty. The necklace has me drooling!
Shannon Victoria Holmes
I am doing good today so far. It is a beautiful day here in Chester, VA.
Connie Gruning
Shannon we had our beautiful day yesterday. Blue skies. Today? SNOW. LOTs and LOTS of snow.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am having a lazy day just doing a few things around the house. It is 29 degrees and extremely windy. Feels like it is in the lower teens, and it is hard to keep the house warm. Seems like the wind is sucking the wood right out of the furnace.
Connie Gruning
Diane, it’s actually cold down here in my craft room. I’m thinking it may be time to go upstairs and knit. Working on a blanket so I’ll be warm. AGAIN I have to ask WHO builds a house in NORTHERN IDAHO and doesn’t put in a fireplace!?!?!?!
Diane K. Brimmer
Midi Stackable Diamond Ring and it’s $180 I probably would break down and wear that everyday, as I lost my diamond out of my wedding ring and never had the money to replace it.
Connie Gruning
Diane, stackable rings are always my favorite. I have a set of silver with Selena, Zachary, Alice on them. Then I have thin gold rings in-between. That midi would look super cute with that stack.
Kate Sarsfield
Connie, they ship to Ireland! Dear Santa, am I too late to wish for a Diamond Eternity Ring? It’s only €2,350 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate YOU have been good all year long! I’ll include this with my note to Santa next year.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve a day off from rehearsals & was so looking forward to a lie-in so of course the phone rang at 8 am. Could I get back to sleep? Not a hope in hell 🙁
Connie Gruning
Kate, 8 am I’d be pissed off. Personally, I hate after 7pm and before 9am. I dunnnnaa wanna talk! I barely want to talk to The Husband!
Lauren Peterson
My day is okay so far. Listening to a new podcast, and waiting for patients to come over.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I listen to books when I’m driving and I didn’t want to get out of the car yesterday. I’m at such a cliff hanger! The who do it I thought did it. DIDN’T!! I love a good twist and turns book.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today. I came home and rested.
Wanda B
My day is going wonderfully. I finished reading a great book and I cooked a great supper.
Sarah L
Had a Sage Singers membership committee meeting this afternoon. Was planning to go to the pool afterwords but I fell going up to their house and skinned my knee (and got a hole in my favorite pants).
Kate Sarsfield
Ouch & sorry about your fave trousers 🙁 Hope you’re not too badly bashed x
Connie Gruning
OUCH Sarah!! I HATE falling down as an adult. I feel like I’m doing it in slow motion, the whole time my brain is saying “ohhhh this is gonna hurt!”
Dang it on the favorite pants!!
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s home post comment:
What t-shirts are you working on now, Connie? I’d love a couple with cats on, hint, hint!
Connie Gruning
Kate, when my friend Marilee and her crew came over, one of the granddaughters made a shirt with cat on it stretching over over the words “Home is wherever my cat is!”
It was super cute. Her second one made me laugh; it said “I went to Idaho! What did YOU do?” She made that for the first day back to school.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, that’s the dress rehearsal over and done with – you know what they say: a bad d.r. means a great opening night, so we should be in for a great one! Roll on Friday!
Terri S.
My resolution is to not let piles of papers pile up on my desk. It’s only been a week but so far I have been filing away documents, bills, etc. and my desk is in order. I hope I can keep it up.
Connie Gruning
Terri, I am THE worst at letting papers pile up. My desk is buried right now. Am I working on the paper mess? Nooooooo I’m making t-shirts! Good luck with your piles!
Terri S.
It’s mid-week and I keep feeling like the days are going by so slowly. I know it’s because I’m anxious for Saturday to be here. A friend that I haven’t seen in about ten years is coming to spend the weekend. I’m looking forward to catching up with her.
Connie Gruning
Terri, HOW fun! I hope the rest of the week speeds up for you and the weekend slowwwwws down!! Have a great time!
Tamra Phelps
Pfft, even though I wrote down all my doctors’ appts. two weeks ago to be sure the nurse knew, and reminded them twice yesterday, no one arranged transportation for my appt. today. Lately, it’s like a struggle to get things done here.
Ingrid Jackson
My day is going very well. I will be having dinner with my grandson this evening after he gets off work. This is most exciting for me and I am totally looking forward to seeing this most handsome young man.
Connie Gruning
Ingrid, have a great dinner with your grandson!! I’m with you; spending time with the my Granddaughter is the BEST!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I feel like a new woman! I got a hair cut and no kidding I think there was a bushel basket full of hair. My hair grows so stinking fast it’s not funny. I thought it was going to be a busy day as I had to run right from my hair appt. to my dr. appt. But it seems my doctor had to cancel. So I have the day to goof off. lol
Connie Gruning
Diane, Ahhhhhh a hair cut does make me feel better too. Add a pedicure and I’m in HEAVEN!
Growing up, I don’t remember my hair growing as fast as it does now. I swear it’s an age thing.
Diane K. Brimmer
Michele Soyer
The coming eclipse and the heavy Saturn/Pluto energy this week and next is just so apparent to me…Sitting here watching the news and getting very down… Have to call the surveyor today to see about the procedure to sub-divide land….making some long term decisions….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I hope you’re feeling better now!
Sue E
I am laying in bed as tired and exhausted as I could be, staring at the ceiling! I don’t want to take another sleep aid. I am going to let you know how I am feeling tomorrow Thank you for asking ?
Connie Gruning
Sue, laying in bed staring at the ceiling is the worst. I’ve heard (not that I do it!!) that getting out of bed and do something else for a half hour or so and then go to bed and you’ll be able to sleep. Again……. I’m way too lazy to try it but I’m not too lazy to share the information!!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…It’s looking good that I’m going to get a promotion soon, so I’m really excited!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, OHHHHHH Congratulations!!!!!!!! You should BE excited!!!
shelly peterson
I didnt do much today. I pretty much relaxed.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I’m all for a relaxing, do nothing day! Good for you!
Patrice P.
My day went pretty well. I was able to take a long walk after it stopped raining and the sun came out.
Connie Gruning
Patrice, we are still waiting for the rain to stop. I DID see the sun for .003 seconds this morning! Just enough to say “HEY! Sun!” Then it was gone.
Sue E
I had a lazy day. I just laid around and did nothing!
So it was an okay day.
Connie Gruning
Sue, again I am ALL in for a lazy! Good for you!
Kate Sarsfield
Finally home after a long rehearsal. Dress rehearsal tomorrow night.
Connie Gruning
Kate how did the dress rehearsal go?
My day has been a good one. I made a great batch of black bean soup. I’ll freeze some and enjoy the rest later this week.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, I haven’t made black bean soup in forever. That sounds like a great idea, Ima puttin’ it on the list!
Sarah L
Had a fun WinterGreen outreach program today. Had 8 people plant little herb gardens. They all seemed to really enjoy it.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, HOW cool is that! I would love to plant a little herb garden. Do you have the small plants or seeds?
Tamra Phelps
Therapy is going pretty well, hoping to start taking steps (AGAIN) this week. I’m motivated, that’s for sure! Nothing like a second Holiday season in this place to make you want to get home.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’ll say it again YOU are an inspiration!! We should start calling you Rocky!! GREAT……. now that SONG is in my head!!
Diane K. Brimmer
So yesterday we were driving past this woods where they fell a bunch of trees but just left them that way. Well, if you know me I have to make a joke out of it. I said “Well, that’s just Tree-mendous!” My 4 yr old grandson says, ” Grandma, you made that up that’s not real the word”. This kid’s brain is mind boggling! lol
Connie Gruning
Diane, that little man is gonna keep you on YOUR TOES!!!!!! I like tree-mendous!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a wild, wet & windy day out there and my body is saying ‘go back to bed’ but Mum needs her meds so I’ll have to head into town. Another mega rehearsal tonight …
Connie Gruning
Kate it snowed all day yesterday and then around 8pm started raining and has been raining since. That pretty white snow is gone. I can only imagine what our road looks like now! UGH!!
Have a wonderful rehearsal!
Michele Soyer
Have to leave the house today.. the dogs need food and my plants need food too!! Moving fast so that I can come back home as soon as possible….there are days that I just don’t feel like shopping.. LOL
Connie Gruning
Michele, I’m with you. There are days I don’t want to go anywhere. THANK HEAVENS The Husband loves to grocery shop or we’d never have any food in the house.
shelly peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I probably asked this before but how long does each treatment take??
Sending hugs your way!
Sue E
I have been so TIRED ? that am going to bed in a couple of minutes. I can hardly write this comment.
Thank you for the opportunity and Good night ?
Connie Gruning
Sue I hope you wake up totally refreshed and roaring to go!! Now, everyone…….. shhhhhh Sue is sleeping.
Karen R
My goal is to walk 5 miles. I’ll start the journey with one step.
Connie Gruning
Karen GOOD luck!!!!!!! One step at a time!
Sarah L
Swam at the Link today. Water was lovely warm. Some kids are not back in school yet so it was noisy and splashy.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I wish our little town had a swimming pool. I think the nearest one is about an hour way. Noisy or not that sounds heavenly!
Went to town and got a lot of errands done, taking a break for a few minutes. I’m looking out the window and it is an extra nice sky – not anywhere as nice as Sandpoint, but better than usual here!
Kate Sarsfield
The birdsong has been wonderful all day – great what a little sunshine can do!
Today is Tamra Phelps’ birthday – another one spent in either hospital or nursing home – can we all give her some good wishes?
Connie Gruning
Kate, enjoy your sunshine! Great idea about wishing Tamra a Happy Birthday!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Life is short and you can choose to be happy or sad. I have decided to take control of my life and change my attitude. I want to live my life the best way that I can and be a good memory to those around me. It doesn’t matter what happens, it’s how you deal with it. No self pity! Be a good memory!
Connie Gruning
Oh my gosh Diane, that is the BEST resolution I’ve ever read. I love that. I do want to be a good memory. Move to Idaho we should hang out!! I’ll find you BEE’s!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Sounds great!
My resolution is to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night!
Connie Gruning
Natalie, I don’t know how people survive on less sleep. I’m too groggy and muddle headed NORMALLY but under 8 hours? Pffffttt I barely know my own name! That’s a great resolution. Good luck!
Donna Martin
Today was pretty much an average day in the life of me
Connie Gruning
Donna, an average day is always a good day for me. Especially if it’s a no drama day!
Laurie Nykaza
Taking it easy movies with the family and lots of cooking great foods.
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I love watching movies with the family. The Husband and I watched a movie we had never seen before last night. It’s older but SOOOOO GOOD!!! Hugh Jackman in Real Steel. It’s a great family movie.
Laurie Nykaza
I made a resolutions to eat healthier this year with the family.
Connie Gruning
Laurie, I try and I try to eat healthier……. then there’s the jar of Peanut Butter and a spoon……….. I keep trying though.
Lauren Peterson
My day (night, lol) is so far, so good. Dogs all went out, did their thing and then ran back in!
Connie Gruning
Lauren, OHMYGOSH taking Bear out for her potty runs with the snow on the ground is a NIGHTMARE!! This dog wants to eat the snow. Then run and jump into the piles then we are back to eating the snow. It’s not until I start pulling on her harness that she remembers what she wanted outside to do!!
Nidhi C
I had a very hectic day at work today. yes I work on Sunday.
Connie Gruning
Nidhi, I’m sorry you have to work on a Sunday. Hopefully, your employers appreciate you!
Jennifer Wilson
My blood sugar is up today. I can’t help but wonder if the holidays at my inlaws contributed. Next time I’m going to use grub hub at dinner time instead of pretending to pick at my food and not eating anything.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, Hopefully your blood sugar is back in balance now.
Sarah L
Picked up a friend to take her to her first Sage Singers rehearsal. It was good to be back singing.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, when is the next concert?? I’m so glad your back in rehearsals.
Tamra Phelps
I have an appt. tomorrow with my infectious disease doctor. If you stop T the Univ. of KY info desk to ask for directions to infectious diseases, I noticed they unconsciously take a step backward, lol. Just saying.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, have you ever seen the Friends episode where Ross has something on his butt and Joey and Chandler take that step back in unison? Your comment immediately made me think of that. Maybe you should have leaned in closer and said BOO! (I DO have a mean streak!!)
Tamra Phelps
I should have, lol!! ?
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just got back after 6 hours of rehearsals – opening night of Beauty and The Beast is this Friday …EEK!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I just found the answer to my question. WOW this performance IS coming fast!!!
Day is going good. Made a few good recipes for later, now cleaning up!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I should at least THINK of what to fix for dinner tonight. I did clean the house and catch up here for awhile so I guess I did pretty good. THANK HEAVENS for the InstaPot!!
I should get an istant pot. I’m still getting cheap thrills from having a slow cooker, my first It is a nice smaller Cuisant, that I got about 1 1/2 years ago.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, skip the insta pot and go for the Ninja Foodie. OHMYGOSH!! I am having so much fun with this thing!! My favorite is a whole chicken. Pressure cook then turn on the grill. OHMY!! Juicy, crispy. Deeeeeeeeeelicious!
rana durham
my day going so far very well i am really trying to stay focus on things to better.
Connie Gruning
Rana, are you like me? I be heading into the kitchen to cook and see something shiny and do a different project instead? I NEED to focus!! I need blinders on!
Diane K. Brimmer
Had a couple of the kids spend the night and the 4yr.old grandson puts his hands behind his head, lays back and says” So grandma this is the first sleepover I have ever had here with you, isn’t it” I said” Yes it is” He says, “It’s cool”! This kid cracks me up with the things he comes up with.
Connie Gruning
Diane, OHMYGOSH I love that kid!!! That is the funniest thing! That needs to go in a baby book!!
Michele Soyer
I worked yesterday after taking the holiday off well.. taking today off too!! Work one take off one my new mantra! Happy Sunday all!
Connie Gruning
Michele, that’s a GREAT mantra!!! Today’s a work day so ENJOY tomorrow!!
Jennifer Wilson
Held my precious guinea pig. That’s always a highlight of my day. 🙂 . Husband is finally home from work, had soup for dinner, and about to head to bed.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer my granddaughter wants a guinea pig so bad!!! She has a hamster right now. They are so cute!
Jennifer Wilson
I have the facebook page Guinea Pigs Tule. Honestly unless a child has some adult help with a guinea pig I wouldn’t recommend them for children. They are a LOT more work than one would expect (and a bit more expensive, too.)
Connie Gruning
Jennifer I had no idea they were more work. I’m heading over to your FB page next.
Jennifer Wilson
They live in an enclosed area which means they can start smelling quickly. Boys need disgusting clean outs esp. as they get older. I love my pigs, and I don’t mind it, but I don’t think a child would want to. There’s some great youtube videos that talk about guinea pig care and such. L.A. Guinea Pig Rescue and Scotty’s Animals are great channels, but I would recommend a cat or dog for a child, especially because most vets don’t treat guinea pigs and you’ll have to find an exotic vet if something goes wrong . If the adults are on board to take care of the pigs (or supervise) then it would be different, unless of course the child is super responsible and don’t mind cage cleanings, etc. I had a guinea pig as a child, and my mother did most of the care for her, and I was a pretty responsible child, I just hated so much cage cleaning. But they are WONDERFUL pets if the cage cleaning, vet etc isn’t a problem . Very social creatures and so much fun. 🙂
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, that’s one thing I use to insist on when my kids had pets. You clean up after or bye bye. My daughter has done really well teaching Alice to clean up the hamster cage. I will copy all this and show my daughter. I don’t know if she realizes just how much more work a guinea pig is. THANK YOU, really! Thank you for sharing.
Jennifer Wilson
Def. check out Scotty’s Animals and LA Guinea Pig rescue channels on youtube. Even if your granddaughter doesn’t feel a guinea pig is right for her, she can still enjoy watching these videos. 🙂 . Holding my HoneyButter right now and she’s sitting here eatting her poo. (They do that to get nutrients. Koalas do it too. When I was at Lone Pine in Australia the zookeeper asked if anyone knew of any other animals that did that, and she didn’t realize that guinea pigs do that as well.) . lol
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, Alice is gonna love these videos! HONEYBUTTER!! OMGEEEEEEEE that is the cutest name!! I love that. I did not know they ate their own poo. Bear thinks turkey poo is a delicacy. UGHHHH UGH!! UGH!!! Animals.
Zookeeper WOW!! THAT is a VERY COOL job!!
Jennifer Wilson
I’ve had pigs named Hamlet, Sherman, Archie, Charlie, Einstein, Fuzzy, Baby Crockett, Caesar, Bingo, Lucky, and now HoneyButter and Winnie. 🙂 I have started compiling a list of possible names let a pig choose from them. When they respond with looking towards me or something I know they liked the name. I overruled Gustav and named him Lucky (which he also liked). HoneyButter liked both Honey and Butter, so I decided to combine the two.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer Baby Crockett that is supper cute!! Alice in GuineLand should be on the list. LOL
Jennifer Wilson
I feel like I am Alice in GuineaLand except that my name isn’t Alice. The guinea pigs do rule the household, though. 🙂 . We went on a long vacation last year and had a volunteer at a GP rescue watch our Lucky (we lost him in August). From what I heard, he waltzed into her home and took over. I’m half proud and half embarrassed. And the lady was a nun — not sure if that makes it better or worse, but does make it funnier.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer that is the funniest thing!! You’re making ME want a Guinea pig!!! I’m sorry for your loss of Lucky. How many GP’s do you have now? Do they do well in pairs?
Jennifer Wilson
They are great pets. 🙂 . Yes, you should look into getting them in a pair — they are quite social animals. Lucky was an exception — I think he thought he was human. lol
Check to see where the closest guinea pig rescue is near you. A rescue can help you find a bonded pair that best suits your situation. 🙂 . I saw our girls (currently have 2) were brought into the humane society in Pittsburgh and they looked like they needed me. Turns out I needed them just as much. Winnie adores my husband and HoneyButter adores me. Helps with stress to hold a pig of an evening.
Connie Gruning
Jennifer, that is so cool that you have his and hers!! Winnie and HoneyButter those are the cutest names!!!
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far. I have the dogs entertained with some bones, so now I can get some things done around here, lol.
Connie Gruning
Lauren, I actually did clean the house today. I’m feeling pretty darn good about it too. However, cooking dinner still looms in front of me. I’ve said it before thank HEAVENS for the InstaPot!
shelly peterson
I sept in today and spent the day relaxing
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I TRIED to sleep in today but for some unknown reason The Husband wanted me up at 8am. WHY?! I’m retired. We are snowed in. WHY!??! Misery loves company??
Hmmm I haven’t made a resolution, but I hadn’t given it much thought. What I had been thinking about is I was really happy with many things I accomplished last year, things that aren’t something to put in a FB or Instagram post, but important to me. I’d like to make a resolution that I think I can actually keep, though, instead of bringing forward the last few years resolution(s) over and over!!!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, that’s a good way to look at it. Accomplishments should be celebrated!! Good for you!
thank you!
Shannon Victoria Holmes
Rainy day today, did not get a lot accomplished besides entering contests.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I think entering contests is very important! I know I appreciate you!! Besides rainy day? It just screams be lazy. Right??
Cheryl B
Sorta rough day, RA is flaring and it is a damp cold outside today.
Connie Gruning
Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry. This rain and snow we have is killing my back and neck. UGH!!! Feel better!
Tamra Phelps
I have a new roommate. Supposedly, this one was different, was healthy, not near death. Geeze, she looks half dead, already. She’s on oxygen, barely breathing.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, you do get the most interesting roommates. That poor lady.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home.
Since Instagram kicked me off I can’t comment on your pictures but I can look at them and enjoy them.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, why are all these social media things so hard to deal with?? UGH, I get so frustrated!! The Husband gets in Facebook Jail all the time. Still take the credit. Thank you!
Kate Sarsfield
I just couldn’t switch off last night – 7am this morning and I was still tossing & turning. I need to get out in the fresh air!
Connie Gruning
Kate, 2 nights ago I could not sleep. I was doing a lot of math as in IF I go to sleep right now I can get 4 hours of sleep. IF I go to sleep right now I could get 3 1/2 hours sleep……….and so on an so on.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am so tired today. We switched banks and my husband is just stressed out over the whole thing. It is no big deal but it is to him! God help us all. Up half the night with him and now I go to kids for 8 hrs. The fun part is they are then coming home with me to spend the night while mom and dad go to a belated Christmas party. Oh yeah!
Connie Gruning
Diane, men. Pfffft they do and worry over the strangest things. AND according to Selena (the daughter in law enforcement) no matter how annoying they are still can’t wack ’em in the head and bury them under the house. Totally illegal!! That is my public service announcement for today.
Meanwhile it’s been snowing all day here and it’s coming down even heavier right this minute and The Husband is out on the tractor snow blowing??? But every swipe gets hidden by snow before he get’s 20 feet. Men………..
Lauren Peterson
My day is good so far…I’ve been up sine 8pm last night, lol.
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis today. I am glad to be back to my regular schedule.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, sending lots of hugs your way!!
Sarah L
Good swim today and saw and old friend. Then grocery shopping.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, thankfully we went grocery shopping before all this snow hit because I doubt seriously I could get off the mountain right now.
Our day went fine. It was coldish and foggy through much of the day. The sky looked like snow but it was not cold enough for that.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, I have PLENTY of snow if you’d like for me to share?!?!
Shannon Victoria Holmes
Hey last night I had bad nightmares but when I went back to sleep this morning I had good dreams. I hate nightmares.
Connie Gruning
Shannon, I’m with you. I hate nightmares. I had the weirdest dream last night. I was dating a man (pretty sure The Husband would not approve) with a 3 year old daughter!??! WHAT THE?!?!?! Where did THAT come from?! 61 with a 3 year old? Did my dream self lose her MIND?!?
Nidhi C
I don’t take resolutions. Today I took off from work and chilling out at home with my family.
Michele Soyer
Finally the rest is over and I am back out in the garden.. weeding this morning into the afternoon.. pooped now…
Connie Gruning
WOO HOOO!!! I want to be in the garden, however it’s now under 4″ of snow and counting.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m frantically trying to learn the lyrics to 15 songs ready for the next rehearsal on Sunday!
Connie Gruning
Kate! 15 songs?! Holy Moly! Sending you positive thoughts
Diane K. Brimmer
Today it is kinda gray out. We are loosing our snow again which doesn’t bother me at all. Watch now that I have said that it will become a blizzard around here. I am doing fine, just not the hubby. His blood sugar is really low today. If it isn’t spiking it is bottoming. Not fun! Stress doesn’t help. I think he needs to do something today to chill out.
Connie Gruning
Diane, we have slush coming from the sky. Rain drops big fat ones and snowflake. HOWEVER! The Husband is outside in the tractor so I am enjoying the quiet time inside.
I hope your husband is doing better. Time for a puzzle? I would say dominos but we are pretty competitive in our family so that might not work.
Lauren Peterson
Hi! I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season.
Connie Gruning
Thank you Lauren. It was nice and quiet.
shelly peterson
I ran some errands today and went to lunch with my son.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I miss getting to have lunch with my son and daughter and their families. I swear Idaho would be PERFECT if they would move here too.
Christina Sparks
I had a long day at work working 2 hours of overtime prior to the start of my normal schedule. Now enjoy a nice night!
Connie Gruning
Ackkkkkkkk! Christina! That’s a really long day! I hope you get to take some ‘me time’ this weekend.
Karen Alley
My son visited me for an hour or so. Otherwise, I’ve had a lazy day. Watched tv and played around on my laptop.
Connie Gruning
Karen, I want my son to visit me too!! Actually, I want him to move here. I whine to him a LOT! Hummmmmm maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to move here??
Susan Smith
My resolution is to declutter my house and turn my spare bedroom into an office.
Connie Gruning
Susan, I wish I had been more picky when I moved. It would have been the perfect time to declutter. Oh well, I’ll just leave all the clutter to my kids.
Good luck with your new office in the making!
Susan Smith
My day is going good. It’s pretty warm for January and it’s nice to get back into a routine.
Connie Gruning
Susan, Since I’ve retired I can NOT seem to get into a routine. Which is probably why my blog isn’t as updated as it should be. Ackkkk!
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been reading the results of my CT scan and trying to make heads or tails of it, lol. Guess I’ll find out from the doctor tomorrow.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, Sending all the healing thoughts I can. All of the Peanuts are. You are truly a strong woman. Truly inspirational.
Theresa Lichauco
!@#$ HEADACHE oops all day. took aspirin. tried ginger. tried ginger & turmeric. Sat quietly. watched TV. eat food. Drank water. Had fan on, sigh…. Ok fine. How are you?
Connie Gruning
Theresa, sending you a big quiet hug. Hopefully that headache is long gone now. Maybe a nap?
I have never heard of ginger/turmeric for headaches. I will have to try it. Feel BETTER!!!!
My day is going well so far. I received the Cricut maker for Christmas so I am currently on YouTube trying to learn how to use it and possibly make a business out of it
Connie Gruning
Valerie, my Cricut Maker is the BEST part of my craft room. I LOVE that MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you aren’t a Cricut Design Space member I highly recommend it. So many pre-made designs I don’t think you could ever make them all. Fonts. Idea’s! SO fun!!!
Sarah L
My goal this year is the same as last year: swim 3 times a week. I was mostly very good about it except for the last 2 weeks when there was a holiday on Wednesday. But I’ll take 2 times a week and be happy.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I am trying to do my exercise video at least twice a week. So far? 3 weeks in?? ZIP. Nadda. None! And another ACKKKKKKKKK for the day. That’s it. Signing off right now and doing a class. Sarah, you are a great motivator!
Dana Rodriguez
I didn’t really make any resolutions besides taking more ME time instead of focusing on everyone else all the time.
Connie Gruning
Dana, that is so hard to do RIGHT!? I just signed up for an on line exercise class…….. being snowed in means a gym membership would go to waste as soon as snow hits. Wish me luck…..
Dana Rodriguez
Happy New Year Connie! We stayed up New Years Eve but boy it sure was a struggle lol
Connie Gruning
I gave it the good ole college try! MAYBE next year!?
Suzanne K
My resolution is to continue on my weight loss journey. I’m more than halfway to my goal. Doing it with good eating and lots more activity.
Connie Gruning
Suzanne, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Halfway! I’m starting all over AGAIN!! Maybe next January I’ll be at my halfway mark!
Diane K. Brimmer
I am commenting on here as there isn’t anything new to comment on. I do love your generosity in your giveaways. You are just so awesome!
Connie Gruning
Thank you Diane, I’m getting so lazy about posting things. THAT should have been my resolution. More posts!!
Suzanne K
My day has started off well – I’ve lost another 2 pounds! It’s slow, but it’s happening! Happy New Year to all!
Connie Gruning
Suzanne, YOU are inspiring me to try!! WOW!!! Great job!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
Well, it’s a high of 42 degrees and sunny! What more could a person want to start out the day. I am planning to go into town to get a few things done and then come home to do chores.
Connie Gruning
Diane, so far we are at 37 degrees and expecting snow this weekend. It’s so weird up here. We were covered in snow and 12 hours later gone. It wouldn’t be so bad except the rain and cold temps mean I have a skating rink around my house…… weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
beth shepherd
My day so far is going wonderful. I am excited about the new year! Thank you
Connie Gruning
I’m excited about the new year too. I think it’s gonna be a great one!
Kate Sarsfield
It may be the start of a New Year and a new decade but some things never change; it’s Ireland and it’s raining!
Cynthia C
I’m going to try to clear out at least one item of clutter every day in 2020.
Connie Gruning
Cynthia, ohhhhh I like that resolution. I think I would like to try that one!
Cynthia C
My day is starting out well and I’m ready to start a new year!
stephanie baker
Seriously, I’m almost 42. I thought this was the age where I’d have the amazing job, come home to cook a fabulous meal every night wearing my distinguished work clothes & nice shoes, tuck my kids in with smiles on every face then have a cozy evening with my husband. Yesterday was a crappy day at work, changing into PJs at 4pm & the hubs going to get happy meals for the girls & takeout Chinese for us, and bedtime was forced brushing of teeth, begging to read 5 books & the wrong blanket, wrong stuffed animal, needing drink of water, etc. Blah. But I still love my life & wouldn’t change my little chaotic family for the world!
rana durham
the first day of the new year and the decade was good so far i really hope that it keeps going that way as I really want to have a good year that makes filled with happiness
shelly peterson
I am glad I have one more day off. I am also glad our snowed melted away.
Sarah L
Happy New Year! My friend always has a New Year’s Day party. Good food and good friends.
Margaret Smith
No resolutions. Hoping to loose some weight, eat healthier and exercise more.
Margaret Smith
Day is going well. Nice relaxing quite day.
Ann Fantom
No, I don’t do new years resolutions
Ann Fantom
My first day of 2020 is going well!
Mya Murphy
I don’t make resolutions because it stresses me out too much.. If I have any changes I need to make, I can’t go by dates.
Mya Murphy
I’m looking forward to the new year..bundled in my blanket..scrolled down twitter and saw this!!
shelly peterson
I am spending the day relaxing. Happy New Year!
shelly peterson
I have no resolutions but I do need to continue on working on my health.
Tamra Phelps
Here’s my daily how are ya doing comment, lol. Therapy is moving right along. It’s going to be a process, which I still believe no one should have to do twice for crying out loud, lol. Oh well, it’ll get there.
Tamra Phelps
Here’s my Current Post Comment: I definitely thought we’d be in flying cars by now, lol. Someone recently told me Blade Runner was set in 2019. I mean, it seemed so far in the future when that movie came out!! I fully expected we’d be living that movie by now.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, my resolution is obvious! I want to get back on my feet and get home.
rana durham
my day is going okay i am working on not to stress this much this year for new decade and new year. i really hope that this year is lot better as well as the decade.
Shannon Holmes
I want to be healthier overall this year.
Shannon Holmes
My day is going pretty good so far. I gave out my last present.
Shannon V Holmes
Please take away add giveaway to blog entry accidently submitted.
I have decided to get in the habit of eating a lot more vegetables this year.
Today is going great so far. I did some grocery shopping and the sun is shining.
Kate Sarsfield
The only things I’m resolved to do are to make some time for myself, find joy in the simple things and to finish one job before starting another! I’m quite good at two of those already so I could be onto a winner!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy 2020 one and all, wherever you are! Mum & I popped a bottle of bubbly to ring in the New Year then both slept till lunchtime!
Molli Vandehey-Taylor
i have a lot of resolutions but i really just want to work on being more authentic!
Molli Taylor
my day is pretty good, im feeling a bit sick but taking it slow!
Victoria K
Lots of resolutions but I really want to get in the best shape of my life.
Victoria K
Today is going good so far. Happy New Year!
Diane K. Brimmer
My day is going really great so far! The sun has decided to show it’s self and it is a whopping 27 degrees in the sun. Yahoo! My brain wants to do so much today but my body is fighting with my brain. We will see who wins!
Diane K. Brimmer
I made no resolutions as I would only break them anyway! I have decided to try and not let things bother me so much and to be happier. No matter what happens.
It is the start of a new day and year. Hope for the best. So far so good.
My day is going okay. I wish I had slept better. Even though fireworks are illegal, there are always people in the area setting them off at midnight on New Year’s.
I’m resolving to try and not let my mother-in-law’s criticism get to me. It’s a toughie!
Ken Ohl
not doing the best today my brother in law is dying cancer throughout his body nothing can be done I feel helpless
stephanie baker
So sorry to hear 🙁
I lost my mom to cancer 10 years ago, & I can honestly nothing anyone said or did helped more than just knowing they were there. Just let him & the family know you are there, & especially be there for the family when he is gone.