I found it!

The perfect cell phone ringer for Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Eye of the Tiger!

Today Tyler emailed me 4 pages of exercises (a total of 8 exercises) Tyler wants me to do 20 reps per set and 2 sets. 3 times a week to start. Pffftttt easy as PIE as I read thru the exercises and looked at the pictures! HELLO!?!? There aren’t even any weights! I’ll breeze right threw those!!!

NOTE TO SELF!!! DO NOT MOCK THE EXERCISES!!!!!!!!!!! (OHMYGOSH! Someday Tyler is adding weights to these moves?!?!?! WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!)

This is the goal…… the Princess dress! I was in it 3 years ago…. I want back in it!! Now excuse me I need some Bengay.

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