International $40 Paypal Cash Group Giveaway
Welcome to the International $40 Paypal Cash Giveaway.
Hosted by MakeUp Fun
It’s always great to have the chance to win some cash, to buy a gift for someone or just for ourselves; or with these Christmas holidays, to gain some money back from all that spending once the party’s over!
The other participating Bloggers are:
| Peanut Butter And Whine | The Frugal Exerciser | Life in a Break Down |
| Peanut Butter And Whine | The Frugal Exerciser | Life in a Break Down |
One lucky reader will receive $40 cash through Paypal.
This giveaway starts December 14th 2015 and ends January 11th 2016 at 12am Rome Time.
This giveaway starts December 14th 2015 and ends January 11th 2016 at 12am Rome Time.
Enter to win below:
Disclosure: The Bloggers involved in the Giveaway are not responsible for the prize fulfillment, nor they are compensated.
MakeUp Fun will send the cash out to the winner. Must be 18 years old in order to enter the giveaway.
The winner will be emailed and should reply by 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen.
Once the winner is confirmed, his name will be displayed on the widget above. Open to Worldwide entries.

Patty R.
I recently had a filling fall out. I found out today that it may cost $200 to fix, so I think if I won, I would use it to get my tooth fixed, or help me get it fixed.
Some heating oil would be great – the weather’s definitely getting colder!
I like Christmas because I get to see family and friends I haven’t seen all year!
Sarah L
subscribe MUF email: slehan at myway dot com
Dan D
christmas so we would spend it on him.My sons birthday is a week after
I love music so for me Christmas is all about the singing of hymns and choral music & of course, Pantomime!
Mai T.
What I like best about Christmas is the Ugly Christmas sweaters. An excuse to wear an ugly sweater is always acceptable. No one can tell me they don’t secretly love wearing these awful awful sweaters.
Sarah L
Today I’ll take warmer gloves.
Sandra Watts
I could use some new make up. Always………
Patty R.
I would save it up to buy a smartphone. My phone is so outdated, and is not, in any way shape or form a smartphone.
Once Christmas is over the New Year brings Pantomime! And what a terrific way to start the New Year! It doesn’t matter what the weather throws at us, what age we are, what troubles we may have, Panto brings a little magic into everyone’s lives.
I might end up spending it on a lot of e-books
Mai T.
What I like most about Christmas is the Christmas Parties. There are so many parties during this season! Everyone wants an excuse to stand under mistletoe, drink spiked eggnog, and spread the cheer.
Sarah L
Today I want some hand warmers.
I would buy an NCIS DVD
Mai T.
What I like best about Christmas is the Ornaments. The holiday decorations are everywhere, and the cute knick-knacks add the best cheer no matter where you’re at.
Sandra Watts
I would put it toward a new winter coat for myself.
Sarah L
Today I need some water filters.
Patty R.
If I were to win, I would save it to help buy a nice camera or a smartphone. One I need, one I just want. But either would be awesome.
Cynthia R
I would buy an erin condren planner with this money if I won.
I could do with a new hot water bottle – so snugly for getting rid of aches & pains!
I would buy a kids’ tablet for my son
Mai T.
What I like most about Christmas is Hot Chocolate. Hot Chocolate warms the soul, and this is the best season for it. It might just as well be the best drink in the world.
Patty R.
I would save up to buy a smartphone of some kind. I still have an old LG Octane, and desperately need an upgrade.
Sarah L
Today I need cough syrup and cough drops.
Not so, Mai! They sing ‘Glory to the new-born King’! But when English isn’t your first language I can see how it must be confusing! My personal favourite is Adeste Fideles (in Latin) or in English: Oh come, all ye faithful.
Mai T.
What I like best about Christmas is Hark the Herald Angel. The best hymn for leaning back and shouting at the top of your lungs. No one knows what it really means.
Sarah L
Bad link on GFC for . Had to go to their home page to sign up.
Sarah L
Today I need some cough syrup.
Christmas is always a busy time in our house because Mum & I are both heavily involved in music. There’s carols, concerts, the Halleluljah Chorus etc. almost every night so Christmas Day means a rest!
Patty R.
What I like most about Christmas is how it brings family together. It gives us a chance to catch up with each other.
I would buy a scarf for my daughter’s birthday!
Mai T.
What I like best about Christmas is Vacation Time. Whether I am a student anticipating winter break (because finals are just torture), or in the real world waiting for time off from work, vacation time is always welcomed.
Sarah L
Today I need groceries.
Patty R.
I want to save up to buy a new camera, a nice one with excellent zoom (ie: even one that takes a fantastic picture of the moon, instead of just a small glowing dot), or a smartphone.
Oh, yes, completely agree with Mai Tran – the Chrizzy lights make everywhere look like fairyland! Last year I put some up in my bedroom & liked them so much I left them there!
Mai T.
What I like most about Christmas is the Lights. Walking around and seeing all the pretty lights can make anyone smile. Everything just glistens more during this season.
Sarah L
I’d like some silicone gloves for the kitchen.
Patty R.
If I won, I would use the money to save up for either a smartphone or a camera, either would be wonderful.
A visit to the dentist is definitely due so I could put the money towards that!
I am thinking of using the money to get some plants for my office room. Happy 2016!
Mai T.
What I like most about Christmas is the Chance of Snow. Who doesn’t dream of a white Christmas? Even as a kid growing up in a tropical land, I always hoped for snow. That small chance is what makes the holidays awesome.
I would probably buy cookbooks! And I like seeing family and friends at Christmas.
Natalie Brown
I would use the money to get some new bed sheets. Nice! Thank-you. 🙂
Sarah L
Need to get new Brita filters.
Patty R.
Well since I just paid the bill for my sister’s birthday present, I would save it up to eventually buy a smartphone, or a good camera.
Mai T.
The sharing of Christmas is really the Spirit of Joy when applied with the thought of joy, others and even family. The holidays truly are what one makes them to be…I pray all find the fun within it by sharing it outword.
Sarah L
Have to get some eggnog before it’s all gone for the rest of the year.
I would spend the money on a garmin watch.
Patty R.
I would use the money to pay for a birthday gift for my eldest sister. But I guess you’ve heard that already. Even though it’s true. Maybe I should make up different things to do with the money if I won? I don’t know, but it didn’t like me answering the same way this time.
I would use the money towards getting a new pair of winter boots. Happy holidays!
I think if these storms continue I may have to buy a canoe!
Christina Sunday
I would spend it on ebay !
Mai T.
I’d love to use this cash win to buy stuff toy or treat to my dog. She’s been a good girl all year long and she’s been my best life companion. She deserves the best!
Sarah L
I like getting presents
Patty R.
I would use the money to pay for a birthday gift for my eldest sister.
Christmas in our family has always been about giving: be it love, gifts, music or simply time – it is to appreciate how lucky we are and to count our blessings.
Mai T.
Christmas time is the best time of the year. You can never have that experience in other months like December. Air is cold, christmas carols, shopping of gifts for your love ones, lots of food, misa de gallo, malls are well decorated, christmas lights, lots of discounts, the list goes on but let us not forget that the real meaning of Christmas is that a very special child Jesus is born. Let us not forget that it’s because of him that’s why were celebrating Christmas. Thus, Christmas is a time to be happy, to be generous, to give love, to forgive, to care for others, to cherish and be thankful of every moment that God has given us, and hopefully we can do it whole year round not just Christmas. Happy Birthday to Jesus!
Patty R.
If I win, I will use it to pay for a birthday present for my sister.
Sarah L
Need new winter gloves. My hands are cold.
I could use it to go towards buying something in the January Sales – always some great bargains to be had!
Mai T.
What I like most about this ChristmaS: people bought fewer gifts and gave me money instead. This is such a great Christmas, I get the cash to spend on whatever I want.
Sarah L
I’ll get groceries and necessities.
Patty R.
I would use it to pay for a birthday present for my sister. It’s already purchased, so now I’d use it to pay the inevitable credit card bill. LOL
Cynthia R
I would use this money to pay some of my christmas spending bills.
Then again, with all these storms, now probably isn’t the best time of year to get my hair chopped short! I’d end up wearing a woolly hat indoors & out!
Mai T.
I’d love to buy a pair of winter shoes for myself. The current one is soon gone and I do not have enough money yet to buy a proper pair for this harsh winter.
Sarah L
I’d like to get new boots.
Changed my mind again! I can manage using Dad’s old pc but I REALLY need a haircut, so I’d transfer the funds to my bank account and just do it!
jeanette sheets
i would use to pay towards a household bill
Mai T.
One of the things we do in our family is on Christmas Eve we gather together, read the Christmas story and talk about the true meaning of Christmas. Afterwards everyone opens one present. That started out when my sister and I were little, the idea was that the presents we gave were the ones that were opened since they tended to be smaller and less exciting than the presents from the adults in our family, but since they were opened first and by themselves we would get more excited over them and our parents would have more time to tell us how much they liked whatever it was we got them.
Sarah L
I’ll get groceries!
Patty R.
I would use it to buy a birthday gift for my eldest sister.
Robin Abrams
I would use it towards grocery
Christmas, for me, is about music & the joy it brings to others. The weeks before are spent rehearsing and then singing carols at lots of venues, then after the Big Day, I start rehearsing for the local theatre’s Pantomime. I’ll be singing for 9 performances in January – a great way to start the New Year!
Mai T.
I have to say that I’m not a big fan of Christmas, I don’t particularly enjoy the commercialism of it, and the need to buy unnecessary things. However, I do like that Christmas brings family together, which can be a rare moment in otherwise busy lives. It’s also lovely to see children get into the spirit of Christmas, and to see their joyful faces on Christmas day morning after Santa has visited.
I would buy a Kindle.
Dawn Monzu
I LOVE hanging with my family most at Christmas!!! I know that is the answer everyone says, but I swear it is true! I had a great time with everyone. I am so blessed. God bless everyone and have a very Happy New Year!
I would use it towards gas money maybe. Thanks for the chance!
Sarah L
Lots of fun with friends.
I actually prefer the day after Christmas Day! In the UK it’s Boxing Day and in Ireland it’s called after St. Stephen and for me it means no more cooking! We eat leftovers and CHIPS! (what you in the US call fries). It’s the one day in the year that we have them & boy, do we look forward to them!
Jennifer Boehme
I would use this to buy the vehicle part I need.
Mai T.
I like the cold which usually comes as we approach christmas. For the rest part, christmas lost appeal once I could buy whatever I wanted. ALso, sleeping without alarm clock is such a blessing.
Patty R.
Yep, I would still use it to buy my sister a birthday gift.
One of the things I enjoy about Christmas Day is that there are no more carols to be sung! I’m part of a choir that has been particularly busy this year with Nativity Concerts, Carol Services, Masses as well as singing in shopping centres, hotel foyers, hospitals, nursing homes and hospices.
Mai T.
What I like best about Xmas: Attending the midnight prayer service. We save the best for last. Attending the midnight service in the chilly winter is the most blessed feeling in the world. Such is the sense of unison and security, that I cannot help but feel a warm glow. It is this time that truly makes one realize how thankful we should be to the Almighty for all the blessings he has showered on us.
Cynthia R
IF I won this giveaway I would spend the money on a roku 3.
Patty R.
If I won, I would use the money to buy my sister a birthday present.
I would use it towards getting groceries. Happy Holidays!
The thing I like most about Christmas is SPROUTS! Love them and no-one else in the family does so I get to eat them all myself! Happy Christmas everyone!
Mai T.
What I like most about Christmas: Vacation time. This is the time when I can go right up to my boss and boldly tell him about my plans for a Christmas holiday. I can then walk out of his office with a sense of great achievement, as I can never be refused a Christmas break!
Sarah L
I like that light is returning now that we have celebrated the Solstice.
Patty R.
Christmas is best when you see the faces of the young seeing all the lights, decorations, and yes, even when they open their gifts.
Yup! Definitely need a new pc – Dad’s is driving me demented – it’s soooo slow! And the mouse is super-sized for his big hands – it’s like trying to eat with a shovel!
Pamela Gurganus
I would use the money to buy groceries.
Mai T.
What I like about Xmas: Buying gifts for your loved ones. If anyone tries to convince me that ‘retail therapy’ does not work ,they are dead wrong – well, at least at Christmas time. Shopping for friends and family in this season, is extremely exciting. What is even more exhilarating is trying to keep their presents a secret from them.
Patty R.
The thing I like most about Christmas is making other people happy. Finding the right gift to achieve that, isn’t always easy, but that’s what I enjoy most.
Jennifer Boehme
At this point I have a list of things to buy. 2 vehicle parts, a coat, a pair jeans, food, crockpot, I could go on.
I NEED a new pc – Dad’s is SO slooooooooooooooooooooow!
Mai T.
Fairy lights and pretty decorations. New lights and fresh decorations mixed with old ones give a feeling of warmth and happiness. When these are up, everyone knows that Christmas is near, and this is enough to brighten even the most gloomiest of moods. Decorating a tree is a pleasure worth experiencing in life. This joy is compounded when you know there is a gift waiting for you under the tree. (Why can’t I be just a little self-indulgent at Christmas time?)
Patty R.
I would buy my eldest sister a birthday present.
I’d transfer the funds from P/P to my bank a/c towards a new pc!
Mai T.
Listening to Christmas carols. The joy of listening to Christmas carols with a cup a cocoa is one that is matched by very few other things in life. Snuggling in a blanket with family and friends, and humming these tunes can cheer one up immensely. It encourages a feeling of closeness, and leads one to feelings of joy no matter how bad things in life may be.
Sarah L
I want to get some essential oils
Patty R.
I would buy a birthday present for a family member.
Francine Anchondo
I would like to buy groceries with it
I’ve changed my mind – I’ll be putting the money towards a new pc after mine died during the week.
Mai T.
What do I like most about Christmas: When my two siblings and I were very young, our nana started the tradition of hiding a small plastic bird in our Christmas tree (it was notable for the Band-Aid on its left leg, courtesy of a run-in with the family dog). The three of us would search high and low to find the bird, which was supposed to bring the finder luck in the coming year. Once we were adults, our mom wanted us to continue the ritual with our own families, so she gave each of us a replica of a red cardinal. And ever since we’ve enjoyed watching the next generation search for these birds.
Sarah L
Patty R.
I would use it to by my sister a birthday present.
I’d put it towards College books for my niece.
Francine Anchondo
grocery shopping
I like seeing family members at Christmas that I usually don’t see all year!
Mai T.
I always spend my cash win on dog shelters. Thanks for the chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
I like singing all the carols.
Patty R.
I would like to buy my sister an iPod Shuffle for her birthday.
Jillian Too
I would use it for grocery shopping since we are hosting Christmas dinner.
We actually just finished purchasing Christmas gifts, so I would actually probably use this to purchase some new sewing supplies. 🙂
Sarah L
I like eggnog this time of year.
The money would go into my P/P a/c, I’d transfer it to my bank a/c and probably have to save it towards a new pc.
Patty R.
I always enjoyed giving to others.
Sarah L
I’d get winter boots.
Dawn Monzu
I would use the money for my son. He could use it on Xbox, and he deserves it! I feel so bad because I can’t get him the stuff he wants this year, but I’ve come to realize it REALLY isn’t about the gifts. God bless and Happy Holidays everyone!
Patty R.
It would go to buying my eldest sister an iPod shuffle for her birthday.
I love making/buying presents, wrapping them in wacky ways & giving them to my family!
If I won, I would probably use this to purchase some Christmas gifts!
It’d go towards getting a decent haircut – my stylist has moved so it’s now an hour’s drive away, but she’s so worth it!
Sarah L
I like eggnog for the holidays.
I would use it towards getting presents for my nephews – maybe story books and/or movies.
alona y
I would put this towards my daughters birthday!
Erica Barnes
I like spending time with family at Christmas.
My favorite thing about Christmas is getting to spend time with family and loved ones. 🙂
Sarah L
I’ll get groceries for a great feast!
Thanks for the contest.
Kate F.
I might use it to buy birthday presents for a family member.
Charlene S.
I would use the money to take my son to a movie for his Birthday.
Trillina Palemi
i use for some gifts
Patty R.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize. If I win, it will help to buy my eldest sister a birthday present, although her birthday is technically 4 days before it ends, it will still help. LOL
Kara Marks
I’ll use it to take care of after-Christmas expenses to catch up!
Forty US dollars is about thirty five Euro and that’s the exact amount my hairdresser charges! There, money spent!