Lemon Sugar Face Scrub

Lemon sugar face scrub

Simple and completely o-natural winter skin fix! Try it…you will be SO glad that you did! Squeeze a lemon on to a cotton ball until the cotton ball is pretty close to saturated. Then put a spoonful of sugar on the lemon cotton ball. 

How to use: Wash face and neck. Pat dry so skin is still damp. Using small circular motions use the sugar covered lemon cotton ball to gently exfoliate your skin. Continue for 1 full minute. Rinse. Pat dry and moisturize. Your skin will be as smooth as a baby’s bottom guaranteed!

The science behind it: Lemon tightens pores and evens out the skin tone, sugar removes dead skin cells. Shazam.

If you haven’t tried this yet…doooooo it, do it now. 🙂

Disclosure I received complimentary FRESH LEMONS!! for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way (Okay, well, I am truly influenced…. she’s my kid!!)

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