May 10th Photo-A-Day J

Did you see yesterday’s Letter i? Today’s Photo-A-Day J, SO I thought I would share an embarrassing story with you. I know……. what could you possibly NOT know about me already?!?!

Well, did I ever tell you that I’ve been in JAIL?!?!

Okay, your eyes had better be BIG and WIDE and you better be thinking “WHAT?!?!?!”

Or, you know me in real life and you’re thinking “What only once?!”

Photo-A-Day J Jail

Yup, that’s me. In JAIL!!

Photo-A-Day JNow, here is the story, of course not near as dramatic as you were thinking.

In 2000 the new Escondido Police, Fire and Jail was opened. Since my daughter Selena is part of the Escondido Police Department we were allowed to tour the building before it was open to the public.

OF COURSE I wanted my picture taken INSIDE of a pristine, clean jail cell. I mean SERIOUSLY! Can you blame me?! I can say I went to Jail without all the weird and negative things that some visitors have to go through.

Of course, we immediately sent a picture to my son Zachary who thought it was A REAL PICTURE!!!

Now, you know Selena and I kept egging him on because really!? WHO gets a picture in jail that hasn’t really been arrested?

By the time we came clean I had been driving erratically, texting while driving, ran a stop sign, ran a red light, and did 60 through a school zone. Released on bail by his sister.

Now, just the fact that my son didn’t even blink an EYE about the charges makes me question his opinion of the way his mother drives!!! I promise I’m NOT that bad!! I promise!!

SHAME on you Zachary!!

So? Have you ever been in jail? Okay, better yet would you have wanted your picture taken in a clean jail cell too??

If you end up in jail and need help getting out give Golden Boy Bail Bonds in San Diego a call, their agents are very professional.


  • Kate Sarsfield

    I visited Ireland’s top security prison as part of a College course to investigate the benefits of education. I’m not usually fazed but, being in there with murderers, rapists etc. I felt extremely claustrophobic and unsafe.

  • Crystal K

    Never been in jail as a prisoner but I did take a college class that took place inside a jail with inmates as classmates, once a week for a semester. Learned a lot about the criminal justice system!!

  • Rosie

    I’ve not been behind bars – not yet, anyway. I try hard to stay out of jail! My sister has a part-time job as a jail monitor in the women’s jail, I’ve heard some stories! Hmm you look like a ‘natch there, your son better keep that bail money handy, just in case you get too rowdy!

  • Barbara Barr

    I did visit Alcatraz once in San Francisco and they let you stand inside a very dark cell, no so clean and none to happy to only be a tourist, lol that was about 1976, my goodness, close as I’ve come though thankfully. I remember when you did this, you are so funny Miss Connie ?

  • Michele Soyer

    No Connie but just because God was good to me.. many times in the late 60’s protestors were rounded up by the police and taken to jail….I always was able to know when the time to get away was apparent…..My pic taken in a clean jail cell?? not really…LOL But you look quite nice..

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