May 2019 $50 Your Way Giveaway!
Yup, it’s here again. My monthly $50 Your Way Giveaway. I used to hold this giveaway to gain followers; which technically I still do. However, I do it now because I’m fully vested in so many of you. We are a wonderful, caring group!! I can always count on the Peanuts to cheer me on. Or tell me my prompts are lame.
March and April helped me get back into the full swing of blogging everyday. May I decided to run through the alphabet. We will see how that goes. No other real updates here. April was a pretty quiet month.
I hope all the Little Peanuts are feeling better, some of you had a rough month. Here is to May being a healing month!!
Now for the real reason you are here.
I truly am thankful you stop by!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
Good Luck little Peanuts!
Here it is August of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?!

Michelle J.
It’s a nachos and Netflix kind of night.
Connie Gruning
Michelle, I have started binge watching ‘Dead to Me’ on Netflix. So good! I love Christina Applegate
shelly peterson
Its a bit hot today. I had dialysis and ran my daughter around. My grandsons are over for a while.
Crystal K
Good thing we got to the park and the grocery store this morning, because it HAILED this afternoon. After a May full of snow and hail I’m a little worried that June might bring a plague of locusts or something.
Connie Gruning
Crystal noooo noooo noooo June will be amazing, calm, happy!
No locusts…. no more carpenter ants too please
Robin Abrams
My day is going great. It is Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend
Sarah L
Swimming, then errands. When I got home and unpacked my swim bag I realized that I left my swimsuit at the pool. Hope I can get it back.
Michele Soyer
Today is my granddaughter’s 25th birthday….Remembering the morning she was born. It was a Memorial Day W/E.. I was working when I got the call….braved all the traffic to see her….
Wow where did this month go? I love May, and June is nice, too, so looking forward to it. Debating whether to go to town today, it is really nice out! Yea!
Kate Sarsfield
So, that was May and we all got through it more or less intact. Bring on June and Wimbledon and strawberries!!! In fact just bring on summer 😉
shelly peterson
Today was a really long and tiring day. I spent over 10 hours at the hospital for testing for the transplant list.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, how did the testing for the transplant go??
Crystal K
A busy busy work today. But – HOORAY – we got our refrigerator fixed today. No more trying to feed 2 kids out of a mini fridge!!
Connie Gruning
Crystal I am so glad the fridge is fixed! Hooray!!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. A bit warmer outside with some sunshine.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, it’s beautiful here too! Loving this warm sunshine.
Tamra Phelps
So, It’s almost June. I really expected to have been home for over a month by now. Ah, well, looking back serves no purpose.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I bet you’re home before the end of June. Sending healing thoughts your way!
Michelle J.
I already had a good meeting today–yay!
Getting ready to go grocery shopping. Took out the umbrella, as it is so dark, but not supposed to rain, just checked! Nice to go out without an umbrella, or coat!
Kate Sarsfield
Another month almost over and nothing much to show for it! Ah well …!
Michele Soyer
Looks like a lovely day today.. blue sky and bright sunshine….washing comforters and curtains to make use of the great weather before the rain starts again….
shelly peterson
Today has been a long day. I am pretty tired.
Crystal K
Just a regular work day, but we did squeeze in a walk to the park with the kiddos! Glad to finally be able to enjoy some sunshine.
Sarah L
Good swim at the other pool today. Regular pool is closed this week for cleaning.
Tamra Phelps
Stood up straight for the first time in over a month, lol. I feel like I’m reliving the original journey to walk. Hope this one goes quicker.
Michele, glad you guys got passed up by the wave.
Michelle J.
It is a beautiful summer day so far.
Yea! I stopped feeling guilty about frozen items way in the back of the freezer. After looking a few times to see if I had any frozen milk, I had given up. But when I was freaking out about running out and not wanting to go out in the storm, I tried once more, really digging, and eureka! I found some. I’m glad when small things can make me happy! Maybe that makes me a simpleton, but better than waiting for something big to smile about! Severe storms later – again!! Everyone is asking for recommendations for their flooded basements and back yards.
Michele Soyer
Thank goodness the tropical wave passed us by with just a few hours of drenching rain.. all the drama went north and west… dodged our first bullet of the season…after breakfast will go out and upright any planters that have been tossed about…going to use all that rain water to mix my hydroponic solutions….
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. I did get to see my grandbaby.
Sarah L
Had a very good massage this afternoon. My friends are singing at Red Rocks tonight.
Connie Gruning
Oh Sarah, I use to LOVE going to Red Rocks! Have fun!
Tamra Phelps
It’s started getting really hot here, in the high 80’s. And Summer isn’t even here yet. My back is doing a little better, getting closer to being able to stand up straight, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra that’s awesome! Dancing is coming soon!
We hit 81 today. It was heaven!
I’m having a nice day so far 🙂
Heavy rain and severe t-storms coming today. No going to town, means I will be out of milk, but no way do I want to get caught in that. Weather forecast said t-storms tomorrow, too, but I hope I can walk to town tomorrow, can’t get the ride service until Thurs or Friday. This must happen up on top of the mountain, too, it must be a journey sometimes in bad weather to go to town. So unless you have storage somehow it must be good planning to not run out of anything important, like puppy chow!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I agree! Can’t run out of puppy chow this girl could take me!
Michelle J.
The rain has been crazy this month, but I don’t mind.
Kate Sarsfield
Michele: Be careful you two!
Same old, same old for today then the AGM of the choir followed by some singing of our favourites and then a meal to mark the ‘end of term’.
Michele Soyer
Met office talking about a tropical wave coming today…after breakfast battening down the hatches outside….
Connie Gruning
Michele stay safe!
shelly peterson
I went to dialysis and then to a bbq at my daughters.
Crystal K
Just work work work today, nothing too exciting except…oh yeah…IT SNOWED AGAIN TODAY. May 27. What gives, Utah?!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, at this rate you could decorate for Christmas!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Colorado had some severe weather yesterday, but nothing near me.
Michelle J.
It has been a good Memorial Day–thinking of those we’ve lost.
Kate Sarsfield
I dropped a friend from choir up to Dublin airport earlier today. Lucky thing is off to Bali for a wedding! I drove home in the rain 🙁
Connie Gruning
Kate, I wanna go to Bali! Can we crash the wedding?
Nice day, and getting ready to go out and enjoy! Vittles made and packed!
Michele Soyer
37 years ago today after we had been married for 12 years my husband and I decided it was a great time to renew our vows…our son stood by us and after we had a lovely reception…There are still times when I look at those pics that he is gone.. next year we would have made 50 years…..and when we married he at 22 and just arrived in the states to go to uni, and I at 18 thinking about everything else but marriage we met and within 10 months married, got a flat, and both still went to school.. amazing days.. could kids still do this now??????
Connie Gruning
Michele WOW!! {{{{Hugs}}}}
Having your Son stand up with you for your vow renewal is a great memory to treasure.
shelly peterson
Today was a busy day. I did some cleaning and then went tp see Aladdin with my family. Afterwards we had birthday dinner for my daughter.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, was Aladdin. Good? Compared to the one Robin Williams?
Crystal K
Grocery shopping and housework today. Not too exciting…but did build a LEGO dinosaur with my son, so that was cool.
Tamra Phelps
Internet was down most of the day, so everyone was having fits, lol.
I’m definitely old enough to remember That Darn Cat, Kate!
Sarah L
Great rehearsal for SAGE singers. Ordered the new t-shirts – logo is great.
Michelle J.
It’s been a good day because I got great sleep!
Gorgeous day out, and I’m getting ready to head on out! Sunscreen and sun hat! Yea. No need for an umbrella or galoshes!
Michele Soyer
Of course I remember that film Kate.. LOL….
Sunday glorious Sunday.. well I have sewing to do bleh…but I have to do it been putting it off…then baking cookies maybe jammy dodgers then planning 2 cakes I have to create this week.. both are birthday cakes for women so no fondant or sugar paste do dads…classy gorgeous cakes.. better get to recipes….
Kate Sarsfield
That Darn Cat! Anyone old enough (ahem!) to remember the movie? Anyway, he arrived home at 5 and I’ve been up since then. Housework done, Sunday dinner prepped and it’s only 7! Now what …?
shelly peterson
I didnt do much today. My son cooked me breakfast which was nice.
Crystal K
We FINALLY had a stretch of nice weather and were able to stain our front porch today. Phew!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Got my new kidney meds today – which is a HUGE thing for me!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. The sun is shining and a beautiful day for a walk around the lake.
Michelle J.
It finally stopped raining here, which is great.
Gorgeous day today…perfect weather…and later we’re meeting up with friend to go see Aladdin 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. My brother and his family have gone to the annual family reunion picnic in our hometown. I was hoping to go this year, but no such luck. Well, next year, then.
Day is going good. Sun! Nice weather! Yea! Getting ready to leave in a little bit!
Rochelle Haynes
Today my day is going good got up today feeling bless
Kate Sarsfield
The compost heap is finished! Now to start on the ‘grass heap’ – years of grass clippings that started out in a tight corner of the field and now has spread as she who is charge of the lawn mower got tired/lazy (you know who you are, little sister!). We’ve had a week without much rain so that’ll make it easier to shift.
Michele Soyer
What a shock our phone has been repaired.. whoo hoo!! Usually takes up to a week… looking at the sky and deciding if I can work outside today…looks like serious rain.. to all in states I wish a very Happy and Fun Filled Memorial Day Weekend…..
Crystal K
A nice day – dinner and board games with friends!
shelly peterson
Day od dialysis. I am happy for the weekend.
Sarah L
Good swimming. Blue skies!! Sunshine! 70 degrees!
Amy D
My day is great! I volunteered in my daughter’s kindergarten class for their end-of-the-year celebration. It was so much fun! 🙂
Day just flew by. I was just looking at my “to do” list and am wondering isn’t it supposed to be about 10 am and not almost 6 pm? Oh oh, now I have to get hopping!
Tamra Phelps
Went to Lexington this morning to see the surgeon. He said the incision is open in the middle, more than he likes, so he sent me over to the wound care clinic. They packed it, bandaged it. In two weeks, I do this all over again. In the meantime, they sent specific instructions for the nurses here.
Michelle J.
It’s a good day because I slept well.
Michele Soyer
Last night our phone went out.. this happens at least once a year.. LOL.. and it isn’t even stormy.. back to the cell and reporting it.. see how long it will take to fix….
Kate Sarsfield
Tammie: That’s the attitude, you’ve overcome worse in the past and you WILL get home soon.
It’s voting day in local council & European Parliament elections so I’ll be taking Mum out later and we’ll probably visit Dad on the way home. Other than that it’s off to the compost heap!
shelly peterson
Today was a pretty good day. I went to my grandsons school this afternoon for an authors celebration. He read me his book he wrote, it was so cute.
Crystal K
Having a real roller coaster of a week over here. Our refrigerator (purchased brand new less than 4 years ago) just BROKE AGAIN after having major repairs less than a year ago, so I spent a good part of my day trying to rescue food and fighting on the phone with LG. PSA: Don’t buy an LG refrigerator.
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling a little better every day. I’m dealing with a slightly strained muscle in the back, but that’s nothing compared with the past, lol. I’ll get through.
Sarah Lehan
Just a quiet day at home. Grey skies and sometimes a little rain. Temps are 25 degrees below normal.
Michele Soyer
Kate so am I…just got back inside from making a sand to soil mix….filled a new grow bed.. planted some pineapples and it is after lunchtime…where does the time go?
Trying to have a quiet day, so far so good. Cold and overcast, and supposed to rain again, so decided not to take the ride service for groceries.
Michelle J.
Today is another rainy but still good day.
Kate Sarsfield
Not a whole lot happening today, just fixing the compost heap & shovelling manure! I’m always happy with my hands in the earth!
Crystal K
A great day! Got some super cute pink bunny jammies in the mail and put them on. Made my son’s day 😉
shelly peterson
Today feels like along day. I am really tired.
Sarah L
Good swimming. Then grocery shopping. Tough day (not!)
Tamra Phelps
So, therapy is going fairly well, I’m getting stronger, better able to get myself up to a standing position. I’m very hopeful it will be easier this time around.
Nice day out! Wow, two days in a row! Getting some chores done inside, but enjoying the sunshine!
Michelle J.
It’s a rainy but good day here today.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve spent the morning getting our compost heap back into working order. The ‘Beast from the East’ which brought 7 foot snow drifts last year pretty much demolished it & it had collapsed. I’m taking a tea break then I’ll help Mum get up. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish the job later.
Michele Soyer
A morning out today.. off to the shoppes and the post…the earlier I go the earlier I come back!!
Sue E
My day went well! My hubby and I took advantage of the Senior Tuesday Deal at the movie theater we go to and we saw John Wick 3! Lots of action! Keanu is still great for his age and doing his own stunts! There will be a John Wick 4 YEAH!!!
Crystal K
Put a second coat of paint on the bathroom! Now to decide on our next painting project!
shelly peterson
Today was an odd day with going in to dialysis on my off day but at least treatment went well.
Sarah L
Had 3 inches of SNOW! last night. Freeze advisory tonight. May?? What the heck?
Tamra Phelps
Yeesh, yesterday I had a doctor’s appointment that made me miss lunch, then they announced they were concerned about the incision in my back, thought it might be open too much, and they were sending me to the ER in Lexington, at UK. I left just before dinner, so I missed dinner. I don’t eat breakfast, so by the time I got back about 10:30 p.m., I was hungry. There was nothing, the kitchen was closed, so I ate some crackers I had, lol. And spending half the day on ambulance stretchers did no good for my back.
No tornados yesterday, but did get the storms. Whew! And now we finally have a sunny day. Just tried out the split pea soup topped with a couple of small spoons of parsley gremolata, and a dollop of sour cream, it came out good!
My day is going fine. We are enjoying being with our grandchildren.
Connie Gruning
Nancy, a day with Grandkids is ALWAYS the best days!!
Kate Sarsfield
I had a dental appointment earlier & was in and out in 10 minutes!!! Phew! Then I took boxes of books & clothes to a charity shop and did the week’s grocery shop. I’ve got choir in an hour so better get my act together …
Connie Gruning
WOW Kate, 10 minute dental appointment is a great way to start ANY day!! WOW!!! The tooth fairy would be proud!
Minta Boggs
Today has been tiring had to go to Kroger twice and then still forgot something on my list but not going again today!
Connie Gruning
Minta, I do that all time! I even go into a room and forget why I went there. The grocery list…… every. single. time!
Michelle J.
We are going to a graduation tonight–yay!
Michele Soyer
Kate that manure gift is wonderful.. I pay a pound and a crown to the stables here…
Have 2 coconut trees to plant then who knows what…have all the stones cleaned and ready to decorate flower beds.. Off I go…
shelly peterson
Today wasn’t the greatest day. I had problems with my fistula at dialysis and got sent home and now have to go in tomorrow.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I am so sorry! Here is hoping today was a better day
Crystal K
Painted a whole bathroom today! It looks so good I’m ready to paint this whole dang house!
Connie Gruning
Crystal good for you!! We painted before we moved in. I doubt we will ever paint again. Maybe…… probably
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. I got new windshield wipers for my new car since the old ones were worn out. Good timing: raining all day today and tomorrow (with a hint of snow overnight)
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I saw the snow in Colorado. HOLY MOLY!!! It’s almost JUNE! Where is our summer?!
I scurried to town this morning to get errands done before the big storm sets in, supposed to be very serious storm and possible tornado. Looking up recipes for a new soup, and a parsley gremolata. Going to start getting another batch to send to Thredup, printed off a label at the library. They don’t consign much, most gets donated and very low price for consigns, but it is convenient, since I don’t have a way to get most places, this I can have the mail people pick up. Easy peasy.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, Thredup is a great idea. How did the storm watch go? Any tornado’s touch down near you?
Tamra Phelps
I’m going out for a doctor’s appointment today, just a routine one. So, got therapy in early this morning.
Kate, you know you’re an adult when getting a load of poo makes you happy, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
One of the farmers down the road just arrived & asked if I’d like some well-rotted horse manure! Of course, I said, what a great way to start the week (as if I didn’t have enough poo in my life)! Anyway, the roses will be happy as will the birds (plenty of creepy crawlies to feed their little ones).
Connie Gruning
Kate, Bear would be so happy with new poo too!
Michele Soyer
Sort of a gloomy day but hey I woke up so all is good.. my stones have soaked all weekend and are really dirt free.. some are absolutely lovely…putting on my rain hat and going out to do some decorating around the garden with them….
Crystal K
An easygoing Sunday. A rainy day stuck inside so we made some nice hot vegetable curry for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
I was expecting a nice, slow Sunday, but…no. I had physical therapy because noone will be able to do it Thursday, as both p.t.’s are off. Then I found out one of the residents has died. He was the guy who was always wheeling around looking for a way out, saying he had to get to work.
Sarah L
Had to stop off at the house I was dog sitting since I forgot a shirt in their hall closet. Then a good rehearsal with SAGE singers.
Michelle J.
It’s a good Sunday. I wish the sun would come out today.
Wow, I woke up to…. rain! It was only a small chance overnight, so had left windows open. Gray and gloomy today, too. Tomorrow may have very strong storms in the afternoon, so I’m plotting my run to town as early as possible. Looking for some good sandals to walk in, but now editing that search for waterproof ones! Might need to search for an ark on Amazon with all the rain!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, we woke up to brilliant blue skies today! AND A WIND that will knock your socks off! SO COLD!! I’m hiding inside while the deck gets worked on. I’m doing another pour and making some t-shirts.
I’ll have to try a little cream cheese in the sweet potatoes, the sour cream was good, too. It was a small amount added, but made a nice add!
Kate Sarsfield
I have absolutely no plans for today and I intend to keep it that way!
Connie Gruning
Kate No plans is a perfect Sunday to me!
Michele Soyer
Thank goodness it is Sunday… I am doing nothing.. zero.. zilch.. nada work today… Baking some cookies then sorting out lunch and thats about the size of it…. glorious Sunday to all….
Connie Gruning
Michele, Doing nothing and baking cookies?? Hummmm that sounds good but like more work than I want to do today.
Crystal K
We had fun shopping today. What is with my kids and WalMart?! They love that place.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I use to dread going to Walmart in California but this one in Idaho! OHMYGOODNESS!! It’s so clean, so organized and the employees are SO NICE!! SO HELPFUL!! I love Walmart!!
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. I went to my grandsons last soccer games of the season. Then I spent the day with my daughter running errands.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, that sounds like a great day!
Jim Hayes
My day is going just fine. I’m relaxed and it’s the weekend.
Connie Gruning
Jim, relaxing day and a relaxing weekend sounds perfect to me!!
Sarah L
Quiet day, now off to a big concert. I love live music.
Michele Soyer
I am pooped….Cleaned out the aviary today.. did 4 loads of laundry hung out and put away….bathed our Phoebe in a sponge bath and bathed our outside pooch Isis ( the name is so ominous now and we only named her for a great queen )( rotty mix) she licks you until you can’t stand anymore!! then transplanted 44 coxcombs….shoveled and sifted more sharp sand….soaking the stones in chlorine then will spread them along a garden bed to hold the edge and decorate it….a nice cold glass of wine will do me perfectly right about now!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I need to give Bear a bath…. I am dreading it. I think I have to wait for summer. She has so much hair!
A beautiful day today, not going to town, but have thrown the windows open and letting the cool breeze in. Trying a new recipe that adds a little sour cream to mashed sweet potatoes, just finished cleaning up, but haven’t tasted it yet.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I love a little bit of plain cream cheese in our sweet potatoes. I actually grabbed a couple last grocery trip so that might just be on the dinner menu.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s just a lityle after 1, but so far the day has been good. My leg pain has eased up with some daily use (it was arthritis pain due to being laid up during surgery, etc., and not being used.) So, that helps with my physical therapy.
Connie Gruning
Tamra I am so glad your leg pain is easing up!! YEAH!!!!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
It’s a gorgeous Saturday and I’m planning on spending it outside planting flowers!
Connie Gruning
Kim, it’s just gray and drizzly here. Enjoy the sunshine where you are!
Michelle J.
I have the dishwasher going and I’m taking a break.
Connie Gruning
Michelle, I doing the dreaded laundry that I have neglected until I am out of underwear……… no more excuses.
Kate Sarsfield
We’ve been getting a lot of little moths in the house lately so last night I left on a light in each room, windows & doors shut and lo & behold, there were about 40 in what we call the green room (no tv, just piano & comfy green seating for reading). I pulled the place apart & hoovered them up as I went. I think they may have come down from the loft with a couple of pictures that I’ve stashed behind a chair in the corner. I put cling film over the nozzle so they couldn’t escape & I’ll take the whole lot outside when (IF) it stops raining!
Connie Gruning
Kate you are such a good and gentle soul!! ThatsALotta moths!
shelyy peterson
It has literally rained all day. I hope its better tomorrow.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I am so over the rain. BUT with all these trees and the start of fire season I suppose I should be happy with the rain.
Crystal K
TGIF! Sooo…it SNOWED today here in southern Utah?! I celebrated this random winter day by making coffee cake muffins.
Connie Gruning
Crystal NO WAY!! It’s mid MAY! Wait when I was in my teens wayyyyy long ago (in Colorado) it snowed on my birthday June 24th. Soooo Ewwwww!!! Where is SUMMER!?!?
Tamra Phelps
Thank God it’s Friday, lol. I’m exhausted and sore from physical therapy this week. Oh, I do exercises myself on weekends, to keep things firing, but it’s not like therapy…so a few days rest is good.
Kate, lol, I definitely have stamina…I just hope it keeps going.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then quiet evening at home.
Today wasn’t bad. Worked this morning, then I went to the Outback for lunch and a margarita. After that I came home for a bit and then took my two cats to the vets office for their annual shots. They weren’t too happy with that and I wasn’t too happy with the $280 bill.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, I had to take Bear to the vet yesterday because we found her first tick. UGH!! But my bill was only $40. Now she has flea and tick protection. NO more little blood sucking bugs! PLEASE!!
Shouldn’t be a surprise to say it is raining! Again! It is supposed to stop, so let’s see. Just made a batch of chickpeas in the slow cooker, not going to make hummus this time, thinking of making a baked snack with them. Chickpeas are more expensive than most dried beans, I’m guessing b/c they are so popular!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, you are chef all the way around. You always make me hungry!
Michelle J.
My kid is having a melt down right now.
Connie Gruning
Michelle, being a G’ma its easier cause when kid has a melt down we give ’em back. Hope the melt down is over and gone!
Michele Soyer
Kate you are a great caring daughter…..Mum will look and feel better after a trip to the hairdresser….another funny anecdote from my mum… as she is having her sit down on her patio no matter what time of day any workman or my husband walks by ” would like a tea, a coffee, a ginger ale ?” why she was obsessed with ginger ale I would never know… then are you hungry?? if you are I will call upstairs and my daughter will make something for you!! Oh mum you were the best…
Connie Gruning
Michele, THAT is so funny!! YOU will bring whatever they want. Such a good daughter! LOL! I’m going to laugh about that one the rest of the day.
Kate Sarsfield
Stamina, TAMRA? Just take a moment to go back over all that body of yours has been through – you’ve got stamina in bucket loads!
Mum’s bag burst during the early hours so up to my whatsits in soiled laundry. All this getting up with the birds is, well, for the birds! Taking Mum for a hair cut this afternoon but nothing else planned. Happy Friday, folks x
Connie Gruning
Kate, okay I’m not complaining about my laundry anymore. You are a saint. And like Michelle said A GREAT AND CARING Daughter!!
Crystal K
Welp we have standing water in our basement so I guess we’re going to have to figure THAT out. Yikes.
shelly peterson
Today we had a lot of rain with some flooded streets. My grandsons soccer was canceled.
Michelle J.
My day is going great–going to bed soon!
Tamra Phelps
Today, I stood with the walker…well, it’s the start, lol. Hopefully, my stamina will come back quickly.
Connie Gruning
HOT DAMN Tamra!!! Seriously you are so strong!! GO TAMRA GO!!
Sarah L
Got a haircut this morning (2 weeks overdue because of house sitting). Now a relaxing day at home.
Amy D
My day is great. I am looking forward to my daughter finishing school in a couple of weeks and also celebrating my other daughter’s 4th birthday.
Sandy Pincombe
My day is going great. Took a friend to the eye doctor for a checkup after her eye surgery. Now getting ready to go to lunch with my cousin who is in town. But most importantly my Granddaughter is due to give birth to her first child in 33 weeks. Each day I get more excited!
Connie Gruning
Sandy, is this your first Great Grandchild? How exciting. It sounds like a great day all the way around!
Day is going good. I skipped getting my ride for groceries, so let’s see how I do. Going to fire up the slow cooker in a bit.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I have a box ready to send to Selena and Alice, but I can’t seem to get my butt in gear to go to town. We’re having left overs. It’s suppose to rain so that’s my excuse to be lazy.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, Michele, I love your Mum’s attitude to life!!! Let’s all take time to smell the coffee or for us non-coffee drinkers (we do exist, believe it or not!), to smell the flowers!
Mum seems to have pulled herself together. She’s Welsh, after all. They’re a tough race.
Michele Soyer
Kate hope mum feels better… Tamra chin up better days are coming…dad always said this and I believed him he was usually right….I have to do a quick clean-up in my mum’s apartment downstairs….sad that she only lived there for 5 months before she passed away…she loved sitting by the dining room table and looking out at the side yard.. the dogs, the aviary, the bird baths….miss her very much.. especially her favourite phrase.. ” Lets take the day off ” LOL
Crystal K
After days of getting ready, we finally started painting our front porch. Now it’s supposed to rain for like 3 days! ACK!
shelly peterson
Today was an ok day. It was a bit cooler than it has been.
Tamra Phelps
Same old same old here. Getting better slowly but surely.
Kate, I hope your Mum feels better.
Sarah L
Home again after house/dog sitting for 9 days. Long time away from home and glad to be back.
Michelle J.
I was helping at the school all day, but it’s still been a good one.
It is sunnier today, and a little cold, but I have the windows open! Yea! And burning my “Fresh Cut Roses” Yankee candle. Trying to get things crossed off the “to do” list!!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
The sun keeps hiding behind the clouds – I need more sunshine after so many weeks of rain!
Kate Sarsfield
In bed by 2am & up since 6 does not make for a contented Kate! Ah, well, stuff to do anyway. I need to have a chat with Dad about Mum, she’s just not herself lately, so I’ll pop up to the graveyard while she’s having her first nap of the day. And housework … yawn!
We had a vocal coach take the choir last night so a new piece of music to learn for next Tuesday and it’s hard! Great to have a fresh perspective on our little group tho’. No other goss from this part of the world. Over & out!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I’m with you. I need my sleep.
Hope Dad can send you divine guidance about Mum. HUGS to you!!
Michele Soyer
Today the moon is in Libra so it is perfect for flowers… dead heading zinnias and transplanting forget-me-nots and morning glories….have to shovel up remnants of gravel, sharp sand and red sand that were buried under some bush I had cleared earlier this month…added to compost and pro-mix I will have enough to fill a new grow bed.. Life is so interesting.. never thought growing up in NYC that I would be doing this anytime in my life!!
Crystal K
A much-needed stay home and relax day. Just kicked back with my kiddos and played and made enchiladas.
shelly peterson
Today was an ok day. I did get to relax a little bit.
Tamra Phelps
Things are slowly but surely getting better around here. Hopefully, some day soon, I’ll be able to put all this behind me.
Kate, my Mom used to say the same thing about decaf. She had to have her 2 cups of coffee every morning, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I am glad you are getting better. One day at a time! YOU just keep goin’ like the energizer bunny! GO TAMRA GO!!!
Went to town this morning so I could get home before it starts to – RAIN! Again! Everyone is talking about their back yards being full of water. Never had so much rain! I’m happy as a clam to be inside as I have a lot of dull paperwork to do, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything when it is dark & stormy out, sitting here with paper and pen.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, it’s gloomy here too. Supposed to start raining around 5. We’ll see.
Michele Soyer
Kate glad your performance was a success…5 hours in heels piece of cake!! Decaf??? Blah.. But if mum likes it thats the important part….
Had a wonderful day so far…..worked on 4 – 6 foot hydroponic trays.. all the lettuce and bok choy…..cute little seedlings……
Connie Gruning
WOW Michele, that’s a lotta planting.
Kate Sarsfield
Mum’s still asleep (it’s nearly noon) so I’m doing quiet jobs (well, as quiet as possible, clumsy being my middle name). I’ll wake her with a cup of decaff soon. I don’t understand decaff. I mean, what’s the point?
Connie Gruning
Kate, I’m with you. Decaf? I want my coffee fully leaded!
Crystal K
PHEW I am exhausted. We’re trying to restain our front porch so I was working on that for 3 hours today and I’m beat! And no, Connie, there weren’t even any homemade pasta leftovers for dinner! They were DEVOURED at dinner last night!
shelly peterson
It was definitely a Monday. I hope tomorrow is better.
Sarah L
Tonight is my last night house sitting. Haven’t been on the computer much.
Tamra Phelps
I’m finally back in therapy. In some ways it feels like starting over, but at least it’s moving forward.
Michelle J.
It is another good day today–thank you!
I typically make my “to do” list the day before for the next day, but didn’t yesterday. So, I need to get my “to do” list done, or else not much will get done today. Only reason it works so good is I love how it feels to cross things off the list!
Kate Sarsfield
Last night’s performance was a triumph and such wonderful choirs; from madrigals to gospel and everything in between! Five hours in heels tho’ …
Connie Gruning
Kate that’s wonderful! Except of course the 5 hours in heels.
Michele Soyer
Had a fabulous day yesterday and a little voice is telling me to take the day off today too!! But the other little voice is saying get your sorry behind back to work.. who will win ?? Get back to work of course.. Hope everyone had a pleasant day yesterday!
shelly peterson
I had an amazing day with my kids and grandkids. I hope you had a great Mother’s Day!
Crystal K
Enjoyed Mother’s Day – my husband made homemade pasta from scratch, which is one of my all-time faves!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, WOW homemade pasta. I will be right over…… unless of course there are no leftovers.
Michelle J.
I’m having a very good Mother’s Day today.
More rain today. Catching up with my relatives who are moms.
Michele Soyer
Good luck tonight Kate and I have to check out the song from the 80’s…..Happy news Miss Phoebe has made a full recovery.. yes she is now deaf in one ear and her sight is less than perfect but she is back!! and I am grateful for more time with her… Spending the day doing whatever I want.. guess that is listening to music, reading and drinking wine thanks to my wonderful daughter….Happy Mother’s Day to all!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I am SO glad that Miss Phoebe is back to her ole self. That was a great Mother’s Day gift.
Kate Sarsfield
Ladies, sorry to disappoint but it’s not The Platters ‘Only You’ but Yazoo’s/The Flying Pickets version from the 80s! The last song of the night is a massed choirs version of ‘May We Never Have To Say Goodbye’. It’s also the anthem of the Special Olympics and real goosebump stuff! Check it out on YouTube.
Anyhow, tonight’s the big night and I’ve had 3 hours sleep thanks to a cat who wouldn’t come in last night but decided to bawl on my window sill at 6am. I’ve been up since then doing some quiet chores and frantically going through the words (we never sing with sheet music for these events) so I don’t botch up the proceedings.
Happy Mother’s Day to The United States of America 🙂
shelly peterson
I went to my grandsons soccer games and of course ended up with sunburn again . I ended upgoing to dinner with my brother and niece, it was a good day.
Crystal K
Did some well-earned relaxing (and 4 loads of laundry) after 5 straight days of hiking!
Today has been a very busy day. Trying to get things emptied out of this house as I’m planning on moving within a years time and there’s a lot of things to get rid off as this is the family home so it holds my stuff and all the stuff my parents owned. Had people here from 10 this morning until after 6 removing furniture and also fixing some minor things. Didn’t get to eat any real food until half an hr ago. Survived the whole day on coffee and donuts.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, I hate moving! Coffee and donuts….. the food of helpers, repair people and family. GOOD luck!!
Tamra Phelps
It would be great to hear Kate sing! And to eat some of Michele’s baking!!
There is literally one aide working the floor back here today, so it’s after 1 and I’m still waiting to get up. (There’s a nationwide shortage of CNAs if anyone needs a new job, lol.)
Michelle J.
Great! I had a yummy breakfast with my kids.
Gorgeous day outside. But getting some things done inside, windows open and enjoying a cool, spring breeze. I have enough chores to do that I’d better get some done! Go out for a walk later!! Time to bring out a couple sun hats.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, it’s so beautiful here!! Supposed to be 80s!! I am LOVING IT!!!!
Michele Soyer
Kate wish I could be there to hear you sing!! Only You….. the Platters have to play that today….
Well already baked 4 loaves of bread and made an eggplant parmesan for luncheon….Ready to check the garden then relax for the rest of the day…On the stereo old school R&B then classic Stones and Georgie Fame and the Flames ending with Sam the Man Taylor and good old sax music! Wait with wine of course!
Connie Gruning
WOW! Michele, you really got a head start on your day! I’m off to try yet another hairdresser here in Idaho. Wish me luck! The past 3 just want to give me REALLY BIG (Dolly Parton BIG) hair. I’m looking for something easier.
Kate Sarsfield
Yay TAMRA! Baby steps and it’s a long time coming but you WILL get there.
Lots of singing to do today in preparation for our part in the annual Festival of Choirs tomorrow. We’re in the sacred music section but we’ve put a bit of a twist on it. I mean, an A Capella version of ‘Only You’ counts if you view it as a love song to a religious deity and anyway, it sounds great with the acoustics in the big RC church!
Connie Gruning
Oh Kate, I wish I could hear you sing. Maybe someone will tape it and add to YouTube so we can all hear??
shelly peterson
Yay its Friday. I am ready for the weekend.
Crystal K
Day 5 of hiking with friends and our kiddos are WORN OUT!!! Relaxing tomorrow!
Tamra Phelps
Today, I saw the surgeon. He took out the staples and sutures in my back. So, hopefully, another step toward getting better.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!!
Connie Gruning
Kim, Happy Mother’s Day weekend to you too!! And all the Mom’s and Mums on PBnWhine. (Okay, even the ones that aren’t on PBnWhine)
Kate Sarsfield
It’s been a day of laundry, gardening & singing. Now just chillin’ with a book.
It ended up not raining, but stayed very overcast. Now more rain today and more this weekend. I’ve got the slow cooker going, and I never leave it on unattended, so I’m staying put, let it RAIN! Having a dog can be a good way to get exercise – all those walks and hikes! antlers or not!
Michelle J.
I’m glad the school year is winding down.
Michele Soyer
Connie apple blossoms are so pretty… It will add to the beauty of your yard..
Wound up putting in 5 cherry trees yesterday with the 1 apple… Felt like I got something done….Today I have to rake and pick up grass cuttings then begin my Mothers Day weekend…..miss my son very much on that day.. he always took me out.. gave me a rose.. ordered the best wine ( so snotty) LOL….made me laugh and smile the whole day…my daughter did and still does gives me oodles of books .. perfume and a day filled with love, conversation, memories and music…..
Connie Gruning
Michele, I am going to look and see what trees do good here in Idaho. I would love to have tons of fruit trees.
Crystal K
We spent the whole day hiking in Zion National Park so it was a GREAT one!
shelly peterson
I didnt get to relax as much as I wanted. I ran some errands, visited my daughter and baby granddaughter then took my grandson to soccer practice.
Getting ready for the ride service to pick me up. Forecast says 0% chance of rain even though it looks like it, so I say, NO umbrella!!! It was the rainiest April on record, May is trying for a record, too. My umbrella is becoming a permanent appendage, so it will be fun to leave it home and fer’getabout it!
Connie Gruning
So Rosie? Did it end out being a no rain day?
It’s BEAUTIFUL here today. Bear and I went on a 1.5 hour hike today! Still no antlers but lots of exercise.
Michelle J.
My day is going well. Just getting started on laundry.
Connie Gruning
AHHHH Michelle, DANG it, I just remembered I’ve had a load of laundry in the washer for the last 2 days. ACKKKKK!!! Thank you for the reminder!
Michele Soyer
Kate and Tamra thanks for the cheers for Miss Phoebe .. she thanks you also…
Tamra you are getting better everyday and that is a blessing you are a tough chick to go thru all you have…
Kate I have a similar spider catcher pesky devils that they are…
Yesterday I put vinyl on my garden workbenches and they look very nice for which I am grateful…plus I can wipe them down daily…Today I have cherry trees ( 2 ) to put in the ground and an apple.. The apple will never bear but with the heat they will blossom..
Connie Gruning
Michele, I would love an apple tree. I’m going to have to check Home Depot.
Kate Sarsfield
Not a whole lot going on here. I’ve just done a sweep of the house with my spider catcher, an old curtain pole with a sock on the end, and released 12 adults to the outside world.
Connie Gruning
Kate, you are so sweet. I am more of a ‘ya shouldn’t have been in HERE in the first place’ killin’ the spider kind of gal.
Crystal K
We have friends visiting from out of state so we’re having busy and exciting days!!
shelly peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis. I am loving the weather though.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope you are feeling better after dialysis. You are a strong woman!!
I had a very nice day. Met a friend for lunch at a restaurant that I hadn’t been to before had a quiche that was made with goat cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms and a mixed greens salad on the side. Then had a delicious chocolate mousse for dessert that was topped with fresh whipped cream and raspberries (it was AMAZING!!). Bought tickets to see a baseball game over the Memorial Day weekend and booked my hotel for my trip to SC in August.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, That sounds like an amazing lunch. I love quiche! Chocolate mousse and raspberries. I am SO IN!!! YUM!
Tamra Phelps
Yay, Phoebe! I’m glad she’s perked up, Michele.
Today, I got into the wheelchair again and it was much better than Saturday’s try. I guess the back just needed a few more days healing.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, you are amazing! You are so strong! KEEP GOING!!!
Day is going good. It is nice out and went for a bit of a walk. There is green!! blossoms! Warm, gentle breeze! Wheee!
Michelle J.
My day is off to a good start!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s lovely to start the day with some good news: Good ol’ Phoebe!
As for me, same old, same old … except that it’s pouring down so no gardening today. Guess I’ll have to do some housework instead!
Michele Soyer
I might be really delusional but I believe Miss Phoebe is doing better every day.. stopped by the chemist yesterday and got her more medication and this tough pooch might give me a few more years of happiness…. Off to the garden until it starts to rain…
Connie Gruning
Michele, YEAH Miss Phoebe!!
shelly peterson
I had a decent day today. The weather has been so nice.
Tamra Phelps
Still recovering from back surgery, but it’s getting better. At least I’m looking forward.
Connie, no place for comments on today’s home post. Not sure why.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, This site is givin’ me fits!! I don’t know why the comment link didn’t show up. This site is going to make me day drink!
Michele Soyer
Had a great day out today.. the banks went very well and quickly.. the shoppes were empty so I enjoyed a slow walk up and down all the aisles… now putting everything away..
Kate Sarsfield
I did a lot of driving today but the weather was lovely so that helped. I’m just back from a loooong rehearsal for our annual Festival of Choirs that’s on from Thurs. – Sunday. A big bowl of Rosie’s apple cobbler would go down a treat!
Connie Gruning
Kate, how was the first day of the Festival of Choirs??
Day is going good. I have a big batch of apple cobbler about to come out of the oven. My first time trying Envy apples for baking, and also first to try Splenda blend with brown sugar. It smells good, has oats and almond flour in the topping.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, Apple cobbler sounds delicious!!
Michelle J.
Today is a beautiful, sunny day. I’m doing well.
Tamra Phelps
Ah, I’m so ready for life to just get back to something approaching normal. Well, I feel like I’m at least in a good mental place, my head is set on just moving forward however I can.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a public holiday here & in the UK, so I’m just having a quiet day while Mum’s glued to the snooker World Championships. Yesterday was lovely but I am sore from standing for an hour.
So nice out today, should be outside! But getting a laundry list of chores done, windows open and luvin’ it!
Michelle J.
My day is going great so far–thanks!
Michele Soyer
Well Miss Phoebe made it thru yesterday…she was up and looking for her walk this morning but I am aware this could just be a surge….today I am putting in zucchini and blue lake green beans.. better get going….
Sarah L
Had 2 most excellent concerts, last night and this afternoon. Good audience.
Crystal K
Having a busy day getting ready for friends to come tomorrow! They’re staying a week and I can’t wait to catch up and go hiking!!
Connie, The Allman Brothers cover band was very good!
More rain today, people are going cukoo from all the rain. Made a spaghetti sauce with a mess of sauteed green peppers and mushrooms, all those browned bits and fennel seed make a good sauce.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s just a slow Sunday. I’m slowly feeling better every day. Hoping it will get better quickly and get back to normal.
Michele, I hope Phoebe feels better and gets to stay with you much longer!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’m glad you’re feeling better today. Hopefully tomorrow even BETTER!!
Michelle J.
I’m having a better day today than yesterday–thanks!
Kate Sarsfield
Great news TAMRA!!! Up and at ’em, girlie xxx
Michele: So sorry about Phoebe, it’s horrible, I know, bless her.
Rosie: You’ve tempted me, though I don’t know what you guys call biscuits! Our biscuits are what you’d call cookies.
I’m off to the Lavender Farm for an open day and concert in aid of Home Hospice Care. Smart casual, so no sequins today! We’re topping the bill, guys. Fame at last!!!
Connie Gruning
Kate, Good luck today! Break a leg! But, are sequins an everyday staple? I mean helllllllllo we sparkle!!!
Michele Soyer
Tamra good for you….next is up with a walker….
Kate little blips all should be better today…
Our Phoebe who is 14 years old is starting to act like an old dog.. she also isn’t doing too well ..don’t want to lose her.. she is the last of her litter.. her mom brothers and sisters are all gone….have to say what will be will be….
Connie Gruning
Oh Michele, hugs for you and Phoebe.
shelly peterson
Today was a good day. I went to watch my grandsons play soccer and spent the day with my daughter. It was a beautiful, sunny day. I got my first sunburn of the year.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, that sounds like an amazing day!! EVEN the sunburn. I am looking very Idaho pale! I need some color. Even red.
Tamra Phelps
Finally, back in the wheelchair for the first time in over a week, and yes, it was painful. But, I feel lie I’ve made a start.
Connie Gruning
Way to GO TAMRA!!!
Sarah L
May the 4th be with you! Getting ready for my concert tonight. Practicing my music.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, how did your concert go?
Rain held off, and I took the bus to the mall. Walked around and sniffed candles, didn’t buy anything, and when I got hungry smelling all those pretzels, etc., went back home for something to eat. Had hope to exchange shoes I had gotten online, but they didn’t carry them in the store. So back to online to do it. Need shoes for walking, mine are falling apart, looking like a rag-a-muffin!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, Miss Bear and I went on a walk and collected pinecones, birch and bark off trees. Came home and created a center piece. It was a great day!! Still haven’t found an antler though. I will someday!
Michelle J.
I’m doing fine besides being woken up at 6:00 on a Saturday.
Connie Gruning
Michelle, Nooooooooooo 6am on a Saturday. I would have to hurt someone!
Kate Sarsfield
Congrats Crystal!!! It’s a lovely feeling, isn’t it?
Up and showered early, opened the fridge, a big tub of coleslaw fell out all over me and the floor, tidied that up, went over to Mum’s chair to make sure she had everything she needs to find the cat had puked all over it, tidied that up, my sister cut the grass and walked grass cuttings all over the kitchen floor, tidied that up … feel like going back to bed and starting the day again!
Connie Gruning
Kate! Dang girl! You just had everything go wrong. Shake it off and start over. Maybe just drink.
I’ts only a couple of minutes past nine and my day only started half an hr ago, but I have lunch plans at noon and then plans to go see a band that covers the Allman Brothers, so it should be a great day.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, what a great day you had planned. How was the cover band??
Michele Soyer
Kate I agree! the garden is better than any therapist.. no one asks what do you think?? I share and I get answers back!!
Well today is an inside day.. baking then cleaning..the only outside chore is adding compost to my garden….Happy weekend all!
Connie Gruning
Michele, it was absolutely beautiful out this morning. Now it’s down right cold. Bear and I got a hike in now I am ready for a snuggle under the heated blanket.
shelly peterson
Happy Friday! I am so ready for the weekend.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope it’s a GREAT weekend for you!
CONNIE! I am having a fabulous day, thanks in large part to YOU! $50 magically appeared in my Paypal today! Thank you so much – thrilled to be the winner of your April giveaway!
Connie Gruning
Crystal you are very welcome!! I hope you get to do something fun with your winnings!
Sarah L
AARP has a program called CarFit. They check how your car fits you – mirrors, steering wheel, seat belt, seat. Very through and helpful. Did that this morning and my car fits better.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I learn so much from you! I had no idea that AARP did that. I’ll have to check that out.
Made it to town and back before rain. The biscuits no real recipe, 2 cups flour (I used Hecker’s this time, and I love it), 2 tsp of baking power, a little salt, a little cayenne (1/2 tsp?), mix. Shred about 1 cup of yellow cheddar and add to dry. Add a little oil (1/4 cup or so) and mix into dry. Start adding a little water (can use milk), not sure how much, start with 1/4 cup, and add a tsp or so at at time until mixture just congeals. Shape into a ball and cover 1/2 hour or so. Roll out into a circle with a little flour underneath. Put circle into a low-heated pan (no stick) – don’t add oil to the pan. I use a bench scraper to cut the dough circle into squares, right in the pan, and cover pan with lid. When biscuits are brown on the bottom, turn each one over and brown on the other side – doesn’t take too long. The cheddar that is on the edges gets a little crispy. Let cool! Wow, this sounds long, but it is fast and easy. I just bought more cheddar yesterday to make some more!
Connie Gruning
Rosie you are AWESOME!! Thank you for the recipe!!!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
My brother in-law was just diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, so it’s been a tough day… ☹️
Connie Gruning
Oh Kim, I am so very sorry! Prayers headed your families way. I am so sorry!
Michelle J.
My day is going really well- thank you!
Kate Sarsfield
Michele: What stories your father must have had. Of course he was wonderful, he made you!
I went out to feed the birds this morning and next time I checked it was 2 hours later. Lots of weeding done! I always say that even 10 minutes in a garden is worth an hour on a therapist’s couch!
Michele Soyer
Yesterday we had no current for about 3-4 hours and hurricane season has not even begun.. today my father is gone 16 years.. seems like yesterday and I can still hear his voice…he had such a hard childhood on a farm in rural Hungary before WWI and his life truly began when he landed at Ellis Island…he was the most wonderful dad and I still remember my school friends saying that he talked like Count Dracula….LOL…..
Connie Gruning
Michele, I agree with Kate, I bet you have a ton of great stories you could share. WOW
Crystal K
We had a pizza party tonight – three cheers for not havig to cook dinner!
shelly peterson
I spent most my day relaxing. then I went to my grandsons soccer practice and out for pizza with the family.
Today was a good day. Started out winning a $100 check on one of the instant win games. Work went by quickly and pleasantly. Weather warmed up and was sunny and I bought tickets for a friend and I to see Air Supply in August.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, I swear I didn’t even know Air Supply was still together! Let alone still touring. I’m going to have to google and see if they will be near me anytime. WOW.
Tamra Phelps
They took off all the wires I’m connected to, lol. That’s a relief. They are going to put a picc line in, so antibiotics can be given easier, and in the next day or so, I can go back to Johnson Mathers, hopefully, get back to therapy.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, that is wonderful news! You are like the energizer bunny!! Go TAMRA GO!!!
Day is going good, getting my list ready for grocery shopping. The service I pay for will be picking me up. Rain in the forecast – again!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, we have rain in the forecast here too. AND it’s COLD!! We actually had frost warnings over night.
Amy D
My day has started off awesome! I taught a fitness class at 5:30 a.m., which is always such a good start to the day!
Connie Gruning
Amy, that’s a great way to start your day. MAYBE not at 5:30 but, I did manage to get a full mile on the treadmill soooooooo I’m taking that as a good start too.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, the planet may be falling apart around our ears but the no. 1 # trending on Irish Twitter is #PoetryDayIrl. Kind of gives me a bit of hope for the future!
Tammy: brilliant news re. MRSA – go girl & beat that bugger!
Kim BookJunkie: it’s horrible when a beloved pet has to leave us. They’re such a huge part of our lives but your Beagle was truly loved and had a wonderful life. Can’t ask for more than that.
Connie Gruning
Kate, That’s a great trending!
rochelle haynes
My day is going great
shelly peterson
Happy May day and hump day. My day was ok.
My day has been good, the weather is nice.
Crystal K
First day of May and what do we get in Utah?! SNOW!!!!!!!!
Connie Gruning
Crystal I’m sitting in my room FREEZING!! Idaho is tooo cold! It’s MAY! I want warm!
Sarah L
Happy May Day! Mostly quiet day, just a trip to the pool.
Thanks for the contest.
My day didn’t start off great. It’s been overcast and chilly and the lunch plans I had were cancelled last night, so I’ve been bored. But two friends contacted me this evening for Sat. plans, one for the afternoon and one for the evening, so I’ve got something to look forward to.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, sounds like some good plans coming up for you. I looked at my calendar and it’s BLANK! I need to make some friends ASAP!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Not the best start to May. Had to run to the doctor & get some new meds. Fingers crossed I start feeling better by the weekend!
Connie Gruning
Kim! I hope you are feeling better already.
Kim BookJunkie
Sadly, my day is not going well…. we have to put our sweet 9 year old Beagle to sleep tomorrow. At least she will be pain free…..
Connie Gruning
Oh Kim, I am sending you a long hug. I am so sorry. I swear it is so hard to lose a fur baby. I AM SO SORRY!!!
Tamra Phelps
Shelly, I had dialysis when my kidneys failed, so I’m sending you all the good vibes in the World!
I’m feeling better, my cultures are now coming back negative for MRSA so that’s great to hear. And I’m craving biscuits after reading about Rosie’s cheddar biscuits!!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I am SO happy the MRSA test is negative. SO glad!!!
Day is going good. I made cheddar biscuits today, with a touch of cayenne, and they came out good woops I just snuck another one, so now not hungry for dinner! But my tummy is singing a song! Made them to go with homemade soup, and there’s plenty enough biscuits for tomorrow, too.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I think we need that recipe!! Seriously, I read that comment and my stomach growled.
Debbie Yoder
Its May Day! My day is going great, chugged the coffee down then off to the dentist today!
Connie Gruning
Debbie, Everything sounded great until I go to the dentist part. I am not a fan!!
Connie Gruning
Shelly, How many days a week do you go to dialysis? Are the appointments long?
I am sending you healing thoughts and hugs.
shelly peterson
My day is just starting. I will be heading to dialysis soon.
It is going OK. First of May spring is in the air.
Kate Sarsfield
Happy May Day to one and all! Once again I forgot to wash my face in the morning dew, thereby ensuring lifelong beauty. Ah, sure, it’s all in the eye of the beholder anyhow!
Connie Gruning
Kate, well, that makes two of us. Maybe next year.