NaNa’s Sleep-over, Milk and Frankenstein Crafts!!

When the kids lived at home I couldn’t keep a gallon of milk in the fridge for a full day!!  Now that it’s just DH and myself …. well, that same gallon of milk will be in the fridge until it has gone bad and needs to be thrown out!!  So, when NaNa has a sleep over I have to go buy milk. Of course I either don’t buy enough or I buy too much. I can NOT win!! Or I should say I couldn’t win. NOW? I’ve got Shelf Safe MILK!!! This milk is packed in Tetra Pak cartoons which don’t need to be refrigerated until they are opened. I couldn’t be more excited about this product if I tried!!! REAL TRUE delicious milk anytime!! I can keep milk in the pantry till the day before the grandkids arrive and they aren’t any wiser!! YEA!!!!

Shelf safe milk is Grade A fluid milk that requires no refrigeration until the package is opened, thanks to ultra pasteurization and the innovative Tetra Pak carton. This eco-friendly packaging preserves all the wholesome goodness of milk and helps kids get the vitamins and nutrients of milk anytime, anywhere.

All that is good and well, BUT, face it if the kids can taste a difference you’ll hear about it AND they won’t drink it. Emma is 5, Eli is 3 and Alice is 2 and they LOVE this milk!!! Of course the chocolate was a huge success but the regular milk was still a winner!!!

These are perfect for back to school, you can feel confident that the kids are getting their daily serving of calcium and a much better alternative than a juice box.

Shelf safe milk can be found just about anywhere that sells Horizon, Hershey’s, Organic Valley, Borden, Cow Wow and LALA. Shelf safe milk is available in several flavors and regular white milk – there are organic options as well.

Shelf Safe Milk got 4 thumbs WAY up for Emma, Eli and Alice.  2 thumbs WAY WAY WAY up from NaNa who was able to offer CHOCOLATE Milk!! Oh yeaaaaa, this NaNa ROCKS!!

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I try to make sure that NaNa’s house is an adventure!! So, this sleepover was Frankenstein, elephant toothpaste, ***bubble wrap stomping (Which I am sure the neighborhood thought we were under attack!) Dinosaur tails and ScotchTape faces!!

Now, I promised a Frankenstein craft! These came out ADORABLE!!!  They were sooooo easy to make too!!

You will need:

Empty can. We used soup cans. But, coffee cans would be super cute!! So would the empty Shelf Safe Milk containers!!

Green paint, 2 bolts or screws per can, googly eyes, black magic marker, glue, black felt, small round buttons or wooden dots for nose.

Paint the cans let dry completely. Add a second coat. Since the kiddo’s did their own I’m thinking even 3 coats to be certain all the can is covered in paint. NaNa was able to make this into a two day craft because the paint had to completely dry.

Cut your felt about an inch or two inches wider than the opening of the can.  This is Franks hair. Let the kids clip V’s out of the circle to make a ragged hairline.

Pop Pop used the drill to start the holes for Frankenstein’s neck bolts.  Yes, looking back at the pictures NOT the best safety pictures. DO NOT try this at home!! Pop Pop is a professional??

The kids were able to use the nut driver to screw in the bolts once they were started by NaNa.

Glue down the hair.

Glue on the googly eyes.

Glue on the nose.  I’m thinking even buttons would be cute.

Use markers to make stitches and WHOOOOLA… Frankenstein!!!


I found the wooden Frankenstein masks for .99¢ at Michaels. Those were a HUGE hit!!

***Being a product review blogger means I get a LOT of bubble wrap. What better way to recycle than tape it to the patio and set the grandkids to popin!! DO YOU KNOW how long that took them?? Long enough that NaNa finished a HOT a cup of coffee and get caught up on some emails. I’m BRILLIANT I tell ya…. BRILLIANT!!!

If you have an easy craft I’d love it if you shared!!

Thanks for reading!! I’ll see you tomorrow!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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