Natural cures! Hello Lympha Rub

Lympha Rub

How do you cure a sore throat? What about an earache? I just tried Lympha Rub for the first time and I have to say I’m in love!!  I will keep this in my medicine chest from now on. Lympha Rub contains no alcohol, sugar, salt, starch or yeast. No gluten, soy, milk, egg, or preservatives. Lympha is Vegan and Gluten Free.  You can use it for adults and kids too.
When I received Lympha Rub I was starting to get an earache and I have this lingering cough, (babysitting little ones means I get to share in those colds too!!) I rubbed a couple of drops behind my ears and down my throat in the afternoon and before I went to bed. I woke up feeling fine! No earache, no cough! Seriously this cough has been around for the last week and a half, two applications and GONE!!
The directions say you can place a couple drops down the back of your throat 1 drop per 50 pounds with 3 drops total. The taste is very strong so I wouldn’t recommend for small children without  a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. (ahhh I’m channeling my inner Mary Poppins there!) 

Lympha Rub is a potent essential oil remedy and is one of our most versatile products. These antiseptic and antimicrobial all natural organic essential oils support tissue healing while interfering with the growth of harmful micro-organisms. Traditionally used for infections including tonsillitis, strep throat, mumps, sinus infection, earache, sore muscles and much more!
Ingredients: Combined essential oils of Lemon, Cajeput, Lavender, Clove, Myrrh and Chamomile in a base of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 

Head over the Lympha Rub and sign up for their newsletter and they will send you a bottle to try for yourself.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • Tammy S

    I have never heard of this before. I like that it's natural organic essential oils. I will have to check there site out. thanks for the review.

  • JenD

    Sounds good to me, but I think I can handle the strong taste so long as it works! Thanks for sharing, never heard of this before, but the ingredients sound natural and non-toxic 🙂

  • Diane K.Brimmer

    Wow I could use a case of this stuff this week. LOL No, kidding aside it sounds really great I will have to order some. Thanks for the information.

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