NeriumAD Review

I hate to admit it but I’ve always been a sun worshiper.  What can I say……. I always wanted to be tan!! For as long as I can remember! In my teens, I did the baby oil and iodine! YUP!!  Baby Oil and then laid out and baked to a nice toasty bronze.  Sure I heard … you’ll regret it when you are older.  But 30 and 40 and 50 was soooooooooooo soooooooooooo far away I didn’t care!!! Ummm, note to younger self… you shoulda cared!

Now??  Ohhhhh yea…. those past sins have come back to haunt me BIG time!! Age spots, lines, and wrinkles.  UGH!!!! I think it’s the age spots that make me the saddest! So, I’m always watching for the ‘next greatest’ thing on the market.  You name it… I tried.  Infomercials’ are my weakness!

Out damn spot OUT!!

So, when I was offered a chance to try NeriumAD of course I jumped on the opportunity!  I went in with high hopes and NeriumAD did not disappoint me!  I concentrated on the lines around my eyes and the age spots on my cheek and the back of my hands.  I figured that in 2 weeks of use if I could notice a difference in those couple of places I would be sold!!

Dreaded sun spotsThis was taken 2 weeks ago. I’m so proud of myself!  I zoomed right in there.  Ewwwwww LOOK at what I do for my readers!!!

See those nasty spots??  UGH!!  WEAR YOUR SUN SCREEN!!!!!!

Both pictures are taken with no make up on.  (well, duh huh??)

SunspotsThis second one was taken tonight. 2 WEEKS!! TWO weeks people!! Can you imagine how good these will look at the end of the month?!?!?
When I applied my first application I could FEEL my face firming up!  I’m serious! You can feel NeriumAD working! My skin was noticeably softer! My pores seem to shrink overnight!
Did I mention, it’s ONE product! This ONE product did this!!
You use a very small amount, I thought for sure I would have to use a lot of product to get results.  But, a small amount is really all you do need.
Please! Go to the NeriumAD site. Look at the science behind Nerium.  Check out the results videos and pictures.

NeriumAD is perfect for all skin types. Paraben Free. Non Comedogenic.

NeriumAD is Age Defying Treatment was formulated to improve the appearance of:
      Fine Lines and Wrinkles  (I noticed an improvement already!!)
      Hyperpigmentation    (DUH!!  Look at the pictures!)
      Skin Texture   (So much smother! My makeup glides on now!)
      Aging or Sun-Damaged Skin (My skin does feel firmer.  It HAS from the first application!!)
I really have nothing but awesome things to say about NeriumAD. This stuff is for real. This really is the ONE product you need! Not only need but deserve!! AND SUNSCREEN!! Please take care of your skin.


  • Anonymous

    I am on my third week of using Nerium and I am the biggest skeptic product junkie you will ever know. I have to say that my skin is a bit firmer and the texture is not as saggy, I cannot use it on m eyes or under my eyes, they are swollen and itchy if I do. I will continue to use it for another month and see what happens. Oh and I am 50+, a Harley rider and a sun goddess so my skin really needed help although I have been using Philosophy for 6 months and continue to use it during the day.

  • William

    My age spots have almost vanished after 10 days of use (and I’m older than dirt!).
    I can hardly wait to see what happens after one month.

    • Anonymous

      Is there a guarantee on this product and what happens when you stop using it? Amother gimmick where people at the top get rich.

    • Anonymous

      It’s not a gimmick. Notice that none of these people are talking about getting rich by selling the product. They are actually talking about the product. This is a great product whether you decide to buy it outright or join their team. And I would not recommend buying any licensed product on eBay because it is not backed by the manufacturer and you have no idea if the product has been tampered with. Stick with buying from the manufacturer or licensed retailer.

  • William

    My age spots have almost vanished after 10 days of use (and I’m older than dirt!).
    I can hardly wait to see what happens after one month.

  • Maya Bechi

    I love Nerium too! I use it under my eyes. I even became a brand partner so that I could earn free product and spread the word! Visit my website to order yours. I gave a bottle to my mother in law 🙂

  • Anonymous

    I have been using for one week and my dark spots are disappearing! I am usually very hard to impress as I have tried everything too..but I LOVE it and that it is ONE product!!

  • AdriLisa

    That is a great feeling when we finally find something that actually works. Thanks for posting.

    • Anonymous

      You can find this product on ebay for around sixty dollars. This is nothing more than a pyramid scam where the head of the companies get rich.

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