Nibbled! New Game From Winning Moves Games!! GIVEAWAY!!!

Update time!!! The awesome folks over at Winning Moves Games are giving a Nibbled game to give to one very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower!!!

It’s game time!! Alice and I have one FUNNY and FUN game to share today. Nibbled. This has to be one of the funniest, easiest games to play for ages 4 and up. Although the game is so easy I think that you could start with a 3-year-old.

Nibbled is a new game from Winning Moves Games.  Nibbled is a game that requires no reading.

Nibbled arrives with a deck of 52 cards, 16 plastic clip on fish. There is also a sheet of eye stickers to attach to the little plastic fish. Adding the eye stickers was a lot of fun in itself!

To start playing divide all the fish between players. Equal numbers of fish each. Since it’s Alice and I that is eight fish each. Clip your fish to yourself anywhere you want.  In your hair, shirt, nose, sleeves, where ever you want. The fish latch on easily and they hold on tight too. They don’t hurt when you clip them on. There isn’t anything sharp inside the mouths of the fish, just cute little teeth.

Shuffle the cards and the oldest player goes first. To begin fishing simply guess what color fish is on the top card. The backs of the cards has the available colors to remind you what color to guess.

If my guess was YELLOW I turn the card over, if no yellow fish was on the card the next player goes. If I guess correctly and there was indeed a yellow fish on the card I get to remove that many fish and attach them to the other player or players.

The first player to get rid of all the plastic fish is the winner. It sounds easy enough but the tables can turn quickly!! There could be three fish waiting to swim their way back to YOU!!  (Which usually happens to me!)

We don’t play with the Frenzy cards, which allows every player to clip one of their fish to an opponent at the same time. Only because the person that drew the card isn’t supposed to play the Frenzy. Since it’s just Alice and I it made the game a little too tricky for her.

You know I love games that are fun and still help Alice’s mind expand!!  Nibbled does just that!! It’s quick. It helps kids with color recognition, counting, and a little bit of basic math thrown in for good measure.

Each card within the deck has pictures of one, two, or three fish in one of five colors. One by one, players get to guess what color fish is on the face down card atop the pile. Should they guess correctly, they get to remove as many fish clips from their body as there is fish on the card.

Nibbled is a unique card game that ultimately helps kids with color recognition, counting, and basic math skills. Most importantly it’s a FUN, FAMILY TIME game!! AND if you think Nibbled looks fun, you should check out these other family games.



Nope; not a single one!! This is a fun game!! AND not just because I won twice either. This NaNa NEVER wins (personally, I think Alice let me win. But, I’ll take it! A wins a WIN!!)


One lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win their own Family FUN game Nibbled!! Good Luck!!

This Giveaway Is Closed

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