Paper, Paper, Paper! Shoplet Has It ALL!!

Shoplet LogoThere are 53 days left of summer vacation for 6-year-old Alice. Yes, I have counted. Yes, I have marked it in my calendar. YES! I am still struggling to keep her doing an hour of schoolwork a morning but let me tell you; this kid is wicked smart but her penmanship…. well, it did not keep up with her math skills. Writing in a plain notebook gets boring so I headed to Kids Activities Blog (a great site when you have kids!) and printed out several letter worksheets for Alice to practice on. The folks at Shoplet (don’t forget to use Rakuten for 2% back!) once again have PERFECT timing. I received a box of printing paper. 4 reams of Georgia Pacific Spectrum Printing Paper.

Now, I have to admit it I’m not very savvy when it comes to printer paper. I normally just head to whatever is the cheapest. I mean…… it’s paper! Right? WRONG!!

I opened each ream of paper and took two sheets of each then printed color pages of worksheets to test each different type.

Let me say first; all four types did great. HOWEVER!! If you are looking to print to impress just grab the beautiful turquoise package of Georgia-Pacific Spectrum Premium 96 Inkjet/Laser Paper. The premium paper is exactly that. Thick paper that really makes the colors POP on paper!! The color is crisper, even the black ink seems to be more intense.  This paper has the enhanced ColorLok Technology, extra brightness that improves contrast when printing in both color and black and white.

The Georgia-Pacific Spectrum Standard 96 Inkjet/Laser Paper another great paper that is has a 99.99% Jam-Free Performance! Since I print from my laptop while I’m in the family room to my printer down the hall in my craft-room; that’s an important perk for me. This paper also has the enhanced ColorLok Technology, for extra brightness, improving contrast when printing in both color and black and white.

Next up is the Georgia-Pacific Spectrum Standard 92 Multipurpose Paper this is a great paper for home and office printing. 99.99% Jam-Free Performance!

Last but not least is the Pacific Spectrum Standard 92 11 30% Recycled Multipurpose Paper another paper that has a 99.99% Jam-Free Performance! The paper has great print quality, black and color. This will be my standard worksheet paper. Great price, jam-free paper, great print quality.

Overall, great paper all the way around with the added bonus of being made in the USA!

I will forever shout it from the roof tops; Shoplet proves over and over that they are the best place on the Internet for your home office, blogging business, school room or boardroom. Shoplet has everything from art supplies to office supplies. It doesn’t matter what you are looking for Shoplet has it!!

Always start at Shoplet for your ♥ Printing Paper ♥ Office Supplies ♥ Cleaning Supplies ♥ Medical Supplies ♥ Office Furniture  ♥  you won’t be sorry!!



Not a single whine here! Not a single paper jam. Crisp printing all the way around. ADDED bonus? Georgia Pacific Spectrum Paper is made in the USA!

Now, if this paper could improve Alice’s penmanship I’d be giddy!! Do you think that is asking too much from printing paper??  Naaaa me neither!!



  • CJ

    I’ve noticed that cheaper paper tends to get stuck in my printer a lot… if you don’t mind spending a little extra it can be better for you to buy better quality paper. 🙂

  • Rosie

    I’ve noticed the cheaper paper tends to absorb moisture, then sticks in the printer. I also have used good quality paper for color printing, it can make a big difference.

  • michele

    I have always been an advocate for good printer paper.. as someone who MUST have a paper copy of everything I always make sure there is plenty of good quality copy paper in the house….

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