Play Anywhere! MY Perfect CD!!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Music! Music really does have the ability to transport you back to a different place in time. There are songs that I remember exactly where I was standing when I heard it for the first time. There are songs that bring back memories of people, places. Music is universal and can generate emotions too! Happiness, heartbreak, birth, companionship, sports – memories and times in life are defined with song.

Play Anywhere lets me design a CD that is PERFECT for me!!! I’m so excited about my PERSONALIZED CD!!! Ordering is so EASY!!!

Check this out, you can choose from over 4 million tunes!! FOUR MILLION?!?! That’s a lot of music! The top line tells you how many minutes you have left on your CD. That feature helped me fill my CD with only a few seconds left. I moved my songs around so that the CD flowed perfect for my tastes!! This is truly MY PERFECT CD!!!

Create a Personalized Musical CD for Your Loved Ones

I love that I can search by style of music, song, artist or even album.

My album has 21 songs, Elvis, Cher, Gary Allan, Adele,Hunter Hayes ahhhhh this is the perfect album!!  I love this album!!! I can’t help it, I’m giddy over this CD!! Seriously, I can’t hear “Just Like Jesse James” by Cher without wanting to sing along. LOUDLY!! Then there is Gary Allan, all of his music makes me want to sing along!! I also can’t sit still when Gary is singing! I LOVE Gary Allan!! He is awful pretty too!!

This would be the PERFECT CD to make for Valentines Day!! Well, actually ANYTIME!! I have a list of reasons you need a Play Anywhere CD!! Road trip tunes! Birthday, Wedding CD.  Personally, I can’t wait to start my next CD, I want a mix of oldies to sing along too for the trip to Yosemite! Some Dean Martin, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart and of course a couple more Gary Allan songs!

When you are done with loading your CD and arranging your songs, then you get to add your cover art. You can upload a picture you like or use some of the art work that Play Anywhere has.  I used my little birds that are my logo. How cute would it be to have the kids holding signs that spell out DAD or MOM and use those for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day album’s!? Dad’s favorite songs!! Pictures of kids…. ahhh PERFECT!!!  Next step, name your CD. My CD is called “Connie’s Perfect Album” : )

I really can’t wait to do another CD!!  I love the flexibility Play Anywhere gives me to design my CD! I have full creative control over the final product. BONUS!! The music is also available for download across ALL my devices. My smartphone, my iPad, and my computer!!   

I LOVE that the CD shows the song, the artist AND the name of MY Album!! 


I would love to know what songs will you put on your perfect album?

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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