
Okay really who gives ME a cell phone to finish a text message!?!? ME?! REALLY!?!? HELLO?!!? Miss Barbara you’ve known me for 8 years HOW did that seem like a good idea!?!? Today we had a girls lunch out. Barbara’s son Kenny text messaged that he had landed safe and sound from his trip to New York (Kenny cheered the Lakers to another win) Barbara started a text while waiting for everyone to get in the car and buckled up. I offered to finish the text….. Barbara says “Okay”?!?!?! ( what? REALLY!?) Now to make this more funny…… Miss Barbara doesn’t cuss. Even more funny? I got Bitc typed in the phone and Barbara hit a speed bump and my head hit the headrest and bounced hard! It was like Barbara smacking the back of my head!! Which started me REALLY laughing……. which made Barbara realize the folly of her ways giving ME her phone to finish the message! “What are you texting?!?!” Here is how the texting went (The blue is when I started to help) “Went to lunch with Gretchen and Connie, them bitches didn’t even buy me lunch” Kenny sends back “Oh I take it it’s their turn to buy?” “No I just think them ho’s need to spoil me!” “Okay Mom, who stole your phone? Gretchen?” Kenny’s such a good son!! He knows the mouthy one in the office. And it’s NOT ME!! Thank you Kenny!! Ohhh and lunch? Sizzler!! All you can eat buffet. HOW smart is that on a diet?!?! But I think I laughed off a good portion… or at least some… cause I’m still laughing. Okay fine… it was bad food choices but it sure tasted good!

One Comment

  • Shannon

    Girl you are so crazy! LOL! I always think it is funny when I text someone for another person and they can’t tell it is someone else.

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