Rudy’s New Human
Rudy’s New Human is a wonderful book written by Roxanna Elden and Illustrated by Ginger Seehafer. Rudy has a pretty sweet life. He gets all the attention, he gets all the lovin’, he gets all the cuddlin’, it’s safe to say Rudy is on top of the world. Until, that is a HUMAN child arrives.
4-year-old Alice loves this book for several reasons. The story is super cute. Rudy the dog didn’t know what to expect with the new human, but, he didn’t expect his entire life to be turned upside down!!
The new human get’s all the attention. The new human get’s all the lovin’ and cuddlin’. All in all Rudy is feeling neglected. As the human grows Rudy begins to find his place in the family.
Like I said, Alice loves this book but, being 4, her two absolute favorite parts have to do with poop. Seriously, what is it about farts and poop that make kids laugh hysterically??? So, I told Alice that she could share with you her favorite pages of Rudy’s New Human and of course she picked the poop part.
Life was good for Rudy the dog—until the new baby arrived . . .
Rudy loves being top dog in his family of three. When Rudy’s human parents tell him that they are having a baby, Rudy thinks the newest member of the family will be interested in the same games he likes—chewing bones, chasing cats, and playing fetch. But Rudy’s new human is not what he expected! The baby cuts into Rudy’s naptime, gets him in trouble, and, worst of all, steals the spotlight! Will Rudy ever find his place again in his family now that he’s sharing it with the new human?
Rudy’s New Human is a sweet and humorous story that helps older siblings to learn to share parents’ attention—and maybe even become friends with a new family member.
Roxanna Elden has been a teacher for eleven years and is the author of See Me After Class: Advice for Teachers by Teachers. Her inspiration for Rudy’s New Human came from watching her dog, Rudy Elden, as he adjusted to having a new baby human in the house. She lives in Miami, Florida.
Ginger Seehafer is an illustrator who works as a commercial storyboard and concept artist in the Chicagoland area. She studied at the American Academy of Art and started her art career as a caricature artist at Great America. Ginger loves making art that inspires joy and creativity, especially in children who may become future artists themselves. She lives with her husband, two little humans, and two cats in Roselle, Illinois.
You can find Rudy’s New Human on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine bookstores.
I will never whine about Alice enjoying a book. I love story time! It usually means I get a little extra snuggle time!
Author: Roxanna Elden
Illustrator: Ginger Seehafer
Publication Date:2016-1-05
Number of Pages: 32 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 9″ by 9″

Kate Sarsfield
Would you look at Alice! It must be lovely to have these archives to show her!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Right?! This blog started long before she was a glimmer in anyone’s eye and now look at her!! Nine!! Where does the time go?
A lovely way to introduce new additions to a family!
Patty R.
Kids love the shock factor, and if farts and poop gets parents and grandparents to sound shocked, kids are all for that! LOL It helps when we make the funny faces that the kids love too. P-U!
Sarah L
Cute way to talk about family and enough love to go around for all.
What an adorable book! I’m sure my nieces would love this, they like reading anything having to do with animals. 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Oh, if it has parts about farts & poo, you bet my 6 year old nephew would be a fan. He would like this one!
Carol S.
My grandson would love this book, it looks like such a cute story. I also believe in making sure any child should have tons of books. My how Alice has grown over the past year!
Isn’t it funny about poo! It’s a worldwide phenomenon that everyone of a certain age finds poo & farts hilarious!
veronica lee
Cute story! Sounds like a delightful book for kids.