SEOPressor is THE Mandatory WordPress Plugin!!
SEOPressor V5 — What’s New about This WordPress SEO Product?
WordPress is decidedly one of the biggest blogging platforms in the world today. Even though it is not a free platform, the professional manner of this platform is what makes it more popular. And that is the reason why a lot of online business entrepreneurs are using WordPress. As a consequence of that, several plugins have been released in the market today by which people can enhance the prospects of their WordPress blogs, and SEOPressor is one of them. Now at version 5, let’s take a look at what makes this plugin so mandatory.
SEOPressor has been tested before for both performance and efficiency, and it was found to be well worth all the investment made in it. In any case, people are always looking out for the best possible search engine optimization for their business website, and the fact of the matter is that WordPress SEO cannot get any better than what SEOPressor can provide. If used correctly, SEOPressor won’t just bring a WordPress website to the top page of search engines but it will also bring it to the top of the top page. Results can be expected to figure within the top 3 on the first page.
The Upgrade
In the past, people have had some complaints the previous version was a bit slow. At version 5, the most noticeable aspect is ironically — its unnoticeable presence. SEOPressor V5 runs in the background of WordPress without slowing down the speed of the website unlike most other plugins and its predecessor.
Multiple Keyword Analysis and LSI Recommendations
Calculating keyword density, formatting keywords for search engine optimization, calculating the SEO score of a WordPress Page to determine how well it will be ranked on the search engines, management of content such as posts – all become things of the past.
With SEOPressor Version 5, we’re now able to calculate more than just one keyword at a time for an article. We can rank up to three keywords and with its latest LSI Analysis feature, where it provides users a suggested list of related keywords for them to include into their page, we can now easily boost page relevance and get higher chances to dominate result pages. SEO should not be neglected and even Google’s Matt Cutts advocated, “Google does not hate SEO”.
Over-Optimization Check
SEOPressor Version 5 also now solves a huge worry that mean SEO Marketers had in the past. When people used SEOPressor they were afraid of over-optimizing and getting penalized by Google for doing so.
Now, SEOPressor alerts us whenever we’re over-optimized, and we can easily remove a few keywords or font decoration to get back to an optimal SEO score.
Rich Structured Data Support
We always wonder how those rich snippet stars and ratings appear on search result pages whenever we search for certain products, services, recipes, events or even profiles. This is known as rich structured data, and the new SEOPressor V5 supports it.
It allows the user to display the most relevant information regarding their post and Google takes into account visitor behaviour when it comes to providing users the best search experience and the structured data tool would prove to come in very useful in optimizing on-page relevancy. Now it’s even easier to get higher click through rates.
OG Tags and Twitter Card Integration
Everyone’s involved in social media and thankfully SEOPressor has updated itself to come with Facebook Open Graph tags and Twitter card integration, which helps in social SEO. These play a significant role in the future of Google searches, as mentioned by Google and many SEO gurus – that we should be putting in these tags and twitter microdata into our source codes. But many of us aren’t that html savvy so what SEOPressor V5 does, is that it integrates these codes for us automatically. It’s that simple.
Smart and Automatic Linking
We also know that internal and external links can be a hassle to do, but it’s always essential for on-page SEO. Well, SEOPressor now does it for you pretty much automatically.
Sure, the first time your typical keyword links used would have to be typed in and then saved but when you use the same keyword again, they would automatically be hyperlinked to your saved URL when drafting out newer articles.
SEOPressor has been designed and developed by Daniel Tan, who is one of the greatest search engine optimization gurus in the world today. His products have always been known to over-deliver and for SEOPressor V5 — it’s no different. Not only has the wordpress SEO plugin become more mandatory with its upgrades, its new features definitely sets it apart from any other SEO plugin currently in the market.

Sarah L
I’m not at all sure that this article was written in English… I don’t have a blog so I don’t pay attention to these things.
Tamra Phelps
I see Word Press on every blog I go to, and had no clue what it was, lol. This actually cleared up a few things for me.