SnoozeShade Review
Hello SnoozeShade, where have you been since Alice arrived??!!
First thing to love about the SnoozeShade is the little net carrying case. That’s just the first of a hundred different reasons to love the SnoozeShade.
SnoozeShade has 6 elastic double snap tabs that ensures the fit.
I can cover the top of the stroller and past Alice’s feet if I want with the SnoozeShade.
There is a zipper in front that you can check on your little one. An adorable message on the front reads “I’m Catchin’ some Z’s”
SnoozeShade is a breathable sun and sleep shade. It blocks 97.5% of the sun’s UV rays
Proven to help babies sleep on the go. I will attest to that fact!! Close the SnoozeShade and Alice is O-U-T!!!
The SnoozeShade protects from the sun, wind, chill and mosquitoes!
One size fits all strollers.
From the inside Alice can see the outside world!! Even with the zipper closed.
Check out all the awards this little puppy has won!!
It definitely gets the 2 thumbs up from NaNa and Alice!!
Today we were at LegoLand California, it was a beautiful day but SO windy. The PERFECT addition to our day was the SnoozeShade. Alice would peek out when we came up to a Lego sculpture, then snuggle back in and out of the wind til the next sculpture or a ride.
SnoozeShade is super easy to undo when it was time for a LegoLand ride.

If you don’t own a SnoozeShade YOU NEED TO!!!

Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.
We need to protect the little ones from the sun and this is great to do that yet still lets them be able to breath and be able to see out of it .
Diane K.Brimmer
I really like how it blocks 97.5 Of the UV Rays.
Diane K.Brimmer
My granddaughters burn so easy! This product would be wonderful to keep out the UV Rays.
Maria Iemma
The ingenuity of this item is amazing…we all want our children protected and this cover is fantastic
They should of had these when my kids were little. Great idea I like the concept of it all
This is a great idea. When I worked at Busch Gardens, I used to feel bad for the kids being pushed around in strollers with no protection from the sun, wind, and bugs.
Diane K.Brimmer
I am trying to think of something I haven’t already said on here. LOL The company picked a perfect name for their product. You are one great Gramma, to take her to all these different things. What fun!
Who would have thought that they would built Mount Rushmore out of Lego’s.
SnoozeShade is great for the kids. I especially like that they can still see thu it – so they dont feel scared or closed in. thanks
I love mount rushmore
I like that it protects the little ones from wind , sun and insects too all in one what more could you want .
Diane K.Brimmer
Mount Rushmore is awesome! I wouldn’t have known it was Legos. Very authentic!
Sylvia Zajis
This is a pretty neat idea. I wonder if some kids would freak out when they woke up with that thing closed though. She seemed to think it was fun!
The photo of her peeking our her head is adorable! It’s a great way to protect the little ones from the sun and pesky insects
Diane K.Brimmer
I love the little sticker on the front that says” I am catching some z’s!” Just too cute.
Fits all size strollers is nice. I like that it zips and the babies can see thru it .Keeps the sun rays off of them. And them nasty bugs off of them to.
The name SnoozeShade say it all about this product – the babies can snooze in the shade and keep out the bugs and the sun all at the same time.
Diane K.Brimmer
I love that with the snap tabs it makes a great fit and that it covers from Alice’s pretty little head, to her adorable little toes.
Diane K.Brimmer
I too love where Baby Alice is peeking out at you grandma! She mis just way too cute!
I love the photos of her peeking out. Adorable!
These are great when grandma got the baby out for the afternoon walk – maybe she will fall asleep on the way.
Maria Iemma
This will come in handy for my granddaughter – they are going to Disney World in Florida and will protect her from the sun.
What a great product! This would be perfect for shading your baby from direct sun. I wish this was available when my son was a baby……many moons ago!
This apparently is a award winning product that serves alot of purpose for the babies when in their stroller. Great idea for a baby shower gift.
Diane K.Brimmer
I really have a lot of confidence when you see how many awards they have won. A total of 8. Sounds like a really great product. Thanks.
Maria Iemma
A wonderful way to protect out babies from the harmful sun rays – I wish this had been available when my kids were babies..
Protects the babies from the sun, wind and bugs what more can you want. I like mostly that they can actually see thru it so they dont feel closed in.
I so wish these had been around when my kids were little. I guess I’ll just have to wait for some grandkids.
Tammy S
I like that it helps keep the sun off the kids plus keeps bugs out.
I like to that it keeps mosquitoes and bugs off of the children too ,beside it keeps the suns rays off of them and thats wonderful
Diane K.Brimmer
Looks Like Alice is checking on the directions and safety of this thing. LOL
i cant get over all the new do-dads and gadgets they have come up with for babies since my daughter was a baby….33 years ago. wish i could think of something cool like that.
Tammy S
My sister could really use this. She goes to Arizona a lot to see her inlaws. I have got to tell her about this. Thanks for the review!
good for sun protection
Lisa Brown
Those are great shades, total protection for your little one.
Diane K.Brimmer
I need to get one of these for my stroller. Thanks for sharing.
good for keeping the sun rays off the babies – like that they can see thru it too
Rusu Alexandru
It’s very cute and beautiful&amazing.
I’m catching my Z’s – how cute is that. Keeps out sun rays from the babies and they can see out of it and it is breathable for them to which are all good things for them. Lots of sun is bad for your skin
brilliant! nice and cozy in there
Diane K.Brimmer
This is just so awesome. It is a great protection from sun.
Great thing to keep the sun off of the babies and protects them from the rays. I like the fact that it IS breathable thru it and they can actually see thru it – helps them not to feel enclosed in. thanks for the info
Catherine Shaw
Great for sun protection … but I wonder if some kids might be frightened by being zipped inside it?
Connie Gruning
Catherine, GREAT comment. I will fix my post. You can actually see through the shade!! I should add a picture of what Alice see’s from inside. THANK YOU!!!
Diane K.Brimmer
I love this product. It is so hard to keep them protected from the sun. Love the Lego Land too. Thanks for sharing.
Tammy S
Why didn’t they have this when my kids were little. This is awesome. It would make a great gift for a new mom. Thanks for the review!
Charlotte Raynor :-)
This really sounds like a great product! I like the fact that it keeps most of the suns rays out yet is breathable. I wish they had those when my son was a baby. Great review!
Paula V
OMGOsh…that is too cool. How adorable with her peaking her head out.
Rusu Alexandru
Amazing product.I like it!
Shamara Catama
This is great to protect your baby. And he can still pop his head out if he wants!
That’s a great product! Where was it 40 years ago when I needed it?
slehan at juno dot com
Diane K.Brimmer
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ari T
It really looks like a great way to protect baby from the sun. Speaking of which, your trip looks so bright and sunny. I love Alice peeking her head through! And wow, that Mount Rushmore is epic!
Veronica Lee
Love the pics!!
I’m with slehan – where was it 16 years ago!!!!