Sweet Posh Baby WINNER!!! ME!!!! She’s a SCAM!!
So I thought I would do a quick up date on my “back the truck up in the driveaway ‘win’.” I decided to start 2012 at least a little less stress. December 31, 2011 I sent Christy at Sweet Posh Baby an email telling her I give up. I am not going to try and get the rest of my win. I wished her and her family well. I’m done.
Wellllllll…. from the beginning I knew something fishy was up. I was reading emails on July 28 see the story below… I was over the moooon excited!! Now I enter a LOT of giveaways I know you only have a certain amount of days to claim your win… well this was A HUGE win I wasn’t takin’ any chances! I immediately responded on Facebook. WOOO HOOO! Christy’s response was “did you get an email from me?” Ummm no … other than the blog update I get from you when you update your blog. Then nothing. No emails. No nothing. So I waited a few weeks. Nothing. Several items have personalization so I would think I would be contacted via email first? Then I started writing to Christy. Nothing. So I posted on her Facebook page and that entry was deleted. Ummmmm not so excited anymore. So I asked fellow bloggers what they would do. Everyone said “start writing to the companies”. So I picked a few and started writing. The companies were AMAZING!! (I wrote thank you blog posts with their products as a thank you). A few exceptions the lullaby people said they would contact Christy and then get back to me. I never heard back from them. The WubbaNub representative basically called me a liar and if I had won they would have sent it to me. (ohhhh okay maybe I worded that email wrong?!) Each company had no idea I had won. They all acknowledged being a part of the giveaway but had never been given the winners information. They were WONDERFUL to me!! Some said they would contact Christy……. who…… NOW all of a sudden now writes to me (in September The GIVEAWAY ended in APRIL) asking me where I was on my wins. What have I received to date. I sent a list. As a matter of fact I sent a weekly update. I figured AWESOME my wins will start coming in!! WOO HOO!! Excited all over again. Righhhhhhhttttt!! NOT!! So January 10, 2012 I give up. I’m done stressing about it. Hopefully whoever get’s the goodies enjoys them!!
For the record Christy never even acknowledged the last email either.
I was sitting here reading my blog emails. (yes, I am addicted!) I had an email from Sweet Posh Baby I’m reading the email…… down toward the bottom is:
Drumroll please……
Ended out to be a BIG OLE SCAM!!!! Sweet Post Baby?? Hoped I wouldn’t see the announcement on her page. She never contacted any of the sponsors. I contacted each of them….. most were met with “We have no idea what you are talking about”
BEWARE of Sweet Posh Baby
Connie of Peanut Butter and Whine.
{Let me just say I LOVE that blog title!!}
Congratulations, Connie!!
Enjoy the goodies!!!
I did a double take!! HEY!! THAT’s ME!!!!! So I look to see what my “goodies” are. So then I start to get more excited and louder… I’m still not sure I won what I think I won. So I text my daughter Selena here is how the texting went
Me: “check your email”. (I forwarded the email and the link to what I think I won.