• Inspirational canvas

    What Do Genetics And Moving Have To Do With Each Other??

    What do moving and genetic have in common?  Genetics play a big part in who we are. For instance my family has a high instance of alcoholism, diabetes, all the way down to being a hoarder. It’s not just genetic, it’s in my bones! My Grandfather and my Dad both had diabetes, so far I’ve dodged that bullet. Both were alcoholics, thankfully I am not that crazy about booze. My brother, wasn’t that lucky, he got a quadruple whammy; diabetes, cancer, alcoholic and a hoarder. He was in and out of rehab places like The Recovery Village Washington for most of his 40’s.  Thankfully, the only thing that I inherited from…

  • US map

    A New Chapter Begins!

    A new chapter is beginning for me today. All the packing, sorting and tossing is finally (mostly) done. Today I am on my way to Idaho in my bright orange Subaru Crosstrek.  Yup. It’s orange! It’s Denver Bronco Orange even! (Insert big cheesy grin here) My car is packed to the gills. My phone is loaded up with Audible books. Bottles of water, granola bars and hard candies ready. Full box of tissues on the front seat because I’m so full of emotions right now I will probably cry for most of California. I’m dreading leaving my family here. Stupid California high taxes and high cost of living. I won’t be updating PBnWhine…