• $50 Giveaway August 2023

    $50 Your Way August 2023 GIVEAWAY!!

    Hello, Little Peanuts! I hope you had a most excellent July. I had the best July. An amazing family reunion for The Husbands 70th birthday. Look at this post if you would like to see the pictures and the full rundown of the week-long festivities. It was AN AMAZING vacation!!  I miss them all so much! After the kids all left, Amazon had their Prime Days. Hummmm I may have (I SO did!) drowned my sorrows in ‘add to cart’ therapy. Oh MYGOOOOOOSH! All those $3.99, $8.99, and $56.99 added up to Wooooooo-Uh-Oh. So, I am going to TRY…. (Ohhhh if you could only hear the laugh track in my head!)…

  • $100 giveaway

    $100 Your Way Giveaway December 2020 #giveaway

    I decided to do one more $100 giveaway. It may help someone pay down some of those holiday shopping bills. January I will be going back to my normal $50 giveaway. Being stuck at home means my monthly update is, well REALLY boring. I skimmed through my pictures for the month, pfffftttt nothing that I haven’t posted on Instagram! We did learn via the weather channel we should expect 86″ or MORE of snow this winter. During our last FaceTime chat I had Alice (9 year old Granddaughter) grab the tape measure and measure out 86″. Alice ” Okay? So?” Me “That’s how much snow Non’s gonna get this winter”…

  • $100 Giveaway November

    $100 Your Way #Giveaway November 2020

    Hello little Peanuts!! This month to help a little with your holiday shopping I’ve upped the regular “$50 Your Way Giveaway” to $100. My way of saying thank you for visiting. Coming up I have some great giveaways coming from my favorite companies!! Like a $50 Gift Card from Novica! A game from Winning Moves Games and an eye pillow from Hot Cherry Pillows   I’m hoping to add a couple more giveaways through out the month. So October was a busy month for me. I had both hands operated on. Carpal Tunnel is no joke! Dannnnnng. I had no idea how much your hands could hurt. Surgery went great on…

  • February Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way #GIVEAWAY

    GIVEAWAY CLOSED Seriously? February is already here. The older I get the faster time speeds by. Before I do my update I have to be a good G’ma! It’s Girl Scout COOKIE time!!! BTW, Girl Scouts have come a LONG way!! You can now order online and have them shipped to you! (If you don’t live in Carlsbad California you do have to pay for shipping. I thought I would be funny and I selected “Have Girl Scout Alice hand deliver” Apparently I am NOT funny!! Now my daughter has to pay shipping. Sooooooooo BAD MOM on my part!!! So, please if you do order don’t choose that option. My…

  • December 2017 $50 Your Way (Cash, GC) Single Blog #Giveaway!

    This new way of hosting this particular giveaway is still a little weird to me. I imagine the newbies are REALLY Confused!! We took a vote here on PBnWhine and decided that the gossip part of this post (aka the Whine Report should be 100% optional for readers. So, Giveaway Widget on top!! So….. don’t scroll. It’s right HERE!!!  And a friendly reminder that being the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!! Entry-Form Yes, this is MY house in Idaho!! Can you imagine next year’s picture??  Once I decorate the tree with lights?? …

  • Tis The Season! Holiday Cash Giveaway!! $500 PayPal Cash or Amazon GC 4 WINNERS!!!

    Now, I know! I KNOW!!  We haven’t even had Thanksgiving YET! But, I joined up with a GREAT bunch of bloggers to bring not just ONE but FOUR lucky people (I would love it if they were all loyal PBnWhine followers!! Cause ‘ya know, you guys are my favorites!)$500 in either PayPal cash OR an Amazon Gift Card. How sweet would this be for the Holidays?!?! No purchase necessary. Giveaway starts on 11/1/17 at 11:59 PM EST. Ends on 12/15/17 Four(4) people will win $500 PayPal Cash or Amazon GC. Winners must be 18 years or older to win. Void where prohibited. Enter by using the Rafflecopter widget. Bonus entries…