• What To Know About THC CBD Oil

    The use of CBD oil has been on the rise in the past few years. This can be attributed to its many benefits some of which are very unique.  It is a multi-purpose health product that is not only of great value to human beings as topical CBD oil for pain, but can also be used on pets. The fact that it comes from the cannabis plant makes it a controversial product.  Some people believe that it has the same effects as bhang, which is not true. Here are the details to clarify on this and other common misconceptions. You can also find more information by clicking on this link…

  • VIVE #CBD What’s All The Fuss About? #GIVEAWAY

    I have complained whined several million times that aging is NOT for the weak of heart! Basically, it sucks. Not as much as the alternative but sucks all the same. I have aches in places I didn’t even know COULD ache! WTH?! Now I have been diagnosed with arthritis. I have these big ole bumps on my knuckles like my grandma had. I thoroughly and completely enjoy my knitting but I have to stop often to move my fingers around or they freeze up like claws. Great at Halloween, not so much when I’m knitting. My joints hurt. I make all these noises when I get up. AGAIN…. WTH!??! Sleep?…