VIVE #CBD What’s All The Fuss About? #GIVEAWAY
I have complained whined several million times that aging is NOT for the weak of heart! Basically, it sucks. Not as much as the alternative but sucks all the same. I have aches in places I didn’t even know COULD ache! WTH?! Now I have been diagnosed with arthritis. I have these big ole bumps on my knuckles like my grandma had. I thoroughly and completely enjoy my knitting, but I have to stop often to move my fingers around or they freeze up like claws. Great at Halloween, not so much when I’m knitting. My joints hurt. I make all these noises when I get up. AGAIN…. WTH!??! Sleep? FAGEEETABOUTIT. (That’s forget about it in big people words) I wish I could blame the bad memory on age and arthritis, but I’ve always been a ditz.
VIVE CBD reached out to me and I of course jumped at the idea of trying CBD. I am willing to try anything that will help alleviate some of this pain and stiffness.
So, before you accuse of reverting back to my hippie days peace mannnn (that was my best Tommy Chong could you hear it??) let me assure you that VIVE CBD is THC Free. That’s the stuff that makes you high and gives you the munchies. (sooo I’ve heard)
VIVE CBD is Lab tested, made in America. With some pretty amazing benefits!
Scientists claim that cannabidiol may have anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. Studies suggest that CBD may help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety-related issues. Likewise, it is said that CBD may help to promote the quality and duration of sleep. Besides, users love to include CBD in their diet for its ability to boost immunity.
VIVE #CBD sent me a box of goodies to test out.
Oral Tincture with is a broad spectrum CBD Oil/Tinctures are THC-free and Non-GMO. Our CBD Tinctures, which are available in different flavors provide quick relief because of the naturally-occurring cannabinoids and terpenes within the Vive CBD products, without the psychoactive THC ingredient in cannabis.
The Tincture has a child proof dropper top with ML markings on the dropper itself. Take a half dropper in the morning and before bed, under the tongue and hold for 30 seconds. I have to admit I had a very restful sleep the past few nights. My fitbit even rated it as an 80% restful. HA!!! Instead of the low 40’s. That’s big for me. The taste isn’t bad. I was expecting it to be nasty but it wasn’t. AT ALL. The spearmint just tastes like a piece of gum. One fluid ounce will give you 60 servings.
VIVE CBD Body Lotion (OHMMMMGEEEE) First, it’s a nice rich lotion. There is a soft lavender scent that I really enjoy. The lotion does take a few minutes to absorb. My skin has a beautiful healthy glow about it after I apply. Now for the (OHMMMMGEEEE) part; I had been knitting the day the goodies arrived of course I had to look through the box and ohhhh and ahhhhed. Immediately opened the lotion and tried some on my hands. Within minutes my hands didn’t hurt. Seriously, my hands moved so easily and freely WITH OUT ANY PAIN that I told myself it’s all in my head. So, the next day before I started knitting I rubbed the body lotion into my hands and started knitting. No pain. No tightening. No claw hands. This lotion has earned the spot in my knitting bag. I LOVE this stuff!!
CBD lotion is the perfect way for anyone to introduce themselves to the holistic world of CBD! Whether you’re looking for ways to relieve muscle and join pain, arthritis, nausea, psoriasis, eczema, rashes or burns, CBD lotion is the ultimate CBD product. Made from hemp oil and manufactured in the USA, Vive’s CBD products are great for anyone looking for CBD for anxiety, CBD for Stress, and CBD pain relief. Our organic CBD products are broad spectrum and can be used for a variety of ailments. Our CBD body cream can also help you ward off the onset of wrinkles and offers anti-aging properties. Better than CBD candies or CBD gummies, our CBD lotion will moisturize and help your relax each night away.
Gummies! Of course there are gummies! VIVE CBD Gummies have the gummie taste with 10mgs of CBD. The sour ones are my favorite. Enough sour and sweet together. Gummies do take longer to get into your system than the tincture. But I personally have noticed a huge difference in my stiffness and aches.
Vive CBD Gummies are great because they’re the ultimate chill pill! Made from all-natural ingredients and manufactured using only Non-GMO hemp, these delicious, multi-colored CBD gummies are infused with only the highest quality CBD extract. Better than CBD candies because they’re softer to chew, and better than CBD tincture because they taste great, these gummies have 10mg of CBD in each bite. They are perfect for anyone who’s on the go or is looking for a way to unwind after a hard day at the office. Also, can be used as CBD for anxiety, CBD for stress, and CBD for sleep. All of our CBD products are organic and vegan.
Last but oh so not least is the CBD Bath Bombs. WHO KNEW??! I couldn’t wait to soak away my day. Beautiful scent! Calming effects are amazing. The perfect way to end my day. BTW not only was I relaxed but my skin felt so soft! I also smelled amaaaaazing! Isn’t that an amazing blue color??
I have to make a shout out for the Honey Sticks. I’m hoping that VIVE CBD will eventually sell smaller quantities (hint, hint!! I’m all about the subtle) ’cause y’all know that along with old age comes a fixed income. AGAIN… old age NOT FOR SISSIES!!!
Combat stress and anxiety while improving your memory, clarity, and focus with something sweet! There’s nothing better than honey straight from Vive’s hive! Our CBD honey sticks are perfect for CBD pain relief and a hemp oil alternative. Using CBD for anxiety and CBD for stress has changed the lives of thousands of American’s across the United States, so if you’re looking for a fun and convenient way to deliver CBD (not to be confused with THC) into your system, our CBD honey sticks might be exactly what you’re looking for.
CBD Honey Sticks
Better than CBD gummies which often feature added sugars, these CBD honey sticks feature the highest grade of naturally-occurring non-psychoactive cannabinoids and terpenes inside one little, perfectly-infused delicious, raw, all-natural honey stick for anyone that would rather have a sweet treat over a squeeze from a bad-tasting CBD tincture. Available in a variety of flavors, our CBD honey sticks will have you leaving a 5-star rating. These come in a 100 pack, so when it comes to gatherings, there’s a honey stick for everyone.
All opinions are 100% my own. I personally am very impressed the VIVE CBD. I think you will be impressed too.
One very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win a $50 Gift Certificate at VIVE CBD!!! GOOD luck little Peanuts.
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Kate Sarsfield
Hey! Tamra won! Connie, you should get her to do a review.
Tamra Phelps
I like their FAQ page. They explain exactly what CBD is, why it won’t make you high and what it might help. I think that’s helpful because even though I’d heard of it and knew people said it helped various health issues, I really wasn’t sure why it helped those issues and why it didn’t make you high.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, I admit I was the same. But, I promise not high over here. Just weird to begin with.
Crystal K
I would like to try one of the oral tinctures. I’ve never had anything like that before, but it seems like it might help with my anxiety.
Sarah L
Can CBD Help with Coronavirus Symptoms?
With COVID-19 sweeping across America, is there a way to protect yourself from a biological enemy that you can’t see? With more infections occurring across the country, what can you do to prevent yourself from catching this disease? Science suggests that boosting the immune system is the best
Tamra Phelps
I notice that they test their products for pesticides, etc. I do like to know that.
Katie Bellamy
I learned that their CBD products are manufactured exclusively from organic hemp. And made in the USA!
Laurie Nykaza
I would love to try these my dogs would love them the CBD Dog Treats sound great to use.
Connie: The Head Peanut
My kids use them for their dogs and the work great!
Sarah L
I’m glad that the lotion is helping your hands.
Connie: The Head Peanut
You and me both!
Tamra Phelps
The honey sticks would be a good way to get CBD if you’re a hot tea drinker! They would dissolve right in the tea. That’s convenient.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m a huge tea drinker. I don’t even drink coffee anymore. WHO am I!??! I use to live on coffee. But, yes, I want the honey sticks!
Maryann D.
C-Store CBD Lip Balm would be perfect for me to try also.
Tamra Phelps
I’d like to try their multi-vitamins. They give you the vitamins/minerals you need along with CBD.
Maryann D.
I do think it would be super to try the CBD Body Lotion. Sounds like a great product.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m loving the lotion. I think you will too.
Crystal K
I could go for some honey sticks, with or without CBD, hahaha.
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL! Actually me too!!
I learned that you can reduce your odds of heart disease, and it can even help treat the symptoms if you already have a disease
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sherri, I missed that fact. That is SO good to know!! Since both of my parents died from heart disease. Now I’m even MORE impressed.
Sarah L
I’l like to try the CBD Muscle Gel.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s on my list as well. I bet that would help with my back pain.
Tamra Phelps
The FAQS page on their site answers a lot of questions. I didn’t know that CBD is legal in all 50 states, for instance. And I sure didn’t know that the type of ethanol used to extract CBD matters.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I had no idea either.
Sarah L
What is CBD?
Commonly known as CBD, Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid concentrate derived from strains of hemp. Cannabidiol is one of at least over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant that does not produce intoxicating effects.
Tamra Phelps
I’m most interested in the muscle gel. I ache in places I didn’t know could ache. Physical therapy will do that to you.
Crystal K
That body lotion looks like it would be so nice. I’d definitely love to try that!
Maryann D.
I would be happy to try the Vive CBD Gummies. I do like that they are all natural.
I learned that Vive CBD products labeled as “High Potency” contain 50 mg of CBD, while “Standard Potency” products contain 15mg of CBD
Sarah L
What are the benefits of CBD?
FDA DISCLOSURE: In accordance with federal regulation we cannot make health claims regarding our dietary supplements we can only recommend our products for general wellness. Vive CBD products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Tamra Phelps
I like that they answer a lot of questions about CBD on their site. A lot of people don’t understand that CBD oil will not make you high, for instance.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, THAT was a fact that I was really interested in.
Sarah L
Interesting Facts About CBD
If you have never used CBD oil, you have likely heard about it in the news. CBD is gaining a lot of attention for the possible health benefits it provides to those who use it. No matter if you have mental health issues, chronic pain or a heart condition, you might want to explore the advantages
Crystal K
I’ve never heard of a CBD bath bomb, but it looks amazing! I’d love to try it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Crystal, I slept so soundly and so relaxed the night I used the bath bomb that my fitbit gave me an 87 sleep score. I’ve never ever had that high of a score.
Tamra Phelps
I noticed they have a roll-on for pain relief. I like the convenience of roll-ons. And, you avoid getting it on your hands unless you want it there.
I would love to have some of the honey sticks on hand for when I have an anxiety attack.
Sarah L
CBD infused honey stick is one of the most exciting products that offer the benefits of CBD. Users can enjoy the sweetness of honey while obtaining the much-needed CBD effect
Crystal K
I’d want to try out some of the pet tinctures on my shy, anxious dog.
Tamra Phelps
I see that their products are tested to be sure that the levels of cannabinoid are accurate. That’s reassuring since you don’t want to spend money on CBD products that won’t have enough cannabinoid to even help you.
Laurie Nykaza
10mg CBD Multi-Vitamin Capsules sound great to use love to try them.
Crystal K
I definitely think my rescue dog could use some of those CBD pet treats. She’s lovable but is kind of a wreck sometimes!
Sarah L
What does High Potency and Standard Potency mean?
Any Vive CBD products labeled as “High Potency” contain 50 mg of CBD, while our “Standard Potency” products contain 15mg of CBD.
Tamra Phelps
They have dog treats! That’s a nice idea for dogs that night be older, with aching joints.
Kim Avery
I would love to try the lotion! I have tremendous joint pain and especially when it’s cold and damp it makes it so hard to move! I’ve tried so many other non narcotic things that just don’t work! My husband has always wanted to try the tincture but it’s still out of our budget!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kim, I really am blown away at the lotion. I can actually knit a lot longer than before the lotion. I think you will love it. BTW isn’t it weird how the weather really does effect the pain level? I always thought my G’ma was nuts with her “the weather’s gonna change” now…. not so much.
Maryann D.
The CBD Muscle Gel does sound like a terrific product to try. It should help with my aches.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think I would love to try the muscle gel too. I bet it’s even more effective than the lotion? Maybe?
Crystal K
I’d love to try the CBD gummies! I’ve heard great things from my friends who use CBD edibles.
Sarah L
Do Vive CBD products contain any THC?
There can be a tiny, trace amount of THC that can be found in most hemp-derived CBD products sold on our website. Although, Vive CBD does comply with the federally-mandated THC limit of less than 0.3% THC (dry weight) in any of our products.
Tamra Phelps
I had no idea CBD was used in lip balm but they have it. That’s pretty neat. I’d try that!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, leave it to you to find that. I hadn’t seen that one. I’m still on the honey stick kick. I really want them.
Maryann D.
I would like to try the CBD Lip Balm. This is a full spectrum CBD formulation lip balm.
Sarah L
Is CBD legal?
Hemp products with CBD at the present time are legal in all 50 States in the United States of America.
Tamra Phelps
The CBD Muscle Gel is something I’d like to try. My aching muscles need that.
Esperanza Gailliard
The sour CBD Gummies look like they are awesome and would help relieve my pain too!
I would like to try the gummies for my arthritis and fibromyalgia. Gummies are my preferred method of taking any kind of medicine!
Lori Byrd
Che gummies sounds like a really great option for pain relief.
Laurie Nykaza
I would love to try the CBD Gummies they sound great love it for the nerve pain i have.
Sarah L
You have to be 21 years old to enter their site.
Sarah L
I’d like to try the CBD Salve is a topical ointment infused with CBD aka Cannabidiol.
Thanks for the contest.
I like that all Vive CBD products are sourced or manufactured inside the United States of America.
Tena McElvain
I’ve heard lots, but would like to try it.
Esperanza Gailliard
The prices are really good for the CBD 500 oil tincture. I think they work great for alleviating anxiety too.
Tamra Phelps
The Relax Shots are interesting to me. You could just drink one of those little bottles when you need it. I’d go for the orange or the lemon-lime.
Molli Taylor
The sour gummies look delicious and hopefully healing as well. i have had good success with cbd.
Laurie Nykaza
Love to try the CBD Sour Gummies they sound so good all there products sound amazing.
I would like to try the CBD body lotion and see if it would help with my fibromyalgia and arthritis.
Maryann D.
I would really be happy to try the
10mg CBD Honey Sticks (100 pack). This sounds interesting.
Laurie Nykaza
I would love to try the 10mg CBD Honey Sticks (100 pack) we made sure over 2 months ago we stocked up on our CBD products and haven’t been out of the house since then. So glad we did it helps my daughter who had childhood Lymphoma. My son who has a heart transplant can not ever use weed at all his Dr’s said because of the transplant which we understand its just hard when he see’s how much it helps us with pain.
Tamra Phelps
The Wellness Capsules look interesting. It sounds like they’d be really good for arthritis, which is what I’ve been thinking of trying CBD for.