• My trail cam pictures

    Trail Cam Friday! July 3, 2020

    FINALLY! Gesh, seems like forever since I’ve had anything even a little interesting to share.  I am hoping that I can capture some fireworks from the top deck tomorrow and maybe something on the trail cam? I dunno. Fingers crossed. So this week the deer are back. Including a young buck with tiny little antlers. One very conceded turkey that seems to be saying “I’m ready for my close-up” and my little bear cub. No sign of the ma’ma in these shots. Of course I had to share one shot that showed we actually had some blue sky!! Can I get a whoop whoop!? So, not the best pictures but,…

  • Trail Cam Friday

    I moved the trail cam to the left of our garage door instead of outside my craft room.  My thoughts were: A. easier to get too (true)  B. better variety of pictures (false) So, these are not the best pictures for the week. Granted, it’s been icky outside. It’s either snowing or raining or both at the same time. Seriously cloudy and gray all day. HOWEVER!!! (See?? Y’all knew I’d find something good! RIGHT?!!?!?) The snow, rain, mist produced some really cool effects for this weeks pictures. Of course, I believe I caught a flying saucer yet AGAIN!! Then these were too funny NOT to share. Bear investigating the camera…

  • Trail Cam pictures Sandpoint Idaho

    What’s on The Trail Cam Friday!

    These pictures really show our wacky winter weather this season. Pffffffffffffftttttttt say that 3 times fast!!! One day tons of snow (Could have 16 feet this weekend!! SIXTEEN!?!?) then the rain melts the snow. Spoiler alert! We had a halfa sunshine day!! I have the pictures to prove it!! So here are our friends. Please note how big these bucks are getting. Still no sign of the moose on camera. Although we can hear them and see hoof prints……… yeah I know …. move the trail cam. I will try to remember and get out there before it’s buried under SIXTEEN feet of snow! But first…. DO you see that…