• Is Your Store Easy to Shop Book store

    Is Your Store Easy to Shop?

    Opening a retail shop, whether on the high street, in a mall or at an out-of-town location, is still a valid way to sell your products. Shops still sell. Despite the growth in online shopping, many people still prefer shopping in person. No, it might not have the convenience of online shopping. But it has something better. Shopping in real life is an experience. As a retail customer, you get to touch products, speak to people, ask questions and enjoy the atmosphere. Yes, it takes longer than clicking a button, but you are more likely to come out of it with a product that you love and a smile on…

  • kitchen light fixture

    Remodel Update September 10th!

    I know y’all are on the edge of your seats with my remodel update posts! So, here’s my September update. I know you are probably tired of hearing this but remodeling is a dirty job!! My house is dusty. VERY. Dusty!!  This fine layer of dirt is everywhere. From ground into the carpet to the top of window sills.  I wonder if it will ever be clean again! Next revelation? Remodeling is a slow process. I painstakingly slow process. Having no previous experience I had no idea what to expect. Real life is not an HGTV 30 minute show. Real life takes months. Cupboards took 16 weeks to arrive. Once…

  • Let’s Get This Party Started!

    I may not have been overly excited about moving (it’s SO MUCH WORK!!) But, I have to admit that decorating our new house is SO MUCH FUN!! PARTY time! I am truly having a blast! I have an entire house; an entire blank canvas to decorate.  I am bringing together items from our old house in California and mixing in new items. I’m mixing antiques and modern. I’ve told you before I have very eclectic tastes. I love mixing things that don’t seem to go together. Silver and gold. Framed photographs and unframed canvases. I love mixing the antiques that were handed down from my Grandparents to sleek new things.…