• Building a lamp

    Light Up A Room With Style!

    I’ve mentioned in the past that this house has so many recessed lights. I mean we are talking a SERIOUS amount of lights. My craft room alone has 14 recessed lights. The master bedroom and the main floor have even MORE!!! Don’t get me wrong light GOOD!!! Especially in the winter!! HOWEVER, when you just want to sit quietly, listen to music and relax all that LIGHT is not my idea of a relaxing atmosphere.  I started looking around for a floor lamp. A unique floor lamp that would give us soft light. Check out this floor lamp from Wello. The light is 52″ tall.  The lamp is 9″ wide…

  • Lamp

    Let’s Talk Lighting!

    Lighting!! One of the most frustrating things about my house is the fact that it’s dark. The house was built in the early 80’s and the contractor was very stingy with the windows. After we moved in I had this fabulous idea to add wooden shutters! BRILLIANT!! They look amazing. They are a beautiful mahogany color. They add so much character to the rooms. Ummmm so much character and MORE darkness! So, as beautiful as the shutters are they don’t help with the fact that this house is dark! AND even darker since my brilliant décorating touch. I can’t wait to show you my new floor lamp from Brightech! This…