The Baby Sleep Solution

If you have a baby that doesn’t sleep through the night….. or sleeps in their own crib or bassinet then have I found THE audio program for YOU!!!!
A little background here…. I babysit my Granddaughter Alice during the week and baby Alice has her Nonnie wrapped around her little finger.
I probably shouldn’t admit to this…… cause her Mommy & Daddy read this blog… but…  Baby Alice cries when I put her in her bassinet for naptime….. soooo instead of putting her down I just hold her. Yes, for the whole nap….   Okay, so this isn’t really working…… first because I’m getting nothing at all done. (Excuse #1 Alice is growing so fast how long will she let me just sit and hold her like this??) (Excuse #2 I’m the Nonnie!!)
But in all reality this isn’t working no matter how much I love to hold this baby!!

So, when I was given the opportunity to review The Baby Sleep Solution I was really excited!
First thing that I truly love about this audio program is the time you need to listen……. new mommies don’t have a lot of time to read a book…. or for that matter listen to a whole cd! Chris Towland understands this because he is BRILLIANT!!!  BRILLIANT!!!! Brilliant I tell you!!
This audio program is broken down into small bites! You can listen to the whole 35-minute program at one sitting OR!!! listen to each little section which is just a few minutes long.

This audio program has a wealth of information about getting your child to sleep!  From how much sleep your baby needs to have every day to idea’s that will help you transition your baby to sleep mode.  Soon your baby will spend all night in her (his) own bed. The Baby Sleep Solution is brilliant!!  I really can’t say that enough!!

There are several different methods to choose from.  Last week I (we) tried the “Wait and See” method which wasn’t a perfect fit for us.  On Monday Alice and I are going to try the ‘disappearing chair’ method.  The Baby Sleep Solution tells you upfront that there isn’t just one single method that works for all babies every time.  You need to work together with your partner and stay dedicated to the technique you choose for a least a week if it doesn’t work, move on to the next one. Soon you will have your baby (and YOU!) sleeping through out the night!  (or in Nonnie’s case all through the naptime!)

I can’t believe how much information is packed into the audio program.  If your child isn’t sleeping through the night, you need this Baby Sleep Solution!!  Trust me after all, I am the Nonnie!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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