Too Full To Type!!

I hope all the Peanut’s and Whiners (Thank you Sarah for that one!!) had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  OH MAN I am still so full I can hardly move!! Holy Guacamole Batman I ate too much food!!

I did want to share my Pinterest I DID IT! AND it looked EXACTLY like it was supposed too!!!  A pumpkin shaped cheese ball!

This came from The Country Cook and as soon as I saw this on Pinterest I knew I had to make one.

I changed it up a little. I used Hidden Valley’s dip mix (Mostly because The Husband was sent to the store with the list and that’s what he returned with!)

Also I used 2 tubs of whipped cream cheese….. yes.. see above.

I did not add any of the bell pepper because I have several ‘pepper haters’ in the family.

With all the changes I have to say this turned out fabulous! Everyone thought it tasted delicious. This will be a standard dish for get-together’s from now on!!

HOLY MOLY that’s a lot of alcohol!!

Seriously, HOW cute is my PUMPKIN shaped Cheese BALL!!!!!!

Now, as for the other recipe I tried from Pinterest……. Funeral Potatoes.  Ughhhhh yeah….. a big ole fat NO!!! As a matter of fact I have a FULL baking pan left over. I think this was pretty much a one bite and hide in the napkin kinda fail.

Oh well…… cute pumpkin though!!

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