Ways to Promote Your Online Shop

Ways to Promote Your Online Shop

Thinking about setting up an online shop? Today everyone is setting up their shop online as opposed to having a local business simply because it cuts down on costs and also because more and more people now have a entrepreneur mindset. It may be scary to invest the time and money into your own business, but if you take a chance and get things running you never know what will happen. Once you’ve set up your online shop there’s no doubt you will be excited to get the word out. Thankfully there are several things you can do to ensure that your online shop is a success along the way.

Word of Mouth

Telling your friends and family members that you just set up an online shop is one of the first things you should do to get the word out. Tell them they can help you make a lot of sales by spreading the word to their friends and other family members. Hopefully if everyone does their part then the word will keep on spreading. Especially if you are selling something that everyone needs, such as clothing, it will be a simple favor to ask of family and friends so don’t feel badly for asking. There are simple things you can do for them in exchange too.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Are you savvy with social media? If you are, think of ways you can use social media to your advantage! This includes pinning the items you are selling on Pinterest, forming relationships with people on Instagram and instagramming pictures of your product daily. You can also interact with potential customers on Twitter and make new connections on online forums, to name a few ways you can take advantage of social media.

Also keep up with social media by daily reading some of the well known blogs. Social Media Examiner is one well known blog that offers a lot of great technology news and research. In February of 2014 they published a blog post with their 2014 social media blog winners. By reading social media blogs you’ll learn what social media platforms and sites you can be using that will be effective for your business and how to gain long lasting customers.

Create Connections by Attending Local Events

If you haven’t yet made connections with people in your area, one of the biggest ways to get people interested in your new online shop is by attending local events and presenting your product. Don’t be too pushy about what you sell though. Answer any questions they may have and engage in conversation with them first. People want to create friendships prior to being sold something. Be genuine and your new friends will love supporting you with your business.

In addition to self promotion there’s always supporting other businesses as well. Team up with businesses in your area and co-host an event. It can be as simple as having a free Yoga class if you sell Yoga apparel or teaching people how to make a necklace (if you sell jewelry or similar product).

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