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I love a good scary movie. Except of course The Exorcist. Sorry, I saw that movie when it first came out at the theater. (Yeah, I’m that old!) But, that movie scared the c*#@ outta me! It may have been the Catholic in me or the fact that it WAS SCARY!! But, still to this day I can’t and WON’T watch that movie. When my kids were teenagers they wanted to rent The Exorcist and I immediately said NO. Finally after much begging I caved (while still trying to convince them it was too scary to watch!) I threatened the kids telling them they were going to watch it alone and I don’t want to hear it if they have nightmares like I did. The next morning my sweet teenagers laughed and mocked me because apparently that was not scary in the least and they said I was a wimp!! I don’t care! I’m never watching it again!! E-V-E-R!

Now, if you are like me and love a good scary movie or a good sci-fi adventure then you have to check out a new free network dedicated to science fiction and horror programming, playing the best cult classics, sci-fi adventures and shocking horror tales out there. Movies that are sure to send a shiver down your spine!

Comet TV is available on television digi-networks and online at, COMET offers something for everyone and has an incredible array of movies that you simply can’t get with a subscription to streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.From wild adventures on Mars to critically acclaimed classics, COMET is the ultimate home of sci-fi and horror… and it’s all totally free, no subscription needed.COMET is what you want a Sci-fi and Horror Channel to be!

I adore a good B-Sci-Fi movie. Vampire movies?? LOVE ’em!! I will always watch a Vampire movie.  Total action movies? I’m in!

What about Babylon 5? Another one that CometTV has to offer. So many great shows to watch on what’s already a way too short weekend!


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Each household is only eligible to win 1 COMET Insider’s Prize Pack to Giveaway via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.




    Well, I can’t enter but I can comment! The scariest (and I like them scary, not gory) is The Descent. It’s non-stop tension and claustrophobic and will put you off caves for life!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I always think the really scary movies are not the gory ones but the ones that seem like they could really happen. (Yes, The Exorcist terrified me, too!) I was always terrified by Hitchcock movies, especially The Birds! Every year our town in KY was just swarmed by birds heading South—I remember waiting for the school bus at 7:30 a.m. & listening to that creepy sound of the trees full of birds! A neighbor would come out in his bathrobe & fire his shotgun into the air & they would all fly out of his trees & into other trees (for about 10 minutes, lol. Then back to his!)

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