YOU have a mission!!!

I’m on a mission!!! But now I need your help!!  I want a soooo ugly it’s cute cookie/candy/sugar type jar. DH uses powdered creamer.  The regular sugar jar we use doesn’t A) hold much B) doesn’t really pour out much.
Quirky and Cute!!
I’ve scoured eBay but I can’t find IT.  I also can’t think of other key words to use…. so here is your mission….. I want you to think outside the box.  I want fun and quirky.  I don’t care what it’s made of.  (And remember I am NOT made of $$) In other words… quirky, fun and cheap!

I do not want quirky SCARY!!   Maybe I should define QUIRKY and SCARY in Connie’s huh?

Okay, get your thinkin’ caps on and send me idea’s please!!??

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