You’re welcome California!

So you know how if you wash your car it will rain?? Well, I’ve personally fixed California’s weather at least for the weekend!! Yup yup!! I have a crock-pot of homemade chili simmering away for tomorrow’s dinner. I have a pot of Connie’s Killer beans on the stove (both batches are for this weekend meals…. and some to freeze) both GREAT cold weather meals. So GOOD!! But both taste so much better if the simmer a long time the reheat them the next day. So tomorrow will be hot in California… and no one will want chili. Yup, that’s my prediction!

I’m so GRUMPY!! G R U M P Y!!! gruuuMMMPY today! So other than doing my part to dry out California, with my cold weather cooking… I would say today should have a rewind button cause I think I need do overs. Please.

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